Ecclesiastes 11:9
Ecclesiastes 11:9
You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Young people, it's wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things.

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice, young man, while you are young, and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth. And walk in the ways of your heart and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all of these things God will bring you to judgment.

So enjoy yourself in your youth, young man, and be encouraged during your younger days. Live as you like, consistent with your world view, but keep in mind that God will bring you to account for everything.

Rejoice, young man, while you are young, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes, but know that God will judge your motives and actions.

You young people should enjoy yourselves while you're young. You should let your hearts make you happy when you're young. Follow wherever your heart leads you and whatever your eyes see. But realize that God will make you give an account for all these things when he judges everyone.

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth and walk in the ways of thine heart and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth; and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes: but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth; and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes: but know you, that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice therefore, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart be in that which is good in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thy eyes: and know that for all these God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice, young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thy eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Rejoice, O young man, in thy childhood, And let thy heart gladden thee in days of thy youth, And walk in the ways of thy heart, And in the sight of thine eyes, And know thou that for all these, Doth God bring thee into judgment.

Predikuesi 11:9
Gëzohu, pra, o i ri, në rininë tënde, le të gëzohet zemra jote në ditët e rinisë sate; ndiq edhe rrugët e zemrës sate dhe pamjen e syve të tu, por dije që për të gjitha këto gjëra Perëndia do të të thërrasë në gjyq.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 11:9
افرح ايها الشاب في حداثتك وليسرّك قلبك في ايام شبابك واسلك في طرق قلبك وبمرأى عينيك واعلم انه على هذه الأمور كلها يأتي بك الله الى الدينونة.

Dyr Prödiger 11:9
Bursch, freu di, wannst jung bist, und kost s non aus! Tue, was di anweigt und was dyr gfallt, wenn s non grad öbbs ist, für was di dyr Herrgot nit zuer Rechnschaft zieght!

Еклесиаст 11:9
Весели се младежо, в младостта си И нека те радва сърцето ти в дните на младостта ти, И ходи по пътищата на сърцето си, И според каквото гледат очите ти! Но знай, че за всичко това Бог ще те доведе на съд.

傳 道 書 11:9
少 年 人 哪 , 你 在 幼 年 時 當 快 樂 。 在 幼 年 的 日 子 , 使 你 的 心 歡 暢 , 行 你 心 所 願 行 的 , 看 你 眼 所 愛 看 的 ; 卻 要 知 道 , 為 這 一 切 的 事 ,   神 必 審 問 你 。

少 年 人 哪 , 你 在 幼 年 时 当 快 乐 。 在 幼 年 的 日 子 , 使 你 的 心 欢 畅 , 行 你 心 所 愿 行 的 , 看 你 眼 所 爱 看 的 ; 却 要 知 道 , 为 这 一 切 的 事 ,   神 必 审 问 你 。



Ecclesiastes 11:9
Zato se raduj, mladiću, za svoje mladosti, i veseli se u danima svoga mladenaštva; idi putovima svoga srca i slijedi želje svojih očiju; ali znaj da će ti za sve to suditi Bog.

Kazatel 11:9
Radujž se tedy, mládenče, v mladosti své, a nechť tě obveseluje srdce tvé ve dnech mladosti tvé, a choď po cestách srdce svého, a podlé žádosti očí svých, než věz, že tě s tím se vším přivede Bůh na soud.

Prædikeren 11:9
Glæd dig, Yngling, i din Ungdom, vær vel til Mode i Livets Vaar; gaa, hvor dit Hjerte lyster, og nyd, hvad dit Øje skuer; men vid, at for alle disse Ting skal du kræves til Regnskab af Gud.

Prediker 11:9
Verblijd u, o jongeling! in uw jeugd, en laat uw hart zich vermaken in de dagen uwer jongelingschap, en wandel in de wegen uws harten, en in de aanschouwingen uwer ogen; maar weet, dat God, om al deze dingen, u zal doen komen voor het gericht.

קהלת 11:9
שְׂמַ֧ח בָּח֣וּר בְּיַלְדוּתֶ֗יךָ וִֽיטִֽיבְךָ֤ לִבְּךָ֙ בִּימֵ֣י בְחוּרֹותֶ֔ךָ וְהַלֵּךְ֙ בְּדַרְכֵ֣י לִבְּךָ֔ וּבְמַרְאֵ֖י עֵינֶ֑יךָ וְדָ֕ע כִּ֧י עַל־כָּל־אֵ֛לֶּה יְבִֽיאֲךָ֥ הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים בַּמִּשְׁפָּֽט׃

ט שמח בחור בילדותיך ויטיבך לבך בימי בחורותיך והלך בדרכי לבך ובמראי עיניך ודע כי על כל אלה יביאך האלהים במשפט

שמח בחור בילדותיך ויטיבך לבך בימי בחורותך והלך בדרכי לבך ובמראי עיניך ודע כי על־כל־אלה יביאך האלהים במשפט׃

Prédikátor 11:9

La predikanto 11:9
GXoju, junulo, en via infaneco; kaj via koro gxuu plezuron en la tagoj de via juneco, kaj iru, kien kondukas vin via koro kaj kien rigardas viaj okuloj; sed sciu, ke pri cxio cxi tio Dio venigos vin al jugxo.

