Deuteronomy 2:14
Deuteronomy 2:14
Thirty-eight years passed from the time we left Kadesh Barnea until we crossed the Zered Valley. By then, that entire generation of fighting men had perished from the camp, as the LORD had sworn to them.

"Thirty-eight years passed from the time we first left Kadesh-barnea until we finally crossed the Zered Brook! By then, all the men old enough to fight in battle had died in the wilderness, as the LORD had vowed would happen.

And the time from our leaving Kadesh-barnea until we crossed the brook Zered was thirty-eight years, until the entire generation, that is, the men of war, had perished from the camp, as the LORD had sworn to them.

"Now the time that it took for us to come from Kadesh-barnea until we crossed over the brook Zered was thirty-eight years, until all the generation of the men of war perished from within the camp, as the LORD had sworn to them.

And the space in which we came from Kadeshbarnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the host, as the LORD sware unto them.

The time we spent traveling from Kadesh-barnea until we crossed the Zered Valley was 38 years until the entire generation of fighting men had perished from the camp, as the LORD had sworn to them.

Now from the time we left Kadesh-barnea until we crossed the Wadi Zered was 38 years. All of that generation, the soldiers in the camp, were destroyed just as the LORD swore they would be.

Now the length of time it took for us to go from Kadesh Barnea to the crossing of Wadi Zered was thirty-eight years, time for all the military men of that generation to die, just as the LORD had vowed to them.

Thirty-eight years passed from the time we left Kadesh Barnea until we crossed the Zered River. During that time all our soldiers from that generation died, as the LORD had sworn they would.

And the days in which we came from Kadeshbarnea until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty-eight years until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the camp, as the LORD swore unto them.

And the time in which we came from Kadeshbarnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were perished from among the camp as the LORD swore unto them.

And the space in which we came from Kadeshbarnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the host, as the LORD swore to them.

And the days in which we came from Kadesh-barnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, were thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were consumed from the midst of the camp, as Jehovah sware unto them.

And the time that we journeyed from Cadesbarne till we passed over the torrent Zared, was thirty-eight years: until all the generation of the men that were fit for war was consumed out of the camp, as the Lord had sworn:

Now the days in which we came from Kadesh-barnea, until we had come over the torrent Zered, were thirty-eight years; until the whole generation of the men of war was consumed from the midst of the camp, as Jehovah had sworn unto them.

And the days in which we came from Kadesh-barnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, were thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were consumed from the midst of the camp, as the LORD sware unto them.

And the space in which we came from Kadesh-barnea, until we passed the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted from among the host, as the LORD swore to them.

The days in which we came from Kadesh Barnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, were thirty-eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were consumed from the midst of the camp, as Yahweh swore to them.

And the days which we have walked from Kadesh-Barnea until that we have passed over the brook Zered, are thirty and eight years, till the consumption of all the generation of the men of battle from the midst of the camp, as Jehovah hath sworn to them;

Ligji i Përtërirë 2:14
Koha e nevojshme për të arritur nga Kadesh-Barnea deri në kalimin e përroit të Zeredit, ishte tridhjetë e tetë vjet, deri sa tërë brezi i luftëtarëve të zhdukej plotësisht nga kampi, ashtu si u qe betuar atyre Zoti.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 2:14
والايام التي سرنا فيها من قادش برنيع حتى عبرنا وادي زارد كانت ثماني وثلاثين سنة. حتى فني كل الجيل رجال الحرب من وسط المحلّة كما اقسم الرب لهم.

De Ander Ee 2:14
Achtydreissg Jaar war de Zeit lang, wo myr von Kädisch-Bärnau aus gwandert warnd, hinst däß myr s Felberbachtal gyrraichend. So lang gadauert s, hinst däß dös alte Wörmannengschlächt wögggstorbn war, yso däß kainer meer dyrbei war, wie s ien dyr Herr gschworn hiet.

Второзаконие 2:14
Времето, през което пътувахме от Кадис-варни догде преминахме потока Заред, беше тридесет и осем години, догде се довърши изсред стана цялото поколение на воюващите мъже, както им се кле Господ.

