Deuteronomy 3:24
Deuteronomy 3:24
"Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?

O Sovereign LORD, you have only begun to show your greatness and the strength of your hand to me, your servant. Is there any god in heaven or on earth who can perform such great and mighty deeds as you do?

‘O Lord GOD, you have only begun to show your servant your greatness and your mighty hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as yours?

'O Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours?

O Lord GOD, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy mighty hand: for what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy might?

Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your greatness and power to Your servant, for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can perform deeds and mighty acts like Yours?

LORD God, you've begun to show your greatness and your strong power to your servant. For what god in heaven or on earth can equal your works and mighty deeds?

"O, Lord GOD, you have begun to show me your greatness and strength. (What god in heaven or earth can rival your works and mighty deeds?)

"Almighty LORD, you have [only] begun to show me how great and powerful you are. What kind of god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and the mighty acts you have done?

O Lord GOD, thou hast begun to show thy slave thy greatness and thy mighty hand; for what God is there in heaven or in earth that can do according to thy works and according to thy mighty acts?

O Lord GOD, you have begun to show your servant your greatness, and your mighty hand: for what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to your works, and according to your might?

O Lord GOD, you have begun to show your servant your greatness, and your mighty hand: for what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to your works, and according to your might?

O Lord Jehovah, thou hast begun to show thy servant thy greatness, and thy strong hand: for what god is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy mighty acts?

Lord God, thou hast begun to shew unto thy servant thy greatness, and most mighty hand, for there is no other God either in heaven or earth, that is able to do thy works, or to be compared to thy strength.

Lord Jehovah, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy powerful hand; for what ùGod is in the heavens or in the earth that can do like to thy works, and like to thy might?

O Lord GOD, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy strong hand: for what god is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy mighty acts?

O Lord GOD, thou hast begun to show thy servant thy greatness, and thy mighty hand: for what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy might?

"Lord Yahweh, you have begun to show your servant your greatness, and your strong hand: for what god is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to your works, and according to your mighty acts?

Lord Jehovah, Thou -- Thou hast begun to shew Thy servant Thy greatness, and Thy strong hand; for who is a God in the heavens or in earth who doth according to Thy works, and according to Thy might?

Ligji i Përtërirë 3:24
O Zot, O Zot, ti ke filluar t'i tregosh shërbëtorit tënd madhështinë tënde dhe dorën e fuqishme që ke; sepse cila është perëndia në qiell apo në tokë që mund të kryejë vepra dhe mrekulli si ato që bën ti?

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 3:24
يا سيد الرب انت قد ابتدأت تري عبدك عظمتك ويدك الشديدة. فانه اي اله في السماء وعلى الارض يعمل كاعمالك وكجبروتك.

De Ander Ee 3:24
O Got, mein Herr! Du haast angfangen, deinn Knecht dein Macht und Herrlichkeit seghn z laassn. Wölcher Got in n Himml older auf dyr Erdn haet öbbs vollbrungen, was yn deine Taatn older Sig gleichkaem?

Второзаконие 3:24
Господи Иеова, Ти си почнал да показваш на слугата Си величието Си и крепката Си ръка; защото кой е тоя бог, на небето или на земята, който може да работи, както Ти работиш и според Твоите мощни дела?

申 命 記 3:24
主 耶 和 華 阿 , 你 已 將 你 的 大 力 大 能 顯 給 僕 人 看 。 在 天 上 , 在 地 下 , 有 甚 麼 神 能 像 你 行 事 、 像 你 有 大 能 的 作 為 呢 ?

主 耶 和 华 阿 , 你 已 将 你 的 大 力 大 能 显 给 仆 人 看 。 在 天 上 , 在 地 下 , 有 甚 麽 神 能 像 你 行 事 、 像 你 有 大 能 的 作 为 呢 ?



Deuteronomy 3:24
'Gospodine moj, Jahve! Ti si počeo pokazivati svome sluzi svoju veličajnost i svoju moć. TÓa koji bog, na nebu ili na zemlji, može izvesti takva djela i čudesa kao što su tvoja!

Deuteronomium 3:24
Panovníče Hospodine, ty jsi počal ukazovati služebníku svému velikost svou a ruku svou přesilnou; nebo kdo jest Bůh silný na nebi aneb na zemi, ješto by činiti mohl skutky podobné tvým, a moci podobné tobě?

5 Mosebog 3:24
»Herre, HERRE! Du har begyndt at vise din Tjener din Storhed og din stærke Haand! Thi hvem er den Gud i Himmelen og paa Jorden, der kan gøre saadanne Gerninger og Storværker som du?

Deuteronomium 3:24
Heere HEERE! Gij hebt begonnen Uw knecht te tonen Uw grootheid en Uw sterke hand; want wat God is er in den hemel en op de aarde, die doen kan naar Uw werken, en naar Uw mogendheden!