Iloitse, nuorukainen, nuoruudessasi, ja sydämesi ilahuttakoon sinua nuoruusikäsi päivinä. Vaella sydämesi teitä ja silmiesi halun mukaan; mutta tiedä: Jumala tuo sinut tuomiolle kaikesta tästä.

Ecclésiaste 11:9
Réjouis-toi, jeune homme, dans ta jeunesse, et que ton coeur te rende heureux aux jours de ton adolescence, et marche dans les voies de ton coeur et selon les regards de tes yeux; mais sache que, pour toutes ces choses, Dieu t'amènera en jugement.

Jeune homme, réjouis-toi dans ta jeunesse, livre ton coeur à la joie pendant les jours de ta jeunesse, marche dans les voies de ton coeur et selon les regards de tes yeux; mais sache que pour tout cela Dieu t'appellera en jugement.

Jeune homme, réjouis-toi en ton jeune âge, et que ton cœur te rende gai aux jours de ta jeunesse, et marche comme ton cœur te mène, et selon le regard de tes yeux; mais sache que pour toutes ces choses Dieu t'amènera en jugement.

Prediger 11:9
So freue dich, Jüngling, in deiner Jugend und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein in deiner Jugend. Tue, was dein Herz lüstet und deinen Augen gefällt; und wisse, daß dich Gott um des alles wird vor Gericht führen.

So freue dich, Jüngling, in deiner Jugend und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein in deiner Jugend. Tue, was dein Herz gelüstet und deinen Augen gefällt, und wisse, daß dich Gott um dies alles wird vor Gericht führen.

Freue dich, Jüngling, in deiner Jugend und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein in deinen Jünglingstagen und wandle, wohin es dein Herz zieht, und nach dem, was deine Augen schauen, aber wisse, daß dich Gott um dies alles ins Gericht bringen wird.

Ecclesiaste 11:9
(H12-1) Rallegrati pure, o giovane, durante la tua adolescenza, e gioisca pure il cuor tuo durante i giorni della tua giovinezza; cammina pure nelle vie dove ti mena il cuore e seguendo gli sguardi degli occhi tuoi; ma sappi che, per tutte queste cose, Iddio ti chiamerà in giudizio!

(H12-1) RALLEGRATI pure, o giovane, nella tua fanciullezza; e tengati lieto il cuor tuo a’ dì della tua giovinezza, e cammina nelle vie del cuor tuo, e secondo lo sguardo degli occhi tuoi; ma sappi che per tutte queste cose Iddio ti farà venire in giudicio.

Baiklah hatimu bersukacita, hai orang muda! pada masa kemudaanmu; biarlah hatimu bergemar pada segala hari engkau lagi muda; berjalanlah menurut segala kehendak hatimu dan pemandangan matamu, tetapi ketahuilah olehmu bahwa sebab segala perkara ini dipanggil Allah akan dikau kelak menghadap hukum.

전도서 11:9
청년이여 네 어린 때를 즐거워 하며 네 청년의 날을 마음에 기뻐하여 마음에 원하는 길과 네 눈이 보는대로 좇아 행하라 그러나 하나님이 이 모든 일로 인하여 너를 심판하실 줄 알라

Ecclesiastes 11:9
laetare ergo iuvenis in adulescentia tua et in bono sit cor tuum in diebus iuventutis tuae et ambula in viis cordis tui et in intuitu oculorum tuorum et scito quod pro omnibus his adducet te Deus in iudicium

Koheleto knyga 11:9
Jaunuoli, džiaukis savo jaunyste! Tegul tavo širdis džiugina tave ir eik, kur tavo širdis traukia ir kur akys mato, bet žinok, kad už viską turėsi atsiskaityti prieš Dievą.

Ecclesiastes 11:9
Kia koe, e te taitamariki, ki tou taitamarikitanga; kia whakahari ano hoki tou ngakau i a koe i nga ra o tou taitamarikitanga, haere hoki i nga ara o tou ngakau, i te tirohanga ano a ou kanohi: otiia kia mohio ano koe, he mea enei katoa e riro ai koe i te Atua ki te whakawa.

