Daniel 1:13
Daniel 1:13
Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see."

"At the end of the ten days, see how we look compared to the other young men who are eating the king's food. Then make your decision in light of what you see."

Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the king’s food be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

"Then let our appearance be observed in your presence and the appearance of the youths who are eating the king's choice food; and deal with your servants according to what you see."

Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.

Then examine our appearance and the appearance of the young men who are eating the king's food, and deal with your servants based on what you see."

Then compare how we look with the young men who ate the king's rich food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you observe."

Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who are eating the royal delicacies; deal with us in light of what you see."

Then compare us to the young men who are eating the king's rich food. Decide how to treat us on the basis of how we look."

Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenances of the young men that eat of the portion of the king's food; and as thou seest, deal with thy slaves.

Then let our countenances be looked upon before you, and the countenance of the young men that eat of the portion of the king's food: and as you see fit, deal with your servants.

Then let our countenances be looked on before you, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as you see, deal with your servants.

Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the youths that eat of the king's dainties; and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.

And look upon our faces, and the faces of the children that eat of the king's meat: and as thou shalt see, deal with thy servants.

then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the youths that eat of the king's delicate food: and as thou shalt see, deal with thy servants.

Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the youths that eat of the king's meat; and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.

Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenances of the children that eat of the portion of the king's provision: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.

Then let our faces be looked on before you, and the face of the youths who eat of the king's dainties; and as you see, deal with your servants.

and our appearance is seen before thee, and the appearance of the lads who are eating the king's portion of food, and as thou seest -- deal with thy servants.'

Danieli 1:13
Pastaj të ekzaminohet në praninë tënde pamja jonë dhe pamja e të rinjve që hanë ushqimet e shijshme të mbretit; do të veprosh pastaj me shërbëtorët e tu në bazë të asaj që do të shikosh".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 1:13
ولينظروا الى مناظرنا امامك والى مناظر الفتيان الذين ياكلون من اطايب الملك ثم اصنع بعبيدك كما ترى.

Dyr Däniheel 1:13
Aft kanst schaugn, ob mir bösser older schlechter wie die Burschn ausschaugnd, wo bei n Künig mitössnd. Daa seghst dann schoon, wiest ys eyn n Böstn machst."

Данаил 1:13
после нека се прегледат пред тебе нашите лица и лицата на юношите, които ядат от изрядните ястия на царя; и според каквото видиш постъпи със слугите си.

但 以 理 書 1:13
然 後 看 看 我 們 的 面 貌 和 用 王 膳 那 少 年 人 的 面 貌 , 就 照 你 所 看 的 待 僕 人 罷 !

然 後 看 看 我 们 的 面 貌 和 用 王 膳 那 少 年 人 的 面 貌 , 就 照 你 所 看 的 待 仆 人 罢 !



Daniel 1:13
Vidjet ćeš onda kakvi ćemo biti mi a kakvi dječaci koji jedu od kraljevih jela, pa učini sa svojim slugama po onome što budeš vidio.

Daniele 1:13
A potom nechť se spatří před tebou tváře naše a tváře mládenců, kteříž jídají pokrm z stolu královského, a jakž uhlédáš, učiň s služebníky svými.

Daniel 1:13
Sammenlign saa vort Udseende med de unge Mænds, som spiser Kongens Mad; saa kan du gøre med dine Trælle, efter hvad du ser.«

Daniël 1:13
En men zie voor uw aangezicht onze gedaanten, en de gedaante der jongelingen, die de stukken van de spijs des konings eten; en doe met uw knechten, naar dat gij zien zult.

דניאל 1:13
וְיֵרָא֤וּ לְפָנֶ֙יךָ֙ מַרְאֵ֔ינוּ וּמַרְאֵה֙ הַיְלָדִ֔ים הָאֹ֣כְלִ֔ים אֵ֖ת פַּתְבַּ֣ג הַמֶּ֑לֶךְ וְכַאֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּרְאֵ֔ה עֲשֵׂ֖ה עִם־עֲבָדֶֽיךָ׃

יג ויראו לפניך מראינו ומראה הילדים האכלים את פת בג המלך וכאשר תראה עשה עם עבדיך

ויראו לפניך מראינו ומראה הילדים האכלים את פתבג המלך וכאשר תראה עשה עם־עבדיך׃

Dániel 1:13
Azután mutassák meg néked a mi ábrázatunkat és amaz ifjak ábrázatát, a kik a király ételével élnek, és a szerint cselekedjél majd a te szolgáiddal.

Daniel 1:13
poste montrigxu al vi nia aspekto, kaj la aspekto de la knaboj, kiuj mangxas la mangxajxon de la regxo; kaj poste agu kun viaj servantoj laux tio, kion vi vidos.

Ja anna niin meidän muotomme ja niiden poikain muoto, jotka kuninkaan ruasta syövät, katsottaa; ja niinkuin sinä sitte näet, tee niin palvelioilles.

Daniel 1:13
et on regardera, en ta présence, nos visages et le visage des jeunes gens qui mangent les mets délicats du roi; et tu agiras avec tes serviteurs d'après ce que tu verras.

tu regarderas ensuite notre visage et celui des jeunes gens qui mangent les mets du roi, et tu agiras avec tes serviteurs d'après ce que tu auras vu.

