Deuteronomy 11:4
Deuteronomy 11:4
what he did to the Egyptian army, to its horses and chariots, how he overwhelmed them with the waters of the Red Sea as they were pursuing you, and how the LORD brought lasting ruin on them.

They didn't see what the LORD did to the armies of Egypt and to their horses and chariots--how he drowned them in the Red Sea as they were chasing you. He destroyed them, and they have not recovered to this very day!

and what he did to the army of Egypt, to their horses and to their chariots, how he made the water of the Red Sea flow over them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD has destroyed them to this day,

and what He did to Egypt's army, to its horses and its chariots, when He made the water of the Red Sea to engulf them while they were pursuing you, and the LORD completely destroyed them;

And what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD hath destroyed them unto this day;

what He did to Egypt's army, its horses and chariots, when He made the waters of the Red Sea flow over them as they pursued you, and He destroyed them completely;

what he did to the Egyptian army, its horses and chariots, when he caused the waters of the Reed Sea to engulf them as they pursued you; how the LORD destroyed them, even to this day;

or what he did to the army of Egypt, including their horses and chariots, when he made the waters of the Red Sea overwhelm them while they were pursuing you and he annihilated them.

You saw what he did to the Egyptian army, its horses and chariots. He drowned them in the Red Sea when they pursued you. So the LORD destroyed them forever.

and what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses and to their chariots, how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you and how the LORD has destroyed them unto this day,

And what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD has destroyed them unto this day;

And what he did to the army of Egypt, to their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD has destroyed them to this day;

and what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red Sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how Jehovah hath destroyed them unto this day;

And to all the host of the Egyptians, and to their horses and chariots: how the waters of the Red Sea covered them, when they pursued you, and how the Lord destroyed them until this present day:

and what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and unto their chariots, over which he made the water of the Red sea flow as they pursued after you, and Jehovah destroyed them unto this day;

and what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red Sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD hath destroyed them unto this day;

And what he did to the army of Egypt, to their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD hath destroyed them to this day;

and what he did to the army of Egypt, to their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red Sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how Yahweh has destroyed them to this day;

and that which He hath done to the force of Egypt, to its horses, and to its chariot, when He hath caused the waters of the Red Sea to flow against their faces in their pursuing after them, and Jehovah destroyeth them, unto this day;

Ligji i Përtërirë 11:4
atë që u bëri ushtrisë së Egjiptit, kuajve të saj dhe qerreve të saj, duke derdhur mbi të ujërat e Detit të Kuq ndërsa ata po ju ndiqnin, dhe si i shkatërroi Zoti për gjithnjë;

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 11:4
والتي عملها بجيش مصر بخليهم ومركباتهم حيث اطاف مياه بحر سوف على وجوهم حين سعوا وراءكم فابادهم الرب الى هذا اليوم

De Ander Ee 11:4
Ös habtß is dyrlöbt, was dyr Herr mit n Güptnhör, de Rösser und Streitwägn gmacht, wie yr s in n Roorsee absauffen ließ, wie s enk gverfolgnd.

Второзаконие 11:4
и що направи на войската на египтяните, на конете им и на колесниците им, когато ви гонеха изподире, как направи да ги потопят водите на Червеното море, и как Господ ги погуби, [та остават погубени] и до днес,

申 命 記 11:4
也 沒 有 看 見 他 怎 樣 待 埃 及 的 軍 兵 、 車 馬 , 他 們 追 趕 你 們 的 時 候 , 耶 和 華 怎 樣 使 紅 海 的 水 淹 沒 他 們 , 將 他 們 滅 絕 , 直 到 今 日 ,

也 没 有 看 见 他 怎 样 待 埃 及 的 军 兵 、 车 马 , 他 们 追 赶 你 们 的 时 候 , 耶 和 华 怎 样 使 红 海 的 水 淹 没 他 们 , 将 他 们 灭 绝 , 直 到 今 日 ,



Deuteronomy 11:4
što je učinio egipatskoj vojsci, njihovim konjima i kolima; kako ih je preplavio vodama Crvenog mora kad su vas progonili i kako ih je zatro do današnjeg dana;

Deuteronomium 11:4
A co učinil vojsku Egyptskému, koňům i vozům jeho, kterýž uvedl vody moře Rudého na ně, když vás honili, a shladil je Hospodin až do dnešního dne;

5 Mosebog 11:4
og hvad han gjorde ved Ægypternes Hærmagt, deres Heste og Vogne, som han, da de forfulgte eder, lod det røde Havs Vande skylle hen over og tilintetgjorde for stedse,

Deuteronomium 11:4
En wat Hij gedaan heeft aan het heir der Egyptenaren, aan deszelfs paarden en aan deszelfs wagenen; dat Hij de wateren van de Schelfzee boven hun aangezicht deed overzwemmen, als zij ulieden van achteren vervolgden; en de HEERE verdeed hen, tot op dezen dag.

