Deuteronomy 7:12
Deuteronomy 7:12
If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.

"If you listen to these regulations and faithfully obey them, the LORD your God will keep his covenant of unfailing love with you, as he promised with an oath to your ancestors.

“And because you listen to these rules and keep and do them, the LORD your God will keep with you the covenant and the steadfast love that he swore to your fathers.

"Then it shall come about, because you listen to these judgments and keep and do them, that the LORD your God will keep with you His covenant and His lovingkindness which He swore to your forefathers.

Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers:

If you listen to and are careful to keep these ordinances, the LORD your God will keep His covenant loyalty with you, as He swore to your fathers.

"If you pay attention to these laws and obey them, then the LORD your God will continue his covenant of gracious love with you that he promised with an oath to your ancestors.

If you obey these ordinances and are careful to do them, the LORD your God will faithfully keep covenant with you as he promised your ancestors.

If you listen to these rules and faithfully obey them, the LORD your God will keep his promise to you and be merciful to you, as he swore to your ancestors.

And it shall come to pass, for having heard these rights and for having kept them by doing them that the LORD thy God shall keep the covenant with thee and the mercy which he swore unto thy fathers;

Therefore it shall come to pass, if you hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD your God shall keep with you the covenant and the mercy which he swore unto your fathers:

Why it shall come to pass, if you listen to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD your God shall keep to you the covenant and the mercy which he swore to your fathers:

And it shall come to pass, because ye hearken to these ordinances, and keep and do them, that Jehovah thy God will keep with thee the covenant and the lovingkindness which he sware unto thy fathers:

If after thou hast heard these judgments, thou keep and do them, the Lord thy God will also keep his covenant to thee, and the mercy which he swore to thy fathers:

And it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these ordinances, and keep and do them, that Jehovah thy God will keep with thee the covenant and the mercy which he swore unto thy fathers;

And it shall come to pass, because ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep with thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers:

Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God will keep to thee the covenant and the mercy which he swore to thy fathers:

It shall happen, because you listen to these ordinances, and keep and do them, that Yahweh your God will keep with you the covenant and the loving kindness which he swore to your fathers:

'And it hath been, because ye hear these judgments, and have kept, and done them, that Jehovah thy God hath kept to thee the covenant and the kindness which He hath sworn to thy fathers,

Ligji i Përtërirë 7:12
Kështu, në rast se ju keni parasysh këto ligje, i respektoni dhe i zbatoni në praktikë, Zoti, Perëndia juaj, do ta mbajë besëlidhjen me ju dhe dashamirësinë për të cilën u është betuar etërve tuaj.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 7:12
ومن اجل انكم تسمعون هذه الاحكام وتحفظون وتعملونها يحفظ لك الرب الهك العهد والاحسان اللذين اقسم لآبائك

De Ander Ee 7:12
Wenntß die Weisungen hoertß, achttß und halttß, tuet dyr Trechtein dös Gleiche mit seinn Bund und bewart dyr d Huld, wie yr s yn deine Vätter gschworn haat.

Второзаконие 7:12
И ако слушате тия съдби и ги пазите и вършите, Господ твоят Бог ще пази за тебе завета и милостта, за която се е клел на бащите ти;

申 命 記 7:12
你 們 果 然 聽 從 這 些 典 章 , 謹 守 遵 行 , 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 就 必 照 他 向 你 列 祖 所 起 的 誓 守 約 , 施 慈 愛 。

你 们 果 然 听 从 这 些 典 章 , 谨 守 遵 行 , 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 就 必 照 他 向 你 列 祖 所 起 的 誓 守 约 , 施 慈 爱 。



Deuteronomy 7:12
A za nagradu - budeš li slušao ove naloge, držao ih te izvršavao - Jahve, Bog tvoj, držat će ti Savez svoj i milost za koje se zakleo tvojim ocima.

Deuteronomium 7:12
I budeť to, že když poslouchati budete soudů těchto a ostříhati i činiti je, také Hospodin Bůh tvůj ostříhati bude tobě smlouvy a milosrdenství, kteréž s přísahou zaslíbil otcům tvým.

5 Mosebog 7:12
Naar I nu hører disse Lovbud og holder dem og handler efter dem, saa skal HERREN din Gud til Løn derfor holde fast ved den Pagt og den Miskundhed, han tilsvor dine Fædre.

