Daniel 11:25
Daniel 11:25
"With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South. The king of the South will wage war with a large and very powerful army, but he will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him.

"Then he will stir up his courage and raise a great army against the king of the south. The king of the south will go to battle with a mighty army, but to no avail, for there will be plots against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great army. And the king of the south shall wage war with an exceedingly great and mighty army, but he shall not stand, for plots shall be devised against him.

"He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South with a large army; so the king of the South will mobilize an extremely large and mighty army for war; but he will not stand, for schemes will be devised against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.

With a large army he will stir up his power and his courage against the king of the South. The king of the South will prepare for battle with an extremely large and powerful army, but he will not succeed, because plots will be made against him.

He'll encourage himself against the southern king by raising a large army. As a result, the southern king will mobilize for war with a large and powerful army, but he won't succeed because they will devise elaborate schemes against him.

He will rouse his strength and enthusiasm against the king of the south with a large army. The king of the south will wage war with a large and very powerful army, but he will not be able to prevail because of the plans devised against him.

"With a large army he will summon his power and courage against the southern king, who will prepare for war with a large, strong army. But the southern king won't be able to withstand him because of the schemes devised against him.

And he shall stir up his forces and his heart against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall move to the war with a great and mighty army, but he shall not prevail, for they shall betray him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall devise plans against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall war in battle with an exceeding great and mighty army; but he shall not stand; for they shall devise devices against him.

And his strength and his heart shall be stirred up against the king of the south with a great army: and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with many and very strong succours: and they shall not stand, for they shall form designs against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall engage in battle with an exceeding great and mighty army; but he shall not stand, for they shall plan devices against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall war in battle with an exceeding great and mighty army: but he shall not stand, for they shall devise devices against him.

And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.

He shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall war in battle with an exceeding great and mighty army; but he shall not stand; for they shall devise devices against him.

'And he stirreth up his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great force, and the king of the south stirreth himself up to battle with a very great and mighty force, and standeth not, for they devise devices against him,

Danieli 11:25
Me një ushtri të madhe do t'i nxitë forcat e tij dhe zemrën e tij kundër mbretit të jugut. Mbreti i jugut do të futet në luftë me një ushtri të madhe dhe shumë të fuqishme, por nuk do të mund të rezistojë, sepse do të kurdisen komplote kundër tij.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:25
وينهض قوّته وقلبه على ملك الجنوب بجيش عظيم وملك الجنوب يتهيّج الى الحرب بجيش عظيم وقوي جدا ولكنه لا يثبت لانهم يدبرون عليه تدابير.

Dyr Däniheel 11:25
Er tuet sein hörte Noot und tricht mit aynn mentischn Hör gögn önn Sunderkünig aus. Drauf zängert aau der ayn Risnstreitmacht, kan n aber nit aufhaltn, weil si ain gögn iem verschwörnd.

Данаил 11:25
И ще подигне силата си и мъжеството си против южния цар с голяма войска; и южният цар ще се бие [с него] в битка с голяма и много силна войска; но не ще може да устои, защото ще измислят хитрости против него.

但 以 理 書 11:25
他 必 奮 勇 向 前 , 率 領 大 軍 攻 擊 南 方 王 ; 南 方 王 也 必 以 極 大 極 強 的 軍 兵 與 他 爭 戰 , 卻 站 立 不 住 , 因 為 有 人 設 計 謀 害 南 方 王 。

他 必 奋 勇 向 前 , 率 领 大 军 攻 击 南 方 王 ; 南 方 王 也 必 以 极 大 极 强 的 军 兵 与 他 争 战 , 却 站 立 不 住 , 因 为 有 人 设 计 谋 害 南 方 王 。



Daniel 11:25
Pokrenut će, s velikom vojskom, svoju snagu i hrabrost protiv kralja Juga. Kralj Juga krenut će u rat s mnogom i moćnom vojskom, ali neće izdržati, jer će se protiv njega skovati spletke.

Daniele 11:25
Potom vzbudí sílu svou a srdce své proti králi polednímu s vojskem velikým, s nímž král polední vojensky se potýkati bude, s vojskem velikým a velmi silným, ale neostojí, proto že vymyslí proti němu chytrost.

Daniel 11:25
Han opbyder sin Kraft og sit Mod mod Sydens Konge og drager ud med en stor Hær; og Sydens Konge rykker ud til Strid med en overmaade stor og stærk Hær, men kan ikke staa sig, da der smedes Rænker imod ham;

Daniël 11:25
En hij zal zijn kracht en zijn hart verwekken tegen den koning van het Zuiden, met een grote heirkracht; en de koning van het Zuiden zal zich in den strijd mengen met een grote en zeer machtige heirkracht; doch hij zal niet bestaan, want zij zullen gedachten tegen hem denken.

