Daniel 6:26
Daniel 6:26
"I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. "For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end.

"I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, and he will endure forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his rule will never end.

I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.

"I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the God of Daniel; For He is the living God and enduring forever, And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, And His dominion will be forever.

I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

I issue a decree that in all my royal dominion, people must tremble in fear before the God of Daniel: For He is the living God, and He endures forever; His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His dominion has no end.

"I hereby decree that in every area of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, who endures forever. His kingdom is one that will not be destroyed, and his dominion continues forever.

I have issued an edict that throughout all the dominion of my kingdom people are to revere and fear the God of Daniel. "For he is the living God; he endures forever. His kingdom will not be destroyed; his authority is forever.

I decree that in every part of my kingdom people should tremble with terror in front of Daniel's God, the living God who continues forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed. His power lasts to the end [of time].

On my behalf a statute is put into effect, That in all the dominion of my kingdom everyone tremble at the presence of the God of Daniel for he is the living God and endures for all ages, and his kingdom is such that it shall never come apart, and his dominion shall be even unto the end:

I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast forever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even to the end.

I make a decree, that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, And his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed; and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

It is decreed by me, that in all my empire and my kingdom all men dread and fear the God of Daniel. For he is the living and eternal God for ever: and his kingdom shall not be destroyed, and his power shall be for ever.

I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

I make a decree, that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end:

I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even to the end.

I make a decree, that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel; for he is the living God, and steadfast forever, His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed; and his dominion shall be even to the end.

From before me is made a decree, that in every dominion of my kingdom they are trembling and fearing before the God of Daniel, for He is the living God, and abiding to the ages, and His kingdom that which is not destroyed, and His dominion is unto the end.

Danieli 6:26
Unë dekretoj që në të gjithë sundimin e mbretërisë sime të dridhen dhe të kenë frikë para Perëndisë të Danielit, sepse ai është Perëndia i gjallë që ekziston përjetë. Mbretëria e tij nuk do të shkatërrohet kurrë dhe sundimi i tij nuk do të ketë fund kurrë.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 6:26
من قبلي صدر امر بانه في كل سلطان مملكتي يرتعدون ويخافون قدام اله دانيال لانه هو الاله الحي القيوم الى الابد وملكوته لن يزول وسلطانه الى المنتهى

Dyr Däniheel 6:26
I orddnet an, däß myn in meinn gantzn Reich önn Got von n Däniheel scheuhen und ferchtn sollt. Denn er ist dyr löbndige Got, und iem geit s eebig. Sein Reich geet niemaals unter, und sein Herrschaft haat kain End.

Данаил 6:26
Издавам указ щото в цялата държава, над която царувам, да треперят човеците и да се боят пред Данииловия Бог; защото Той е живият Бог, Който е утвърден до века, и Неговото царство е [царство, което] няма да се наруши, и властта Му ще [трае] до край.

但 以 理 書 6:26
現 在 我 降 旨 曉 諭 我 所 統 轄 的 全 國 人 民 , 要 在 但 以 理 的 神 面 前 , 戰 兢 恐 懼 。 因 為 他 是 永 遠 長 存 的 活 神 , 他 的 國 永 不 敗 壞 ; 他 的 權 柄 永 存 無 極 !

现 在 我 降 旨 晓 谕 我 所 统 辖 的 全 国 人 民 , 要 在 但 以 理 的 神 面 前 , 战 兢 恐 惧 。 因 为 他 是 永 远 长 存 的 活 神 , 他 的 国 永 不 败 坏 ; 他 的 权 柄 永 存 无 极 !



Daniel 6:26
Evo naredbe koju donosim: u svemu mojem kraljevstvu neka se ljudi boje i neka dršću pred Bogom Danielovim: On je Bog živi, on ostaje dovijeka! Njegovo kraljevstvo neće propasti, njegovoj vlasti nema kraja!

