Deuteronomy 26:5
Deuteronomy 26:5
Then you shall declare before the LORD your God: "My father was a wandering Aramean, and he went down into Egypt with a few people and lived there and became a great nation, powerful and numerous.

"You must then say in the presence of the LORD your God, 'My ancestor Jacob was a wandering Aramean who went to live as a foreigner in Egypt. His family arrived few in number, but in Egypt they became a large and mighty nation.

“And you shall make response before the LORD your God, ‘A wandering Aramean was my father. And he went down into Egypt and sojourned there, few in number, and there he became a nation, great, mighty, and populous.

"You shall answer and say before the LORD your God, 'My father was a wandering Aramean, and he went down to Egypt and sojourned there, few in number; but there he became a great, mighty and populous nation.

And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:

You are to respond by saying in the presence of the LORD your God: My father was a wandering Aramean. He went down to Egypt with a few people and lived there. There he became a great, powerful, and populous nation.

Then you are to affirm and declare in the presence of the LORD your God: 'A wandering Aramean was my ancestor, who went down to Egypt and traveled there with very few family members, yet there he became a great, powerful, and populous nation.

Then you must affirm before the LORD your God, "A wandering Aramean was my ancestor, and he went down to Egypt and lived there as a foreigner with a household few in number, but there he became a great, powerful, and numerous people.

You will make this formal statement in the presence of the LORD your God: "My ancestors were wandering Arameans. There were only a few of them when they went to Egypt and lived as foreigners. But then they became a great, powerful, and large nation.

Then thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, My father, the Syrian, perishing of hunger went down into Egypt and sojourned there with a few and became there a nation, great, mighty, and many;

And you shall speak and say before the LORD your God, An Aramean ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:

And you shall speak and say before the LORD your God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:

And thou shalt answer and say before Jehovah thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father; and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there, few in number; and he became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous.

And thou shalt speak thus in the sight of the Lord thy God: The Syrian pursued my father, who went down into Egypt, and sojourned there in a very small number, and grew into a nation great and strong and of an infinite multitude.

And thou shalt speak and say before Jehovah thy God, A perishing Aramean was my father, and he went down to Egypt with a few, and sojourned there, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous.

And thou shalt answer and say before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there, few in number; and he became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:

And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down to Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:

You shall answer and say before Yahweh your God, "A Syrian ready to perish was my father; and he went down into Egypt, and lived there, few in number; and he became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous.

And thou hast answered and said before Jehovah thy God, A perishing Aramaean is my father! and he goeth down to Egypt, and sojourneth there with few men, and becometh there a nation, great, mighty, and numerous;

Ligji i Përtërirë 26:5
dhe ti do të përgjigjesh duke thënë para Zotit, Perëndisë tënd: "Ati im ishte një Arameo para se të vdesë; ai zbriti në Egjipt dhe banoi aty si i huaj me pak njerëz; aty u bë një komb i madh, i fuqishëm dhe i shumtë.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 26:5
ثم تصرّح وتقول امام الرب الهك. اراميا تائها كان ابي فانحدر الى مصر وتغرب هناك في نفر قليل فصار هناك امة كبيرة وعظيمة وكثيرة

De Ander Ee 26:5
Du afer sollst vor n Herrn, deinn Got, dös bekennen: Mein Vater war ayn schwaiffeter Ärmauer. Er troch auf Güptn mit ayner klainen Schar, glöbt daa ent als Fremdling und wurd zo aynn groossn, zalreichn und starchn Volk.

Второзаконие 26:5
А ти да проговориш, казвайки пред Господа твоя Бог: Праотец ми, когато беше скитник сириец, слезе в Египет, гдето престоя, на брой малко [човеци], а там стана народ голям, силен и многочислен.