Predikerens 11:9
Gled dig, du unge, i din ungdom og la ditt hjerte være vel til mote i din ungdoms dager og vandre på ditt hjertes veier og efter det dine øine ser! Men vit at for alt dette vil Gud føre dig frem for dommen.

Eclesiastés 11:9
Alégrate, joven, en tu mocedad, y tome placer tu corazón en los días de tu juventud. Sigue los impulsos de tu corazón y el gusto de tus ojos; mas debes saber que por todas estas cosas, Dios te traerá a juicio.

Alégrate, joven, en tu juventud, Y tome placer tu corazón en los días de tu juventud. Sigue los impulsos de tu corazón y el gusto de tus ojos; Pero debes saber que por todas estas cosas, Dios te traerá a juicio.

Alégrate, joven, en tu adolescencia, y tome placer tu corazón en los días de tu juventud; y anda en los caminos de tu corazón, y en la vista de tus ojos; mas sabe, que sobre todas estas cosas te traerá Dios a juicio.

Alégrate, mancebo, en tu mocedad, y tome placer tu corazón en los días de tu juventud; y anda en los caminos de tu corazón, y en la vista de tus ojos: mas sabe, que sobre todas estas cosas te traerá Dios á juicio.

Alégrate, joven, en tu juventud, y tome placer tu corazón en los días de tu juventud; y anda en los caminos de tu corazón, y en la vista de tus ojos; pero sabe, que sobre todas estas cosas te traerá Dios a juicio.

Eclesiastes 11:9
Jovem, alegra-te na tua mocidade! Sê feliz o teu coração nos dias da tua juventude. Segue os caminhos que o teu coração indicar e todos os desejos dos teus olhos; saibas, contudo, que tudo quanto fizeres passará pelo julgamento de Deus.

Alegra-te, mancebo, na tua mocidade, e anime-te o teu coração nos dias da tua mocidade, e anda pelos caminhos do teu coração, e pela vista dos teus olhos; sabe, porém, que por todas estas coisas Deus te trará a juízo.   

Ecclesiast 11:9
Bucură-te, tinere, în tinereţea ta, fii cu inima veselă cît eşti tînăr, umblă pe căile alese de inima ta şi plăcute ochilor tăi; dar să ştii că pentru toate acestea te va chema Dumnezeu la judecată.

Екклесиаст 11:9
Веселись, юноша, в юности твоей, и да вкушает сердце твое радости во дни юности твоей, и ходи по путям сердца твоего и по видению очей твоих; только знай, что за все это Бог приведет тебя на суд.

Веселись, юноша, в юности твоей, и да вкушает сердце твое радости во дни юности твоей, и ходи по путям сердца твоего и по видению очей твоих; только знай, что за все это Бог приведет тебя на суд.[]

Predikaren 11:9
Gläd dig, du yngling, din ungdom, och låt ditt hjärta unna dig fröjd i din ungdomstid; ja, vandra de vägar ditt hjärta lyster och så, som det behagar dina ögon. Men vet att Gud för allt detta skall draga dig till doms.

Ecclesiastes 11:9
Ikaw ay magalak, Oh binata, sa iyong kabataan: at pasayahin ka ng iyong puso sa mga kaarawan ng iyong kabataan, at lumakad ka ng mga lakad ng iyong kalooban, at sa paningin ng iyong mga mata: nguni't talastasin mo na dahil sa lahat ng mga bagay na ito ay dadalhin ka ng Dios sa kahatulan.

ปัญญาจารย์ 11:9
โอ เยาวชน จงเปรมปรีดิ์ในปฐมวัยของเจ้า และให้จิตใจของเจ้ากระทำตัวเจ้าให้ร่าเริงในปีเดือนแห่งปฐมวัยของเจ้า เจ้าจงดำเนินในทางแห่งใจของเจ้าและตามสายตาของเจ้า แต่จงทราบว่าเนื่องด้วยกิจการงานทั้งปวงเหล่านี้พระเจ้าจะทรงนำเจ้าเข้ามาถึงการพิพากษา

Vaiz 11:9
Ey delikanlı, gençliğinle sevin,
Bırak gençlik günlerinde yüreğin sevinç duysun.
Gönlünün isteklerini, gözünün gördüklerini izle,
Ama bil ki, bütün bunlar için Tanrı seni yargılayacaktır.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 11:9
Hỡi kẻ trẻ kia, hãy vui mừng trong buổi thiếu niên, khá đem lòng hớn hở trong khi còn thơ ấu, hãy đi theo đường lối lòng mình muốn, và nhìn xem sự mắt mình ưa thích, nhưng phải biết rằng vì mọi việc ấy, Ðức Chúa Trời sẽ đòi ngươi đến mà đoán xét.

Ecclesiastes 11:8
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