2 Samuel 8:2
2 Samuel 8:2
David also defeated the Moabites. He made them lie down on the ground and measured them off with a length of cord. Every two lengths of them were put to death, and the third length was allowed to live. So the Moabites became subject to David and brought him tribute.

David also conquered the land of Moab. He made the people lie down on the ground in a row, and he measured them off in groups with a length of rope. He measured off two groups to be executed for every one group to be spared. The Moabites who were spared became David's subjects and paid him tribute money.

And he defeated Moab and he measured them with a line, making them lie down on the ground. Two lines he measured to be put to death, and one full line to be spared. And the Moabites became servants to David and brought tribute.

He defeated Moab, and measured them with the line, making them lie down on the ground; and he measured two lines to put to death and one full line to keep alive. And the Moabites became servants to David, bringing tribute.

And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.

He also defeated the Moabites, and after making them lie down on the ground, he measured them off with a cord. He measured every two cord lengths of those to be put to death and one length of those to be kept alive. So the Moabites became David's subjects and brought tribute.

David also conquered Moab, then measured them with a cord, making them lie down on the ground. He executed everyone measured out in each two lengths' measurement of the cord, but spared the ones measured out by every third length. Then the Moabites were placed under servitude to David, and made to pay tribute.

He defeated the Moabites. He made them lie on the ground and then used a rope to measure them off. He put two-thirds of them to death and spared the other third. The Moabites became David's subjects and brought tribute.

He also defeated Moab, made the Moabites lie down on the ground, and measured them with a rope. He measured two lengths which were to be killed, and one length which was to be spared. So the Moabites became David's subjects and paid taxes [to him].

He also smote those of Moab and measured them with a line, causing them to lie down on the ground, and he measured them with two lines, with one to put to death and the other full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's slaves, bringing presents.

And he struck Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he the ones to put to death, and with one full line the ones to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.

And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.

And he smote Moab, and measured them with the line, making them to lie down on the ground; and he measured two lines to put to death, and one full line to keep alive. And the Moabites became servants to David, and brought tribute.

And he defeated Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the earth: and he measured with two lines, one to put to death, and one to save alive: and Moab was made to serve David under tribute.

And he smote the Moabites, and measured them with a line, making them lie down on the ground; and he measured two lines to put to death, and one full line to keep alive. And the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.

And he smote Moab, and measured them with the line, making them to lie down on the ground; and he measured two lines to put to death, and one full fine to keep alive. And the Moabites became servants to David, and brought presents.

And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines he measured to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.

He struck Moab, and measured them with the line, making them to lie down on the ground; and he measured two lines to put to death, and one full line to keep alive. The Moabites became servants to David, and brought tribute.

And he smiteth Moab, and measureth them with a line, causing them to lie down on the earth, and he measureth two lines to put to death, and the fulness of the line to keep alive, and the Moabites are to David for servants, bearers of a present.

2 i Samuelit 8:2
Mundi edhe Moabitët dhe i mati me litar, mbasi i shtriu për tokë. Me dy litarë mati ata që duhet të vriteshin dhe me një litar të plotë ata që do të mbeteshin të gjallë. Kështu Moabitët u bënë nënshtetas dhe taksapagues të Davidit.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 8:2
وضرب الموآبيين وقاسهم بالحبل. اضجعهم على الارض فقاس بحبلين للقتل وبحبل كامل للاستحياء. وصار الموآبيون عبيدا لداود يقدمون هدايا

Dyr Sämyheel B 8:2
Aau d Mober schlueg yr. Sö gmüessnd si nöbnaynand eyn n Bodm hinlögn, und er maaß s mit ayner Schnuer durch. Zwö Löngenn wurdnd ieweils umbrungen, und ain Löng ließ yr eyn n Löbn. Yso wurdnd d Mober yn n Dafetn untertaan und schossig.

2 Царе 8:2
Порази и моавците, и измери ги с въжета, като ги накара да легнат на земята; и отмери две въжета, за да ги погуби, и едно цяло въже, за да ги остави живи. Така моавците станаха Давидови слуги, и плащаха данък.