申 命 記 26:5
你 要 在 耶 和 華 ─ 你   神 面 前 說 : 我 祖 原 是 一 個 將 亡 的 亞 蘭 人 , 下 到 埃 及 寄 居 。 他 人 口 稀 少 , 在 那 裡 卻 成 了 又 大 又 強 、 人 數 很 多 的 國 民 。

你 要 在 耶 和 华 ─ 你   神 面 前 说 : 我 祖 原 是 一 个 将 亡 的 亚 兰 人 , 下 到 埃 及 寄 居 。 他 人 口 稀 少 , 在 那 里 却 成 了 又 大 又 强 、 人 数 很 多 的 国 民 。



Deuteronomy 26:5
Ti onda nastavi i reci pred Jahvom, Bogom svojim: 'Moj je otac bio aramejski lutalac koji je sa malo čeljadi sišao u Egipat da se skloni. Ali je ondje postao velikim, brojnim i moćnim narodom.

Deuteronomium 26:5
A mluviti budeš před Hospodinem Bohem svým, řka: Syrský chudý otec můj sstoupil do Egypta s nemnohými osobami, a byv tam pohostinu, vzrostl v národ veliký, silný a mnohý.

5 Mosebog 26:5
Derpaa skal du tage til Orde og sige for HERREN din Guds Aasyn: »En omvankende Aramæer var min Stamfader; han drog ned til Ægypten og boede der som fremmed med nogle faa Mænd, men der blev han til et stort, mægtigt og talrigt Folk.

Deuteronomium 26:5
Dan zult gij voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, uws Gods, betuigen en zeggen: Mijn vader was een bedorven Syrier, en hij toog af naar Egypte, en verkeerde aldaar als vreemdeling met weinig volks; maar hij werd aldaar tot een groot, machtig en menigvuldig volk.

דברים 26:5
וְעָנִ֨יתָ וְאָמַרְתָּ֜ לִפְנֵ֣י ׀ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֗יךָ אֲרַמִּי֙ אֹבֵ֣ד אָבִ֔י וַיֵּ֣רֶד מִצְרַ֔יְמָה וַיָּ֥גָר שָׁ֖ם בִּמְתֵ֣י מְעָ֑ט וַֽיְהִי־שָׁ֕ם לְגֹ֥וי גָּדֹ֖ול עָצ֥וּם וָרָֽב׃

ה וענית ואמרת לפני יהוה אלהיך ארמי אבד אבי וירד מצרימה ויגר שם במתי מעט ויהי שם לגוי גדול עצום ורב

וענית ואמרת לפני ׀ יהוה אלהיך ארמי אבד אבי וירד מצרימה ויגר שם במתי מעט ויהי־שם לגוי גדול עצום ורב׃

5 Mózes 26:5
És szólj, és mondjad az Úr elõtt, a te Istened elõtt: Veszendõ mesopotámiai vala az atyám, és aláment vala Égyiptomba, és jövevény volt ott kevesed magával; nagy, erõs és temérdek néppé lõn ottan.

Moseo 5: Readmono 26:5
Kaj vi ekparolos, kaj diros antaux la Eternulo, via Dio:Vaganta Siriano estis mia patro, kaj li foriris en Egiptujon kaj enlogxigxis tie fremdule kun malmulte da homoj, kaj farigxis tie popolo granda, forta, kaj multenombra;

Niin lausu sinä, ja sano Herran sinun Jumalas edessä: minun raadollinen isäni oli Syrialainen, ja meni Egyptiin vähällä joukolla, ja oli siellä muukalainen, ja hän tuli siellä suureksi, väkeväksi ja monilukuiseksi kansaksi.

Deutéronome 26:5
Et tu prendras la parole, et tu diras devant l'Éternel, ton Dieu: Mon père était un Araméen qui périssait, et il descendit en Égypte avec peu de gens, et il y séjourna, et y devint une nation grande, forte, et nombreuse.

Tu prendras encore la parole, et tu diras devant l'Eternel, ton Dieu: Mon père était un Araméen nomade; il descendit en Egypte avec peu de gens, et il y fixa son séjour; là, il devint une nation grande, puissante et nombreuse.