Daniele 6:26
Ode mne vyšlo nařízení toto, aby na všem panství království mého třásli a báli se před Bohem Danielovým; nebo on jest Bůh živý a zůstávající na věky, a království jeho nebude zrušeno, ani panování jeho až do konce.

Daniel 6:26
Hermed byder jeg, at man, saa vidt mit Rige strækker sig, skal frygte og bæve for Daniels Gud. Thi han er den levende Gud og bliver i Evighed; hans Rige kan ikke forgaa, og hans Herredømme er uden Ende.

Daniël 6:26
Toen schreef de koning Darius aan alle volken, natien en tongen, die op de ganse aarde woonden: Uw vrede worde vermenigvuldigd!

דניאל 6:26
מִן־קֳדָמַי֮ שִׂ֣ים טְעֵם֒ דִּ֣י ׀ בְּכָל־שָׁלְטָ֣ן מַלְכוּתִ֗י לֶהֱוֹ֤ן [זָאֲעִין כ] (זָיְעִין֙ ק) וְדָ֣חֲלִ֔ין מִן־קֳדָ֖ם אֱלָהֵ֣הּ דִּי־דָֽנִיֵּ֑אל דִּי־ה֣וּא ׀ אֱלָהָ֣א חַיָּ֗א וְקַיָּם֙ לְעָ֣לְמִ֔ין וּמַלְכוּתֵהּ֙ דִּֽי־לָ֣א תִתְחַבַּ֔ל וְשָׁלְטָנֵ֖הּ עַד־סֹופָֽא׃

כז מן קדמי שים טעם--די בכל שלטן מלכותי להון זאעין (זיעין) ודחלין מן קדם אלהה די דניאל  די הוא אלהא חיא וקים לעלמין ומלכותה די לא תתחבל ושלטנה עד סופא

מן־קדמי שים טעם די ׀ בכל־שלטן מלכותי להון [זאעין כ] (זיעין ק) ודחלין מן־קדם אלהה די־דניאל די־הוא ׀ אלהא חיא וקים לעלמין ומלכותה די־לא תתחבל ושלטנה עד־סופא׃

Dániel 6:26
Én tõlem adatott ez a végzés, hogy az én birodalmamnak minden országában féljék és rettegjék a Dániel Istenét; mert õ az élõ Isten, és örökké megmarad, és az õ országa meg nem romol, és uralkodása mind végig [megtart;]

Daniel 6:26
Mi donas ordonon, ke en cxiu regiono de mia regno oni timu kaj respektu Dion de Daniel; cxar Li estas Dio vivanta kaj eterne restanta, Lia regno estas nedetruebla, kaj Lia regado estas senfina.

Se käsky on minulta asetettu, että kaikessa minun kuninkaan valtakunnassani Danielin Jumalaa peljättämän ja vavistaman pitää, sillä hän on elävä Jumala, joka ijankaikkisesti pysyy, ja hänen valtakuntansa on katoomatoin, ja hänen voimansa loppumatoin.

Daniel 6:26
De par moi l'ordre est donné que, dans tous les gouvernements de mon royaume, on tremble devant le Dieu de Daniel et on le craigne; car il est le Dieu vivant, et il subsiste à jamais, et son royaume est un royaume qui ne sera pas détruit, et sa domination durera jusqu'à la fin.

J'ordonne que, dans toute l'étendue de mon royaume, on ait de la crainte et de la frayeur pour le Dieu de Daniel. Car il est le Dieu vivant, et il subsiste éternellement; son royaume ne sera jamais détruit, et sa domination durera jusqu'à la fin.

De par moi est fait un Edit, que dans toute l'étendue de mon Royaume on ait de la crainte et de la frayeur pour le Dieu de Daniel, car c'est le Dieu vivant, et permanent à toujours; et son Royaume ne sera point dissipé, et sa domination sera jusqu'à la fin.

