Deuteronomy 3:4
Deuteronomy 3:4
At that time we took all his cities. There was not one of the sixty cities that we did not take from them--the whole region of Argob, Og's kingdom in Bashan.

We conquered all sixty of his towns--the entire Argob region in his kingdom of Bashan. Not a single town escaped our conquest.

And we took all his cities at that time—there was not a city that we did not take from them—sixty cities, the whole region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

"We captured all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we did not take from them: sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

We captured all his cities at that time. There wasn't a city that we didn't take from them: 60 cities, the entire region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

Then we captured all his cities at that time. There was not a city left that we didn't capture from them—60 cities in all from the region of Argob, which is part of the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

We captured all his cities at that time--there was not a town we did not take from them--sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the dominion of Og in Bashan.

At that time we captured all of his cities. There wasn't a city we didn't take. We captured a total of 60 cities-the whole territory of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time there was not a city which we did not take from them, sixty cities, all the region of Argob, of the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, three score cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, three score cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we took not from them; threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

Wasting all his cities at one time, there was not a town that escaped us: sixty cities, all the country of Argob the kingdom of Og in Basan.

And we took all his cities at that time: there was not a town which we took not from them, sixty cities, the whole region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we took not from them; threescore cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

We took all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we didn't take from them; sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

and we capture all his cities at that time, there hath not been a city which we have not taken from them, sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

Ligji i Përtërirë 3:4
Në atë kohë pushtuam tërë qytetet e tij; nuk pati qytet që nuk ra në dorën tonë: gjashtëdhjetë qytete, tërë krahina e Argobit, mbretëria e Ogut në Bashan.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 3:4
واخذنا كل مدنه في ذلك الوقت. لم تكن قرية لم نأخذها منهم. ستون مدينة كل كورة ارجوب مملكة عوج في باشان.

De Ander Ee 3:4
Dyrselbn gerobern myr alle seine Stötn. Nit aine von de sechzg Stötn in n Gau Ärgob, wo yn n Og sein Reich z Bäsn war, war dyrbei, wo myr ien nit abgjagt haetnd.

Второзаконие 3:4
В онова време превзехме всичките му градове; нямаше град, който не превзехме от тях: шестдесет града, цялата Арговска област, царството на Ога във Васан.

申 命 記 3:4
那 時 , 我 們 奪 了 他 所 有 的 城 , 共 有 六 十 座 , 沒 有 一 座 城 不 被 我 們 所 奪 。 這 為 亞 珥 歌 伯 的 全 境 , 就 是 巴 珊 地 噩 王 的 國 。

那 时 , 我 们 夺 了 他 所 有 的 城 , 共 有 六 十 座 , 没 有 一 座 城 不 被 我 们 所 夺 。 这 为 亚 珥 歌 伯 的 全 境 , 就 是 巴 珊 地 噩 王 的 国 。



Deuteronomy 3:4
Osvojili smo tada sve njegove gradove. Nije bilo grada koji im nismo oteli - šezdeset gradova, zapravo svu argopsku krajinu, Ogovo kraljevstvo u Bašanu.

Deuteronomium 3:4
Dobyli jsme také téhož času všech měst jeho; nebylo města, kteréhož bychom jim neodjali, šedesáte měst, všecku krajinu Argob, království Oga v Bázan.

5 Mosebog 3:4
Vi indtog dengang alle hans Byer; der var ikke een By, vi ikke fratog dem, i alt tresindstyve Byer, hele Landskabet Argob, Ogs Kongerige i Basan,

Deuteronomium 3:4
En wij namen te dier tijd al zijn steden; er was geen stad, die wij van hen niet namen: zestig steden, de ganse landstreek van Argob, het koninkrijk van Og in Bazan.

דברים 3:4
וַנִּלְכֹּ֤ד אֶת־כָּל־עָרָיו֙ בָּעֵ֣ת הַהִ֔וא לֹ֤א הָֽיְתָה֙ קִרְיָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־לָקַ֖חְנוּ מֵֽאִתָּ֑ם שִׁשִּׁ֥ים עִיר֙ כָּל־חֶ֣בֶל אַרְגֹּ֔ב מַמְלֶ֥כֶת עֹ֖וג בַּבָּשָֽׁן׃

ד ונלכד את כל עריו בעת ההוא--לא היתה קריה אשר לא לקחנו מאתם  ששים עיר כל חבל ארגב ממלכת עוג בבשן

ונלכד את־כל־עריו בעת ההוא לא היתה קריה אשר לא־לקחנו מאתם ששים עיר כל־חבל ארגב ממלכת עוג בבשן׃

5 Mózes 3:4
És abban az idõben elfoglaltuk minden városát; nem volt város, a melyet el nem vettünk volna tõlök: hatvan várost, Argóbnak egész vidékét, a Básenbeli Ógnak országát.

Moseo 5: Readmono 3:4
Kaj ni militakiris tiam cxiujn liajn urbojn; ne estis urbo, kiun ni ne prenis de ili:sesdek urbojn, la tutan distrikton de Argob, la regnon de Og la Basxana.

Ja silloin me otimme kaikki hänen kaupunkinsa, ja ei ollut hänellä yhtään kaupunkia,jota emme häneltä ottaneet pois: kuusikymmentä kaupunkia, ja koko Argobin maakunnan, joka oli Ogin valtakunnassa Basanissa.

Deutéronome 3:4
Et nous prîmes toutes ses villes, en ce temps-là; il n'y eut point de ville que nous ne leur prissions: soixante villes, toute la région d'Argob, le royaume d'Og, en Basan;

Nous prîmes alors toutes ses villes, et il n'y en eut pas une qui ne tombât en notre pouvoir: soixante villes, toute la contrée d'Argob, le royaume d'Og en Basan.

