Daniel 12:1
Daniel 12:1
"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people--everyone whose name is found written in the book--will be delivered.

"At that time Michael, the archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued.

“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book.

"Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

At that time Michael the great prince who stands watch over your people will rise up. There will be a time of distress such as never has occurred since nations came into being until that time. But at that time all your people who are found written in the book will escape.

"'At that time, Michael will arise, the great prince who will stand up on behalf of your people, and a time of trouble will come like there has never been since nations began until that time. Also at that time, your people will be delivered—everyone who will have been written in the book.

"At that time Michael, the great prince who watches over your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress unlike any other from the nation's beginning up to that time. But at that time your own people, all those whose names are found written in the book, will escape.

[The person who looked like a human continued,] "At that time Michael, the great commander, will stand up on behalf of the descendants of your people. It will be a time of trouble unlike any that has existed from the time there have been nations until that time. But at that time your people, everyone written in the book, will be rescued.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who is for the sons of thy people, and it shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there were people until now, but in that time thy people shall escape, all those that are found written in the book.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time shall come such as never was from the time that nations began even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of distress, such as never was since there was a nation until that time. And at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that is found written in the book.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

"At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who stands for the children of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who shall be found written in the book.

'And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time, and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the book.

Danieli 12:1
Në atë kohë do të dalë Mikaeli, princi i madh, mbrojtësi i bijve të popullit tënd; dhe do të jetë një kohë me ankthe, ashtu si nuk ka pasur kurrë që kur se ekzistojnë kombet e deri në atë kohë.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 12:1
وفي ذلك الوقت يقوم ميخائيل الرئيس العظيم القائم لبني شعبك ويكون زمان ضيق لم يكن منذ كانت امة الى ذلك الوقت وفي ذلك الوقت ينجى شعبك كل من يوجد مكتوبا في السفر

Dyr Däniheel 12:1
Sele Zeit tritt dyr Michyheel auf, dyr Örtzengl, der was yn deinn Volk sein Schuzengl ist. Ayn nootige Zeit ist dös wie non nie, seit s Völker geit, hinst eyn dö Zeit. Dein Volk aber werd aft gröttigt, und zwaar ayn Ieds, yn dönn wo s gschribn ist.

Данаил 12:1
И в онова време великият княз Михаил, който се застъпва за твоите люде, ще се подигне; и ще настане време на страдание, каквото никога не е бивало откак народ съществува до онова време; и в онова време твоите люде ще се отърват,- всеки, който се намери записан в книгата.

但 以 理 書 12:1
那 時 , 保 佑 你 本 國 之 民 的 天 使 長 ( 原 文 是 大 君 ) 米 迦 勒 必 站 起 來 , 並 且 有 大 艱 難 , 從 有 國 以 來 直 到 此 時 , 沒 有 這 樣 的 。 你 本 國 的 民 中 , 凡 名 錄 在 冊 上 的 , 必 得 拯 救 。

那 时 , 保 佑 你 本 国 之 民 的 天 使 长 ( 原 文 是 大 君 ) 米 迦 勒 必 站 起 来 , 并 且 有 大 艰 难 , 从 有 国 以 来 直 到 此 时 , 没 有 这 样 的 。 你 本 国 的 民 中 , 凡 名 录 在 册 上 的 , 必 得 拯 救 。



Daniel 12:1
U ono će vrijeme ustati Mihael, veliki knez koji štiti sinove tvog naroda. Bit će to vrijeme tjeskobe kakve ne bijaše otkako je ljudi pa do toga vremena. U ono vrijeme tvoj će se narod spasiti - svi koji se nađu zapisani u Knjizi.

Daniele 12:1
Toho času postaví se Michal, kníže veliké, kterýž zastává synů lidu tvého, a bude čas ssoužení, jakéhož nebylo, jakž jest národ, až do toho času; toho, pravím, času vysvobozen bude lid tvůj, kdožkoli nalezen bude zapsaný v knize.

Daniel 12:1
Til den Tid skal Mikael staa frem, den store Fyrste, som værner dit Folks Sønner, og en Trængselstid kommer, som hidtil ikke har haft sin Mage, saa længe der var Folkeslag til. Men paa den Tid skal dit Folk frelses, alle, der er optegnet i Bogen.

