Ecclesiastes 2:3
Ecclesiastes 2:3
I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly--my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives.

After much thought, I decided to cheer myself with wine. And while still seeking wisdom, I clutched at foolishness. In this way, I tried to experience the only happiness most people find during their brief life in this world.

I searched with my heart how to cheer my body with wine—my heart still guiding me with wisdom—and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was good for the children of man to do under heaven during the few days of their life.

I explored with my mind how to stimulate my body with wine while my mind was guiding me wisely, and how to take hold of folly, until I could see what good there is for the sons of men to do under heaven the few years of their lives.

I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

I explored with my mind how to let my body enjoy life with wine and how to grasp folly--my mind still guiding me with wisdom--until I could see what is good for people to do under heaven during the few days of their lives.

I decided to indulge in wine, while still remaining committed to wisdom. I also tried to indulge in foolishness, just enough to determine whether it was good for human beings under heaven given the short time of their lives.

I thought deeply about the effects of indulging myself with wine (all the while my mind was guiding me with wisdom) and the effects of behaving foolishly, so that I might discover what is profitable for people to do on earth during the few days of their lives.

I explored ways to make myself feel better by drinking wine. I also explored ways to do [some] foolish things. During all that time, wisdom continued to control my mind. I was able to determine whether this was good for mortals to do during their brief lives under heaven.

I proposed in my heart to regale my flesh with wine and that my heart would walk in wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, until I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

I sought in my heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting my heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was good for the sons of men, which they should do under heaven all the days of their life.

I sought in my heart to give myself to wine, yet acquainting my heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

I searched in my heart how to cheer my flesh with wine, my heart yet guiding me with wisdom, and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what it was good for the sons of men that they should do under heaven all the days of their life.

I thought in my heart, to withdraw my flesh from wine, that I might turn my mind to wisdom, and might avoid folly, till I might see what was profitable for the children of men: and what they ought to do under the sun, all the days of their life.

I searched in my heart how to cherish my flesh with wine, while practising my heart with wisdom; and how to lay hold on folly, till I should see what was that good for the children of men which they should do under the heavens all the days of their life.

I searched in mine heart how to cheer my flesh with wine, mine heart yet guiding me with wisdom, and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what it was good for the sons of men that they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

I sought in my heart, to give myself to wine, yet acquainting my heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

I searched in my heart how to cheer my flesh with wine, my heart yet guiding me with wisdom, and how to lay hold of folly, until I might see what it was good for the sons of men that they should do under heaven all the days of their lives.

I have sought in my heart to draw out with wine my appetite, (and my heart leading in wisdom), and to take hold on folly till that I see where is this -- the good to the sons of man of that which they do under the heavens, the number of the days of their lives.

Predikuesi 2:3
Kërkova në zemrën time si ta kënaq trupin tim me verë, duke e nxitur njëkohësisht zemrën time drejt diturisë dhe t'i qepet marrëzisë, deri sa të shoh cila është e mira që bijtë e njerëzve do të duhej të bënin nën qiell tërë ditët e jetës së tyre.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 2:3
افتكرت في قلبي ان اعلل جسدي بالخمر وقلبي يلهج بالحكمة وان آخذ بالحماقة حتى ارى ما هو الخير لبني البشر حتى يفعلوه تحت السموات مدة ايام حياتهم.

Dyr Prödiger 2:3
Guet, dann gsag i myr, kanst ja aynmaal aau wider sauffen, aber nit sinloos, und gleichzeitig naach Weisheit ströbn. Ayn Bissleyn ayn Narret mueß +aau sein derffen; und i gadenk myr, i werd schoon d Reib kriegn und mir ayn Bissleyn ayn schoens Löbn machen; ist ee kurz gnueg!

Еклесиаст 2:3
Намислих в сърцето си да веселя плътта си с вино, Докато сърцето ми още се управляваше от мъдростта, И да усвоя безумието докле видя какво е добре да вършат човешките чада Под небето през всичките дни на живота си.

