Deuteronomy 20:20
Deuteronomy 20:20
However, you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.

You may only cut down trees that you know are not valuable for food. Use them to make the equipment you need to attack the enemy town until it falls.

Only the trees that you know are not trees for food you may destroy and cut down, that you may build siegeworks against the city that makes war with you, until it falls.

"Only the trees which you know are not fruit trees you shall destroy and cut down, that you may construct siegeworks against the city that is making war with you until it falls.

Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be subdued.

But you may destroy the trees that you know do not produce food. You may cut them down to build siege works against the city that is waging war against you, until it falls."

However, you may cut down the trees whose fruit you know isn't edible, in order to build siege works against the city that waged war with you, until it falls."

However, you may chop down any tree you know is not suitable for food, and you may use it to build siege works against the city that is making war with you until that city falls.

You may destroy trees that you know are not fruit trees. You may cut them down and use them in your blockade until you capture the city.

Only the trees which thou knowest that they are not trees for food, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that makes war with thee, until it is subdued.

Only the trees which you know will not be trees for food, you shall destroy and cut them down; and you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until it is subdued.

Only the trees which you know that they be not trees for meat, you shall destroy and cut them down; and you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until it be subdued.

Only the trees of which thou knowest that they are not trees for food, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it fall.

But if there be any trees that are not fruitful, but wild, and fit for other uses, cut them down, and make engines, until thou take the city, which fighteth against thee.

Only the trees which thou knowest are not trees for meat, thou mayest destroy and cut them down, and build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it fall.

Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it fall.

Only the trees which thou knowest that they are not trees for food, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it shall be subdued.

Only the trees of which you know that they are not trees for food, you shall destroy and cut them down; and you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you, until it fall.

Only, the tree, which thou knowest that it is not a fruit-tree, it thou dost destroy, and hast cut down, and hast built a bulwark against the city which is making with thee war till thou hast subdued it.

Ligji i Përtërirë 20:20
Por mund të shkatërrosh dhe të rrëzosh gjithë drurët që ti e di që nuk janë frutorë, për të ndërtuar vepra rrethimi kundër qytetit që të lufton, deri sa ai të bjerë".

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 20:20
واما الشجر الذي تعرف انه ليس شجرا يؤكل منه فاياه تتلف وتقطع وتبني حصنا على المدينة التي تعمل معك حربا حتى تسقط

De Ander Ee 20:20
Grad wennst waisst, däß aine Baeum kaine Fruchtbaeum seind, derffst ys schaedignen aau. Du kanst ys ummachen, däßst dyr Bollwercher baust, hinst däß dö Stat, wo durchaus mit dir kömpfen will, fallt.

Второзаконие 20:20
Само дърветата, които знаеш, че не са хранителни дървета, тях можеш да унищожаваш и изсичаш; и [с тях] да правиш кули против града, който ти се противи, догде бъде превзет.

申 命 記 20:20
惟 獨 你 所 知 道 不 是 結 果 毀 壞 、 砍 伐 , 用 以 修 築 營 壘 , 攻 擊 那 與 你 打 仗 的 城 , 直 到 攻 塌 了 。

惟 独 你 所 知 道 不 是 结 果 毁 坏 、 砍 伐 , 用 以 修 筑 营 垒 , 攻 击 那 与 你 打 仗 的 城 , 直 到 攻 塌 了 。



Deuteronomy 20:20
Jedino stabla za koja znaš da nisu voćke možeš ništiti; njih možeš sjeći i od njih praviti naprave za opsadu grada koji je u ratu protiv tebe dok ne padne.

Deuteronomium 20:20
A však stromoví, kteréž znáš, že nenese ovoce ku pokrmu, pohubíš a posekáš, a vzděláš ohrady proti městu tomu, kteréž s tebou bojuje, dokudž ho sobě nepodmaníš.

5 Mosebog 20:20
Kun Træer, du ved, ikke bærer spiselig Frugt, maa du ødelægge og fælde for at bygge Belejringsværker mod den By, som er i Krig med dig, til den falder.

