Deuteronomy 4:42
Deuteronomy 4:42
to which anyone who had killed a person could flee if they had unintentionally killed a neighbor without malice aforethought. They could flee into one of these cities and save their life.

Anyone who killed another person unintentionally, without previous hostility, could flee there to live in safety.

that the manslayer might flee there, anyone who kills his neighbor unintentionally, without being at enmity with him in time past; he may flee to one of these cities and save his life:

that a manslayer might flee there, who unintentionally slew his neighbor without having enmity toward him in time past; and by fleeing to one of these cities he might live:

That the slayer might flee thither, which should kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

Someone could flee there who committed manslaughter, killing his neighbor accidentally without previously hating him. He could flee to one of these cities and stay alive:

where a person who accidentally killed someone could flee, if he killed his neighbor without having enmity toward him in the past. He may flee to one of these cities and live:

Anyone who accidentally killed someone without hating him at the time of the accident could flee to one of those cities and be safe.

Those who unintentionally killed someone whom they had never hated could flee to one of these cities and save their lives.

that the manslayer might flee there, who should kill his neighbour unawares and hated him not in times past and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

That the slayer might flee there, who should kill his neighbor unintentionally, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

That the slayer might flee thither, which should kill his neighbor unawares, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing to one of these cities he might live:

that the manslayer might flee thither, that slayeth his neighbor unawares, and hated him not in time past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

That any one might flee to them who should kill his neighbour unwillingly, and was not his enemy a day or two before, and that he might escape to some one of these cities:

that the manslayer might flee thither, who should kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not previously, that fleeing to one of these cities, he might live:

that the manslayer might flee thither, which slayeth his neighbour unawares, and hated him not in time past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

That the slayer might flee thither, who should kill his neighbor unawares, and when he had not hated him in times past; and that fleeing to one of these cities he might live:

that the manslayer might flee there, who kills his neighbor unawares, and didn't hate him in time past; and that fleeing to one of these cities he might live:

for the fleeing thither of the man-slayer, who slayeth his neighbour unknowingly, and he is not hating him heretofore, and he hath fled unto one of these cities, and he hath lived:

Ligji i Përtërirë 4:42
në të cilët mund të strehohej vrasësi që kishte vrarë të afërmin e tij padashur, pa e urryer më parë, dhe me qëllim që të ruante jetën e tij duke u strehuar në njerin prej këtyre qyteteve:

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 4:42
لكي يهرب اليها القاتل الذي يقتل صاحبه بغير علم وهو غير مبغض له منذ امس وما قبله. يهرب الى احدى تلك المدن فيحيا.

De Ander Ee 4:42
Dorthin sollnd Tootschlager fliehen künnen, also Leut, wo öbbern nit aus Feindschaft und aane Vorsaz toetigt hietnd. Flieht yr daa eyn Ort hin, derf yr eyn n Löbn bleibn.

Второзаконие 4:42
за да прибягва там оня убиец, който убие ближния си по погрешка, без да го е мразил по-напред, и като побегне в един от тия градове, да остане жив.

申 命 記 4:42
使 那 素 無 仇 恨 、 無 心 殺 了 人 的 , 可 以 逃 到 這 三 城 之 中 的 一 座 城 , 就 得 存 活 :

使 那 素 无 仇 恨 、 无 心 杀 了 人 的 , 可 以 逃 到 这 三 城 之 中 的 一 座 城 , 就 得 存 活 :



Deuteronomy 4:42
kamo će se moći skloniti ubojica koji nehotice ubije svoga bližnjega a da prije nije imao mržnje prema njemu: da bi, bježeći u koji od ovih gradova, mogao spasiti svoj život.