Daniël 12:1
En te dier tijd zal Michael opstaan, die grote vorst, die voor de kinderen uws volks staat, als het zulk een tijd der benauwdheid zijn zal, als er niet geweest is, sinds dat er een volk geweest is, tot op dienzelven tijd toe; en te dier tijd zal uw volk verlost worden, al wie gevonden wordt geschreven te zijn in het boek.

דניאל 12:1
וּבָעֵ֣ת הַהִיא֩ יַעֲמֹ֨ד מִֽיכָאֵ֜ל הַשַּׂ֣ר הַגָּדֹ֗ול הָעֹמֵד֮ עַל־בְּנֵ֣י עַמֶּךָ֒ וְהָיְתָה֙ עֵ֣ת צָרָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־נִהְיְתָה֙ מִֽהְיֹ֣ות גֹּ֔וי עַ֖ד הָעֵ֣ת הַהִ֑יא וּבָעֵ֤ת הַהִיא֙ יִמָּלֵ֣ט עַמְּךָ֔ כָּל־הַנִּמְצָ֖א כָּת֥וּב בַּסֵּֽפֶר׃

א ובעת ההיא יעמד מיכאל השר הגדול העמד על בני עמך והיתה עת צרה אשר לא נהיתה מהיות גוי עד העת ההיא ובעת ההיא ימלט עמך כל הנמצא כתוב בספר

ובעת ההיא יעמד מיכאל השר הגדול העמד על־בני עמך והיתה עת צרה אשר לא־נהיתה מהיות גוי עד העת ההיא ובעת ההיא ימלט עמך כל־הנמצא כתוב בספר׃

Dániel 12:1
És abban az idõben felkél Mihály, a nagy fejedelem, a ki a te néped fiaiért áll, mert nyomorúságos idõ lesz, a milyen nem volt attól fogva, hogy nép kezdett lenni, mindezideig. És abban az idõben megszabadul a te néped; a ki csak beírva találtatik a könyvben.

Daniel 12:1
En tiu tempo levigxos Mihxael, la granda protektanto, kiu defendas la filojn de via popolo; kaj venos tempo malfacila, kia ne ekzistis de tiu tempo, kiam aperis homoj, gxis la nuna tempo; sed savigxos en tiu tempo el via popolo cxiuj, kiuj trovigxos enskribitaj en la libro.

Silloin nonsee suuri päämies Mikael, joka sinun kansas lasten edessä seisoo, sillä surkia aika on tuleva, jonka kaltaista ei ikänä ole ollut sittekuin ihmiset rupesivat olemaan, hamaan tähän aikaan asti. Sillä ajalla sinun kansas vapahdetaan. Kaikki, jotka kirjassa kirjoitetut ovat.

Daniel 12:1
Et en ce temps-là se lèvera Micaël, le grand chef, qui tient pour les fils de ton peuple; et ce sera un temps de détresse tel, qu'il n'y en a pas eu depuis qu'il existe une nation jusqu'à ce temps-là. Et en ce temps-là ton peuple sera délivré: quiconque sera trouvé écrit dans le livre.

En ce temps-là se lèvera Micaël, le grand chef, le défenseur des enfants de ton peuple; et ce sera une époque de détresse, telle qu'il n'y en a point eu de semblable depuis que les nations existent jusqu'à cette époque. En ce temps-là, ceux de ton peuple qui seront trouvés inscrits dans le livre seront sauvés.

Or, en ce temps-là Michaël, ce grand Chef qui tient ferme pour les enfants de ton peuple, tiendra ferme; et ce sera un temps de détresse, tel qu'il n'y en a point eu depuis qu'il y a eu des nations, jusqu'à ce temps-là; et en ce temps-là ton peuple, [c'est à savoir], quiconque sera trouvé écrit dans le Livre, échappera.

Daniel 12:1
Zur selbigen Zeit wird der große Fürst Michael, der für dein Volk stehet, sich aufmachen. Denn es wird eine solche trübselige Zeit sein, als sie nicht gewesen ist, seit daß Leute gewesen sind, bis auf dieselbige Zeit. Zur selbigen Zeit wird dein Volk errettet werden, alle, die im Buch geschrieben stehen.

