Daniel 11:30
Daniel 11:30
Ships of the western coastlands will oppose him, and he will lose heart. Then he will turn back and vent his fury against the holy covenant. He will return and show favor to those who forsake the holy covenant.

For warships from western coastlands will scare him off, and he will withdraw and return home. But he will vent his anger against the people of the holy covenant and reward those who forsake the covenant.

For ships of Kittim shall come against him, and he shall be afraid and withdraw, and shall turn back and be enraged and take action against the holy covenant. He shall turn back and pay attention to those who forsake the holy covenant.

"For ships of Kittim will come against him; therefore he will be disheartened and will return and become enraged at the holy covenant and take action; so he will come back and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant.

For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

Ships of Kittim will come against him, and being intimidated, he will withdraw. Then he will rage against the holy covenant and take action. On his return, he will favor those who abandon the holy covenant.

because ships will come against him from the Mediterranean islands. Disheartened, he'll return, incited to vehemence against the holy covenant, and he'll take action. As he returns, he'll show deference to those who abandon the holy covenant.

The ships of Kittim will come against him, leaving him disheartened. He will turn back and direct his indignation against the holy covenant. He will return and honor those who forsake the holy covenant.

Ships will come from the west to attack him, and he will be discouraged and turn back. Angry at the holy promise, he will return, take action, and favor those who abandon the holy promise.

For the ships of Chittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved and return and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return and have an understanding with those that have forsaken the holy covenant.

For the ships of Kittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and rage against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and show favor toward them that forsake the holy covenant.

For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

For ships of Kittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved, and shall return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, and shall do his pleasure : he shall even return, and have regard unto them that forsake the holy covenant.

And the galleys and the Romans shall come upon him, and he shall be struck, and shall return, and shall have indignation against the covenant of the sanctuary, and he shall succeed: and he shall return and shall devise against them that have forsaken the covenant of the sanctuary.

for ships of Chittim shall come against him; and he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant; and will practise; and he shall return and direct his attention to those that forsake the holy covenant.

For ships of Kittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved, and shall return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, and shall do his pleasure: he shall even return, and have regard unto them that forsake the holy covenant.

For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

For ships of Kittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved, and shall return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, and shall do [his pleasure]: he shall even return, and have regard to those who forsake the holy covenant.

And ships of Chittim have come in against him, and he hath been pained, and hath turned back, and hath been insolent toward the holy covenant, and hath wrought, and turned back, and he understandeth concerning those forsaking the holy covenant.

Danieli 11:30
sepse anijet e Kitimit do të vijnë kundër tij; prandaj ai do të trembet, do të zemërohet përsëri kundër besëlidhjes së shenjtë dhe do të zbatojë planet e tij; kështu përsëri do të merret vesh me ata që kanë braktisur besëlidhjen e shenjtë.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:30
فتأتي عليه سفن من كتّيم فييئس ويرجع ويغتاظ على العهد المقدس ويعمل ويرجع ويصغى الى الذين تركوا العهد المقدس.

Dyr Däniheel 11:30
Kitterische Schöf greiffend n an, und er mueß mit einzognen Schwanz abzieghn. Ietz +kriegt yr eerst ayn Wuet auf s Volk von n heilignen Bund und laasst de Sel dran aus, ausser an dene, wo yn n Bund abtrinnend. Die kan yr guet brauchen.

Данаил 11:30
защото китимски кораби ще дойдат против него; по която причина той, огорчен, наново ще се разяри против светия завет, и ще действува [по волята си]; даже, като се завърне, ще се споразумее с ония, които са оставили светия завет.

但 以 理 書 11:30
因 為 基 提 戰 船 必 來 攻 擊 他 , 他 就 喪 膽 而 回 , 又 要 惱 恨 聖 約 , 任 意 而 行 ; 他 必 回 來 聯 絡 背 棄 聖 約 的 人 。

因 为 基 提 战 船 必 来 攻 击 他 , 他 就 丧 胆 而 回 , 又 要 恼 恨 圣 约 , 任 意 而 行 ; 他 必 回 来 联 络 背 弃 圣 约 的 人 。



Daniel 11:30
Kitimski će brodovi navaliti na njega, i on će se uplašiti. Vratit će se, bjesnjeti protiv svetoga Saveza i opet će se sporazumjeti s onima koji napustiše sveti Savez.

Daniele 11:30
Nebo přijdou proti němu lodí Citejské, pročež bude jej to boleti, tak že opět zlobiti se bude proti smlouvě svaté. Což učině, navrátí se, a srozumění míti bude s těmi, kteříž opustili smlouvu svatou.

Daniel 11:30
kittæiske Skibe drager imod ham, og han lader sig skræmme og vender om; hans Vrede blusser op mod den hellige Pagt, og han giver den frit Løb. Saa vender han hjem og mærker sig dem, som falder fra den hellige Pagt.

