Daniel 11:21
Daniel 11:21
"He will be succeeded by a contemptible person who has not been given the honor of royalty. He will invade the kingdom when its people feel secure, and he will seize it through intrigue.

"The next to come to power will be a despicable man who is not in line for royal succession. He will slip in when least expected and take over the kingdom by flattery and intrigue.

In his place shall arise a contemptible person to whom royal majesty has not been given. He shall come in without warning and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

"In his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue.

And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

In his place a despised person will arise; royal honors will not be given to him, but he will come during a time of peace and seize the kingdom by intrigue.

"'In his place there will arise a despicable person, upon whom no royal authority has been conferred, but he'll invade in a time of tranquility, taking over the kingdom through deception.

"Then there will arise in his place a despicable person to whom the royal honor has not been rightfully conferred. He will come on the scene in a time of prosperity and will seize the kingdom through deceit.

"A contemptible person will take his place. He will not be given royal splendor. He will invade when people are feeling secure, and he will seize the kingdom using false promises.

And a vile person shall succeed in his place, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: nevertheless he shall come in with peace and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

And in his place shall arise a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honor of royalty: but he shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by flatteries.

And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

And there shall stand up in his place one despised, and the kingly honour shall not be given him: and he shall come privately, and shall obtain the kingdom by fraud.

And in his place shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom; but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

In his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

'And stood up on his station hath a despicable one, and they have not given unto him the honour of the kingdom, and he hath come in quietly, and hath strengthened the kingdom by flatteries.

Danieli 11:21
Në vend të tij do të dalë një njeri i neveritshëm, që nuk do të ketë dinjitet mbretëror; ai do të vijë paqësisht, por do ta shtjerë në dorë mbretërinë me intriga.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:21
فيقوم مكانه محتقر لم يجعلوا عليه فخر المملكة ويأتي بغتة ويمسك المملكة بالتملقات.

Dyr Däniheel 11:21
An seiner Stöll kimmt ayn Scheutzling hin, der wo sünst nie Künig wordn wär, sir aber gäx d Macht durch List unter n Nagl reisst.

Данаил 11:21
И вместо него ще се издигне един нищожен човек, комуто не ще отдадат царска почит, но той ще дойде във време, [когато са] спокойни, и ще завладее царството чрез ласкателство.

但 以 理 書 11:21
必 有 一 個 卑 鄙 的 人 興 起 接 續 為 王 , 人 未 曾 將 國 的 尊 榮 給 他 , 他 卻 趁 人 坦 然 無 備 的 時 候 , 用 諂 媚 的 話 得 國 。

必 有 一 个 卑 鄙 的 人 兴 起 接 续 为 王 , 人 未 曾 将 国 的 尊 荣 给 他 , 他 却 趁 人 坦 然 无 备 的 时 候 , 用 谄 媚 的 话 得 国 。



Daniel 11:21
Na njegovo će se mjesto uzdići nitkov kome ne pripada kraljevska čast. Ali on će iznenada doći i spletkama se domoći kraljevstva.

Daniele 11:21
Na místě tohoto postaví se nevzácný, ačkoli nevloží na něj ozdoby královské, a však přijda pokojně, ujme království skrze úlisnost.

Daniel 11:21
I hans Sted træder en Usling. Kongedømmets Herlighed overdrages ham ikke, men han kommer, før nogen aner Uraad, og tilriver sig Kongedømmet ved Rænker.

Daniël 11:21
Daarna zal er een verachte in zijn staat staan, denwelken men de koninklijke waardigheid niet zal geven; doch hij zal in stilheid komen, en het koninkrijk door vleierijen bemachtigen.

דניאל 11:21
וְעָמַ֤ד עַל־כַּנֹּו֙ נִבְזֶ֔ה וְלֹא־נָתְנ֥וּ עָלָ֖יו הֹ֣וד מַלְכ֑וּת וּבָ֣א בְשַׁלְוָ֔ה וְהֶחֱזִ֥יק מַלְכ֖וּת בַּחֲלַקְלַקֹּֽות׃

כא ועמד על כנו נבזה ולא נתנו עליו הוד מלכות ובא בשלוה והחזיק מלכות בחלקלקות

ועמד על־כנו נבזה ולא־נתנו עליו הוד מלכות ובא בשלוה והחזיק מלכות בחלקלקות׃

Dániel 11:21
És ennek helyébe egy útálatos áll, a kire nem teszik az ország ékességét; hanem alattomban jõ, és hízelkedéssel jut az országhoz.

Daniel 11:21
Sur lia loko starigxos homo malestimata, sur kiun oni ne metos la regxan ornamon; sed li venos kun trankvileco, kaj ekposedos la regnon per flatajxoj.

DANIEL 11:21
Hänen siaansa tulee kelvotoin mies, jolle kuninkaallinen kunnia ei ollut aiottu. Hän tulee ja menestyy ja saa valtakunnan makeilla sanoilla.

Daniel 11:21
Et un homme méprisé s'élèvera à sa place, auquel on ne donnera pas l'honneur du royaume; mais il entrera paisiblement, et prendra possession du royaume par des flatteries;

Un homme méprisé prendra sa place, sans être revêtu de la dignité royale; il paraîtra au milieu de la paix, et s'emparera du royaume par l'intrigue.

Et en sa place il en sera établi un autre qui sera méprisé, auquel on ne donnera point l'honneur royal ; mais il viendra en paix, et il occupera le Royaume par des flatteries.