דברים 3:24
אֲדֹנָ֣י יְהוִ֗ה אַתָּ֤ה הַֽחִלֹּ֙ותָ֙ לְהַרְאֹ֣ות אֶֽת־עַבְדְּךָ֔ אֶ֨ת־גָּדְלְךָ֔ וְאֶת־יָדְךָ֖ הַחֲזָקָ֑ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר מִי־אֵל֙ בַּשָּׁמַ֣יִם וּבָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה כְמַעֲשֶׂ֖יךָ וְכִגְבוּרֹתֶֽךָ׃

כד אדני יהוה אתה החלות להראות את עבדך את גדלך ואת ידך החזקה--אשר מי אל בשמים ובארץ אשר יעשה כמעשיך וכגבורתך

אדני יהוה אתה החלות להראות את־עבדך את־גדלך ואת־ידך החזקה אשר מי־אל בשמים ובארץ אשר־יעשה כמעשיך וכגבורתך׃

5 Mózes 3:24
Uram, Isten, te elkezdetted megmutatni a te szolgádnak a te nagyságodat és hatalmas kezedet! Mert kicsoda olyan Isten mennyben és földön, a ki cselekedhetnék a te cselekedeteid és hatalmad szerint?

Moseo 5: Readmono 3:24
Mia Sinjoro, ho Eternulo! Vi komencis montradi al Via servanto Vian grandecon kaj Vian fortan manon; cxar kie estas dio en la cxielo aux sur la tero, kiu povus fari simile al Viaj faroj kaj al Via potenco?

Herra, Heraa, sinä olet ruvennut ilmoittamaan palvelialles sinun kunnias ja sinun vahvan kätes; sillä kuka on Jumala taivaassa eli maassa, joka taitaa sinun tekos ja väkes perään tehdä?

Deutéronome 3:24
Seigneur Éternel! tu as commencé à faire voir à ton serviteur ta grandeur et ta main forte, car quel est le *Dieu, dans les cieux et sur la terre, qui fasse des oeuvres comme tes oeuvres et selon ta force?

Seigneur Eternel, tu as commencé à montrer à ton serviteur ta grandeur et ta main puissante; car quel dieu y a-t-il, au ciel et sur la terre, qui puisse imiter tes oeuvres et tes hauts faits?

Seigneur Eternel, tu as commencé de montrer à ton serviteur ta grandeur et ta main forte; car qui est le [Dieu] Fort au ciel et sur la terre qui puisse faire des œuvres comme les tiennes, et [dont la force soit] comme tes forces?

5 Mose 3:24
HERR, HERR, du hast angehoben zu erzeigen deinem Knechte deine HERRLIchkeit und deine starke Hand. Denn wo ist ein Gott im Himmel und auf Erden, der es deinen Werken und deiner Macht könnte nachtun?

HERR HERR, du hast angehoben, zu erzeigen deinem Knecht deine Herrlichkeit und deine starke Hand. Denn wo ist ein Gott im Himmel und auf Erden, der es deinen Werken und deiner Macht könnte nachtun?

O Herr, Jahwe, du hast nun bereits, deinem Knechte gezeigt, wie groß du bist, und wie stark deine Hand ist; wo ist im Himmel oder auf Erden ein Gott, der solche Werke und gewaltige Thaten verrichten könnte, wie du!

Deuteronomio 3:24
O Signore, o Eterno, tu hai cominciato a mostrare al tuo servo la tua grandezza e la tua mano potente; poiché qual è l’Iddio, in cielo o sulla terra, che possa fare delle opere e dei portenti pari a quelli che fai tu?

Signore Iddio, tu hai cominciato a mostrare al tuo servitore la tua grandezza, e la tua potente mano; perciocchè, chi è quel Dio nel cielo, o nella terra, che possa fare secondo le tue opere, e secondo le tue potenze?

Ya, Tuhan Hua! Engkau telah mulai menunjukkan kepada hamba-Mu kebesaran-Mu dan tangan kodrat-Mu! maka dewa yang mana adalah dalam langit atau di atas bumi, yang dapat berbuat sebagai perbuatan-Mu dan sebagai segala kodrat-Mu?

신명기 3:24
`주 여호와여 ! 주께서 주의 크심과 주의 권능을 주의 종에게 나타내시기를 시작하였사오니 천지간에 무슨 신이 능히 주의 행하신 일 곧 주의 큰 능력으로 행하신 일같이 행할 수 있으리이까 ?

Deuteronomium 3:24
Domine Deus tu coepisti ostendere servo tuo magnitudinem tuam manumque fortissimam neque enim est alius Deus vel in caelo vel in terra qui possit facere opera tua et conparari fortitudini tuae

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 3:24
‘Viešpatie Dieve! Tu pradėjai rodyti Izraelio tautai savo didybę ir galią. Nėra kito dievo nei danguje, nei žemėje, kuris galėtų daryti tokius galingus darbus!

