Daniel 11:10
Daniel 11:10
His sons will prepare for war and assemble a great army, which will sweep on like an irresistible flood and carry the battle as far as his fortress.

However, the sons of the king of the north will assemble a mighty army that will advance like a flood and carry the battle as far as the enemy's fortress.

“His sons shall wage war and assemble a multitude of great forces, which shall keep coming and overflow and pass through, and again shall carry the war as far as his fortress.

"His sons will mobilize and assemble a multitude of great forces; and one of them will keep on coming and overflow and pass through, that he may again wage war up to his very fortress.

But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress.

His sons will mobilize for war and assemble a large number of armed forces. They will advance, sweeping through like a flood, and will again wage war as far as his fortress.

His sons will prepare for war, assembling an army of considerable force. One of them will come on forcefully, overflowing, passing through, and waging war up to his own fortress.

His sons will wage war, mustering a large army which will advance like an overflowing river and carrying the battle all the way to the enemy's fortress.

"Then his sons will prepare for war. They will assemble a large number of forces so that they can overwhelm [the enemy] and pass through its land. They will return and wage war all the way to the stronghold.

But the sons of that one shall be stirred up and shall assemble a multitude of great armies and shall come in great haste, and overflow and pass through and turn and come with wrath unto his fortress.

But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress.

But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress.

And his sons shall war, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces, which shall come on, and overflow, and pass through; and they shall return and war, even to his fortress.

And his sons shall be provoked, and they shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and he shall come with haste like a flood: and he shall return and be stirred up, and he shall join battle with his forces.

And his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces; and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through; and he shall return and carry the war even to his fortress.

And his sons shall war, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces which shall come on, and overflow, and pass through: and they shall return and war, even to his fortress.

But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress.

His sons shall war, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces, which shall come on, and overflow, and pass through; and they shall return and war, even to his fortress.

and his sons stir themselves up, and have gathered a multitude of great forces, and he hath certainly come in, and overflowed, and passed through, and he turneth back, and they stir themselves up unto his stronghold.

Danieli 11:10
Bijtë e tij do të përgatiten pastaj për luftë dhe do të mbledhin turma forcash të mëdha, dhe një prej tyre do të dalë me siguri përpara, do të vërshojë si një përmbytje dhe do të kalojë tutje për ta çuar luftën deri në fortesën e tij.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:10
وبنوه يتهيجون فيجمعون جمهور جيوش عظيمة ويأتي آت ويغمر ويطمو ويرجع ويحارب حتى الى حصنه.

Dyr Däniheel 11:10
Seine Sün aber rüstnd auf und bringend entzige Hörer zamm. Ainer von ien ruckt allweil weiter gan Sundn vor wie ayn Fluetwelln und fallt schließlich yn n Sunderkünig sein Föstung an.

Данаил 11:10
И синовете му ще воюват, и ще съберат множество от големи войски, които ще дойдат с устрем, ще нахлуят и ще заминат; а завръщайки се ще воюват дори до крепостта му.

但 以 理 書 11:10
北 方 王 ( 原 文 是 他 ) 的 二 子 必 動 干 戈 , 招 聚 許 多 軍 兵 。 這 軍 兵 前 去 , 如 洪 水 氾 濫 , 又 必 再 去 爭 戰 , 直 到 南 方 王 的 保 障 。

北 方 王 ( 原 文 是 他 ) 的 二 子 必 动 干 戈 , 招 聚 许 多 军 兵 。 这 军 兵 前 去 , 如 洪 水 ? 滥 , 又 必 再 去 争 战 , 直 到 南 方 王 的 保 障 。



Daniel 11:10
Ali će se onda njegovi sinovi naoružati, skupit će silnu vojsku, odlučno će navaliti i poput poplave proći, zatim će se opet zametnuti rat sve do njegove utvrde.

Daniele 11:10
Ale synové onoho válčiti budou, a seberou množství vojsk velikých. A nenadále přijda, jako povodeň procházeti bude, a navracuje se, válkou dotírati bude až k jeho pevnostem.

Daniel 11:10
Men hans Søn ruster sig og samler store Hære i Mængde, drager frem imod ham og oversvømmer og overskyller Landet. Og han kommer igen og trænger frem til hans Fæstning.

