Deuteronomy 20:8
Deuteronomy 20:8
Then the officers shall add, "Is anyone afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his fellow soldiers will not become disheartened too."

"Then the officers will also say, 'Is anyone here afraid or worried? If you are, you may go home before you frighten anyone else.'

And the officers shall speak further to the people, and say, ‘Is there any man who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go back to his house, lest he make the heart of his fellows melt like his own.’

"Then the officers shall speak further to the people and say, 'Who is the man that is afraid and fainthearted? Let him depart and return to his house, so that he might not make his brothers' hearts melt like his heart.'

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.

The officers will continue to address the army and say, 'Is there any man who is afraid or cowardly? Let him leave and return home, so that his brothers' hearts won't melt like his own.'

"Let the officials also speak to the army, 'Is there a man here who is afraid and faint-hearted? Let him go back home. Otherwise, he may demoralize his fellow soldier.'

In addition, the officers are to say to the troops, "Who among you is afraid and fainthearted? He may go home so that he will not make his fellow soldier's heart as fearful as his own."

The officers should also tell the troops, "If you are afraid or have lost your courage, you may go home. Then you won't ruin the morale of the other Israelites."

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and a coward at heart? Let him go and return unto his house that he not cause his brethren's hearts to become as his heart.

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.

And the officers shall speak further to the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return to his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and faint-hearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart melt as his heart.

After these things are declared they shall add the rest, and shall speak to the people: What man is there that is fearful, and faint hearted? let him go, and return to his house, lest he make the hearts of his brethren to fear, as he himself is possessed with fear.

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and shall say, What man is there that is timid and faint-hearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart melt as well as his heart.

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart melt as his heart.

And the officers shall speak further to the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and faint-hearted? let him go and return to his house, lest his brethren's heart should faint as well as his heart.

The officers shall speak further to the people, and they shall say, "What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go and return to his house, lest his brother's heart melt as his heart."

And the authorities have added to speak unto the people, and said, Who is the man that is afraid and tender of heart? -- let him go and turn back to his house, and the heart of his brethren doth not melt like his heart;

Ligji i Përtërirë 20:8
Pastaj oficerët do t'i flasin akoma popullit, duke i thënë: "A ka ndonjë që ka frikë dhe të cilit i mungon guximi? Le të shkojë dhe të kthehet në shtëpi të tij, që guximi i vëllezërve të tij të mos mehet ashtu si i ndodhi atij".

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 20:8
ثم يعود العرفاء يخاطبون الشعب ويقولون من هو الرجل الخائف والضعيف القلب. ليذهب ويرجع الى بيته لئلا تذوب قلوب اخوته مثل قلبه.

De Ander Ee 20:8
Weiters sollnd de Öbrigstn d Wörmannen fraagn: Ist öbbenn gar ainer dyrbei, der wo Angst haat und +ietz schoon verzagt? Der sollt haimgeen; nit däß yr seine Brüeder aau non anstöckt dyrmit.

Второзаконие 20:8
Военачалниците да говорят още на людете, като рекат: Кой е страхлив и малодушен?- Нека си иде и се върне у дома си, да не би да премалнеят сърцата на братята му, както неговото сърце.

申 命 記 20:8
官 長 又 要 對 百 姓 宣 告 說 : 誰 懼 怕 膽 怯 , 他 可 以 回 家 去 , 恐 怕 他 弟 兄 的 心 消 化 , 和 他 一 樣 。

官 长 又 要 对 百 姓 宣 告 说 : 谁 惧 怕 胆 怯 , 他 可 以 回 家 去 , 恐 怕 他 弟 兄 的 心 消 化 , 和 他 一 样 。



Deuteronomy 20:8
Neka nadglednici nastave te narodu kažu: 'Tko se boji i kome srce trne, neka se vrati domu svome da ne trne srce njegovoj braći kao njemu.'

Deuteronomium 20:8
Přidadí i toto hejtmané, mluvíce k lidu, a řeknou: Kdo jest bázlivý a lekavého srdce, odejdi a navrať se do domu svého, aby nezemdlil srdce bratří svých, jako jest srdce jeho.

5 Mosebog 20:8
Og Tilsynsmændene skal fremdeles tale til Folket og sige: »Er der nogen, som er bange og forsagt, maa han have Lov at vende hjem til sit Hus, for at ikke hans Brødre skal blive forsagte, som han selv er det!«

Deuteronomium 20:8
Daarna zullen de ambtlieden voortvaren te spreken tot het volk, en zeggen: Wie is de man, die vreesachtig en week van hart is? Die ga henen en kere weder naar zijn huis; opdat het hart zijner broederen niet smelte, gelijk zijn hart.