Deuteronomium 20:20
Maar het geboomte, hetwelk gij kennen zult, dat het geen geboomte ter spijze is, dat zult gij verderven en afhouwen; en gij zult een bolwerk bouwen tegen deze stad, dewelke tegen u krijg voert, totdat zij ten onderga.

דברים 20:20
רַ֞ק עֵ֣ץ אֲשֶׁר־תֵּדַ֗ע כִּֽי־לֹא־עֵ֤ץ מַאֲכָל֙ ה֔וּא אֹתֹ֥ו תַשְׁחִ֖ית וְכָרָ֑תָּ וּבָנִ֣יתָ מָצֹ֗ור עַל־הָעִיר֙ אֲשֶׁר־הִ֨וא עֹשָׂ֧ה עִמְּךָ֛ מִלְחָמָ֖ה עַ֥ד רִדְתָּֽהּ׃ פ

כ רק עץ אשר תדע כי לא עץ מאכל הוא--אתו תשחית וכרת ובנית מצור על העיר אשר הוא עשה עמך מלחמה--עד רדתה  {פ}

רק עץ אשר־תדע כי־לא־עץ מאכל הוא אתו תשחית וכרת ובנית מצור על־העיר אשר־הוא עשה עמך מלחמה עד רדתה׃ פ

5 Mózes 20:20
Csak a mely fáról tudod, hogy nem gyümölcstermõ, azt veszítsd el és irtsd ki, és abból építs erõsséget az ellen a város ellen, a mely te ellened hadakozik, mind addig, a míg leomlik az.

Moseo 5: Readmono 20:20
Nur tian arbon, pri kiu vi scios, ke gxi ne estas arbo fruktodona, vi povas ruinigi kaj forhaki, por konstrui bastionojn kontraux la urbo, kiu militas kontraux vi, gxis vi gxin venkos.

Vaan ne puut, joista tiedät, ettei ne ole syötäviä, hävitä ja hakkaa maahan, ja rakenna varustus kaupunkia vastaan, jonka kanssa sinä sodit, siksi kuin sinä voitat sen.

Deutéronome 20:20
Seulement, l'arbre que tu connaîtras n'être pas un arbre dont on mange, celui-là tu le détruiras et tu le couperas, et tu en construiras des ouvrages pour assiéger la ville qui est en guerre avec toi, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe.

Mais tu pourras détruire et abattre les arbres que tu sauras ne pas être des arbres servant à la nourriture, et en construire des retranchements contre la ville qui te fait la guerre, jusqu'à ce qu'elle succombe.

Mais seulement tu détruiras et tu couperas les arbres que tu connaîtras n'être point des arbres fruitiers ; et tu en bâtiras des forts contre la ville qui te fait la guerre, jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit subjuguée.

5 Mose 20:20
Welches aber Bäume sind, die du weißt, daß man nicht davon isset, die sollst du verderben und ausrotten und Bollwerk draus bauen wider die Stadt, die mit dir krieget, bis daß du ihrer mächtig werdest.

Welches aber Bäume sind, von denen du weißt, daß man nicht davon ißt, die sollst du verderben und ausrotten und Bollwerk daraus bauen wider die Stadt, die mit dir kriegt, bis du ihrer mächtig werdest.

Deuteronomio 20:20
Potrai però distruggere e abbattere gli alberi che saprai non esser alberi da frutto, e ne costruirai delle opere d’assedio contro la città che fa guerra teco, finch’essa cada.

Sol potrai guastare, e tagliar gli alberi che tu conoscerai non essere alberi da mangiare; e ne potrai fabbricar ciò che sarà necessario all’assedio della città che guerreggerà contro a te, fin ch’ella caggia.

Tetapi adapun segala kayu-kayuan yang kamu ketahui bukan pohon yang dapat dimakan buahnya, ia itu hendaklah kamu bantun dan kamu tebang dan perbuatkan dia apilan akan melawan negeri yang berperang dengan kamu, sampai ia itu sudah alah.

신명기 20:20
오직 과목이 아닌 줄로 아는 수목은 작벌하여 너희와 싸우는 그 성읍을 치는 기구를 만들어 그 성읍을 함락시킬 때까지 쓸지니라

Deuteronomium 20:20
si qua autem ligna non sunt pomifera sed agrestia et in ceteros apta usus succide et extrue machinas donec capias civitatem quae contra te dimicat

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 20:20
Tik medžius, kurie neneša vaisiaus, tinkančio valgymui, gali kirsti ir pasidaryti iš jų sustiprinimus apgulčiai, kol miestas bus paimtas”.