Daniël 11:10
Doch zijn zonen zullen zich in strijd mengen, en zij zullen een menigte van grote heiren verzamelen; en een van hen zal snellijk komen, en als een vloed overstromen en doortrekken; en hij zal wederom komen, en zich in den strijd mengen, tot aan zijn sterke plaats toe.

דניאל 11:10
[וּבְנֹו כ] (וּבָנָ֣יו ק) יִתְגָּר֗וּ וְאָסְפוּ֙ הֲמֹון֙ חֲיָלִ֣ים רַבִּ֔ים וּבָ֥א בֹ֖וא וְשָׁטַ֣ף וְעָבָ֑ר וְיָשֹׁ֥ב [וְיִתְגָּרוּ כ] (וְיִתְגָּרֶ֖ה ק) עַד־ [מָעֻזָּה כ] (מָעֻזֹּֽו׃ ק)

י ובנו יתגרו ואספו המון חילים רבים ובא בוא ושטף ועבר וישב ויתגרו (ויתגרה) עד מעזה

[ובנו כ] (ובניו ק) יתגרו ואספו המון חילים רבים ובא בוא ושטף ועבר וישב [ויתגרו כ] (ויתגרה ק) עד־ [מעזה כ] (מעזו׃ ק)

Dániel 11:10
De az õ fiai fegyverkeznek és sok nagy sereget gyûjtenek, és hirtelen jön és beözönlik, és átmegy és visszatér, és hadakoznak mind az õ erõsségéig.

Daniel 11:10
Poste liaj filoj sin armos kaj kolektos grandan militistaron; kaj unu iros rapide, disversxigxos kiel inundo, kaj denove faros militon gxis lia fortikajxo.

DANIEL 11:10
Vaan hänen poikansa vihastuvat ja kokoovat suuren sotajoukon, ja yksi tulee ja menee edeskäsin niinkuin virta ja taas kehoittaa muut vihaan valtakuntaansa vastaan.

Daniel 11:10
Mais ses fils s'irriteront et rassembleront une multitude de forces nombreuses; et l'un d'eux viendra et inondera et passera outre; et il reviendra et poussera le combat jusqu'à sa forteresse.

Ses fils se mettront en campagne et rassembleront une multitude nombreuse de troupes; l'un d'eux s'avancera, se répandra comme un torrent, débordera, puis reviendra; et ils pousseront les hostilités jusqu'à la forteresse du roi du midi.

Mais les fils de celui-là entreront en guerre, et assembleront une multitude de grandes armées; puis [l'un d'eux] viendra certainement, et se répandra, et passera; il retournera, dis-je, et s'avancera en bataille jusqu'à la forteresse [du Roi du Midi].

Daniel 11:10
Aber seine Söhne werden erzürnen und große Heere zusammenbringen; und der eine wird kommen und wie eine Flut daherfahren und jenen wiederum vor seinen Festen reizen.

Aber seine Söhne werden zornig werden und große Heere zusammenbringen; und der eine wird kommen und wie eine Flut daherfahren und wiederum Krieg führen bis vor seine Feste. {~}

Seine Söhne werden die Feinseligkeiten wieder beginnen und einen gewaltigen Heerhaufen zusammenbringen. Dieser wird vorrücken, alles hinwegschwemmen und das Land überfluten; dann wird er den Angriff wieder aufnehmen und den Krieg bis zu seiner Festung tragen.

Daniele 11:10
E i suoi figliuoli entreranno in guerra, e raduneranno una moltitudine di grandi forze; l’un d’essi si farà avanti, si spanderà come un torrente, e passerà oltre; poi tornerà e spingerà le ostilità sino alla fortezza del re del mezzogiorno.

Poi i figliuoli di colui entreranno in guerra, e aduneranno una moltitudine di grandi eserciti; e l’un d’essi verrà di subito, e inonderà, e passerà oltre; poi ritornerà ancora, e darà battaglia, e perverrà fino alla fortezza del re del Mezzodì.

DANIEL 11:10
Tetapi dari pada segala anaknya laki-laki seorang akan masuk perang, dan mengerahkan balatentara yang banyak lagi dengan besarnya dan ia akan berjalan dengan tiada tertegahkan, dan meliputi semuanya seperti air bah dan dengan berulang-ulang berperang iapun akan sampai ke kotanya.