דברים 20:8
וְיָסְפ֣וּ הַשֹּׁטְרִים֮ לְדַבֵּ֣ר אֶל־הָעָם֒ וְאָמְר֗וּ מִי־הָאִ֤ישׁ הַיָּרֵא֙ וְרַ֣ךְ הַלֵּבָ֔ב יֵלֵ֖ךְ וְיָשֹׁ֣ב לְבֵיתֹ֑ו וְלֹ֥א יִמַּ֛ס אֶת־לְבַ֥ב אֶחָ֖יו כִּלְבָבֹֽו׃

ח ויספו השטרים לדבר אל העם ואמרו מי האיש הירא ורך הלבב ילך וישב לביתו ולא ימס את לבב אחיו כלבבו

ויספו השטרים לדבר אל־העם ואמרו מי־האיש הירא ורך הלבב ילך וישב לביתו ולא ימס את־לבב אחיו כלבבו׃

5 Mózes 20:8
Még tovább is szóljanak az elõljárók a néphez, és ezt mondják: Kicsoda olyan férfi, a ki félénk és lágy szívû? Menjen el, és térjen vissza az õ házába, hogy az õ atyjafiainak szíve úgy meg ne olvadjon, mint az õ szíve.

Moseo 5: Readmono 20:8
Kaj plue la kontrolistoj parolu al la popolo, kaj diru:Kiu estas timema kaj senkuragxa, tiu iru kaj revenu al sia domo, por ke li ne senkuragxigu la koron de siaj fratoj, kiel lia koro estas.

Ja sodan päämiehet vielä puhukaan kansalle ja sanokaan: joka pelkuri on ja vapisevaisella sydämellä, hän menkään pois ja palatkaan kotiansa, ettei hän saattaisi veljeinsä sydämiä pelkuriksi, niinkuin hänen sydämensä on.

Deutéronome 20:8
Et les magistrats continueront à parler au peuple, et diront: Qui est l'homme qui a peur et dont le coeur faiblit? qu'il s'en aille et retourne dans sa maison de peur que le coeur de ses frères ne se fonde comme le sien.

Les officiers continueront à parler au peuple, et diront: Qui est-ce qui a peur et manque de courage? Qu'il s'en aille et retourne chez lui, afin que ses frères ne se découragent pas comme lui.

Et les officiers continueront à parler au peuple, et diront : Si quelqu'un est timide et lâche, qu'il s'en aille, et s'en retourne en sa maison, de peur que le cœur de ses frères ne se fonde comme le sien.

5 Mose 20:8
Und die Amtleute sollen weiter mit dem Volk reden und sprechen: Welcher sich fürchtet und ein verzagtes Herz hat, der gehe hin und bleibe daheim, auf daß er nicht auch seiner Brüder Herz feige mache, wie sein Herz ist.

Und die Amtleute sollen weiter mit dem Volk reden und sprechen: Welcher sich fürchtet und ein verzagtes Herz hat, der gehe hin und bleibe daheim, auf daß er nicht auch seiner Brüder Herz feige mache, wie sein Herz ist.

Weiter sollen dann die Beamten zu dem Kriegsvolke sprechen: Jeder, der furchtsam und mutlos ist, trete ab und kehre heim, damit er seine Volksgenossen, nicht auch so mutlos mache, wie er ist.

Deuteronomio 20:8
E gli ufficiali parleranno ancora al popolo, dicendo: "C’è qualcuno che abbia paura e senta venirgli meno il cuore? Vada, torni a casa sua, onde il cuore de’ suoi fratelli non abbia ad avvilirsi come il suo".

Gli Ufficiali parlino ancora al popolo, e dicano: Chi è timido, e di poco cuore? vada e ritorni a casa sua, acciocchè i suoi fratelli non s’inviliscano di cuore come esso.

Dan lagi hendaklah dilanjutkan panglima itu katanya demikian: Mana orang yang penakut dan yang tawar hatinya, baiklah ia pergi dan pulang ke rumahnya, supaya jangan hati saudara-saudaranyapun menjadi tawar seperti hati orang itu.

신명기 20:8
유사들은 오히려 또 백성에게 고하여 이르기를 두려워서 마음에 겁내는 자가 있느냐 ? 그는 집으로 돌아갈지니 그 형제들의 마음도 그의 마음과 같이 떨어질까 하노라 하여

Deuteronomium 20:8
his dictis addent reliqua et loquentur ad populum quis est homo formidolosus et corde pavido vadat et revertatur in domum suam ne pavere faciat corda fratrum suorum sicut ipse timore perterritus est

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 20:8
Ir dar vyresnieji sakys: ‘Ar yra bailių ir nedrąsių? Grįžkite į savo namus, kad jūsų baimė nepersiduotų jūsų broliams’.