Deuteronomy 20:20
Ko nga rakau anake e mohio ai koe ehara i te rakau kai, ko ena au e whakakore, ka tua ki raro; a ka hanga he taiepa whakapae mo te pa e whawhai ana ki a koe, a horo noa.

5 Mosebok 20:20
Men de trær som du vet ikke bærer spiselig frukt, dem kan du ødelegge og hugge ned og bruke til å bygge bolverk mot den by som fører krig mot dig, inntil den faller.

Deuteronomio 20:20
Sólo los árboles que sabes que no dan fruto podrás destruir y talar, para construir máquinas de sitio contra la ciudad que está en guerra contigo, hasta que caiga.

"Sólo los árboles que sabes que no dan fruto podrás destruir y talar, para construir máquinas de sitio contra la ciudad que está en guerra contigo, hasta que caiga.

Mas el árbol que supieres que no es árbol para comer, lo destruirás y lo talarás, y construye baluarte contra la ciudad que pelea contigo, hasta sojuzgarla.

Mas el árbol que supieres que no es árbol para comer, lo destruirás y lo talarás, y construye baluarte contra la ciudad que pelea contigo, hasta sojuzgarla.

Mas el árbol que supieres que no es árbol para comer, lo destruirás y lo talarás, y edificarás baluarte contra la ciudad que pelea contigo, hasta sojuzgarla.

Deuteronômio 20:20
Somente a árvore que souberes que é árvore que não dá frutos que se comam, esta, então, poderás cortar e talhar para fazer instrumentos que ajudem o cerco, até que tenhas conquistado definitivamente a cidade que está em guerra contra vós!

Somente as árvores que souberes não serem árvores cujo fruto se pode comer, é que destruirás e cortarás, e contra a cidade que guerrear contra ti edificarás baluartes, até que seja vencida.   

Deuteronom 20:20
Numai copacii pe cari -i vei şti că nu sînt pomi buni de mîncat, vei putea să -i strici şi să -i tai, şi vei putea să faci cu ei întărituri împotriva cetăţii care este în război cu tine, pînă va cădea.

Второзаконие 20:20
только те дерева, о которых ты знаешь, что они ничего не приносят в пищу, можешь портить и рубить, и строить укрепление против города, которыйведет с тобою войну, доколе не покоришь его.

только те дерева, о которых ты знаешь, что они ничего не приносят в пищу, можешь портить и рубить, и строить укрепление против города, который ведет с тобою войну, доколе не покоришь его.[]

5 Mosebok 20:20
Men de träd om vilka du vet att de icke bära ätbar frukt, dem må du förstöra och hugga ned för att av dem bygga bålverk mot den fientliga staden, till dess att den faller

Deuteronomy 20:20
Ang mga punong kahoy lamang na iyong kilala na hindi mga kahoy na nakakain, ang iyong sisirain at ibubuwal; at iyong itatayong mga kuta laban sa bayang nakikibaka sa iyo, hanggang sa maibuwal mo.

พระราชบัญญัติ 20:20
เฉพาะต้นไม้ที่ท่านทราบว่าไม่ใช้เป็นอาหาร ท่านจะทำลายและโค่นลงก็ได้ เพื่อจะใช้สร้างเครื่องล้อมเมืองซึ่งสู้รบกับท่าน จนกว่าเมืองนั้นจะแตก"

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 20:20
Yalnız ürün vermediğini bildiğiniz ağaçları kesip yok edebilirsiniz. Sizinle savaşan kenti ele geçirene dek kesilen ağaçları kuşatma işinde kullanabilirsiniz.››[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 20:20
Ngươi chỉ phải phá hại và chặt những cây mình biết chẳng phải là cây ăn trái; hãy dùng nó cất đồn lũy để đánh thành đang làm giặc với mình đó, cho đến chừng nào nó đầu hàng.

Deuteronomy 20:19
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