Daniël 11:30
Want er zullen schepen van Chittim tegen hem komen, daarom zal hij met smart bevangen worden, en hij zal wederkeren, en gram worden tegen het heilig verbond, en hij zal het doen; want wederkerende zal hij acht geven op de verlaters des heiligen verbonds.

דניאל 11:30
וּבָ֨אוּ בֹ֜ו צִיִּ֤ים כִּתִּים֙ וְנִכְאָ֔ה וְשָׁ֛ב וְזָעַ֥ם עַל־בְּרִֽית־קֹ֖ודֶשׁ וְעָשָׂ֑ה וְשָׁ֣ב וְיָבֵ֔ן עַל־עֹזְבֵ֖י בְּרִ֥ית קֹֽדֶשׁ׃

ל ובאו בו ציים כתים ונכאה ושב וזעם על ברית קודש ועשה ושב ויבן על עזבי ברית קדש

ובאו בו ציים כתים ונכאה ושב וזעם על־ברית־קודש ועשה ושב ויבן על־עזבי ברית קדש׃

Dániel 11:30
Mert kitteus hajók jõnek ellene és megijed, és visszatér és dühöng a szent szövetség ellen és cselekszik [ellene;] visszatér és ügyel azokra, a kik elhagyják a szent szövetséget.

Daniel 11:30
CXar venos kontraux lin sxipoj de la Kitidoj, kaj li perdos la kuragxon; kaj li denove farigxos kolera kontraux la sankta interligo, kaj denove agos kaj interkonsentos kun la forlasintoj de la sankta interligo.

DANIEL 11:30
Sillä Kittimistä tulevat haahdet häntä vastaan, niin että hän epäilee ja palajaa ja vihastuu sitä pyhää liittoa vastaan. Ja menestyy ja kääntää itsensä ja suostuu niihin, jotka pyhän liiton hylkäävät.

Daniel 11:30
car les navires de Kittim viendront contre lui; et il sera découragé, et retournera et sera courroucé contre la sainte alliance, et il agira; et il retournera et portera son attention sur ceux qui abandonnent la sainte alliance.

Des navires de Kittim s'avanceront contre lui; découragé, il rebroussera. Puis, furieux contre l'alliance sainte, il ne restera pas inactif; à son retour, il portera ses regards sur ceux qui auront abandonné l'alliance sainte.

Car les navires de Kittim viendront contre lui, dont il sera contristé, et il s'en retournera, et il sera irrité contre la sainte alliance, et fera [de grands exploits], et retournera, et s'entendra avec les apostats de la sainte alliance.

Daniel 11:30
Denn es werden Schiffe aus Chittim wider ihn kommen, daß er verzagen wird und umkehren muß. Da wird er wider den heiligen Bund ergrimmen und wird's ausrichten; und wird sich umsehen und an sich ziehen, die den heiligen Bund verlassen.

Denn es werden Schiffe aus Chittim wider ihn kommen, daß er verzagen wird und umkehren muß. Da wird er wider den heiligen Bund ergrimmen und wird's nicht ausrichten; und wird sich umsehen und an sich ziehen, die den heiligen Bund verlassen.

Es werden ihn kittäische Schiffe angreifen, und er wird eingeschüchtert werden, so daß er umkehrt und nun seinen Zorn an dem heiligen Bund ausläßt. Sodann wird er in seine Heimat zurückkehren und von da an sein Augenmerk auf die lenken, die vom heiligen Bund abgefallen sind.

Daniele 11:30
poiché delle navi di Kittim moveranno contro di lui; ed egli si perderà d’animo; poi di nuovo s’indignerà contro il patto santo, ed eseguirà i suoi disegni, e tornerà ad intendersi con quelli che avranno abbandonato il patto santo.

E verranno contro a lui delle navi di Chittim, ed egli ne sarà contristato, e se ne ritornerà, e indegnerà contro al Patto santo, e farà di gran cose: poi ritornerà, e porgerà le orecchie a quelli che avranno abbandonato il Patto santo.

DANIEL 11:30
karena akan datang kapal dari negeri Khitim, lalu segala beraninya akan lenyap, dan iapun akan kembali; tetapi dipuaskannya kelak amarahnya akan perjanjian yang suci itu, akan dilakukannya itu dan diberinya telinga akan kata orang yang meninggalkan perjanjian yang suci itu.

다니엘 11:30
이는 깃딤의 배들이 이르러 그를 칠 것임이라 그가 낙심하고 돌아가며 거룩한 언약을 한하고 임의로 행하며 돌아가서는 거룩한 언약을 배반하는 자를 중히 여길 것이며

Daniel 11:30
et venient super eum trieres et Romani et percutietur et revertetur et indignabitur contra testamentum sanctuarii et faciet reverteturque et cogitabit adversum eos qui dereliquerunt testamentum sanctuarii

Danieliaus knyga 11:30
Prieš jį atplauks laivai iš Kitimų. Jis pasitrauks išsigandęs ir bus įtūžęs prieš šventąją sandorą. Jis įvykdys savo ketinimus ir susitars su tais, kurie sulaužė šventąją sandorą.