Deuteronomium 4:42
Aby utekl do nich vražedlník, kterýž by zabil bližního svého nechtě, a neměl by ho před tím v nenávisti; když by utekl do jednoho z těch měst, aby živ zůstal:

5 Mosebog 4:42
som Tilflugtssteder for Manddrabere, der uforsætligt slaar et andet Menneske ihjel uden i Forvejen at have baaret Nag til ham, for at de kan redde Livet ved at ty til en af disse Byer,

Deuteronomium 4:42
Opdat daarheen vlood de doodslager, die zijn naaste onwetende doodslaat, dien hij van gisteren en eergisteren niet haatte; dat hij in een van deze steden vlood en levend bleef;

דברים 4:42
לָנֻ֨ס שָׁ֜מָּה רֹוצֵ֗חַ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִרְצַ֤ח אֶת־רֵעֵ֙הוּ֙ בִּבְלִי־דַ֔עַת וְה֛וּא לֹא־שֹׂנֵ֥א לֹ֖ו מִתְּמֹ֣ול שִׁלְשֹׁ֑ום וְנָ֗ס אֶל־אַחַ֛ת מִן־הֶעָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖ל וָחָֽי׃

מב לנס שמה רוצח אשר ירצח את רעהו בבלי דעת והוא לא שנא לו מתמל שלשם ונס אל אחת מן הערים האל--וחי

לנס שמה רוצח אשר ירצח את־רעהו בבלי־דעת והוא לא־שנא לו מתמול שלשום ונס אל־אחת מן־הערים האל וחי׃

5 Mózes 4:42
Hogy oda fusson a gyilkos, a ki nem akarva gyilkolta meg az õ felebarátját, a ki az elõtt nem gyûlölte vala, és hogy életben maradjon, ha befutott valamelyikbe e városok közül.

Moseo 5: Readmono 4:42
por ke tien forkuru mortiginto, kiu mortigis sian proksimulon senintence, ne estinte malamika al li de antauxe, kaj forkurinte al unu el tiuj urboj, li restu viva:

Että sinne pakenis, tietämätä lähimmäisensä kuoliaaksi löis ja ei ennen ole ollut hänen vihamiehensä; että hän pakenis yhteen niistä kaupungeista, ja eläis,

Deutéronome 4:42
afin que l'homicide qui aurait tué son prochain sans le savoir, et qui ne l'aurait pas haï auparavant, s'y enfuît, et que, s'enfuyant dans l'une de ces villes-là, il vécût:

afin qu'elles servissent de refuge au meurtrier qui aurait involontairement tué son prochain, sans avoir été auparavant son ennemi, et afin qu'il pût sauver sa vie en s'enfuyant dans l'une de ces villes.

Afin que le meurtrier qui aurait tué son prochain par mégarde, et sans l'avoir haï auparavant, s'y retirât; et que fuyant en l'une de ces villes-là, il eût sa vie sauve.

5 Mose 4:42
daß daselbst hinflöhe, wer seinen Nächsten totschlägt unversehens und ihm vorhin nicht feind gewesen ist; der soll in der Städte eine fliehen, daß er lebendig bleibe:

daß dahin flöhe, wer seinen Nächsten totschlägt unversehens und ihm zuvor nicht Feind gewesen ist; der soll in der Städte eine fliehen, daß er lebendig bleibe:

damit ein solcher, der etwa seinen Nächsten unvorsätzlich und ohne daß er ihm schon längst feind war, getötet hätte, sich dorthin flüchten und durch die Flucht in eine dieser Städte sein Leben retten könnte:

Deuteronomio 4:42
perché servissero di rifugio all’omicida che avesse ucciso il suo prossimo involontariamente, senz’averlo odiato per l’addietro, e perch’egli potesse aver salva la vita, ricoverandosi in una di quelle città.

acciocchè vi si rifuggisse l’ucciditore che avesse ucciso il suo prossimo disavvedutamente, non avendolo per addietro odiato; e ch’essendosi rifuggito in una di quelle città, avesse la vita salva.

supaya boleh lari ke sana segala orang pembunuh yang telah membunuh samanya manusia dengan tiada sengajanya, sedang tiada dibencinya akan dia dari kemarin atau kemarinnya, dan supaya dengan lari kepada salah suatu negeri itu dapat dilepaskannya nyawanya,

신명기 4:42
때에 모세가 요단 이편 해 돋는 편에서 세 성읍을 구별하였으니

Deuteronomium 4:42
ut confugiat ad eas qui occiderit nolens proximum suum nec fuerit inimicus ante unum et alterum diem et ad harum aliquam urbium possit evadere

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 4:42
kad juose rastų prieglaudą ir išliktų gyvas žmogžudys, netyčia užmušęs savo artimą, kuris nebuvo jo priešas.