傳 道 書 2:3
我 心 裡 察 究 , 如 何 用 酒 使 我 肉 體 舒 暢 , 我 心 卻 仍 以 智 慧 引 導 我 ; 又 如 何 持 住 愚 昧 , 等 我 看 明 世 人 , 在 天 下 一 生 當 行 何 事 為 美 。

我 心 里 察 究 , 如 何 用 酒 使 我 肉 体 舒 畅 , 我 心 却 仍 以 智 慧 引 导 我 ; 又 如 何 持 住 愚 昧 , 等 我 看 明 世 人 , 在 天 下 一 生 当 行 何 事 为 美 。



Ecclesiastes 2:3
Odlučih tijelo krijepiti vinom, a srce posvetiti mudrosti; poželjeh prigrliti i ludost, kako bih spoznao usrećava li ljude ono što pod nebesima čine za izbrojenih dana svojega života.

Kazatel 2:3
Přemyšloval jsem v srdci svém, abych povoloval u víně tělu svému, srdce však své spravuje moudrostí, a přídržel se bláznovství dotud, až bych zkusil, co by lepšího bylo synům lidským, aby činili pod nebem v počtu dnů života svého.

Prædikeren 2:3
Jeg kom paa den Tanke at kvæge mit Legeme med Vin, medens mit Hjerte dog raadede med Visdom, og at slaa mig paa Daarskab, indtil jeg saa, hvad det baader Menneskens Børn at gøre under Himmelen, det Dagetal de lever.

Prediker 2:3
Ik heb in mijn hart nagespeurd, om mijn vlees op te houden in den wijn, (nochtans leidende mijn hart in wijsheid) en om de dwaasheid vast te houden, totdat ik zou zien wat den kinderen der mensen het best ware, dat zij doen zouden onder den hemel, gedurende het getal der dagen huns levens.

קהלת 2:3
תַּ֣רְתִּי בְלִבִּ֔י לִמְשֹׁ֥וךְ בַּיַּ֖יִן אֶת־בְּשָׂרִ֑י וְלִבִּ֞י נֹהֵ֤ג בַּֽחָכְמָה֙ וְלֶאֱחֹ֣ז בְּסִכְל֔וּת עַ֣ד אֲשֶׁר־אֶרְאֶ֗ה אֵי־זֶ֨ה טֹ֜וב לִבְנֵ֤י הָאָדָם֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר יַעֲשׂוּ֙ תַּ֣חַת הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם מִסְפַּ֖ר יְמֵ֥י חַיֵּיהֶֽם׃

ג תרתי בלבי למשוך ביין את בשרי ולבי נהג בחכמה ולאחז בסכלות--עד אשר אראה אי זה טוב לבני האדם אשר יעשו תחת השמים מספר ימי חייהם

תרתי בלבי למשוך ביין את־בשרי ולבי נהג בחכמה ולאחז בסכלות עד אשר־אראה אי־זה טוב לבני האדם אשר יעשו תחת השמים מספר ימי חייהם׃

Prédikátor 2:3
A nevetésrõl azt mondom: bolondság! a vígasságról pedig: mit használ az?

La predikanto 2:3
Mi sercxis en mia koro, kiel plezurigi mian korpon per vino, kaj, dum mia koro min gvidas per sagxeco, sekvi ankaux malsagxecon, gxis mi ekvidos, kio estas bona por la homidoj, kion ili povus fari sub la cxielo en la kalkulitaj tagoj de sia vivo.

Minä mietin mielessäni virkistää ruumistani viinillä - kuitenkin niin, että sydämeni harrastaisi viisautta - ja noudattaa tyhmyyttä, kunnes saisin nähdä, mikä olisi ihmislapsille hyvä, heidän tehdäksensä sitä taivaan alla lyhyinä elämänsä päivinä.

Ecclésiaste 2:3
J'ai recherché en mon coeur de traiter ma chair avec du vin, tout en conduisant mon coeur par la sagesse, et de saisir la folie, jusqu'à ce que je visse quel serait, pour les fils des hommes, ce bien qu'ils feraient sous les cieux tous les jours de leur vie.

Je résolus en mon coeur de livrer ma chair au vin, tandis que mon coeur me conduirait avec sagesse, et de m'attacher à la folie jusqu'à ce que je visse ce qu'il est bon pour les fils de l'homme de faire sous les cieux pendant le nombre des jours de leur vie.

