Ecclesiastes 5:18
Ecclesiastes 5:18
This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them--for this is their lot.

Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life.

Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of his life that God has given him, for this is his lot.

Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting: to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one's labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward.

Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.

Here is what I have seen to be good: it is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labor one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward.

Look! I observed that it is good and prudent to eat, drink, and enjoy all that is good of a person's work that he does on earth during the limited days of his life, which God gives him, for this is his allotment.

I have seen personally what is the only beneficial and appropriate course of action for people: to eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all their hard work on earth during the few days of their life which God has given them, for this is their reward.

At last I have seen what is good and beautiful: It is to eat and drink and to enjoy the good in all our hard work under the sun during the brief lives God gives us. That is our lot [in life].

Behold therefore the good which I have seen: that good is to eat and to drink and to enjoy of the good of all his labour that he takes under the sun all the days of his life, which God gives him; for it is his portion.

Behold that which I have seen: it is good and fitting for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he takes under the sun all the days of his life, which God gives him: for this is his lot.

Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he takes under the sun all the days of his life, which God gives him: for it is his portion.

Behold, that which I have seen to be good and to be comely is for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labor, wherein he laboreth under the sun, all the days of his life which God hath given him: for this is his portion.

This therefore hath seemed good to me, that a man should eat and drink, and enjoy the fruit of his labour, wherewith he hath laboured under the sun, all the days of his life, which God hath given him: and this is his portion.

Behold what I have seen good and comely: it is to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labour wherewith man laboureth under the sun, all the days of his life which God hath given him: for that is his portion.

Behold, that which I have seen to be good and to be comely is for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labour, wherein he laboureth under the sun, all the days of his life which God hath given him: for this is his portion.

Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.

Behold, that which I have seen to be good and proper is for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labor, in which he labors under the sun, all the days of his life which God has given him; for this is his portion.

Lo, that which I have seen: It is good, because beautiful, to eat, and to drink, and to see good in all one's labour that he laboureth at under the sun, the number of the days of his life that God hath given to him, for it is his portion.

Predikuesi 5:18
Ja çfarë kuptova: është mirë dhe e përshtatshme për njeriun të hajë, të pijë dhe të gëzojë të mirën e gjithë mundit të tij nën diell, tërë ditët e jetës që Perëndia i jep, sepse kjo është pjesa e tij.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 5:18
هوذا الذي رأيته انا خيرا الذي هو حسن. ان يأكل الانسان ويشرب ويرى خيرا من كل تعبه الذي يتعب فيه تحت الشمس مدة ايام حياته التي اعطاه الله اياها لانه نصيبه.

Dyr Prödiger 5:18
Und dös schaug i für dös Grechte an, däß myn isst und trinkt und s Löbn gniesst, zamt dönn gantzn Unmueß, wo myn haat auf derer Welt. Dös steet yn n Menschn zue für dö Zeit, wo iem dyr Herrgot bemössn haat.

Еклесиаст 5:18
Ето какво видях аз за добро и прилично: Да яде някой и да пие, И да се наслаждава от благото на всичкия си труд, В който се труди под слънцето, През всичките дни на живота си, които му е дал Бог; Защото това е делът му.

傳 道 書 5:18
我 所 見 為 善 為 美 的 , 就 是 人 在   神 賜 他 一 生 的 日 子 吃 喝 , 享 受 日 光 之 下 勞 碌 得 來 的 好 處 , 因 為 這 是 他 的 分 。

我 所 见 为 善 为 美 的 , 就 是 人 在   神 赐 他 一 生 的 日 子 吃 喝 , 享 受 日 光 之 下 劳 碌 得 来 的 好 处 , 因 为 这 是 他 的 分 。



Ecclesiastes 5:18
Ovo, stoga, zaključujem: prava je sreća čovjeku jesti i piti i biti zadovoljan sa svim svojim trudom kojim se muči pod suncem za kratka vijeka koji mu je dao Bog, jer takva mu je sudbina dosuđena.

Kazatel 5:18
Aj, toť jsem já spatřil, že dobrá a čistá jest věc jísti a píti a užívati pohodlí ze vší práce své, kterouž kdo vede pod sluncem v počtu dnů života svého, kteréž dal jemu Bůh, nebo to jest podíl jeho;

Prædikeren 5:18
Se, hvad der efter mit Skøn er godt og smukt, det er at spise og drikke og nyde det gode under al den Flid, man gør sig under Solen, alle de Levedage Gud giver en; thi det er den Del, man har;

Prediker 5:18
Ook een iegelijk mens, aan denwelken God rijkdom en goederen gegeven heeft, en Hij geeft hem de macht, om daarvan te eten, en om zijn deel te nemen, en om zich te verheugen van zijn arbeid, datzelve is een gave van God.