Deuteronomy 4:42
Hei rerenga atu mo te tangata whakamate, i whakamate i tona hoa, otiia ehara i te mea ata whakaaro, ehara hoki i te hoariri nona i mua; na ka rere ia ki tetahi o aua pa, a ka ora;

5 Mosebok 4:42
forat en manndraper som hadde slått sin næste ihjel av vanvare og uten før å ha båret hat til ham, kunde fly dit - til en av disse byer - og redde livet;

Deuteronomio 4:42
para que huyera allí el homicida que involuntariamente hubiera matado a su vecino sin haber tenido enemistad contra él en el pasado; y huyendo a una de estas ciudades, salvara su vida:

para que huyera allí el que involuntariamente hubiera matado a su vecino sin haber tenido enemistad contra él en el pasado; y huyendo a una de estas ciudades, salvara su vida:

para que huyese allí el homicida que matase a su prójimo por yerro, sin haber tenido enemistad con él en el pasado; y que huyendo a una de estas ciudades salvase su vida.

Para que huyese allí el homicida que matase á su prójimo por yerro, sin haber tenido enemistad con él desde ayer ni antes de ayer; y que huyendo á una de estas ciudades salvara la vida:

para que huyese allí el homicida que matase a su prójimo por yerro, sin haber tenido enemistad con él desde ayer ni desde anteayer; y que huyendo a una de estas ciudades viviese:

Deuteronômio 4:42
para onde poderia fugir e se abrigar quem houvesse matado uma pessoa por acidente, sem querer ou intenção deliberada de matar. Nesse caso, o homicida perseguido poderia salvar a própria vida, refugiando-se em uma daquelas cidades.

para que se refugiasse ali o homicida que involuntariamente tivesse matado o seu próximo a quem dantes não tivesse ódio algum; para que, refugiando-se numa destas cidades, vivesse:   

Deuteronom 4:42
pentruca să slujească de scăpare ucigaşului care ar fi omorît fără voie pe aproapele lui, fără să -i fi fost vrăjmaş mai dinainte, şi să-şi poată scăpa astfel viaţa, fugînd într'una din aceste cetăţi.

Второзаконие 4:42
чтоб убегал туда убийца, который убьет ближнего своего без намерения, не быв врагом ему ни вчера, ни третьего дня, и чтоб, убежав в один из этих городов, остался жив:

чтоб убегал туда убийца, который убьет ближнего своего без намерения, не быв врагом ему ни вчера, ни третьего дня, [и] чтоб, убежав в один из этих городов, остался жив:[]

5 Mosebok 4:42
till vilka en dråpare skulle kunna fly, om han hade dräpt någon utan vett och vilja, och utan att förut hava burit hat till honom; om han flydde till någon av dessa städer, skulle han få bliva vid liv.

Deuteronomy 4:42
Upang ang nakamatay ng tao ay tumakas doon, na nakamatay sa kaniyang kapuwa na hindi sinasadya, at hindi niya kinapopootan nang panahong nakaraan; at sa pagtakas sa isa sa mga bayang ito ay mabuhay siya:

พระราชบัญญัติ 4:42
เพื่อผู้ใดที่ฆ่าคนจะได้หลบหนีไปอยู่ที่นั่น คือผู้ที่ฆ่าเพื่อนบ้านโดยมิได้เจตนา โดยมิได้เกลียดชังเขาแต่ก่อน และเมื่อหนีไปอยู่ในเมืองนี้เมืองใดเมืองหนึ่งก็จะรอดชีวิต

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 4:42
Öyle ki, önceden kin beslemediği bir komşusunu istemeyerek öldüren biri bu kentlerden birine kaçıp canını kurtarabilsin.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 4:42
để kẻ sát nhân vô ý giết người lân cận mình, mà không có ghét trước, được thế trốn tránh và ẩn núp trong một của các thành nầy, và được sống.

Deuteronomy 4:41
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