Daniel 6:26
Das ist mein Befehl, daß man in der ganzen HERRSChaft meines Königreichs den Gott Daniels fürchten und scheuen soll. Denn er ist der lebendige Gott, der ewiglich bleibet; und sein Königreich ist unvergänglich, und seine HERRSChaft hat kein Ende.

Das ist mein Befehl, daß man in der ganzen Herrschaft meines Königreiches den Gott Daniels fürchten und scheuen soll. Denn er ist der lebendige Gott, der ewiglich bleibt, und sein Königreich ist unvergänglich, und seine Herrschaft hat kein Ende.

Hiermit ergeht von mir Befehl, daß man im ganzen Bereiche meines Königtums vor dem Gotte Daniels zittern und sich fürchten soll. Denn er ist der lebendige Gott und bleibt in Ewigkeit; sein Reich ist unzerstörbar und seine Herrschaft nimmt kein Ende.

Daniele 6:26
Io decreto che in tutto il dominio del mio regno si tema e si tremi nel cospetto dell’Iddio di Daniele; perch’egli è l’Iddio vivente, che sussiste in eterno; il suo regno non sarà mai distrutto, e il suo dominio durerà sino alla fine.

Da parte mia è fatto un decreto: che in tutto l’imperio del mio regno si riverisca, e tema l’Iddio di Daniele; perciocchè egli è l’Iddio vivente, e che dimora in eterno; e il suo regno è un regno che non sarà giammai distrutto, e la sua signoria durerà infino al fine.

Bahwa aku ini memberi titah, dalam segenap hukumat kerajaanku hendaklah orang gentar dan takut akan Allahnya Daniel, karena Ialah Allah yang hidup, dan yang kekal pada selama-lamanya, dan kerajaan-Nyapun tiada berubah dan pemerintahan-Nyapun tiada berkesudahan adanya!

다니엘 6:26
내가 이제 조서를 내리노라 내 나라 관할 아래 있는 사람들은 다 다니엘의 하나님 앞에서 떨며 두려워할지니 그는 사시는 하나님이시요 영원히 변치 않으실 자시며 그 나라는 망하지 아니할 것이요 그 권세는 무궁할 것이며

Daniel 6:26
a me constitutum est decretum ut in universo imperio et regno meo tremescant et paveant Deum Danihelis ipse est enim Deus vivens et aeternus in saecula et regnum eius non dissipabitur et potestas eius usque in aeternum

Danieliaus knyga 6:26
Aš išleidžiu nutarimą, kad visose mano karalystės valdose žmonės gerbtų ir bijotų Danieliaus Dievo, nes Jis yra gyvas Dievas, pasiliekąs per amžius. Jo karalystė nesunaikinama ir valdžia amžina!

Daniel 6:26
Tenei ahau te whakatakoto tikanga nei; na, i nga kawanatanga katoa o toku kingitanga, kia wiri nga tangata, kia wehi ki te aroaro o te Atua o Raniera: ko ia hoki te Atua ora, pumau tonu a ake ake, e kore tona kingitanga e ngaro, tona kawanatanga hoki a te mutunga ra ano:

Daniel 6:26
Jeg gir hermed det bud at alle folk i hele mitt kongerikes område skal skjelve og frykte for Daniels Gud; for han er den levende Gud og blir i evighet, og hans rike ødelegges ikke, og hans herredømme varer inntil enden.

Daniel 6:26
De parte mía se proclama un decreto de que en todo el dominio de mi reino todos teman y tiemblen delante del Dios de Daniel, porque El es el Dios viviente que permanece para siempre, y su reino no será destruido y su dominio durará para siempre.

"De parte mía se proclama un decreto de que en todo el dominio de mi reino todos teman y tiemblen delante del Dios de Daniel, Porque El es el Dios viviente que permanece para siempre, Y Su reino no será destruido Y Su dominio durará para siempre.

De parte mía es puesta ordenanza, que en todo el señorío de mi reino todos teman y tiemblen ante la presencia del Dios de Daniel; porque Él es el Dios viviente y permanece por la eternidad, y su reino no será destruido, y su señorío permanecerá hasta el fin.

