Daniel 11:26
Daniel 11:26
Those who eat from the king's provisions will try to destroy him; his army will be swept away, and many will fall in battle.

His own household will cause his downfall. His army will be swept away, and many will be killed.

Even those who eat his food shall break him. His army shall be swept away, and many shall fall down slain.

"Those who eat his choice food will destroy him, and his army will overflow, but many will fall down slain.

Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.

Those who eat his provisions will destroy him; his army will be swept away, and many will fall slain.

His own security detail will undermine him, his army will be swept away, and many will fall and be killed in battle.

Those who share the king's fine food will attempt to destroy him, and his army will be swept away; many will be killed in battle.

People who eat the king's rich food will ruin him. His army will be overwhelmed, and many will die in battle.

Even those that ate his bread shall break him, and his army shall be destroyed; and many shall fall down slain.

Yea, they that feed of the portion of his rich food shall destroy him, and his army shall be swept away: and many shall fall down slain.

Yes, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.

Yea, they that eat of his dainties shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow; and many shall fall down slain.

And they that eat bread with him, shall destroy him, and his army shall be overthrown: and many shall fall down slain.

And they that eat of his delicate food shall break him, and his army shall be dissolved; and many shall fall down slain.

Yea, they that eat of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.

Yes, they that feed of the portion of his provisions shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.

Yes, they who eat of his dainties shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow; and many shall fall down slain.

and those eating his portion of food destroy him, and his force overfloweth, and fallen have many wounded.

Danieli 11:26
Vetë ata që hanë bashkë me të do ta shkatërrojnë; ushtria e tij do të thyhet dhe shumë do të bien të vrarë.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:26
والآكلون اطايبه يكسرونه وجيشه يطمو ويسقط كثيرون قتلى.

Dyr Däniheel 11:26
Ain an seinn aignen Hof steend bei seinn Sturz dyrhinter. Sein Hör werd aufgribn.

Данаил 11:26
Да! ония, които ядат от изрядните му ястия ще го погубят; и от войската му, [макар да е многочислена] като потоп, мнозина ще паднат убити.

但 以 理 書 11:26
吃 王 膳 的 , 必 敗 壞 他 ; 他 的 軍 隊 必 被 沖 沒 , 而 且 被 殺 的 甚 多 。

吃 王 膳 的 , 必 败 坏 他 ; 他 的 军 队 必 被 冲 没 , 而 且 被 杀 的 甚 多 。



Daniel 11:26
I oni koji jeđahu za njegovim stolom skršit će ga: njegova će vojska biti uništena i mnogi će posječeni popadati.

Daniele 11:26
Nebo kteříž jídají pokrm, potrou jej, když vojsko onoho se rozvodní; i padnou, zbiti jsouce mnozí.

Daniel 11:26
hans Bordfæller bryder hans Magt, hans Hær skylles bort, og mange dræbes og falder.

Daniël 11:26
En die de stukken zijner spijze zullen eten, zullen hem breken, en de heirkracht deszelven zal overstromen, en vele verslagenen zullen vallen.

דניאל 11:26
וְאֹכְלֵ֧י פַת־בָּגֹ֛ו יִשְׁבְּר֖וּהוּ וְחֵילֹ֣ו יִשְׁטֹ֑וף וְנָפְל֖וּ חֲלָלִ֥ים רַבִּֽים׃

כו ואכלי פת בגו ישברוהו וחילו ישטוף ונפלו חללים רבים

ואכלי פת־בגו ישברוהו וחילו ישטוף ונפלו חללים רבים׃

Dániel 11:26
És a kik az õ ételét eszik, megrontják õt, és az õ serege elszéled, és sokan elhullanak seb miatt.

Daniel 11:26
Tiuj, kiuj mangxas cxe lia tablo, pereigos lin, kaj lia armeo disversxigxos, kaj falos multe da mortigitoj.

DANIEL 11:26
Ja juuri ne, jotka hänen leipäänsä syövät, auttavat häntä turmelukseen ja hänen joukkoansa sortamaan, että sangen paljon lyödyksi tulee.

Daniel 11:26
et ceux qui mangeaient ses mets délicats le briseront; et son armée se dissoudra, et beaucoup de gens tomberont tués.