דברים 11:4
וַאֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂה֩ לְחֵ֨יל מִצְרַ֜יִם לְסוּסָ֣יו וּלְרִכְבֹּ֗ו אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֵצִ֜יף אֶת־מֵ֤י יַם־סוּף֙ עַל־פְּנֵיהֶ֔ם בְּרָדְפָ֖ם אַחֲרֵיכֶ֑ם וַיְאַבְּדֵ֣ם יְהוָ֔ה עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃

ד ואשר עשה לחיל מצרים לסוסיו ולרכבו אשר הציף את מי ים סוף על פניהם ברדפם אחריכם ויאבדם יהוה עד היום הזה

ואשר עשה לחיל מצרים לסוסיו ולרכבו אשר הציף את־מי ים־סוף על־פניהם ברדפם אחריכם ויאבדם יהוה עד היום הזה׃

5 Mózes 11:4
És a melyeket cselekedett az égyiptombeliek seregével, lovaival és szekereivel, mivelhogy reájok árasztá a Veres tenger vizeit, mikor üldözének titeket, és elveszté õket az Úr mind e mai napig;

Moseo 5: Readmono 11:4
kaj kion Li faris al la militistaro de Egiptujo, al gxiaj cxevaloj kaj cxaroj, kiujn Li superversxis per la akvo de la Rugxa Maro, kiam ili postkuris vin; kaj la Eternulo pereigis ilin gxis la nuna tago;

Ja mitä hän teki Egyptiläisten sotaväelle, heidän hevosillensa ja vaunuillensa, kuin hän antoi Punaisen meren vedet juosta heidän päällensä, kuin he teitä ajoivat takaa, ja Herra hukutti heidät hamaan tähän päivään asti,

Deutéronome 11:4
et ce qu'il a fait à l'armée de l'Égypte, à ses chevaux et à ses chars, sur lesquels il a fait déborder les eaux de la mer Rouge, lorsqu'ils vous poursuivaient, et l'Éternel les a fait périr, jusqu'à aujourd'hui;

Reconnaissez ce qu'il a fait à l'armée d'Egypte, à ses chevaux et à ses chars, comment il a fait couler sur eux les eaux de la mer Rouge, lorsqu'ils vous poursuivaient, et les a détruits pour toujours;

Et ce qu'il a fait à l'armée d'Egypte, à ses chevaux et à ses chariots, quand il a fait que les eaux de la mer Rouge les ont couverts, lorsqu'ils vous poursuivaient; car l'Eternel les a détruits jusqu'à ce jour;

5 Mose 11:4
und was er an der Macht der Ägypter getan hat, an ihren Rossen und Wagen, da er das Wasser des Schilfmeers über sie führete, da sie euch nachjagten, und sie der HERR umbrachte, bis auf diesen Tag;

und was er an der Macht der Ägypter getan hat, an ihren Rossen und Wagen, da er das Wasser des Schilfmeers über sie führte, da sie euch nachjagten und sie der HERR umbrachte bis auf diesen Tag;

was er der Heeresmacht Ägyptens, seinen Rossen und Wagen widerfahren ließ, indem Jahwe, als sie euch nachjagten, die Wasser des Schilfmeers über sie dahinfluten ließ und sie so vertilgte bis auf diesen Tag;

Deuteronomio 11:4
e quel che fece all’esercito d’Egitto, ai suoi cavalli e ai suoi carri, come fece rifluir su loro le acque del mar Rosso quand’essi v’inseguivano, e come li distrusse per sempre;

e ciò ch’egli ha fatto all’esercito dell’Egitto, a’ suoi cavalli e a’ suoi carri; come egli fece traboccar l’acque del mar rosso sopra loro quando essi vi perseguivano; e come egli li fece perire fino al dì d’oggi;

dan yang telah diperbuat-Nya akan balatentara Mesir dan akan segala kudanya dan segala ratanya, bagaimana telah dialunkan-Nya ombak laut Kolzom atas mereka itu, tatkala mereka itupun mengusir akan kamu dari belakang, sehingga mereka itu dihilangkan Tuhan sampai kepada hari ini;

신명기 11:4
또 여호와께서 애굽 군대와 그 말과 그 병거에 행하신 일 곧 그들이 너희를 따를 때에 홍해 물로 그들을 덮어 멸하사 오늘까지 이른 것과