Zur selben Zeit wird der große Fürst Michael, der für die Kinder deines Volkes steht, sich aufmachen. Denn es wird eine solche trübselige Zeit sein, wie sie nicht gewesen ist, seitdem Leute gewesen sind bis auf diese Zeit. Zur selben Zeit wird dein Volk errettet werden, alle, die im Buch geschrieben stehen.

Zu jener Zeit aber wird sich Michael, der große Engelfürst, der deine Volksgenossen schützt, erheben, und es wird eine Zeit der Bedrängnis sein, wie es bis auf jene Zeit keine gegeben hat, seitdem Völker bestehen. Zu jener Zeit werden von deinem Volk alle die gerettet werden, die sich im Buche aufgeschrieben finden.

Daniele 12:1
E in quel tempo sorgerà Micael, il gran capo, il difensore de’ figliuoli del tuo popolo; e sarà un tempo d’angoscia, quale non n’ebbe mai da quando esiston nazioni fino a quell’epoca; e in quel tempo, il tuo popolo sarà salvato; tutti quelli, cioè, che saran trovati iscritti nel libro.

Or in quel tempo si leverà Micael, quel gran principe, che sta per li figliuoli del tuo popolo; e vi sarà un tempo di distretta, quel non fu giammai, da che questo popolo è stato nazione, fino a quel tempo; ed in quel tempo d’infra il tuo popolo sarà salvato chiunque si troverà scritto nel libro.

Hata, maka pada masa itu akan bangkit berdiri Mikhael, penghulu besar itu, yang memeliharakan perkara segala bani bangsamu; setelah sudah ada suatu masa kesukaran, begitu besar belum pernah ada dahulu, dari pada jadi suatu bangsa datang kepada hari ini; tetapi pada masa itu bangsamu akan diluputkan, yaitu mereka itu sekalian yang didapati tersurat namanya di dalam Kitab itu.

다니엘 12:1
그 때에 네 민족을 호위하는 대군 미가엘이 일어날 것이요 또 환난이 있으리니 이는 개국 이래로 그 때까지 없던 환난일 것이며 그 때에 네 백성 중 무릇 책에 기록된 모든 자가 구원을 얻을 것이라

Daniel 12:1
in tempore autem illo consurget Michahel princeps magnus qui stat pro filiis populi tui et veniet tempus quale non fuit ab eo quo gentes esse coeperunt usque ad tempus illud et in tempore illo salvabitur populus tuus omnis qui inventus fuerit scriptus in libro

Danieliaus knyga 12:1
“Tuo laiku pakils Mykolas, didysis kunigaikštis, kuris gina tavo tautiečius. Tada ateis tokie sunkūs laikai, kokių nebuvo nuo tautos atsiradimo. Tada tavo tauta bus išgelbėta­kiekvienas, kuris bus įrašytas knygoje.

Daniel 12:1
A, i taua wa ka whakatika a Mikaera, te rangatira nui e tu nei hei hoa mo nga tama a tou iwi; na he wa raruraru taua wa, kahore mai i mua i te wa i whai iwi ai a taea noatia taua wa nei; hei taua wa ka mawhiti tou iwi, te hunga katoa e kitea kua oti te tuhituhi ki te pukapuka.

Daniel 12:1
På den tid skal Mikael stå frem, den store fyrste som verner om ditt folks barn, og det skal komme en trengselstid som det ikke har vært fra den dag noget folk blev til, og like til den tid. Men på den tid skal alle de av ditt folk bli frelst som finnes opskrevet i boken.

Daniel 12:1
En aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que vela sobre los hijos de tu pueblo. Será un tiempo de angustia cual nunca hubo desde que existen las naciones hasta entonces; y en ese tiempo tu pueblo será librado, todos los que se encuentren inscritos en el libro.

"En aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que vela sobre los hijos de tu pueblo. Será un tiempo de angustia cual nunca hubo desde que existen las naciones hasta entonces. Y en ese tiempo tu pueblo será librado, todos los que se encuentren inscritos en el libro.

Y en aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que está por los hijos de tu pueblo; y será tiempo de angustia, cual nunca fue después que hubo gente hasta entonces; mas en aquel tiempo será libertado tu pueblo, todos los que se hallen escritos en el libro.