다니엘 11:10
그 아들들이 전쟁을 준비하고 심히 많은 군대를 모아서 물의 넘침 같이 나아올 것이며 그가 또 와서 남방 왕의 견고한 성까지 칠 것이요

Daniel 11:10
filii autem eius provocabuntur et congregabunt multitudinem exercituum plurimorum et veniet properans et inundans et revertetur et concitabitur et congredietur cum robore eius

Danieliaus knyga 11:10
Jo sūnūs ateis, surinkę didžiulę kariuomenę, vienas užlies kraštą ir prasiverš iki pietų karaliaus tvirtovės.

Daniel 11:10
Na ka whawhai ana tama, a ka huihuia e ratou he ope, he maha nga taua: na ka haere mai aua ope, kei te waipuke te rite, a puta rawa atu: a ka hoki ratou, ka whawhai, a tae tonu ki to tera pa.

Daniel 11:10
Og hans sønner* skal ruste sig til strid og samle en veldig krigshær, og den skal dra inn i landet og oversvømme og overskylle det; så skal den komme igjen, og krigen skal føres helt frem til hans festning**.

Daniel 11:10
Pero sus hijos se movilizarán y reunirán una multitud de grandes ejércitos, y uno de ellos seguirá avanzando e inundará y pasará adelante, para hacer guerra de nuevo hasta la misma fortaleza.

"Pero sus hijos se movilizarán y reunirán una multitud de grandes ejércitos, y uno de ellos seguirá avanzando e inundará y pasará adelante, para hacer guerra de nuevo hasta la misma fortaleza.

Mas los hijos de aquél se airarán y reunirán multitud de grandes ejércitos: y vendrá a gran prisa, e inundará, y pasará, y tornará, y llegará con ira hasta su fortaleza.

Mas los hijos de aquél se airarán y reunirán multitud de grandes ejércitos: y vendrá á gran priesa, é inundará, y pasará, y tornará, y llegará con ira hasta su fortaleza.

Mas los hijos de aquél se airarán y reunirán multitud de grandes ejércitos: y vendrá a gran prisa, e inundará, y pasará, y tornará, y llegará con ira hasta su fortaleza.

Daniel 11:10
Mas seus filhos intervirão, e conseguirão ajuntar um grande exército, o qual avançará com poder e violência, arrasando tudo por onde passar; e, depois disso, retornando, levará os combates até a fortaleza do rei do Sul.

Mas seus filhos intervirão, e reunirão uma multidão de grandes forças; a qual avançará, e inundará, e passará para adiante; e, voltando, levará a guerra até a sua fortaleza.   

Daniel 11:10
Totuş, fiii săi vor începe iarăş războiul, şi vor strînge o mare mulţime de oşti, care va înainta, se va revărsa ca un rîu, care iese din matcă, şi -l vor împinge iarăş înapoi pînă la cetăţuie.

Даниил 11:10
Потом вооружатся сыновья его и соберут многочисленное войско, иодин из них быстро пойдет, наводнит и пройдет, и потом, возвращаясь, будет сражаться с ним до укреплений его.

Потом вооружатся сыновья его и соберут многочисленное войско, и один из них быстро пойдет, наводнит и пройдет, и потом, возвращаясь, будет сражаться с ним до укреплений его.[]

Daniel 11:10
Och hans söner skola rusta sig till strid och samla en väldig krigs här; och den skall rycka fram och svämma över och utbreda sig; och den skall komma igen, och striden skall föras ända fram till hans fäste.

Daniel 11:10
At ang kaniyang mga anak ay makikipagdigma, at mapipisan ng isang karamihang malaking hukbo, na magpapatuloy, at aabot, at lalagpas; at sila'y magsisibalik at makikipagdigma, hanggang sa kaniyang katibayan.

ดาเนียล 11:10
แต่บุตรชายทั้งหลายของท่านจะก่อสงครามและชุมนุมกำลังรบเป็นอันมากไว้ และคนหนึ่งจะมาอย่างแน่นอนและไหลท่วมและผ่านไป และจะกลับไปทำสงครามจนถึงป้อมปราการของท่าน

Daniel 11:10
Kuzey Kralının oğulları savaşa hazırlanarak çok büyük bir ordu toplayacaklar. Ordu sel gibi taşacak, önüne geleni alıp götürecek, gelip Güney Kralının kalesine dayanacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 11:10
Hai con trai vua phương bắc đi chiến trận, nhóm một đoàn cơ binh lớn, sẽ đến, sẽ tràn ra và đi qua; chúng nó sẽ trở về và chiến trận cho đến đồn lũy vua phương nam.

Daniel 11:9
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