J'ai recherché en moi-même le moyen de me traiter délicatement, de faire que mon cœur s'accoutumât cependant à la sagesse, et qu'il comprît ce que c'est que la folie, jusques à ce que je visse ce qu'il serait bon aux hommes de faire sous les cieux, pendant les jours de leur vie.

Prediger 2:3
Da dachte ich in meinem Herzen, meinen Leib vom Wein zu ziehen und mein Herz zur Weisheit zu ziehen, daß ich ergriffe, was Torheit ist, bis ich lernete, was den Menschen gut wäre, das sie tun sollten, solange sie unter dem Himmel leben.

Da dachte ich in meinem Herzen, meinen Leib mit Wein zu pflegen, doch also, daß mein Herz mich mit Weisheit leitete, und zu ergreifen, was Torheit ist, bis ich lernte, was dem Menschen gut wäre, daß sie tun sollten, solange sie unter dem Himmel leben. {~}

Ich sann in meinem Herzen aus, meinen Leib mit Wein zu pflegen, während mein Herz weislich leiten würde, und mich an Thorheit zu halten, bis ich sehen würde, was den Menschen ersprießlich sei zu tun unter dem Himmel ihr Leben lang.

Ecclesiaste 2:3
Io presi in cuor mio la risoluzione di abbandonar la mia carne alle attrattive del vino, e, pur lasciando che il mio cuore mi guidasse saviamente, d’attenermi alla follia, finch’io vedessi ciò ch’è bene che gli uomini facciano sotto il cielo, durante il numero de’ giorni della loro vita.

Io ho nel mio cuore ricercato il modo di passar dolcemente la vita mia in continui conviti; e, reggendo il mio cuore con sapienza, di attenermi a stoltizia; finchè vedessi che cosa fosse bene a’ figliuoli degli uomini di fare sotto il cielo, tutti i giorni della vita loro.

Bahwa sudah kucobai hatiku dengan hidup dalam minum air anggur dan memegang perkara yang bodoh (tetapi dalam itupun aku juga melakukan hatiku dengan akal), supaya aku boleh melihat kalau inilah perkara yang baik bagi segala anak Adam akan diperbuat olehnya di bawah langit sepanjang umur hidupnya.

전도서 2:3
내 마음이 궁구하기를 내가 어떻게 하여야 내 마음에 지혜로 다스림을 받으면서 술로 내 육신을 즐겁게 할까 또 어떻게 하여야 어리석음을 취하여서 천하 인생의 종신토록 생활함에 어떤 것이 쾌락인지 알까 하여

Ecclesiastes 2:3
cogitavi in corde meo abstrahere a vino carnem meam ut animum meum transferrem ad sapientiam devitaremque stultitiam donec viderem quid esset utile filiis hominum quod facto opus est sub sole numero dierum vitae suae

Koheleto knyga 2:3
Aš nusprendžiau mėgautis vynu, tačiau neatsisakyti išminties savo širdyje, ir suprasti, kas yra kvailystė, kol pamatysiu, ką gero žmonių vaikai galėtų daryti, gyvendami po dangumi per visas savo dienas.

Ecclesiastes 2:3
I whai ahau i roto i toku ngakau me pehea te whakaahuareka i toku kikokiko ki te waina, me te whakahaere ano ia a toku ngakau i ahau i runga i te whakaaro nui; a me pehea taku hopu i te wairangi, kia kitea ra ano e ahau he aha ra tena mea pai a n ga tama a te tangata e mahia nei i raro i te rangi i nga ra katoa e ora nei ratou.

Predikerens 2:3
Jeg tenkte i mitt indre på å kvege mitt legeme med vin, mens mitt hjerte ledet mig med visdom - jeg tenkte på å holde fast ved dårskapen, til jeg fikk se hvad det var best for menneskenes barn å gjøre under himmelen alle deres levedager.

Eclesiastés 2:3
Consideré en mi mente cómo estimular mi cuerpo con el vino, mientras mi mente me guiaba con sabiduría, y cómo echar mano de la insensatez, hasta que pudiera ver qué hay de bueno bajo el cielo que los hijos de los hombres hacen en los contados días de su vida.

Consideré en mi corazón estimular mi cuerpo con el vino, mientras mi corazón me guiaba con sabiduría, y echar mano de la insensatez, hasta que pudiera ver qué hay de bueno bajo el cielo que los hijos de los hombres hacen en los contados días de su vida.