Puis tu prendras la parole, et diras devant l'Eternel ton Dieu : Mon père était un pauvre misérable Syrien; il descendit en Egypte avec un petit nombre de gens; il y séjourna, et y devint une nation grande, puissante, et nombreuse.

5 Mose 26:5
Da sollst du antworten und sagen vor dem HERRN, deinem Gott: Die Syrer wollten meinen Vater umbringen; der zog hinab nach Ägypten und war daselbst ein Fremdling mit geringem Volk und ward daselbst ein groß, stark und viel Volk.

Da sollst du antworten und sagen vor dem HERRN, deinem Gott: Mein Vater war ein Syrer und nahe dem Umkommen und zog hinab nach Ägypten und war daselbst ein Fremdling mit geringem Volk und ward daselbst ein großes, starkes und zahlreiches Volk.

und du sollst anheben und vor Jahwe, deinem Gotte, also sprechen: Ein umherirrender Aramäer war mein Vater; der zog mit einer geringen Zahl von Leuten hinab nach Ägypten, hielt sich dort als Fremdling auf und wurde dort zu einem großen, starken und zahlreichen Volke.

Deuteronomio 26:5
e tu pronunzierai queste parole davanti all’Eterno, ch’è il tuo Dio: "Mio padre era un Arameo errante; scese in Egitto, vi stette come straniero con poca gente, e vi diventò una nazione grande, potente e numerosa.

Appresso prendi a dire davanti al Signore Iddio tuo: Il padre mio era un misero Siro, e discese in Egitto con poca gente, e dimorò quivi come straniere, e quivi divenne una nazione grande, e potente, e numerosa.

Maka hendaklah kamu sahut serta katamu di hadapan hadirat Tuhan, Allahmu: Bahwa bapaku seorang Aram yang mengembara, maka turunlah ia ke Mesir, lalu menumpanglah di sana selaku orang dagang, lagi sedikit bilangan orangnya, maka di sanalah iapun menjadi suatu bangsa yang besar dan kuasa dan banyak bilangannya!

신명기 26:5
너는 또 네 하나님 여호와 앞에 아뢰기를 내 조상은 유리하는 아람 사람으로서 소수의 사람을 거느리고 애굽에 내려가서 거기 우거하여 필경은 거기서 크고 강하고 번성한 민족이 되었더니

Deuteronomium 26:5
et loqueris in conspectu Domini Dei tui Syrus persequebatur patrem meum qui descendit in Aegyptum et ibi peregrinatus est in paucissimo numero crevitque in gentem magnam et robustam et infinitae multitudinis

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 26:5
Tu sakysi Viešpaties, savo Dievo, akivaizdoje: ‘Mano tėvas buvo klajoklis aramėjas, jis nuėjo į Egiptą su labai mažu žmonių skaičiumi ir buvo ten ateivis. Jis tapo didele, stipria ir gausia tauta.

Deuteronomy 26:5
Ko reira koe oho atu ai, mea ai ki te aroaro o Ihowa, o tou Atua, Ko toku matua he Hiriani, i ora noa i te mate; a haere ana ia ki raro, ki Ihipa, a noho ana i reira, he hunga torutoru; na meinga ana ia hei iwi nui i reira, he kaha, he tini:

5 Mosebok 26:5
Da skal du ta til orde og si for Herrens, din Guds åsyn: Min far var en omvankende araméer, og han drog ned til Egypten og bodde der som fremmed med en liten flokk; og der blev han til et stort, sterkt og tallrikt folk.

Deuteronomio 26:5
Y responderás y dirás delante del SEÑOR tu Dios: ``Mi padre fue un arameo errante y descendió a Egipto y residió allí, siendo pocos en número; pero allí llegó a ser una nación grande, fuerte y numerosa.