Ceux qui mangeront des mets de sa table causeront sa perte; ses troupes se répandront comme un torrent, et les morts tomberont en grand nombre.

Et ceux qui mangent les mets de sa table le mettront en pièces, et son armée sera accablée, comme d'un déluge, et beaucoup de gens tomberont blessés à mort.

Daniel 11:26
Und eben, die sein Brot essen, die werden ihn helfen verderben und sein Heer unterdrücken, daß gar viele erschlagen werden.

Und eben die sein Brot essen, die werden ihn helfen verderben und sein Heer unterdrücken, daß gar viele erschlagen werden.

Die seine Tischgenossen sind, werden ihn zugrunde richten; sein Heer wird weggeschwemmt werden, und viele werden vom Schwerte durchbohrt fallen.

Daniele 11:26
Quelli che mangeranno alla sua mensa saranno la sua rovina, il suo esercito si dileguerà come un torrente, e molti cadranno uccisi.

E quelli che mangeranno il suo piatto lo romperanno; e l’esercito di colui inonderà il paese, e molti caderanno uccisi.

DANIEL 11:26
dan orang yang makan ayapan dari padanya juga akan memecahkan dia dan tentaranya akan meliputi dan banyak orang akan rebah mati dibunuh.

다니엘 11:26
자기의 진미를 먹는 자가 그를 멸하리니 그 군대가 흩어질 것이요 많은 자가 엎드러져 죽으리라

Daniel 11:26
et comedentes panem cum eo conterent illum exercitusque eius opprimetur et cadent interfecti plurimi

Danieliaus knyga 11:26
kurie valgo prie jo stalo, pražudys jį, jo kariuomenė bus išsklaidyta ir labai daug kris užmuštų.

Daniel 11:26
Ina, ka pakaru ia i te hunga i kai i tana wahi kai, ko te taua hoki a tera kei te waipuke te rite: he tokomaha ano e hinga, mate rawa.

Daniel 11:26
De som eter ved hans bord, skal felle ham; hans hær skal strømme frem, og det skal bli et stort mannefall.

Daniel 11:26
Y los que comen de sus manjares lo destruirán; su ejército será barrido y muchos caerán muertos.

"Y los que comen de sus manjares lo destruirán. Su ejército será barrido y muchos caerán muertos.

Aun los que comen de su pan, le destruirán; y su ejército será destruido, y caerán muchos muertos.

Aun los que comerán su pan, le quebrantarán; y su ejército será destruído, y caerán muchos muertos.

Aun los que comerán su pan, le quebrantarán; y su ejército será destruido, y caerán muchos muertos.

Daniel 11:26
Até mesmo os que se alimentarem de sua comida tentarão destruí-lo; seu exército será exterminado por uma arrasadora invasão, e um número enorme de guerreiros tombarão em combate.

E os que comerem os seus manjares o quebrantarão; e o exército dele será varrido por uma inundação, e cairão muitos traspassados.   

Daniel 11:26
Ceice vor mînca bucate dela masa lui îi vor aduce pieirea; oştile lui se vor împrăştia ca un rîu, şi morţii vor cădea în mare număr.

Даниил 11:26
Даже участники трапезы его погубят его, и войско его разольется, ипадет много убитых.

Даже участники трапезы его погубят его, и войско его разольется, и падет много убитых.[]

Daniel 11:26
De som äta hans bröd skola störta honom. Och hans här skall svämma över, och många skola bliva slagna och falla.

Daniel 11:26
Oo, silang nagsisikain ng kaniyang masarap na pagkain ay siyang magpapahamak sa kaniya, at ang kaniyang hukbo ay mapapalis; at marami ay mabubuwal na patay.

ดาเนียล 11:26
ถึงแม้ว่าผู้ที่ร่วมรับประทานอาหารสูงของเขาก็จะทำลายเขา กองทัพของเขาก็จะถูกกวาดไป ที่ถูกฆ่าฟันล้มตายเสียก็มาก

Daniel 11:26
Sofrasından yiyenler Güney Kralını yıkmaya çalışacaklar; ordusu dağılacak, birçokları vurulup öldürülecek.[]

Ña-ni-eân 11:26
Những kẻ ăn bánh trong bàn vua sẽ làm cho vua bại hoại; cơ binh người sẽ tràn ra và nhiều người bị giết và ngã xuống.

Daniel 11:25
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