申 命 記 2:14
自 從 離 開 加 低 斯 巴 尼 亞 , 到 過 了 撒 烈 溪 的 時 候 , 共 有 三 十 八 年 , 等 那 世 代 的 兵 丁 都 從 營 中 滅 盡 , 正 如 耶 和 華 向 他 們 所 起 的 誓 。

自 从 离 开 加 低 斯 巴 尼 亚 , 到 过 了 撒 烈 溪 的 时 候 , 共 有 三 十 八 年 , 等 那 世 代 的 兵 丁 都 从 营 中 灭 尽 , 正 如 耶 和 华 向 他 们 所 起 的 誓 。



Deuteronomy 2:14
Vrijeme što smo išli od Kadeš Barnee pa dok smo prešli preko potoka Zereda iznosilo je trideset i osam godina - sve dok nije izumro iz tabora sav onaj naraštaj ljudi sposobnih za borbu, kako im se Jahve i zakleo.

Deuteronomium 2:14
Času pak, v němž jsme šli z Kádesbarne, až jsme přešli potok Záred, bylo let třidceti osm, dokavadž nebyl vyhlazen všecken věk mužů bojovných z prostřed stanů, jakož jim přisáhl Hospodin.

5 Mosebog 2:14
Der var gaaet otte og tredive Aar fra vort Opbrud fra Kadesj-Barnea, til vi gik over Zeredbækken, til hele din Slægt af vaabenføre Mænd var uddød af Lejren, saaledes som HERREN havde svoret dem;

Deuteronomium 2:14
De dagen nu, die wij gewandeld hebben van Kades-Barnea, totdat wij over de beek Zered getogen zijn, waren acht en dertig jaren; totdat het ganse geslacht der krijgslieden uit het midden der heirlegers verteerd was, gelijk de HEERE hun gezworen had.

דברים 2:14
וְהַיָּמִ֞ים אֲשֶׁר־הָלַ֣כְנוּ ׀ מִקָּדֵ֣שׁ בַּרְנֵ֗עַ עַ֤ד אֲשֶׁר־עָבַ֙רְנוּ֙ אֶת־נַ֣חַל זֶ֔רֶד שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים וּשְׁמֹנֶ֖ה שָׁנָ֑ה עַד־תֹּ֨ם כָּל־הַדֹּ֜ור אַנְשֵׁ֤י הַמִּלְחָמָה֙ מִקֶּ֣רֶב הַֽמַּחֲנֶ֔ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר נִשְׁבַּ֥ע יְהוָ֖ה לָהֶֽם׃

יד והימים אשר הלכנו מקדש ברנע עד אשר עברנו את נחל זרד שלשים ושמנה שנה--עד תם כל הדור אנשי המלחמה מקרב המחנה כאשר נשבע יהוה להם

והימים אשר־הלכנו ׀ מקדש ברנע עד אשר־עברנו את־נחל זרד שלשים ושמנה שנה עד־תם כל־הדור אנשי המלחמה מקרב המחנה כאשר נשבע יהוה להם׃

5 Mózes 2:14
Az idõ pedig, a melyet eljáránk Kádes-Barneától, míg általmenénk a Záred patakán, harmincznyolcz esztendõ, a mely alatt kiveszett a hadra való férfiak egész nemzetsége a táborból, a mint megesküdt vala az Úr nékik.

Moseo 5: Readmono 2:14
Kaj la tempo, dum kiu ni iris de Kadesx-Barnea, gxis ni transiris la valon Zared, estis tridek ok jaroj, gxis formortis el la tendaro la tuta generacio de militistoj, kiel jxuris al ili la Eternulo.

Vaan aika, kuin me matkustimme KadesBarneasta, siihen asti kuin me tulimme Saredin ojan ylitse, oli kahdeksan vuotta neljättäkymmentä, siihenasti kuin kaikki sotamiehet leirissä olivat hukkuneet, niinkuin Herra heille vannonut oli.