Y EN aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que está por los hijos de tu pueblo; y será tiempo de angustia, cual nunca fué después que hubo gente hasta entonces: mas en aquel tiempo será libertado tu pueblo, todos los que se hallaren escritos

Mas en aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que está por los hijos de tu pueblo; y será tiempo de angustia, cual nunca fue después que hubo gente hasta entonces; mas en aquel tiempo tu pueblo escapará, todos los que se hallaren escritos en el libro.

Daniel 12:1
Naquela época, Miguel, o grande príncipe que protege o povo de Deus, se erguerá em benefício dos filhos do teu povo; e haverá um período de tribulação, opressão e aflição como nunca houve desde o início das nações até então. Contudo, naquela época, o teu povo, toda pessoa cujo nome está escrito no Sêfer, Livro, será liberto.

Naquele tempo se levantará Miguel, o grande príncipe, que se levanta a favor dos filhos do teu povo; e haverá um tempo de tribulação, qual nunca houve, desde que existiu nação até aquele tempo; mas naquele tempo livrar-se-á o teu povo, todo aquele que for achado escrito no livro.   

Daniel 12:1
În vremea aceea se va scula marele voivod Mihail, ocrotitorul copiilor poporului tău; căci aceasta va fi o vreme de strîmtorare, cum n'a mai fost de cînd sînt neamurile şi pînă la vremea aceasta. Dar în vremea aceea, poporul tău va fi mîntuit, şi anume oricine va fi găsit scris în carte.

Даниил 12:1
И восстанет в то время Михаил, князь великий, стоящий за сынов народа твоего; и наступит время тяжкое, какого не бывало с тех пор, как существуют люди, до сего времени; но спасутся в это время из народа твоего все, которые найдены будут записанными в книге.

И восстанет в то время Михаил, князь великий, стоящий за сынов народа твоего; и наступит время тяжкое, какого не бывало с тех пор, как существуют люди, до сего времени; но спасутся в это время из народа твоего все, которые найдены будут записанными в книге.[]

Daniel 12:1
På den tiden skall Mikael träda upp, den store fursten som står såsom försvarare för dina landsmän; och då kommer en tid av nöd, vars like icke har funnits, allt ifrån den dag då människor blevo till och ända till den tiden. Men på den tiden skola av ditt folk alla de varda frälsta, som finnas skrivna i boken.

Daniel 12:1
At sa panahong yaon ay tatayo si Miguel, na dakilang prinsipe na tumatayo sa ikabubuti ng mga anak ng iyong bayan; at magkakaroon ng panahon ng kabagabagan, na hindi nangyari kailan man mula nang magkaroon ng bansa hanggang sa panahong yaon: at sa panahong yaon ay maliligtas ang iyong bayan, bawa't isa na masusumpungan na nakasulat sa aklat.

ดาเนียล 12:1
ในครั้งนั้น มีคาเอล จ้าวผู้พิทักษ์ยิ่งใหญ่ ผู้คุ้มกันชนชาติของท่านจะลุกขึ้น และจะมีเวลายากลำบากอย่างไม่เคยมีมาตั้งแต่ครั้งมีประชาชาติจนถึงสมัยนั้น แต่ในครั้งนั้นชนชาติของท่านจะรับการช่วยให้พ้น คือทุกคนที่มีชื่อบันทึกไว้ในหนังสือ

Daniel 12:1
‹‹O zaman senin halkını koruyan büyük önder Mikail görünecek. Ulusun oluşumundan beri hiç görülmemiş bir sıkıntı dönemi olacak. Bu dönemde halkın -adı kitapta yazılı olanlar- kurtulacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 12:1
Trong kỳ đó, Mi-ca-ên, quan trưởng lớn, là đấng đứng thay mặt con cái dân ngươi sẽ chổi dậy. Lúc đó sẽ có tai nạn, đến nỗi từ khi mới có nước đến kỳ đó cũng chẳng có như vậy bao giờ. Bấy giờ, trong vòng dân sự ngươi, kẻ nào được ghi trong quyển sách kia sẽ được cứu.

Daniel 11:45
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