Et après cela regarde nos visages, et les visages des jeunes enfants qui mangent la portion de la viande Royale; puis tu feras à tes serviteurs selon ce que tu auras vu.

Daniel 1:13
Und laß dann vor dir unsere Gestalt und der Knaben, so von des Königs Speise essen, besehen; und danach du sehen wirst, danach schaffe mit deinen Knechten.

Und laß dann vor dir unsre Gestalt und der Knaben, so von des Königs Speise essen, besehen; und darnach du sehen wirst, darnach schaffe mit deinen Knechten.

Dann möge unser Aussehen und das Aussehen der Knaben, die von der königlichen Speise essen, deiner Besichtigung unterliegen, und je nach dem du es finden wirst, magst du dann mit deinen Knechten verfahren!

Daniele 1:13
poi ti si faccia vedere l’aspetto nostro e l’aspetto de’ giovani che mangiano le vivande del re; e secondo quel che vedrai, ti regolerai coi tuoi servi".

E poi sieno riguardate in presenza tua le nostre facce, e quelle de’ fanciulli che mangiano delle vivande reali; e allora fa’ co’ tuoi servitori, come tu avviserai.

Lalu hendaklah di hadapan tuan juga orang membanding rupa hamba ini dengan rupa segala orang muda-muda yang selalu makan ayapan baginda, kemudian buatlah akan hamba ini setuju dengan pendapatan tuan itu.

다니엘 1:13
당신 앞에서 우리의 얼굴과 왕의 진미를 먹는 소년들의 얼굴을 비교하여 보아서 보이는 대로 종들에게 처분하소서 하매

Daniel 1:13
et contemplare vultus nostros et vultus puerorum qui vescuntur cibo regio et sicut videris facies cum servis tuis

Danieliaus knyga 1:13
Po to palygink mūsų veidus su jaunuolių, valgiusių karaliaus valgius. Ir kaip tau atrodys, taip daryk su savo tarnais”.

Daniel 1:13
Hei reira ka mea kia tirohia o matou mata i tou aroaro, me te mata ano o nga taitamariki e kai ana i te kai a te kingi; na kia rite ki tau e kite ai tau e mea ai ki au pononga.

Daniel 1:13
så kan du siden ta vårt utseende i øiesyn, og likeså de gutters utseende som eter kongens kostelige mat, og gjør så med dine tjenere efter det du da ser!

Daniel 1:13
Que se compare después nuestra apariencia en tu presencia con la apariencia de los jóvenes que comen los manjares del rey, y haz con tus siervos según lo que veas.

"Que se compare después nuestra apariencia en tu presencia con la apariencia de los jóvenes que comen los manjares del rey, y haz con tus siervos según lo que veas."

Parezcan luego delante de ti nuestros rostros, y los rostros de los muchachos que comen de la porción de la comida del rey; y según lo que vieres, harás con tus siervos.

Parezcan luego delante de ti nuestros rostros, y los rostros de los muchachos que comen de la ración de la comida del rey; y según que vieres, harás con tus siervos.

Parezcan luego delante de ti nuestros rostros, y los rostros de los muchachos que comen de la ración de la comida del rey; y según que vieres, harás con tus siervos.

Daniel 1:13
Depois compare a nossa aparência com a dos jovens que comem as iguarias da mesa do rei, e trate os teus servos conforme a tua própria observação e juízo.

Então se examine na tua presença o nosso semblante e o dos jovens que comem das iguarias reais; e conforme vires procederás para com os teus servos.   

Daniel 1:13
să te uiţi apoi la faţa noastră şi la a celorlalţi tineri cari mănîncă din bucatele împăratului, şi să faci cu robii tăi după cele ce vei vedea!``

Даниил 1:13
и потом пусть явятся перед тобою лица наши и лица тех отроков, которые питаются царскою пищею, и затем поступай с рабами твоими, как увидишь.

и потом пусть явятся перед тобою лица наши и лица тех отроков, которые питаются царскою пищею, и затем поступай с рабами твоими, как увидишь.[]

Daniel 1:13
Sedan må du jämföra vårt utseende med de ynglingars som hava ätit av konungens mat; och efter vad du då anser må du göra med dina tjänare.»

Daniel 1:13
Kung magkagayo'y masdan mo ang aming mga mukha sa harap mo, at ang mukha ng mga binata na nagsisikain ng pagkain ng hari; at ayon sa iyong makikita ay gawin mo sa iyong mga lingkod.

ดาเนียล 1:13
แล้วให้ท่านตรวจดูหน้าตาของเราทั้งหลายเบื้องหน้าท่านและตรวจดูหน้าตาของบรรดาอนุชนผู้รับประทานอาหารสูงของกษัตริย์ และเมื่อท่านเห็นอย่างไรแล้วจงกระทำแก่ผู้รับใช้ของท่านอย่างนั้นเถิด"

Daniel 1:13
Sonra yüzlerimizi kralın yemeklerini yiyen öbür gençlerin yüzleriyle kıyaslayın ve kullarınıza gördüğünüze göre davranın.››[]

Ña-ni-eân 1:13
Sau đó, sẽ nhìn nét mặt chúng tôi với nét mặt những kẻ trai trẻ ăn đồ ăn ngon của vua; rồi ông sẽ làm cho những kẻ tôi tớ ông theo như điều ông đã thấy.

Daniel 1:12
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