Deuteronomy 3:24
E te Ariki, e Ihowa, kua timata nei koe te whakakite ki tau pononga i tou nui, i tou ringa kaha: ko wai hoki te Atua i te rangi, i te whenua ranei, e pena ana te mahi me au mahi, he rite ranei ki a koe te kaha?

5 Mosebok 3:24
Herre, Herre! Du har begynt å la din tjener se din storhet og din sterke hånd; for hvor er det en gud i himmelen og på jorden som kan gjøre sådanne gjerninger og storverk som du?

Deuteronomio 3:24
``Oh Señor DIOS, tú has comenzado a mostrar a tu siervo tu grandeza y tu mano poderosa; porque ¿qué dios hay en los cielos o en la tierra que pueda hacer obras y hechos tan poderosos como los tuyos?

'Oh Señor DIOS, Tú has comenzado a mostrar a Tu siervo Tu grandeza y Tu mano poderosa; porque ¿qué dios hay en los cielos o en la tierra que pueda hacer obras y hechos tan poderosos como los Tuyos?

Señor Jehová, tú has comenzado a mostrar a tu siervo tu grandeza, y tu mano poderosa; porque ¿qué Dios hay en el cielo o en la tierra que haga según tus obras, y conforme a tus proezas?

Señor Jehová, tú has comenzado á mostrar á tu siervo tu grandeza, y tu mano fuerte: porque ¿qué dios hay en el cielo ni en la tierra que haga según tus obras, y según tus valentías?

Señor DIOS, tú has comenzado a mostrar a tu siervo tu grandeza, y tu mano fuerte; porque ¿qué dios hay en el cielo ni en la tierra que haga según tus obras, y según tus valentías?

Deuteronômio 3:24
‘Ó Eterno Deus, meu Soberano SENHOR! Começaste a mostrar a teu servo tua grandeza e o poder da tua mão, pois que força divina há nos céus ou na terra que possa realizar as tuas obras e os teus sinais prodigiosos?

ç Senhor Jeová, tu já começaste a mostrar ao teu servo a tua grandeza e a tua forte mão; pois, que Deus há no céu ou na terra, que possa fazer segundo as tuas obras, e segundo os teus grandes feitos?   

Deuteronom 3:24
,,Stăpîne Doamne! Tu ai început să arăţi robului Tău mărirea Ta şi mîna Ta cea puternică; căci care este dumnezeul acela, în cer şi pe pămînt, care să poată face lucrări ca ale Tale şi să aibă o putere ca a Ta?

Второзаконие 3:24
Владыко Господи, Ты начал показывать рабу Твоему величие Твое икрепкую руку Твою; ибо какой бог есть на небе, или на земле, который мог бы делать такие дела, как Твои, и с могуществом таким, как Твое?

Владыко Господи, Ты начал показывать рабу Твоему величие Твое и крепкую руку Твою; ибо какой бог есть на небе, или на земле, который мог бы делать такие дела, как Твои, и с могуществом таким, как Твое?[]

5 Mosebok 3:24
»Herre, HERRE, du har begynt att låta sin tjänare se din storhet och din starka hand; ty vilken är den gud i himmelen eller på jorden, som kan göra sådana verk och sådana väldiga gärningar som du?

Deuteronomy 3:24
Oh Panginoong Dios, iyong minulang ipinakilala sa iyong lingkod ang iyong kadakilaan at ang iyong kamay na makapangyarihan: ano ngang Dios sa langit o sa lupa ang makagagawa ng ayon sa iyong mga gawa, at ayon sa iyong mga makapangyarihang kilos?

พระราชบัญญัติ 3:24
`ข้าแต่องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าพระเจ้า พระองค์เพิ่งทรงสำแดงอานุภาพและฤทธิ์พระหัตถ์ของพระองค์แก่ผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ เพราะมีพระเจ้าองค์ไหนเล่าในสวรรค์หรือในแผ่นดินโลกซึ่งสามารถกระทำตามการสำคัญ และการอิทธิฤทธิ์ดังพระองค์ได้

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 3:24
‹Ey Egemen RAB, büyüklüğünü ve güçlü elini bana göstermeye başladın. Gökte ve yerde senin yaptığın yüce işleri yapabilecek başka bir tanrı yok![]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 3:24
Lạy Chúa Giê-hô-va, Chúa đã khởi tỏ cho kẻ tôi tớ Chúa sự oai nghiêm lớn, và cánh tay quyền năng của Chúa; vì trên trời dưới đất há có thần nào làm được việc và công sự quyền năng giống như của Chúa chăng?

Deuteronomy 3:23
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