Deuteronomium 7:12
Zo zal het geschieden, omdat gij deze rechten zult horen, en houden, en dezelve doen, dat de HEERE, uw God, u het verbond en de weldadigheid zal houden, die Hij uw vaderen gezworen heeft;

דברים 7:12
וְהָיָ֣ה ׀ עֵ֣קֶב תִּשְׁמְע֗וּן אֵ֤ת הַמִּשְׁפָּטִים֙ הָאֵ֔לֶּה וּשְׁמַרְתֶּ֥ם וַעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָ֑ם וְשָׁמַר֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ לְךָ֗ אֶֽת־הַבְּרִית֙ וְאֶת־הַחֶ֔סֶד אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִשְׁבַּ֖ע לַאֲבֹתֶֽיךָ׃

יב והיה עקב תשמעון את המשפטים האלה ושמרתם ועשיתם אתם--ושמר יהוה אלהיך לך את הברית ואת החסד אשר נשבע לאבתיך

והיה ׀ עקב תשמעון את המשפטים האלה ושמרתם ועשיתם אתם ושמר יהוה אלהיך לך את־הברית ואת־החסד אשר נשבע לאבתיך׃

5 Mózes 7:12
Ha pedig engedelmeskedtek e végzéseknek, és megtartjátok, és teljesítitek azokat: az Úr, a te Istened is megtartja néked a szövetséget és irgalmasságot, a mely felõl megesküdött a te atyáidnak.

Moseo 5: Readmono 7:12
Kaj pro tio, ke vi auxskultos tiujn regulojn kaj observos ilin kaj plenumos ilin, la Eternulo, via Dio, konservos al vi la interligon kaj la favorkorecon, pri kiuj Li jxuris al viaj patroj;

Ja kuin te nämät oikeudet kuulette, ja pidätte, ja teette ne, niin myös Herra sinun Jumalas pitää sinulle sen liiton ja laupiuden, jonka hän vannoi sinun isilles,

Deutéronome 7:12
Et, si vous écoutez ces ordonnances, et que vous les gardiez et les fassiez, il arrivera que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te gardera l'alliance et la bonté qu'il a jurées à tes pères.

Si vous écoutez ces ordonnances, si vous les observez et les mettez en pratique, l'Eternel, ton Dieu, gardera envers toi l'alliance et la miséricorde qu'il a jurées à tes pères.

Et il arrivera que si après avoir entendu ces ordonnances, vous les gardez et les faites, l'Eternel ton Dieu te gardera l'alliance et la gratuité qu'il a jurées à tes pères.

5 Mose 7:12
Und wenn ihr diese Rechte höret und haltet sie und danach tut, so wird der HERR, dein Gott, auch halten den Bund und Barmherzigkeit, die er deinen Vätern geschworen hat,

Und wenn ihr diese Rede hört und haltet sie und darnach tut, so wird der HERR, dein Gott, auch halten den Bund und die Barmherzigkeit, die er deinen Väter geschworen hat,

Wenn ihr nun diese Rechte gehorsam befolgt und innehaltet, so wird dir dafür Jahwe, dein Gott, auch den Bund und die Huld bewahren, die er deinen Vätern geschworen hat:

Deuteronomio 7:12
E avverrà che, per aver voi dato ascolto a queste prescrizioni e per averle osservate e messe in pratica, il vostro Dio, l’Eterno, vi manterrà il patto e la benignità che promise con giuramento ai vostri padri.

E avverrà, perciocchè voi avrete udite queste leggi, e le avrete osservate, e messe in opera, che il Signore Iddio vostro vi osserverà il patto e la benignità ch’egli ha giurata a’ vostri padri.

Maka jikalau begitu kamu menurut segala hukum ini dan kamu ingat akan melakukan dia, maka inilah akan jadinya: Bahwa Tuhan Allahmupun akan meneguhkan kepadamu perjanjian-Nya dan kemurahan-Nya yang telah dijanji-Nya kepada nenek moyangmu pakai sumpah.

