Daniel 11:9
Daniel 11:9
Then the king of the North will invade the realm of the king of the South but will retreat to his own country.

"Later the king of the north will invade the realm of the king of the south but will soon return to his own land.

Then the latter shall come into the realm of the king of the south but shall return to his own land.

"Then the latter will enter the realm of the king of the South, but will return to his own land.

So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own land.

who will enter the kingdom of the king of the South and then return to his own land."

Then he'll come against the realm of the southern king and then return to his own territory.

Then the king of the north will advance against the empire of the king of the south, but will withdraw to his own land.

He will invade the southern kingdom and return to his own country.

Thus shall the king of the south enter into the kingdom and return to his own land.

So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own land.

So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own land.

And he shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but he shall return into his own land.

And the king of the south shall enter into the kingdom, and shall return to his own land.

and the same shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but shall return into his own land.

And he shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but he shall return into his own land.

So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own land.

He shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but he shall return into his own land.

'And the king of the south hath come into the kingdom, and turned back unto his own land;

Danieli 11:9
Ky do të dalë kundër mbretit të jugut, por pastaj do të kthehet në vendin e tij.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:9
فيدخل ملك الجنوب الى مملكته ويرجع الى ارضه

Dyr Däniheel 11:9
Daa tricht aber iewet dyr Norderkünig gögn s Sunderreich aus, mueß aber schnell wider zo n Abzug blaasn.

Данаил 11:9
А оня ще влезе в царството на южния цар, но ще се върне в земята си.

但 以 理 書 11:9
北 方 的 王 ( 原 文 是 他 ) 必 入 南 方 王 的 國 , 卻 要 仍 回 本 地 。

北 方 的 王 ( 原 文 是 他 ) 必 入 南 方 王 的 国 , 却 要 仍 回 本 地 。



Daniel 11:9
koji će onda prodrijeti u kraljevstvo kralja Juga, odakle će se vratiti u svoju zemlju.

Daniele 11:9
A tak přijde do království král polední, a navrátí se do země své.

Daniel 11:9
Men denne falder ind i Sydens Konges Rige; dog maa han vende hjem til sit Land.

Daniël 11:9
Alzo zal de koning van het Zuiden in het koninkrijk komen, en hij zal wederom in zijn land trekken.

דניאל 11:9
וּבָ֗א בְּמַלְכוּת֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ הַנֶּ֔גֶב וְשָׁ֖ב אֶל־אַדְמָתֹֽו׃

ט ובא במלכות מלך הנגב ושב אל אדמתו

ובא במלכות מלך הנגב ושב אל־אדמתו׃

Dániel 11:9
Ez ugyan bemegy a déli király országába, de visszatér az õ földére.

Daniel 11:9
CXi tiu iros al la regno de la suda regxo, sed revenos en sian landon.

Ja kuin etelän kuningas on vaeltanut hänen valtakuntansa lävitse, palajaa hän omalle maallensa.

Daniel 11:9
Et celui-ci viendra dans le royaume du roi du midi et il retournera dans son pays.

Et celui-ci marchera contre le royaume du roi du midi, et reviendra dans son pays.

Et le Roi du Midi entrera dans [son] Royaume, mais il s'en retournera en son pays.

Daniel 11:9
Und wenn er durch desselbigen Königreich gezogen ist, wird er wiederum in sein Land ziehen.

Und dieser wird ziehen in das Reich des Königs gegen Mittag, aber wieder in sein Land umkehren.

dieser aber wird einen Einfall in das Reich des Königs des Südens machen, jedoch in sein Land zurückkehren.

Daniele 11:9
E questi marcerà contro il re del mezzogiorno, ma tornerà nel proprio paese.

E il re del Mezzodì verrà nel suo regno, e se ne ritornerà al suo paese.

Maka apabila ini berangkat ke negeri raja yang di Selatan, tak dapat tiada ia balik kembali ke negerinya.

다니엘 11:9
북방 왕이 남방 왕의 나라로 쳐 들어갈 것이나 자기 본국으로 물러 가리라

Daniel 11:9
et intrabit in regnum rex austri et revertetur ad terram suam

Danieliaus knyga 11:9
Vėliau šiaurės karalius užpuls pietų karalių ir įsiverš į jo kraštą, bet turės sugrįšti į savo kraštą.

Daniel 11:9
A ka haere ia ki te kingitanga o te kingi o te tonga, engari ka hoki ano ia ki tona ake whenua.

Daniel 11:9
Så skal Nordens konge dra mot Sydens konges rike, men måtte vende tilbake til sitt land igjen*.

Daniel 11:9
Y éste entrará en el reino del rey del sur, y luego se volverá a su tierra.

"Y éste entrará en el reino del rey del sur, y luego se volverá a su tierra.

Así entrará en su reino el rey del sur, y volverá a su tierra.

Así entrará en el reino el rey del mediodía, y volverá á su tierra.

Así entrará en el reino el rey del mediodía, y volverá a su tierra.

Daniel 11:9
Então o rei do Norte atacará as fortalezas do rei do Sul, mas se verá obrigado a voltar para a sua própria terra.

E entrará no reino do rei do sul, mas voltará para a sua terra.   

Daniel 11:9
Acesta va porni împotriva împărăţiei împăratului dela miază zi, dar se va întoarce iarăş în ţara sa.

Даниил 11:9
Хотя этот и сделает нашествие на царство южного царя,но возвратится в свою землю.

Хотя этот и сделает нашествие на царство южного царя, но возвратится в свою землю.[]

Daniel 11:9
Däremot skall denne tränga in i Söderlandskonungens rike, men han skall få vända tillbaka till sitt land igen.

Daniel 11:9
At siya'y paroroon sa kaharian ng hari sa timugan, nguni't siya'y babalik sa kaniyang sariling lupain.

ดาเนียล 11:9
แล้วกษัตริย์แห่งถิ่นใต้จะเข้ามาในเขตกษัตริย์แห่งถิ่นเหนือ แต่จะกลับไปสู่แผ่นดินของท่านเอง

Daniel 11:9
Sonra Kuzey Kralı gidip Güney Kralının ülkesine saldıracak, ardından kendi ülkesine dönecek.[]

Ña-ni-eân 11:9
Vua nầy sẽ tiến vào nước vua phương nam, nhưng lại trở về xứ mình.

Daniel 11:8
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