En ce même temps nous prîmes aussi toutes ses villes; [et] il n'y eut point de villes que nous ne lui prissions, [savoir] soixante villes, tout le pays d'Argob du royaume de Hog en Basan.

5 Mose 3:4
Da gewannen wir zu der Zeit alle seine Städte, und war keine Stadt, die wir ihm nicht nahmen; sechzig Städte, die ganze Gegend Argob, im Königreich Ogs zu Basan.

Da gewannen wir zu der Zeit alle seine Städte (und war keine Stadt, die wir ihm nicht nahmen): sechzig Städte, die ganze Gegend Argob, das Königreich Ogs von Basan.

Damals nahmen wir alle seine Städte ein; da war kein fester Platz mehr, den wir ihnen nicht weggenommen hätten: sechzig Städte, alles, was zum Bezirke Argob, zum Königreiche Ogs in Basan gehörte, -

Deuteronomio 3:4
Gli prendemmo in quel tempo tutte le sue città; non ci fu città che noi non prendessimo loro: sessanta città, tutta la contrada d’Argob, il regno di Og in Basan.

E in quel tempo pigliammo tutte le sue città; e non vi fu città alcuna che noi non prendessimo loro; noi prendemmo sessanta città, tutta la contrada di Argob, ch’era il regno di Og, in Basan.

Maka pada masa itu kita mengalahkan segala negerinya, sebuah negeripun tiada yang tiada kita rampas dari padanya, yaitu enam puluh buah negeri, seluruh jajahan Argob, kerajaan Og di Bazan.

신명기 3:4
그 때에 우리가 그들에게서 빼앗지 아니한 성읍이 하나도 없이 다 빼앗았는데 그 성읍이 육십이니 곧 아르곱 온 지방이요 바산에 있는 옥의 나라이라

Deuteronomium 3:4
vastantes cunctas civitates illius uno tempore non fuit oppidum quod nos effugeret sexaginta urbes omnem regionem Argob regni Og in Basan

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 3:4
ir užėmėme visus jo miestus. Mums teko šešiasdešimt miestų Argobo krašte, kurį valdė Bašano karalius Ogas.

Deuteronomy 3:4
Na ka horo i a tatou i taua wa ano ona pa katoa, kahore he pai i kore te tangohia e tatou i a ratou, e ono tekau nga pa, ko nga wahi katoa o Arakopa, o te rangatiratanga o Oka i Pahana.

5 Mosebok 3:4
Og vi inntok dengang alle hans byer; der var ikke en by uten at vi tok den fra dem, seksti byer, hele Argob-landet, Ogs rike i Basan.

Deuteronomio 3:4
Y tomamos en aquel entonces todas sus ciudades; no quedó ciudad que no les tomáramos: sesenta ciudades, toda la región de Argob, el reino de Og en Basán.

"Conquistamos en aquel entonces todas sus ciudades; no quedó ciudad que no les tomáramos: sesenta ciudades, toda la región de Argob, el reino de Og en Basán.

Y tomamos entonces todas sus ciudades; no quedó ciudad que no les tomásemos: sesenta ciudades, toda la tierra de Argob, del reino de Og en Basán.

Y tomamos entonces todas sus ciudades; no quedó ciudad que no les tomásemos: sesenta ciudades, toda la tierra de Argob, del reino de Og en Basán.

Y tomamos entonces todas sus ciudades; no quedó ciudad que no les tomásemos; sesenta ciudades, toda la tierra de Argob, del reino de Og en Basán.

Deuteronômio 3:4
Nós nos apossamos então de toda as suas cidades; não houve povoado que não tomássemos: sessenta cidades, todo o distrito real de Argobe, o reino de Ogue em Basã.

E naquele tempo tomamos todas as suas cidades; nenhuma cidade houve que não lhes tomássemos: sessenta cidades, toda a região de Argobe, o reino de Ogue em Basã,   

Deuteronom 3:4
I-am luat atunci toate cetăţile, şi n'a fost una care să nu cadă în stăpînirea noastră: şasezeci de cetăţi, tot ţinutul Argob, împărăţia lui Og din Basan.

Второзаконие 3:4
и взяли мы в то время все города его; не было города, которого мы не взяли бы у них:шестьдесят городов, всю область Аргов, царство Ога Васанского;

и взяли мы в то время все города его; не было города, которого мы не взяли бы у них: шестьдесят городов, всю область Аргов, царство Ога Васанского;[]

5 Mosebok 3:4
Och vi intogo då alla hans städer, ingen stad fanns, som vi icke togo ifrån dem: sextio städer, hela landsträckan Argob, Ogs rike i Basan.

Deuteronomy 3:4
At ating sinakop ang lahat niyang mga bayan nang panahong yaon; walang bayan na di sinakop natin sa kanila; anim na pung bayan ang buong lupain ng Argob, ang kaharian ni Og, sa Basan.

พระราชบัญญัติ 3:4
ครั้งนั้นเราทั้งหลายได้ตีเอาบ้านเมืองทั้งหลายของเขาจนไม่มีเหลือสักเมืองเดียวซึ่งเราไม่ได้ยึดมารวมหกสิบเมือง ดินแดนอารโกบทั้งหมด ซึ่งเป็นราชอาณาจักรของโอกกษัตริย์เมืองบาชาน

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 3:4
Bütün kentlerini ele geçirdik. Ele geçirmediğimiz tek kent kalmadı. Hepsi altmış kentti: Başanda Ogun ülkesi olan bütün Argov bölgesi.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 3:4
Trong lúc đó chúng ta chiếm lấy các thành của người, không có thành nào mà mình không chiếm lấy; tức là sáu mươi cái thành và toàn miền Aït-gốp, là nước của Oùc trong xứ Ba-san.

Deuteronomy 3:3
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