Daniel 11:30
No te mea ka rere mai nga kaipuke o Kitimi ki te whawhai ki a ia. Na ka pouri ia, a ka hoki, ka riri ki te kawenata tapu, a ka mahi ia i tana e pai ai; a ka tino hoki ia, ka whai whakaaro ki te hunga i whakarerea ai te kawenata tapu.

Daniel 11:30
for skib fra Kittim* skal komme imot ham, og han skal bli motfallen og vende om og la sin vrede gå ut over den hellige pakt; så skal han vende om og legge merke til dem som forlater den hellige pakt.

Daniel 11:30
Porque vendrán contra él naves de Quitim, y se desanimará; volverá y se enfurecerá contra el pacto santo y actuará contra él; volverá, pues, y favorecerá a los que abandonen el pacto santo.

"Porque vendrán contra él naves de Quitim (Chipre), y se desanimará. Volverá y se enfurecerá contra el pacto santo y actuará contra él; volverá, pues, y favorecerá a los que abandonen el pacto santo.

Porque vendrán contra él naves de Quitim, y él se contristará, y volverá, y se enojará contra el pacto santo, y actuará contra éste; volverá, pues, y se entenderá con los que abandonan el santo pacto.

Porque vendrán contra él naves de Chîttim, y él se contristará, y se volverá, y enojaráse contra el pacto santo, y hará: volveráse pues, y pensará en los que habrán desamparado el santo pacto.

Porque vendrán contra él naves de Quitim, y él se contristará, y se volverá, y se enojará contra el santo pacto, y hará; se volverá pues, y pensará en los que habrán desamparado el santo pacto.

Daniel 11:30
Porque navios de Quitim, das regiões da costa ocidental, virão e se oporão a ele, e diante dessa resistência, ele ficará consternado e insultado. Então despejará sua fúria contra a Santa Aliança, o povo de Israel; e retornando, será cordial e indulgente com aqueles que apostatarem da Santa Aliança.

Porque virão contra ele navios de Quitim, que lhe causarão tristeza; por isso voltará, e se indignará contra o santo pacto, e fará como lhe aprouver. Voltará e atenderá aos que tiverem abandonado o santo pacto.   

Daniel 11:30
Ci nişte corăbii din Chitim vor înainta împotriva lui; iar el, desnădăjduit, se va întoarce înapoi. Apoi, mînios împotriva legămîntului sfînt, nu va sta cu mînile în sîn; ci, la întoarcere, se va înţelege cu ceice vor părăsi legămîntul sfînt.

Даниил 11:30
ибо в одно время с ним придут корабли Киттимские; и он упадет духом, и возвратится, и озлобится на святый завет, и исполнит свое намерение, и опять войдет в соглашение с отступниками от святаго завета.

ибо в одно время с ним придут корабли Киттимские; и он упадет духом, и возвратится, и озлобится на святый завет, и исполнит свое намерение, и опять войдет в соглашение с отступниками от святаго завета.[]

Daniel 11:30
Ty skepp från Kittim skola komma emot honom, och han skall förlora modet. Då skall han vända om och rikta sin vrede mot det heliga förbundet och giva den fritt lopp. Och när han har kommit hem, skall han lyssna till dem som hava övergivit det heliga förbundet.

Daniel 11:30
Sapagka't mga sasakyan sa Chittim ay magsisiparoon laban sa kaniya; kaya't siya'y mahahapis, at babalik, at magtataglay ng galit laban sa banal na tipan, at gagawa ng kaniyang maibigan: siya nga'y babalik, at lilingapin yaong nangagpabaya ng banal na tipan.

ดาเนียล 11:30
เพราะว่ากองทัพเรือของเมืองคิทธิมจะมาปะทะกับเขา เขาจึงจะกลัวและกลับไป และจะเกรี้ยวกราดต่อพันธสัญญาบริสุทธิ์ และลงมือปฏิบัติงาน เขาจะหันกลับมาร่วมพันธมิตรกับบรรดาผู้ที่ทิ้งพันธสัญญาบริสุทธิ์

Daniel 11:30
Ona karşı koymak için Kittimden gelen gemiler cesaretini kıracak. Geri dönecek ve öfkeyle kutsal antlaşmaya karşı çıkacak, kutsal antlaşmayı bırakanları yine kayıracak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 11:30
Vì những tàu ở Kít-tim sẽ đến nghịch cùng người; cho nên người sẽ lo buồn và trở về. Người sẽ tức giận nghịch cùng giao ước thánh, và làm theo ý mình. Người sẽ trở về, và coi trọng những kẻ bỏ giao ước thánh.

Daniel 11:29
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