Deutéronome 2:14
Et les jours que nous avons marché depuis Kadès-Barnéa jusqu'à ce que nous ayons passé le torrent de Zéred, ont été trente-huit ans, jusqu'à ce que toute la génération des hommes de guerre ait péri du milieu du camp, comme l'Éternel le leur avait juré.

Le temps que durèrent nos marches de Kadès-Barnéa au passage du torrent de Zéred fut de trente-huit ans, jusqu'à ce que toute la génération des hommes de guerre eût disparu du milieu du camp, comme l'Eternel le leur avait juré.

Or le temps que nous avons marché depuis Kadès-barné, jusqu'à ce que nous avons eu passé le torrent de Zéred, a été de trente et huit ans, jusqu'à ce que toute cette génération-là, [savoir] les gens de guerre, a été consumée du milieu du camp, comme l'Eternel le leur avait juré.

5 Mose 2:14
Die Zeit aber, die wir von Kades-Barnea zogen, bis wir durch den Bach Sared kamen, war achtunddreißig Jahre, auf daß alle die Kriegsleute stürben im Lager, wie der HERR ihnen geschworen hatte.

Die Zeit aber, die wir von Kades-Barnea zogen, bis wir durch den Bach Sered kamen, war achtunddreißig Jahre, bis alle die Kriegsleute gestorben waren im lager, wie der HERR ihnen geschworen hatte.

Achtunddreißig Jahre waren wir unterwegs von Kades-Barnea bis zur Überschreitung des Baches Sared, bis das ganze Geschlecht, die kriegstüchtige Mannschaft, aus dem Lager weggestorben war, wie Jahwe ihnen geschworen hatte.

Deuteronomio 2:14
Or il tempo che durarono le nostre marce, da Kades-Barnea al passaggio del torrente di Zered, fu di trentotto anni, finché tutta quella generazione degli uomini di guerra scomparve interamente dal campo, come l’Eterno l’avea loro giurato.

Or il tempo, nel quale noi siamo camminati da Cades-barnea, finchè siamo passati il torrente di Zered, è stato trentotto anni; finchè sia stata consumata, d’infra il campo, tutta quella generazione, cioè gli uomini di guerra; come il Signore avea loro giurato.

Adapun lamanya kita berjalan dari Kades-Barnea sampai menyeberang anak sungai Zered itu, ia itu tiga puluh delapan tahun sampai habislah mati segenap bangsa orang perang yang di tengah-tengah tentara itu, seperti Tuhan telah berjanji kepada mereka itu pakai sumpah.

신명기 2:14
이제 너희는 일어나서 세렛 시내를 건너가라 하시기로 우리가 세렛 시내를 건넜으니

Deuteronomium 2:14
tempus autem quo ambulavimus de Cadesbarne usque ad transitum torrentis Zared triginta octo annorum fuit donec consumeretur omnis generatio hominum bellatorum de castris sicut iuraverat Dominus

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 2:14
Kelionės laikas nuo Kadeš Barnėjos ligi Zeredo upelio buvo trisdešimt aštuoneri metai, kol išmirė visa karta vyrų, tinkamų karui, kaip Viešpats buvo prisiekęs.

Deuteronomy 2:14
A ko nga ra i haere mai ai tatou i Kareheparenea, a tae noa ki to tatou whitinga mai i te awa, i Terete, e toru tekau ma waru nga tau, no ka poto atu i roto i te ope te whakapaparanga katoa o nga tangata hapai patu; te pera me ta Ihowa i oati ai ki a ratou.

5 Mosebok 2:14
Den tid vi var på vandring fra Kades-Barnea, til vi gikk over Sered-bekken, var åtte og tretti år, og da var hele den slekt - alle våbenføre menn - utdød av leiren, som Herren hadde svoret at det skulde gå dem.

Deuteronomio 2:14
Y el tiempo que nos llevó para venir de Cades-barnea, hasta que cruzamos el torrente de Zered, fue de treinta y ocho años; hasta que pereció toda la generación de los hombres de guerra de en medio del campamento, como el SEÑOR les había jurado.