Daniel 11:21
An des Statt wird aufkommen ein Ungeachteter, welchem die Ehre des Königreichs nicht bedacht war; der wird kommen, und wird ihm gelingen und das Königreich mit süßen Worten einnehmen.

An des Statt wird aufkommen ein Ungeachteter, welchem die Ehre des Königreichs nicht zugedacht war; der wird mitten im Frieden kommen und das Königreich mit süßen Worten einnehmen.

An seine Stelle wird dann ein Verachtenswürdiger treten, dem sie die königliche Würde nicht zugedacht hatten; aber er wird unversehens kommen und sich durch Betrügereien der Herrschaft bemächtigen.

Daniele 11:21
Poi, in luogo suo, sorgerà un uomo spregevole, a cui non sarà stata conferita la maestà reale; ma verrà senza rumore, e s’impadronirà del regno a forza di lusinghe.

Appresso sorgerà nel suo stato uno sprezzato, al qual non sarà imposta la gloria reale; ma egli verrà quetamente, ed occuperà il regno per lusinghe.

DANIEL 11:21
Dan akan gantinya kelak berbangkit seorang hina, baginya tiada ditentukan kemuliaan kerajaan, maka ia akan datang juga tiada dengan gagah; dan iapun akan merebut kerajaan itu pada masa huru-hara.

다니엘 11:21
또 그 위를 이을 자는 한 비천한 사람이라 나라 영광을 그에게 주지 아니할 것이나 그가 평안한 때를 타서 궤휼로 그 나라를 얻을 것이며

Daniel 11:21
et stabit in loco eius despectus et non tribuetur ei honor regius et veniet clam et obtinebit regnum in fraudulentia

Danieliaus knyga 11:21
Po jo karaliaus vietą užims niekšas, kuriam karališka garbė nebus suteikta. Bet jis įeis taikiai ir apgaule pasiglemš karališką valdžią.

Daniel 11:21
Ka whakatika ake ano ki runga ki tona wahi tetahi tangata e whakahaweatia ana, ehara nei te kororia o te rangatiratanga i te mea hoatu ki a ia: ka haere mai ia i te wa ata noho, a ka riro i a ia te kingitanga, na te patipati.

Daniel 11:21
Og på hans plass skal det opstå et foraktelig menneske*, som de ikke har overgitt kongedømmets herlighet; men han kommer uventende og tilegner sig kongedømmet ved list og svik.

Daniel 11:21
En su lugar se levantará un hombre despreciable, a quien no se le han otorgado los honores de la realeza. Vendrá cuando haya tranquilidad y se apoderará del reino con intrigas.

"En su lugar se levantará un hombre despreciable, a quien no se le han otorgado los honores de la realeza. Vendrá cuando haya tranquilidad y se apoderará del reino con intrigas.

Y en su lugar se levantará un hombre vil, al cual no darán la honra del reino; pero vendrá con paz, y tomará el reino con halagos.

Y sucederá en su lugar un vil, al cual no darán la honra del reino: vendrá empero con paz, y tomará el reino con halagos.

Y sucederá en su lugar un vil, al cual no darán la honra del Reino: vendrá empero con paz, y tomará el reino con halagos.

Daniel 11:21
Depois, este será sucedido por um homem odioso e cruel, o qual não recebeu a honra da majestade. Ele invadirá o reino quando o povo estiver se sentido em paz e seguro, e tomará o governo geral mediante intrigas e negociatas.

Depois se levantará em seu lugar um homem vil, ao qual não tinham dado a majestade real; mas ele virá caladamente, e tomará o reino com lisonja.   

Daniel 11:21
În locul lui se va ridica un om dispreţuit, fără să aibă putere împărătească; dar se va ridica deodată, şi va pune mîna pe împărăţie prin uneltire.

Даниил 11:21
И восстанет на место его презренный, и не воздадут ему царскихпочестей, но он придет без шума и лестью овладеет царством.

И восстанет на место его презренный, и не воздадут ему царских почестей, но он придет без шума и лестью овладеет царством.[]

Daniel 11:21
Och på hans plats skall uppstå en föraktlig man, åt vilken konungavärdighet icke var ämnad; oförtänkt skall han komma och bemäktiga sig riket genom ränker.

Daniel 11:21
At kahalili niya na tatayo ang isang hamak na tao, na hindi nila pinagbigyan ng karangalan ng kaharian: nguni't siya'y darating sa panahong katiwasayan, at magtatamo ng kaharian sa pamamagitan ng mga daya.

ดาเนียล 11:21
จะมีคนน่าเกลียดคนหนึ่งตั้งตัวขึ้นแทนที่โดยไม่มีผู้ใดมอบเกียรติศักดิ์แห่งราชอาณาจักรให้ เขาจะยกเข้ามาอย่างสงบ แล้วชิงเอาราชอาณาจักรนั้นด้วยความสอพลอ

Daniel 11:21
‹‹Yerine krallıkla onurlandırılmamış değersiz biri geçecek. Halk güvenlik içindeyken, kurduğu düzenler sayesinde gelip krallığı ele geçirecek.[]

Ña-ni-eân 11:21
Lại có kẻ đáng khinh dể lên thay vì vua đó, mà người ta không tôn người làm vua; nhưng người sẽ đến lúc yên ổn, dùng lời siểm nịnh mà mưu chiếu lấy nước.

Daniel 11:20
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