קהלת 5:18
הִנֵּ֞ה אֲשֶׁר־רָאִ֣יתִי אָ֗נִי טֹ֣וב אֲשֶׁר־יָפֶ֣ה לֶֽאֶכֹול־וְ֠לִשְׁתֹּות וְלִרְאֹ֨ות טֹובָ֜ה בְּכָל־עֲמָלֹ֣ו ׀ שֶׁיַּעֲמֹ֣ל תַּֽחַת־הַשֶּׁ֗מֶשׁ מִסְפַּ֧ר יְמֵי־ [חַיָּו כ] (חַיָּ֛יו ק) אֲשֶׁר־נָֽתַן־לֹ֥ו הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים כִּי־ה֥וּא חֶלְקֹֽו׃

יז הנה אשר ראיתי אני טוב אשר יפה לאכול ולשתות ולראות טובה בכל עמלו שיעמל תחת השמש מספר ימי חיו אשר נתן לו האלהים--כי הוא חלקו

הנה אשר־ראיתי אני טוב אשר־יפה לאכול־ולשתות ולראות טובה בכל־עמלו ׀ שיעמל תחת־השמש מספר ימי־ [חיו כ] (חייו ק) אשר־נתן־לו האלהים כי־הוא חלקו׃

Prédikátor 5:18
Ez azért a jó, a melyet én láttam, hogy szép dolog enni és inni, és jól élni minden õ munkájából, a melylyel fárasztotta magát a nap alatt, az õ élete napjainak száma szerint, a melyeket adott néki az Isten; mert ez az õ része.

La predikanto 5:18
Jen, kion mi vidis:ke estas bone kaj bele mangxi kaj trinki kaj gxui plezurojn de cxiuj siaj laboroj, kiujn homo laboras sub la suno dum la tagoj de sia vivo, kiujn donis al li Dio; cxar tio estas lia apartenajxo.

Katso, minkä minä olen tullut näkemään, on hyvää ja kaunista syödä ja juoda ja nauttia hyvää kaiken vaivannäkönsä ohessa, jolla ihminen itseänsä vaivaa auringon alla lyhyinä elämänsä päivinä, jotka Jumala on hänelle antanut; sillä se on hänen osansa.

Ecclésiaste 5:18
Voici ce que j'ai vu de bon et de beau: c'est de manger et de boire et de jouir du bien-être dans tout le travail dont l'homme se tourmente sous le soleil tous les jours de sa vie, que Dieu lui a donnés; car c'est là sa part.

Voici ce que j'ai vu: c'est pour l'homme une chose bonne et belle de manger et de boire, et de jouir du bien-être au milieu de tout le travail qu'il fait sous le soleil, pendant le nombre des jours de vie que Dieu lui a donnés; car c'est là sa part.

Voilà [donc] ce que j'ai vu, que c'est une chose bonne et agréable [à l'homme], de manger et de boire, et de jouir du bien de tout son travail qu'il aura fait sous le soleil, durant les jours de sa vie, lesquels Dieu lui a donnés; car c'est là sa portion.

Prediger 5:18
So sehe ich nun das für gut an, daß es fein sei, wenn man isset und trinket und gutes Muts ist in aller Arbeit, die einer tut unter der Sonne sein Leben lang, das ihm Gott gibt; denn das ist sein Teil.

So sehe ich nun das für gut an, daß es fein sei, wenn man ißt und trinkt und gutes Muts ist in aller Arbeit, die einer tut unter der Sonne sein Leben lang, das Gott ihm gibt; denn das ist sein Teil. {~}

Fürwahr, was ich als gut, als schön ersehen habe, ist dies, daß einer esse und trinke und Gutes genieße bei aller seiner Mühe, womit er sich müht unter der Sonne, alle seine Lebenstage hindurch, die ihm Gott gegeben hat; denn das ist sein Teil.

Ecclesiaste 5:18
Ecco quello che ho veduto: buona e bella cosa è per l’uomo mangiare, bere, godere del benessere in mezzo a tutta la fatica ch’ei dura sotto il sole, tutti i giorni di vita che Dio gli ha dati; poiché questa è la sua parte.

Ecco ciò che io ho veduto: ch’egli è una buona e bella cosa che l’uomo mangi, e beva, e goda del bene con tutta la sua fatica ch’egli dura sotto il sole, tutti i giorni della sua vita, i quali Iddio gli ha dati; perchè questo è la sua parte.

Maka inilah dia, yang telah kulihat baik dan indah adanya: yaitu orang makan minum dan merasai baiknya dari pada segala usahanya, yang diusahakannya di bawah langit sepanjang umur hidup, yang dikaruniakan Allah kepadanya, karena itulah bahagiannya.

전도서 5:18
어떤 사람에게든지 하나님이 재물과 부요를 주사 능히 누리게 하시며 분복을 받아 수고함으로 즐거워하게 하신 것은 하나님의 선물이라

Ecclesiastes 5:18
(5-17) hoc itaque mihi visum est bonum ut comedat quis et bibat et fruatur laetitia ex labore suo quod laboravit ipse sub sole numerum dierum vitae suae quos dedit ei Deus et haec est pars illius

Koheleto knyga 5:18
Štai ką mačiau: gera ir malonu žmogui yra valgyti, gerti ir džiaugtis savo darbu, kurį jam Dievas paskyrė dirbti per visas jo dienas. Tai yra jo dalia.