Propuse en mi corazón agasajar mi carne con vino, y que anduviese mi corazón en sabiduría, con retención de la necedad, hasta ver cuál fuese el bien de los hijos de los hombres, en el cual se ocuparan debajo del cielo todos los días de su vida.

Propuse en mi corazón agasajar mi carne con vino, y que anduviese mi corazón en sabiduría, con retención de la necedad, hasta ver cuál fuese el bien de los hijos de los hombres, en el cual se ocuparan debajo del cielo todos los días de su vida.

Propuse en mi corazón agasajar mi carne con vino, y que mi corazón anduviese en sabiduría, y retuviese la locura, hasta ver cuál fuese el bien de los hijos de los hombres, en el cual se ocuparan debajo del cielo todos los días de su vida.

Eclesiastes 2:3
Então decidi entregar-me aos vinhos e à extravagância, procurando, entretanto, manter mente e coração sob a liderança da sabedoria. Eu desejava descobrir o que, de fato, vale a pena debaixo dos céus, durante esses poucos anos que um ser humano vive sobre a terra.

Busquei no meu coração como estimular com vinho a minha carne, sem deixar de me guiar pela sabedoria, e como me apoderar da estultícia, até ver o que era bom que os filhos dos homens fizessem debaixo do céu, durante o número dos dias de sua vida.   

Ecclesiast 2:3
Am hotărît în inima mea să-mi veselesc trupul cu vin, în timp ce inima mă va cîrmui cu înţelepciune, şi să stărui astfel în nebunie, pînă voi vedea ce este bine să facă fiii oamenilor supt ceruri, în tot timpul vieţii lor.

Екклесиаст 2:3
Вздумал я в сердце моем услаждать вином тело мое и, между тем, как сердце мое руководилось мудростью, придержаться и глупости, доколе не увижу, чтохорошо для сынов человеческих, что должны были бы они делать под небом в немногие днижизни своей.

Вздумал я в сердце моем услаждать вином тело мое и, между тем, как сердце мое руководилось мудростью, придержаться и глупости, доколе не увижу, что хорошо для сынов человеческих, что должны были бы они делать под небом в немногие дни жизни своей.[]

Predikaren 2:3
I mitt hjärta begrundade jag huru jag skulle pläga min kropp med vin -- allt under det att mitt hjärta ägnade sig åt vishet -- och huru jag skulle hålla fast vid dårskap, till dess jag finge se vad som vore bäst för människors barn att göra under himmelen, de dagar de leva.

Ecclesiastes 2:3
Aking siniyasat sa aking puso na kung paanong masasayahan ang aking katawan sa pamamagitan ng alak, pinapatnubayan pa ng karunungan ang aking puso at kung paanong hahawak sa kamangmangan, hanggang sa aking makita kung ano ang mabuti sa mga anak ng mga tao na marapat nilang gawin sa silong ng langit sa lahat ng mga kaarawan ng kanilang buhay.

ปัญญาจารย์ 2:3
ข้าพเจ้าครุ่นคิดในใจว่าจะทำอย่างไรกายจึงจะคึกคักด้วยเหล้าองุ่น และใจยังคงแนะนำข้าพเจ้าด้วยสติปัญญา และจะยึดความเขลาไว้อย่างไร จนข้าพเจ้าจะเห็นได้ว่า อะไรจะดีสำหรับให้บุตรทั้งหลายของมนุษย์กระทำภายใต้ท้องฟ้าตลอดชีวิตของเขา

Vaiz 2:3
İnsanların göklerin altında geçirdiği birkaç günlük ömürleri boyunca, yapacakları iyi bir şey olup olmadığını görünceye dek, bilgeliğimin önderliğinde, bedenimi şarapla nasıl canlandırayım, akılsızlığı nasıl ele alayım diye düşündüm durdum.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 2:3
Ta nghĩ trong lòng rằng phải uống rượu để cho thân mình vui sướng, mà sự khôn ngoan vẫn còn dẫn dắt lòng ta, lại nghĩ phải cầm lấy sự điên dại cho đến khi xem thử điều gì là tốt hơn cho con loài người làm ở dưới trời trọn đời mình sống.

Ecclesiastes 2:2
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