신명기 7:12
너희가 이 모든 법도를 듣고 지켜 행하면 네 하나님 여호와께서 네 열조에게 맹세하신 언약을 지켜 네게 인애를 베푸실 것이라

Deuteronomium 7:12
si postquam audieris haec iudicia custodieris ea et feceris custodiet et Dominus Deus tuus tibi pactum et misericordiam quam iuravit patribus tuis

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 7:12
tuomet ir Viešpats, tavo Dievas, laikysis sandoros, kurią padarė su tavo tėvais, ir bus tau gailestingas.

Deuteronomy 7:12
A tenei ake, ki te rongo koutou ki enei whakaritenga, ki te puritia, ki te mahia, na ka whakamana e Ihowa, e tou Atua, te kawenata ki a koe, me te atawhai i oati ai ia ki ou matua:

5 Mosebok 7:12
Når I nu hører disse bud og tar vare på dem og holder dem, da skal Herren din Gud holde fast ved den pakt og den miskunnhet han har tilsvoret dine fedre.

Deuteronomio 7:12
Y sucederá que porque escuchas estos decretos y los guardas y los cumples, el SEÑOR tu Dios guardará su pacto contigo y su misericordia que juró a tus padres.

"Entonces sucederá, que porque escuchas estos decretos y los guardas y los cumples, el SEÑOR tu Dios guardará Su pacto contigo y Su misericordia que juró a tus padres.

Y será que, si obedeciereis a estos decretos, y los guardares y los pusieres por obra, Jehová tu Dios guardará contigo el pacto y la misericordia que juró a tus padres;

Y será que, por haber oído estos derechos, y guardado y puéstolos por obra, Jehová tu Dios guardará contigo el pacto y la misericordia que juró á tus padres;

Y será que, por haber oído estos derechos, y haberlos guardado y puesto por obra, el SEÑOR tu Dios guardará contigo el pacto y la misericordia que juró a tus padres;

Deuteronômio 7:12
Se obedeceres a estas ordenanças e as puseres em prática, Yahweh, teu Deus, também te manterá a Aliança e a bondade misericordiosa que prometeu sob juramento a teus antepassados.

Sucederá, pois, que, por ouvirdes estes preceitos, e os guardardes e cumprirdes, o Senhor teu Deus te guardará o pacto e a misericórdia que com juramento prometeu a teus pais;   

Deuteronom 7:12
Dacă veţi asculta aceste porunci, dacă le veţi păzi şi împlini, Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, va ţinea faţă de tine legămîntul şi îndurarea cu care S'a jurat părinţilor tăi.

Второзаконие 7:12
И если вы будете слушать законы сии и хранить и исполнять их, то Господь, Бог твой, будет хранить завет и милость к тебе, как Он клялся отцам твоим,

И если вы будете слушать законы сии и хранить и исполнять их, то Господь, Бог твой, будет хранить завет и милость к тебе, как Он клялся отцам твоим,[]

5 Mosebok 7:12
Om I nu hören dessa rätter och hållen dem och gören efter dem, så skall HERREN, din Gud, till lön därför låta sitt förbund och sin nåd bestå, vad han med ed lovade dina fäder.

Deuteronomy 7:12
At mangyayari, na sapagka't iyong dininig ang mga kahatulang ito, at iyong tinutupad at iyong ginaganap, ay tutuparin sa iyo ng Panginoon mong Dios ang tipan, at igagawad ang kagandahang-loob, na kaniyang isinumpa sa iyong mga magulang:

พระราชบัญญัติ 7:12
ต่อมาถ้าท่านทั้งหลายเชื่อฟังคำตัดสินเหล่านี้ รักษาและกระทำตาม พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของพวกท่านจะทรงกระทำตามพันธสัญญาและความเมตตากับท่าน ซึ่งพระองค์ทรงปฏิญาณไว้กับบรรพบุรุษของท่าน

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 7:12
‹‹Bu ilkeleri dinler, onlara özenle uyarsanız, Tanrınız RAB atalarınıza ant içerek verdiği söz uyarınca sizinle yaptığı antlaşmaya bağlı kalacak.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 7:12
Nếu ngươi nghe các luật lệ nầy, và gìn giữ làm theo, thì đối cùng ngươi, Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi sẽ giữ lời giao ước và sự thương xót mà Ngài đã thề cùng tổ phụ ngươi.

Deuteronomy 7:11
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