"Y tú responderás delante del SEÑOR tu Dios: 'Mi padre fue un Arameo errante y descendió a Egipto y residió allí, siendo pocos en número; pero allí llegó a ser una nación grande, fuerte y numerosa.

Entonces hablarás y dirás delante de Jehová tu Dios: Un arameo a punto de perecer fue mi padre, el cual descendió a Egipto y peregrinó allá con pocos hombres, y allí llegó a ser una nación grande, fuerte y numerosa.

Entonces hablarás y dirás delante de Jehová tu Dios: Un Siro á punto de perecer fué mi padre, el cual descendió á Egipto y peregrinó allá con pocos hombres, y allí creció en gente grande, fuerte y numerosa:

Entonces hablarás y dirás delante del SEÑOR tu Dios: Mi padre, el Siro, pereciendo de hambre descendió a Egipto y peregrinó allá con pocos hombres, y allí creció en gente grande, fuerte y numerosa;

Deuteronômio 26:5
Então, solicitando a palavra, tu declararás em alta voz diante de Yahweh, teu Deus: ‘Meu pai era um arameu errante. Ele desceu ao Egito com um pequeno grupo de pessoas e ali viveu e tornou-se uma grande nação, poderosa e numerosa.

E perante o Senhor teu Deus dirás: Arameu prestes a perecer era meu pai; e desceu ao Egito com pouca gente, para ali morar; e veio a ser ali uma nação grande, forte e numerosa.   

Deuteronom 26:5
Apoi să iei iarăş cuvîntul, şi să spui înaintea Domnului, Dumnezeului tău: ,,Tatăl meu era un Arameu pribeag, gata să piară; s'a pogorît în Egipt cu puţini inşi, şi s'a aşezat acolo pentru o vreme. Acolo, a ajuns un neam mare, puternic şi mare la număr.

Второзаконие 26:5
Ты же отвечай и скажи пред Господом Богом твоим: отец мой был странствующий Арамеянин, и пошел в Египет и поселился там с немногими людьми, и произошел там от него народ великий, сильный и многочисленный;

Ты же отвечай и скажи пред Господом Богом твоим: отец мой был странствующий Арамеянин, и пошел в Египет и поселился там с немногими людьми, и произошел там от него народ великий, сильный и многочисленный;[]

5 Mosebok 26:5
Och du skall betyga och säga inför HERRENS, din Guds, ansikte: »Min fader var en hemlös aramé, som drog ned till Egypten och bodde där såsom främling med en ringa hop, och där blev av honom ett stort, mäktigt och talrikt folk.

Deuteronomy 26:5
At ikaw ay sasagot, at magsasabi sa harap ng Panginoon mong Dios, Isang taga Siria na kamunti nang mamatay ang aking ama; siyang bumaba sa Egipto, at nakipamayan doon, na kaunti sa bilang; at doo'y naging isang bansang malaki, makapangyarihan, at makapal:

พระราชบัญญัติ 26:5
และท่านจงตอบสนองต่อพระพักตร์พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่านว่า `บิดาของข้าพระองค์เป็นชาวซีเรียที่กำลังพินาศอยู่ ท่านลงไปในอียิปต์และอาศัยอยู่ที่นั่นมีแต่จำนวนน้อย ที่นั่นท่านก็กลายเป็นประชาชาติหนึ่งใหญ่โตแข็งแรงและมีพลเมืองมาก

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 26:5
Sonra Tanrınız RABbin önünde şu açıklamayı yapacaksınız: ‹Babam göçebe bir Aramlıydı. Sayıca az kişiyle Mısıra gidip orada yaşamaya başladı. Orada büyük, güçlü, kalabalık bir ulus oldu.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 26:5
Ðoạn, ngươi cất tiếng nói tại trước mặt Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi rằng: Tổ phụ tôi là người A-ram phiêu lưu, đi xuống xứ Ê-díp-tô kiều ngụ tại đó, số người ít, mà lại trở thành một dân tộc lớn, mạnh và đông.

Deuteronomy 26:4
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