Deuteronomium 11:4
omnique exercitui Aegyptiorum et equis ac curribus quomodo operuerint eos aquae Rubri maris cum vos persequerentur et deleverit eos Dominus usque in praesentem diem

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 11:4
visai egiptiečių kariuomenei, žirgams ir kovos vežimams, kai juos užliejo Raudonosios jūros vanduo, besivejant jus, ir Viešpats juos sunaikino,

Deuteronomy 11:4
I tana hoki i mea ai ki te ope o Ihipa, ki o ratou hoiho, ki a ratou hariata; i a ia i mea ra i nga wai o te Moana Whero kia huri ki runga ki a ratou i to ratou whainga mai i a koutou, a huna iho ratou e Ihowa a mohoa noa nei;

5 Mosebok 11:4
og hvad han gjorde med egypternes hær, med deres hester og vogner, da han lot det Røde Havs vann strømme sammen over dem mens de forfulgte eder, og lot dem gå til grunne, så ingen har sett dem mere til denne dag,

Deuteronomio 11:4
lo que hizo al ejército de Egipto, a sus caballos y a sus carros, al hacer que el agua del mar Rojo los cubriera cuando os perseguían, y el SEÑOR los destruyó completamente;

lo que hizo al ejército de Egipto, a sus caballos y a sus carros, al hacer que el agua del Mar Rojo los cubriera cuando los perseguían a ustedes, y el SEÑOR los destruyó completamente;

y lo que hizo al ejército de Egipto, a sus caballos y a sus carros; cómo hizo que las aguas del Mar Rojo cayeran sobre ellos cuando venían tras vosotros, y Jehová los destruyó hasta hoy;

Y lo que hizo al ejército de Egipto, á sus caballos, y á sus carros; cómo hizo ondear las aguas del mar Bermejo sobre ellos, cuando venían tras vosotros, y Jehová los destruyó hasta hoy;

y lo que hizo al ejército de Egipto, a sus caballos, y a sus carros; cómo hizo ondear las aguas del mar Bermejo sobre ellos, cuando venían tras vosotros, y el SEÑOR los destruyó hasta hoy;

Deuteronômio 11:4
o que fez com o exército egípcio, com seus cavalos e carros, como os surpreendeu com as muitas águas do mar Vermelho, quando vos estavam perseguindo, e como Yahweh os aniquilou para sempre!

o que fez ao exército dos egípcios, aos seus cavalos e aos seus carros; como fez passar sobre eles as águas do Mar Vermelho, quando vos perseguiam, e como o Senhor os destruiu até o dia de hoje;   

Deuteronom 11:4
Recunoaşteţi ce a făcut El oştirii Egiptului, cailor lui şi carălor lui, cum a făcut să vină peste ei apele mării Roşii,

Второзаконие 11:4
и что Он сделал с войском Египетским, с конями его и колесницами его, которых Он потопил в водах Чермного моря, когда они гнались за вами, – и погубил их Господь даже до сего дня;

и что Он сделал с войском Египетским, с конями его и колесницами его, которых Он потопил в водах Чермного моря, когда они гнались за вами, --и погубил их Господь даже до сего дня;[]

5 Mosebok 11:4
och vad han gjorde med egyptiernas här, med deras hästar och vagnar, huru han lät Röda havets vatten strömma över dem, när de förföljde eder, och huru HERREN då förgjorde dem, så att de nu icke mer äro till;

Deuteronomy 11:4
At ang kaniyang ginawa sa hukbo ng Egipto, sa kanilang mga kabayo, at sa kanilang mga karo; kung paanong tinakpan niya sila ng tubig ng Dagat na Mapula nang kanilang habulin kayo, at kung paanong nilipol sila ng Panginoon sa araw na ito;

พระราชบัญญัติ 11:4
และซึ่งพระองค์ทรงกระทำต่อกองทัพอียิปต์ ต่อม้าของเขา และต่อรถรบของเขา และที่พระองค์ทรงกระทำให้น้ำในทะเลแดงท่วมเขาเมื่อเขาไล่ติดตามท่านทั้งหลาย และที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงทำลายเขาทั้งหลายจนทุกวันนี้

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 11:4
Mısır ordusuna, atlarına, savaş arabalarına neler yaptığını; Mısırlılar sizi kovalarken onları nasıl Kızıldenizin suları altında bıraktığını, onları nasıl yok ettiğini gördünüz.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 11:4
Hãy nhận biết điều Ngài làm cho đạo binh Ê-díp-tô, ngựa và xe Ê-díp-tô, trong khi chúng đuổi theo các ngươi, bị Ðức Giê-hô-va lấp nước Biển đỏ lại, và hủy diệt chúng nó đến ngày nay;

Deuteronomy 11:3
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