דניאל 11:25
וְיָעֵר֩ כֹּחֹ֨ו וּלְבָבֹ֜ו עַל־מֶ֣לֶךְ הַנֶּגֶב֮ בְּחַ֣יִל גָּדֹול֒ וּמֶ֣לֶךְ הַנֶּ֗גֶב יִתְגָּרֶה֙ לַמִּלְחָמָ֔ה בְּחַֽיִל־גָּדֹ֥ול וְעָצ֖וּם עַד־מְאֹ֑ד וְלֹ֣א יַעֲמֹ֔ד כִּֽי־יַחְשְׁב֥וּ עָלָ֖יו מַחֲשָׁבֹֽות׃

כה ויער כחו ולבבו על מלך הנגב בחיל גדול ומלך הנגב יתגרה למלחמה בחיל גדול ועצום עד מאד ולא יעמד כי יחשבו עליו מחשבות

ויער כחו ולבבו על־מלך הנגב בחיל גדול ומלך הנגב יתגרה למלחמה בחיל־גדול ועצום עד־מאד ולא יעמד כי־יחשבו עליו מחשבות׃

Dániel 11:25
És felindítja az õ erejét és szívét a déli király ellen nagy sereggel, és a déli király is hadra készül nagy sereggel és igen erõssel, de meg nem állhat, mert cselt koholtak ellene.

Daniel 11:25
Poste li ekscitos sian forton kaj sian koron kontraux la regxon sudan kun grandega militistaro, kaj la suda regxo eliros milite kun granda kaj tre forta militistaro; sed li ne eltenos, cxar estos faritaj atencoj kontraux li.

DANIEL 11:25
Ja hän kehoittaa voimansa ja sydämensä etelän kuningasta vastaan suurella sotajoukolla. Silloin etelän kuningas tulee kehoitetuksi sotaan suuren, väkevän sotajoukon kanssa. Mutta ei hän voi pysyä, sillä häntä vastaan pidetään juonia.

Daniel 11:25
Et il réveillera sa puissance et son coeur contre le roi du midi, avec une grande armée. Et le roi du midi s'engagera dans la guerre avec une grande et très-puissante armée. Mais il ne tiendra pas, car ils trameront leurs desseins contre lui;

A la tête d'une grande armée il emploiera sa force et son ardeur contre le roi du midi. Et le roi du midi s'engagera dans la guerre avec une armée nombreuse et très puissante; mais il ne résistera pas, car on méditera contre lui de mauvais desseins.

Puis il réveillera sa force et son cœur contre le Roi du Midi, avec une grande armée, et le Roi du Midi s'avancera en bataille avec une très grande et très forte armée, mais il ne subsistera point, parce qu'on formera des entreprises contre lui.

Daniel 11:25
Und er wird seine Macht und sein Herz wider den König gegen Mittag erregen mit großer Heereskraft. Da wird der König gegen Mittag gereizet werden zum Streit mit einer großen, mächtigen Heereskraft. Aber er wird nicht bestehen; denn es werden Verrätereien wider ihn gemacht.

Und er wird seine Macht und sein Herz wider den König gegen Mittag erregen mit großer Heereskraft; Da wird der König gegen Mittag gereizt werden zum Streit mit einer großen, mächtigen Heereskraft; aber er wird nicht bestehen, denn es werden Verrätereien wider ihn gemacht.

Dann wird er seine Kraft und seinen Mut gegen den König des Südens aufregen, indem er mit einem großen Heer auszieht, und der König des Südens wird mit außerordentlich großer und starker Heeresmacht zum Krieg ins Feld rücken, aber nicht standhalten können, weil man schlimme Pläne gegen ihn schmieden wird.

Daniele 11:25
Poi raccoglierà le sue forze e il suo coraggio contro il re del mezzogiorno, mediante un grande esercito. E il re del mezzogiorno s’impegnerà in guerra con un grande e potentissimo esercito; ma non potrà tener fronte, perché si faranno delle macchinazioni contro di lui.

Poi egli moverà le sue forze, e il cuor suo, contro al re del Mezzodì, con grande esercito; e il re del Mezzodì, verrà a battaglia, con grande e potentissimo esercito; ma non potrà durare; perciocchè si faranno delle macchinazioni contro a lui.

DANIEL 11:25
Karena kemudian akan dibawanya tentaranya kepada peperangan dan niat hatinya hendak melawan raja di Selatan dengan tentara yang besar dan raja di Selatanpun akan berlengkap akan berperang dengan tentara yang besar, tetapi tiada ia akan tahan berdiri, karena mereka itu akan mereka tipu lawan dia;

다니엘 11:25
그가 그 힘을 떨치며 용맹을 발하여 큰 군대를 거느리고 남방 왕도 심히 크고 강한 군대를 거느리고 맞아 싸울 것이나 능히 당하지 못하리니 이는 그들이 모략을 베풀어 그를 침이니라

Daniel 11:25
et concitabitur fortitudo eius et cor eius adversum regem austri in exercitu magno et rex austri provocabitur ad bellum multis auxiliis et fortibus nimis et non stabunt quia inibunt adversum eum consilia

Danieliaus knyga 11:25
Įsidrąsinęs sutelks didelę kariuomenę eiti prieš pietų karalių. Pietų karalius išeis į karą su labai didele ir galinga kariuomene, bet neįstengs šiaurės karaliui pasipriešinti, nes prieš jį bus surengta klasta:

Daniel 11:25
Ka whakaohokia ano e ia tona kaha me tona maia ki te whawhai ki te kingi o te tonga, he nui te ope; ka oho ano hoki te kingi o te tonga, ka whawhai, he ope nui atu, he kaha atu; otiia e kore ia e tu: no te mea ka whakaaroa e ratou he whakaaro ki no mona.

