Daniel 12:8
Daniel 12:8
I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?"

I heard what he said, but I did not understand what he meant. So I asked, "How will all this finally end, my lord?"

I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the outcome of these things?”

As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, "My lord, what will be the outcome of these events?"

And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

I heard but did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will be the outcome of these things?"

"I heard, but I didn't understand. So I asked, 'Sir, what happens next?'

I heard, but I did not understand. So I said, "Sir, what will happen after these things?"

I heard him, but I did not understand. So I asked him, "Sir, how will these things end?"

And I heard, but I did not understand; then I said, O my Lord, what is the fulfillment of these things?

And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?

And I heard, and understood not. And I said: O my lord, what shall be after these things?

And I heard, but I understood not. And I said, My lord, what shall be the end of these things?

And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?

And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

I heard, but I didn't understand: then I said, my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?

And I have heard, and I do not understand, and I say, 'O my lord, what is the latter end of these?'

Danieli 12:8
Unë dëgjova, por nuk kuptova, prandaj pyeta: "Imzot, cili do të jetë fundi i këtyre gjërave?".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 12:8
وانا سمعت وما فهمت. فقلت يا سيدي ما هي آخر هذه.

Dyr Däniheel 12:8
Hoern taat i s wol, aber versteen glei gar nit. Drum gfraag i non: "Gueter Man, auf was laaufft n dös allss aushin?"

Данаил 12:8
И аз чух, но не разбрах. Тогава рекох: Господарю мой, каква ще бъде сетнината на това?

但 以 理 書 12:8
我 聽 見 這 話 , 卻 不 明 白 , 就 說 : 我 主 啊 , 這 些 事 的 結 局 是 怎 樣 呢 ?

我 听 见 这 话 , 却 不 明 白 , 就 说 : 我 主 啊 , 这 些 事 的 结 局 是 怎 样 呢 ?



Daniel 12:8
Ja slušah, ali ne razumjeh, pa upitah: Gospodaru, kako će to svršiti?

Daniele 12:8
A když jsem já slyše, nerozuměl, řekl jsem: Pane můj, jaký konec bude těch věcí?

Daniel 12:8
Og jeg hørte det, men fattede det ikke; saa spurgte jeg: »Herre, hvad er det sidste af disse Ting?«

Daniël 12:8
Dit hoorde ik, doch ik verstond het niet; en ik zeide: Mijn Heere! wat zal het einde zijn van deze dingen?

דניאל 12:8
וַאֲנִ֥י שָׁמַ֖עְתִּי וְלֹ֣א אָבִ֑ין וָאֹ֣מְרָ֔ה אֲדֹנִ֕י מָ֥ה אַחֲרִ֖ית אֵֽלֶּה׃ פ

ח ואני שמעתי ולא אבין ואמרה--אדני מה אחרית אלה  {פ}

ואני שמעתי ולא אבין ואמרה אדני מה אחרית אלה׃ פ

Dániel 12:8
Én pedig hallám [ezt,] de nem értém, és mondám: Uram, mi lesz ezeknek vége?

Daniel 12:8
Mi auxdis, sed mi ne komprenis; kaj mi diris:Ho mia sinjoro, kio estos post tio?

Minä tosin kuulin tämän, vaan en minä ymmärtänyt. Ja minä sanoin: Herra, mitä näiden lopulla tapahtunee?

Daniel 12:8
Et moi, j'entendis, mais je ne compris pas. Et je dis: Mon seigneur, quelle sera l'issue de ces choses?

J'entendis, mais je ne compris pas; et je dis: Mon seigneur, quelle sera l'issue de ces choses?

Ce que j'ouïs bien, mais je ne l'entendis point; et je dis : Mon Seigneur, quelle sera l'issue de ces choses?

Daniel 12:8
Und ich hörete es: aber ich verstund es nicht und sprach: Mein HERR, was wird danach werden?

Und ich hörte es; aber ich verstand's nicht und sprach: Mein Herr, was wird darnach werden?

Ich hörte dies, aber ich verstand es nicht und sagte darum: O Herr! Was wird das Ende von alledem sein?

Daniele 12:8
E io udii, ma non compresi; e dissi: "Signor mio, qual sarà la fine di queste cose?"

Ed io udii ben ciò, ma non l’intesi. E dissi: Signor mio, qual sarà la fine di queste cose?

Setelah kudengar itu maka tiada aku mengerti dia, lalu kataku: Ya Tuan! apa gerangan akan kesudahan segala perkara ini?

다니엘 12:8
내가 듣고도 깨닫지 못한지라 내가 가로되 내 주여 이 모든 일의 결국이 어떠하겠삽나이까 ?

Daniel 12:8
et ego audivi et non intellexi et dixi domine mi quid erit post haec

Danieliaus knyga 12:8
Aš tai girdėjau, bet nesupratau ir klausiau: “Mano Viešpatie, koks bus šių dalykų galas?”

Daniel 12:8
A ka rongo ahau, engari kihai i matau; katahi ahau ka mea, E toku Ariki, he aha ra te mutunga o enei mea?

Daniel 12:8
Og jeg hørte det, men forstod det ikke, og jeg sa: Herre! Hvad er det siste av disse ting?

Daniel 12:8
Yo oí, pero no pude entender. Entonces dije: Señor mío, ¿cuál será el resultado de estas cosas?

Yo oí, pero no pude entender. Entonces dije: "Señor mío, ¿cuál será el resultado de estas cosas?"

Y yo oí, mas no entendí. Y dije: Señor mío, ¿cuál será el fin de estas cosas?

Y yo oí, mas no entendí. Y dije: Señor mío, ¿qué será el cumplimiento de estas cosas?

Y yo oí, mas no entendí. Y dije: Señor mío, ¿qué es el cumplimiento de estas cosas?

Daniel 12:8
Eu ouvi claramente, mas não consegui compreender todo o significado da profecia, por isso indaguei: “Ó senhor meu, mas qual será o resultado final de todos estes acontecimentos?”

Eu, pois, ouvi, mas não entendi; por isso perguntei: Senhor meu, qual será o fim destas coisas?   

Daniel 12:8
Eu am auzit, dar n'am înţeles; şi am zis: ,,Domnul meu, care va fi sfîrşitul acestor lucruri?``

Даниил 12:8
Я слышал это, но не понял, и потому сказал: „господин мой! что же после этого будет?"

Я слышал это, но не понял, и потому сказал: `господин мой! что же после этого будет?`[]

Daniel 12:8
Och jag hörde detta, men förstod det icke; och jag frågade: »Min herre, vad bliver slutet på allt detta?»

Daniel 12:8
At aking narinig, nguni't di ko naunawa: nang magkagayo'y sinabi ko, Oh Panginoon ko, ano ang magiging wakas ng mga bagay na ito?

ดาเนียล 12:8
ข้าพเจ้าได้ยินแต่ไม่เข้าใจ แล้วข้าพเจ้าจึงพูดว่า "นายเจ้าข้า สิ่งเหล่านี้จะลงเอยอย่างไร"

Daniel 12:8
Adamın söylediklerini duydumsa da anlamadım. Bunun için, ‹‹Ey efendim, bunların sonu ne olacak?›› diye sordum.[]

Ña-ni-eân 12:8
Ta, Ða-ni-ên, nghe những điều đó, những ta không hiểu. Và ta nói rằng: Lạy chúa tôi, cuối cùng các sự nầy sự ra thể nào?

Daniel 12:7
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