"El tiempo que nos llevó para venir de Cades Barnea, hasta que cruzamos el torrente de Zered, fue de treinta y ocho años; hasta que pereció toda la generación de los hombres de guerra de en medio del campamento, como el SEÑOR les había jurado.

Y el tiempo que anduvimos de Cades-barnea hasta que pasamos el arroyo de Zered, fue de treinta y ocho años; hasta que se acabó toda la generación de los hombres de guerra de en medio del campamento, como Jehová les había jurado.

Y los días que anduvimos de Cades-barnea hasta que pasamos el arroyo de Zered, fueron treinta y ocho años; hasta que se acabó toda la generación de los hombres de guerra de en medio del campo, como Jehová les había jurado.

Y los días que anduvimos de Cades-barnea hasta que pasamos el arroyo de Zered, fueron treinta y ocho años; hasta que se acabó toda la generación de los hombres de guerra de en medio del campamento, como el SEÑOR les había jurado.

Deuteronômio 2:14
Transcorreram trinta e oito anos entre a época em que partimos de Cades-Barneia, e a nossa travessia do ribeiro de Zerede, período no qual ocorreu o que o SENHOR nos havia prevenido com juramento: morreram todos os homens daquela geração, que tinham idade de servir ao exército na guerra.

E os dias que caminhamos, desde Cades-Barnéia até passarmos o ribeiro de Zerede, foram trinta e oito anos, até que toda aquela geração dos homens de guerra se consumiu do meio do arraial, como o Senhor lhes jurara.   

Deuteronom 2:14
Vremea cît au ţinut călătoriile noastre dela Cades-Barnea pînă la trecerea pîrîului Zered a fost de treizeci şi opt de ani, pînă a perit din mijlocul taberei tot neamul oamenilor de război, cum le jurase Domnul.

Второзаконие 2:14
С тех пор, как мы пошли в Кадес-Варни и как прошли долину Заред, минуло тридцать восемь лет, и у нас перевелся из среды стана весь род ходящих на войну, как клялся им Господь;

С тех пор, как мы пошли в Кадес-Варни и как прошли долину Заред, [минуло] тридцать восемь лет, и у нас перевелся из среды стана весь род ходящих на войну, как клялся им Господь;[]

5 Mosebok 2:14
Och den tid som åtgick för vår vandring från Kades-Barnea, till dess vi gingo över bäcken Sered. var trettioåtta år, och under denna tid förgicks hela den släktet, alla stridbara män i lägret, såsom Herren hade svurit att det skulle gå dem.

Deuteronomy 2:14
At ang mga araw na ating ipinaglakad mula sa Cades-barnea hanggang sa tayo'y nakarating sa batis ng Zered, ay tatlong pu't walong taon, hanggang sa ang buong lahi ng mga lalaking mangdidigma ay nalipol sa gitna ng kampamento, gaya ng isinumpa sa kanila ng Panginoon.

พระราชบัญญัติ 2:14
และนับตั้งแต่เรามาจากคาเดชบารเนีย จนถึงได้ข้ามลำธารเศเรดนั้นได้สามสิบแปดปีจนสิ้นยุคนั้น คือคนทั้งหลายที่จะออกทัพได้นั้นตายหมดจากท่ามกลางค่าย ตามที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงปฏิญาณกับเขาไว้

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 2:14
Kadeş-Barneadan yola çıkıp Zeret Vadisinden geçinceye dek otuz sekiz yıl yol aldık. RABbin içtiği ant uyarınca, İsrail halkından o kuşağın bütün savaşçıları yok olmuştu.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 2:14
Vả, thì giờ về các cuộc đi đường của chúng ta, từ khi lìa khỏi Ca-đe-Ba-nê-a, tới lúc đi ngang qua khe Xê-rết, cộng là ba mươi tám năm, cho đến chừng các người chiến sĩ về đời ấy đã diệt mất khỏi trại quân, y như Ðức Giê-hô-va đã thề cùng các người đó.

Deuteronomy 2:13
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