Daniel 11:25
Han skal opbyde sin makt og sitt mot mot Sydens konge og komme med en stor hær; men Sydens konge skal også ruste sig til krig med en overmåte stor og sterk hær; men han skal ikke kunne holde stand; for det blir lagt op onde råd mot ham.

Daniel 11:25
Incitará su fuerza y su corazón contra el rey del sur con un gran ejército; y el rey del sur movilizará para la guerra un ejército muy grande y muy poderoso, pero no podrá resistir, porque urdirán intrigas contra él.

"Va a usar su fuerza y su corazón contra el rey del sur con un gran ejército. Y el rey del sur movilizará para la guerra un ejército muy grande y muy poderoso, pero no podrá resistir, porque planearán intrigas contra él.

Y despertará sus fuerzas y su corazón contra el rey del sur con grande ejército; y el rey del sur se moverá a la guerra con grande y muy fuerte ejército; mas no prevalecerá, porque le harán traición.

Y despertará sus fuerzas y su corazón contra el rey del mediodía con grande ejército: y el rey del mediodía se moverá á la guerra con grande y muy fuerte ejército; mas no prevalecerá, porque le harán traición.

Y despertará sus fuerzas y su corazón contra el rey del mediodía con gran ejército; y el rey del mediodía se moverá a la guerra con grande y muy fuerte ejército; mas no prevalecerá, porque le harán traición.

Daniel 11:25
Reunirá poder e coragem a um grande exército e investirá contra o rei do Sul; e este guerreará mobilizando um exército numeroso e fortemente armado, todavia não será capaz de resistir aos muitos ardis e golpes tramados contra ele.

E suscitará a sua força e a sua coragem contra o rei do sul com um grande exército; e o rei do sul sairá à guerra com um grande e mui poderoso exército, mas não subsistirá, pois maquinarão projetos contra ele.   

Daniel 11:25
Apoi, va porni în fruntea unei mari oştiri, cu puterea şi mînia lui, împotriva împăratului dela miazăzi. Şi împăratul dela miazăzi se va prinde la război cu o oaste mare şi foarte puternică; dar nu va putea să ţină piept, căci se vor urzi planuri rele împotriva lui.

Даниил 11:25
Потом возбудит силы свои и дух свой с многочисленным войском против царя южного, и южный царь выступит на войну с великим и еще более сильным войском, но не устоит, потому что будет против него коварство.

Потом возбудит силы свои и дух свой с многочисленным войском против царя южного, и южный царь выступит на войну с великим и еще более сильным войском, но не устоит, потому что будет против него коварство.[]

Daniel 11:25
Och han skall uppbjuda sin kraft; och sitt mod emot konungen i Söderlandet och komma med en stor här, men konungen i Söderlandet skall ock rusta sig till strid, med en mycket stor och talrik här; dock skall han icke kunna hålla stånd, för de anslags skull som göras mot honom.

Daniel 11:25
At kaniyang kikilusin ang kaniyang kapangyarihan at ang kaniyang tapang laban sa hari sa timugan na may malaking hukbo; at ang hari sa timugan ay makikipagdigma sa pakikipagbaka na may totoong malaki at makapangyarihang hukbo; nguni't hindi siya tatayo, sapagka't sila'y magsisihaka ng mga panukala laban sa kaniya.

ดาเนียล 11:25
และเขาจะปลุกปั่นกำลังของเขา และความกล้าหาญของเขาด้วยกองทัพมหึมายกไปสู้กับกษัตริย์แห่งถิ่นใต้ และกษัตริย์แห่งถิ่นใต้จะทำสงครามด้วยกองทัพเข้มแข็งมหึมายิ่งนัก แต่เขาก็สู้ไม่ได้ เพราะจะมีการปองร้ายเขา

Daniel 11:25
‹‹Gücünü ve cesaretini toplayarak büyük bir orduyla Güney Kralına karşı çıkacak. Güney Kralı da büyük ve çok güçlü bir orduyla savaşacak. Ne var ki, kurulan düzenler yüzünden ona karşı duramayacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 11:25
Ðoạn, vua đó lại phấn chấn sức mình và lòng mình, dùng một cơ binh lớn đánh vua phương nam. Vua phương nam sẽ đi đánh giặc bằng một cơ binh lớn và mạnh lắm; nhưng người không thể chống cự lại được, bởi vì sẽ có người ta lập mưu nghịch cùng người.

Daniel 11:24
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