Ecclesiastes 5:18
Nana, ko taku i kite ai, he mea pai, he mea ataahua, kia kai te tangata, kia inu, kia kite hoki i te pai o tona mauiui katoa i mauiui ai ia i raro i te ra i nga ra katoa e ora ai ia, e homai nei e te Atua ki a ia; nana hoki tena wahi.

Predikerens 5:18
Se, dette er det jeg har funnet godt og skjønt: å ete og drikke og å gjøre sig til gode til gjengjeld for alt det strev som en møier sig med under solen alle de levedager som Gud gir ham; for det er det gode som blir ham til del.

Eclesiastés 5:18
He aquí lo que yo he visto que es bueno y conveniente: comer, beber y gozarse uno de todo el trabajo en que se afana bajo el sol en los contados días de la vida que Dios le ha dado; porque ésta es su recompensa.

Esto es lo que yo he visto que es bueno y conveniente: comer, beber y gozarse uno de todo el trabajo en que se afana bajo el sol en los contados días de la vida que Dios le ha dado; porque ésta es su recompensa.

He aquí, pues, el bien que yo he visto: Que es bueno comer y beber, y gozarse uno del bien de todo su trabajo con que se afana debajo del sol, todos los días de su vida que Dios le da; porque ésta es su porción.

He aquí pues el bien que yo he visto: Que lo bueno es comer y beber, y gozar uno del bien de todo su trabajo con que se fatiga debajo del sol, todos los días de su vida que Dios le ha dado; porque esta es su parte.

He aquí pues el bien que yo he visto: Que lo bueno es comer y beber, y gozar uno del bien de todo su trabajo con que se fatiga debajo del sol, todos los días de su vida que Dios le ha dado; porque esta es su parte.

Eclesiastes 5:18
E, na experiência da vida, descobre que o melhor e o que mais vale a pena é: comer, beber, e desfrutar o resultado de todo trabalho realizado debaixo do sol durante os poucos anos que Deus lhe concede, porquanto esta é a sua porção e recompensa.

Eis aqui o que eu vi, uma boa e bela coisa: alguém comer e beber, e gozar cada um do bem de todo o seu trabalho, com que se afadiga debaixo do sol, todos os dias da vida que Deus lhe deu; pois esse é o seu quinhão.   

Ecclesiast 5:18
Iată ce am văzut: este bine şi frumos ca omul să mănînce şi să bea, şi să trăiască bine în mijlocul muncii lui, cu care se trudeşte supt soare, în toate zilele vieţii lui, pe cari i le -a dat Dumnezeu; căci aceasta este partea lui.

Екклесиаст 5:18
(5:17) Вот еще, что я нашел доброго и приятного: есть и пить и наслаждаться добром во всех трудах своих, какими кто трудится под солнцем во все дни жизни своей, которые дал ему Бог; потому что это его доля.

(5-17) Вот еще, что я нашел доброго и приятного: есть и пить и наслаждаться добром во всех трудах своих, какими кто трудится под солнцем во все дни жизни своей, которые дал ему Бог; потому что это его доля.[]

Predikaren 5:18
Se, vad jag har funnit vara bäst och skönast för människan, det är att hon äter och dricker och gör sig goda dagar vid den möda som hon har under solen, medan de livsdagar vara, som Gud giver henne; ty detta är den del hon får.

Ecclesiastes 5:18
Narito, na aking nakita na mabuti at ukol sa isa ang kumain at uminom, at magalak sa kabutihan sa lahat niyang gawa na kaniyang ginawa sa ilalim ng araw lahat ng mga kaarawan ng kaniyang buhay na ibinigay sa kaniya ng Dios: sapagka't ito'y kaniyang bahagi.

ปัญญาจารย์ 5:18
ดูเถิด ที่ข้าพเจ้าเห็นดีและสมควร คือให้กินและดื่ม กับปรีดาในผลดีแห่งบรรดากิจการของตนที่ตนกระทำภายใต้ดวงอาทิตย์ ตลอดปีเดือนแห่งชีวิตของตนที่พระเจ้าทรงประทานแก่ตน เพราะการนี้แหละเป็นส่วนของตน

Vaiz 5:18
Gördüm ki, iyi ve güzel olan şu: Tanrının insana verdiği birkaç günlük ömür boyunca yemek, içmek, güneşin altında harcadığı emekten zevk almak. Çünkü insanın payına düşen budur.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 5:18
Kìa, ta đã nhìn thấy rằng ăn, uống, và hưởng phải của sự lao khổ mình làm ở dưới mặt trời trọn trong những ngày mà Ðức Chúa Trời ban cho, ấy thật là tốt và hay; vì đó là kỷ phần mình.

Ecclesiastes 5:17
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