Deuteronomy 20:8
A me korero ano nga kaiwhakahauhau ki te iwi, me ki atu, Tenei ranei tetahi e wehi ana, e hopi ana te ngakau? me haere ia, me hoki atu ki tona whare, kei ngohe nga ngakau o ona teina, kei rite ki tona ngakau.

5 Mosebok 20:8
Og tilsynsmennene skal fremdeles tale til folket og si: Er her nogen mann som er redd og motfallen, så kan han gå og vende tilbake til sitt hus, forat ikke hans brødres hjerte skal bli mistrøstig, likesom hans eget hjerte er.

Deuteronomio 20:8
Entonces los oficiales hablarán otra vez al pueblo, y dirán: ``¿Quién es hombre medroso y de corazón apocado? Que salga y regrese a su casa para que no haga desfallecer el corazón de sus hermanos como desfallece el corazón suyo.

"Entonces los oficiales hablarán otra vez al pueblo, y dirán: '¿Quién es hombre medroso y de corazón apocado? Que salga y regrese a su casa para que no haga desfallecer el corazón de sus hermanos como desfallece el corazón suyo.'

Y los oficiales hablarán otra vez al pueblo, y dirán: ¿Quién es hombre medroso y apocado de corazón? Vaya, y vuélvase a su casa, y no apoque el corazón de sus hermanos, como el corazón suyo.

Y tornarán los oficiales á hablar al pueblo, y dirán: ¿Quién es hombre medroso y tierno de corazón? Vaya, y vuélvase á su casa, y no apoque el corazón de sus hermanos, como su corazón.

Y volverán los alcaldes a hablar al pueblo, y dirán: ¿Quién es hombre medroso y cobarde de corazón? Vaya, y vuélvase a su casa, y no apoque el corazón de sus hermanos, como su corazón.

Deuteronômio 20:8
E os escribas continuarão a proclamar ao povo: ‘Quem está apavorado e não tem coragem para prosseguir? Que se retire agora e volte para casa, para que sua covardia não desanime seus irmãos!’

Assim continuarão os oficiais a falar ao povo, dizendo: Qual é o homem medroso e de coração tímido? vá, e torne para casa, a fim de que o coração de seus irmãos não se derreta como o seu coração.   

Deuteronom 20:8
Mai marii oştirii să vorbească mai departe poporului, şi să spună: ,,Cine este fricos şi slab la inimă, să plece şi să se întoarcă acasă, ca să nu moaie inima fraţilor lui``.

Второзаконие 20:8
И еще объявят надзиратели народу, и скажут: кто боязлив и малодушен, тот пусть идет и возвратится в дом свой, дабы онне сделал робкими сердца братьев его, как его сердце.

И еще объявят надзиратели народу, и скажут: кто боязлив и малодушен, тот пусть идет и возвратится в дом свой, дабы он не сделал робкими сердца братьев его, как его сердце.[]

5 Mosebok 20:8
Vidare skola tillsyningsmännen tala till folket och säga: »Om någon finnes här, som fruktar och har ett försagt hjärta, så må han vända tillbaka hem, för att icke också hans bröders hjärtan må bliva uppfyllda av räddhåga, såsom hans eget hjärta är.»

Deuteronomy 20:8
At muling magsasalita ang mga puno sa bayan, at kanilang sasabihin, Sinong lalake ang matatakutin at mahinang loob? siya'y yumaon at bumalik sa kaniyang bahay, baka ang puso ng kaniyang mga kapatid ay manglupaypay na gaya ng kaniyang puso.

พระราชบัญญัติ 20:8
และนายทหารจะพูดกับประชาชนต่อไปอีกว่า `ผู้ใดที่อยู่ที่นี่มีจิตใจกลัวและวิตก ให้ผู้นั้นกลับไปบ้านของตนเสีย เกรงว่าจิตใจพี่น้องของเขาจะละลายไปเหมือนกับจิตใจของเขา'

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 20:8
‹‹Görevliler konuşmalarını şöyle sürdürecekler: ‹Aranızda korkan, cesaretini yitiren var mı? Evine dönsün. Öyle ki, kardeşlerinin yürekleri onunki gibi ürpermesin.›[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 20:8
Các quan trưởng sẽ cứ nói tiếp cùng dân sự mà rằng: Ai là người sợ và nhất? Hãy đi trở về nhà mình, e lòng của anh em mình tán đởm như lòng mình chăng.

Deuteronomy 20:7
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