De parte mía es puesta ordenanza, que en todo el señorío de mi reino todos teman y tiemblen de la presencia del Dios de Daniel: porque él es el Dios viviente y permanente por todos los siglos, y su reino tal que no será desecho, y su señorío hasta el fin.

De parte mía es puesta ordenanza, que en todo el señorío de mi reino todos teman y tiemblen de la presencia del Dios de Daniel, porque él es el Dios Viviente y permanente por todos los siglos, y su Reino tal que no se deshará, y su señorío hasta el fin:

Daniel 6:26
Eis que edito um decreto para que em todos os domínios do império, todas as pessoas temam e reverenciem o Deus de Daniel. Porquanto ele é Elah, o Deus Vivo, e permanece para sempre; o seu Reino não será jamais destruído, e o seu domínio nunca terá fim!

Com isto faço um decreto, pelo qual em todo o domínio do meu reino os homens tremam e temam perante o Deus de Daniel; porque ele é o Deus vivo, e permanece para sempre; e o seu reino nunca será destruído; o seu domínio durará até o fim.   

Daniel 6:26
Poruncesc ca, în toată întinderea împărăţiei mele, oamenii să se teamă şi să se înfricoşeze de Dumnezeul lui Daniel. Căci El este Dumnezeul cel viu, şi El dăinuieşte vecinic; împărăţia Lui nu se va nimici niciodată, şi stăpînirea Lui nu va avea sfîrşit.

Даниил 6:26
Мною дается повеление, чтобы во всякой области царства моеготрепетали и благоговели пред Богом Данииловым, потому что Он есть Бог живый и присносущий, и царство Его несокрушимо, и владычество Егобесконечно.

Мною дается повеление, чтобы во всякой области царства моего трепетали и благоговели пред Богом Данииловым, потому что Он есть Бог живый и присносущий, и царство Его несокрушимо, и владычество Его бесконечно.[]

Daniel 6:26
Härmed giver jag befallning att man inom mitt rikes hela område skall bäva och frukta för Daniels Gud. Ty han är den levande Guden, som förbliver evinnerligen; och hans rike är sådant att det icke kan förstöras, och hans välde består intill änden.

Daniel 6:26
Ako'y nagpapasiya, na sa lahat ng sakop ng aking kaharian ay magsipanginig at mangatakot ang mga tao sa harap ng Dios ni Daniel; sapagka't siya ang buhay na Dios, at namamalagi magpakailan man, at ang kaniyang kaharian ay hindi magigiba; at ang kaniyang kapangyarihan ay magiging hanggang sa wakas.

ดาเนียล 6:26
เราออกกฤษฎีกาว่า ให้คนทั้งหลายสั่นสะท้านและยำเกรงต่อพระพักตร์พระเจ้าของดาเนียลในราชอาณาจักรของเราทั้งหมด เพราะพระองค์ทรงเป็นพระเจ้าผู้ทรงพระชนม์อยู่ ทรงดำรงอยู่เป็นนิตย์ อาณาจักรของพระองค์จะไม่ถูกทำลาย และราชอาณาจักรของพระองค์จะดำรงจนถึงที่สุด

Daniel 6:26
Krallığımda yaşayan herkesin Danielin Tanrısından korkup titremesini buyuruyorum.
O yaşayan Tanrıdır,
Sonsuza dek var olacak.
Krallığı yıkılmayacak,
Egemenliği son bulmayacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 6:26
Ta ban chiếu chỉ rằng, trong khắp các miền nước ta, người ta phải run rẩy kính sợ trước mặt Ðức Chúa Trời của Ða-ni-ên; vì Ngài là Ðức Chúa Trời hằng sống và còn đời đời. Nước Ngài không bao giờ bị hủy diệt, và quyền thế Ngài sẽ còn đến cuối cùng.

Daniel 6:25
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