撒 母 耳 記 下 8:2
又 攻 打 摩 押 人 , 使 他 們 躺 臥 在 地 上 , 用 繩 量 一 量 : 量 二 繩 的 殺 了 , 量 一 繩 的 存 留 。 摩 押 人 就 歸 服 大 衛 , 給 他 進 貢 。

又 攻 打 摩 押 人 , 使 他 们 躺 卧 在 地 上 , 用 绳 量 一 量 : 量 二 绳 的 杀 了 , 量 一 绳 的 存 留 。 摩 押 人 就 归 服 大 卫 , 给 他 进 贡 。



2 Samuel 8:2
Porazi i Moapce i izmjeri ih uzicom polegavši ih po zemlji: dvije uzice odmjeri onih koje treba pogubiti, a jednu punu uzicu onih koje treba ostaviti na životu. Tako Moapci postadoše Davidovi podanici koji su mu donosili danak.

Druhá Samuelova 8:2
Porazil také Moábské a změřil je provazcem, na zemi je rozprostíraje; a odměřil jich dva provazce k zbití a celý provazec k živení. I učiněni jsou Moábští Davidovi služebníci, a dávali jemu plat.

2 Samuel 8:2
Fremdeles slog han Moabiterne, og han maalte dem med en Snor, idet han lod dem lægge sig ned paa Jorden og afmaalte to Snorlængder, der skulde dræbes, og een, der skulde blive i Live. Saaledes blev Moabiterne Davids skatskyldige Undersaatter.

2 Samuël 8:2
Ook sloeg hij de Moabieten, en mat hen met een snoer, doende hen ter aarde nederliggen; en hij mat met twee snoeren om te doden, en met een vol snoer om in het leven te laten. Alzo werden de Moabieten David tot knechten, brengende geschenken.

שמואל ב 8:2
וַיַּ֣ךְ אֶת־מֹואָ֗ב וַֽיְמַדְּדֵ֤ם בַּחֶ֙בֶל֙ הַשְׁכֵּ֣ב אֹותָ֣ם אַ֔רְצָה וַיְמַדֵּ֤ד שְׁנֵֽי־חֲבָלִים֙ לְהָמִ֔ית וּמְלֹ֥א הַחֶ֖בֶל לְהַחֲיֹ֑ות וַתְּהִ֤י מֹואָב֙ לְדָוִ֔ד לַעֲבָדִ֖ים נֹשְׂאֵ֥י מִנְחָֽה׃

ב ויך את מואב וימדדם בחבל השכב אותם ארצה וימדד שני חבלים להמית ומלא החבל להחיות ותהי מואב לדוד לעבדים נשאי מנחה

ויך את־מואב וימדדם בחבל השכב אותם ארצה וימדד שני־חבלים להמית ומלא החבל להחיות ותהי מואב לדוד לעבדים נשאי מנחה׃

2 Sámuel 8:2
És megveré a Moábitákat [is, ]és kötéllel méré meg õket, lefektetvén õket a földre; két kötéllel méré azokat, a kik megölendõk, és egy teljes kötéllel azokat, a kik életben hagyandók valának; és a Moábiták Dávidnak adófizetõ szolgái lõnek.

Samuel 2 8:2
Li ankaux venkobatis la Moabidojn, kaj, kusxiginte ilin sur la tero, li mezuris ilin per sxnuro; du partojn li mezuris por mortigi, kaj unu plenan mezuron por restigi vivaj. Kaj la Moabidoj submetigxis al David kaj alportis tributojn.

Ja hän löi Moabilaiset, pani heidät maahan makaamaan ja mittasi heitä nuoralla: ja hän mittasi kaksi nuoraa tapettavaksi ja yhden nuoran elämään jätettäväksi, ja Moabilaiset tulivat Davidin palveliaksi, ja he kantoivat hänelle lahjoja.

2 Samuel 8:2
Et il frappa Moab, et il les mesura au cordeau, les faisant coucher par terre, et il en mesura deux cordeaux pour les faire mourir, et un plein cordeau pour les laisser vivre; et les Moabites devinrent serviteurs de David: ils lui apportèrent des présents.

Il battit les Moabites, et il les mesura avec un cordeau, en les faisant coucher par terre; il en mesura deux cordeaux pour les livrer à la mort, et un plein cordeau pour leur laisser la vie. Et les Moabites furent assujettis à David, et lui payèrent un tribut.

Il battit aussi les Moabites, et les mesura au cordeau, les faisant coucher par terre; et il en mesura deux cordeaux pour les faire mourir, et un plein cordeau pour leur sauver la vie; et [le pays] des Moabites fut à David sous cette condition, qu'ils lui seraient sujets et tributaires.

2 Samuel 8:2
Er schlug auch die Moabiter also zu Boden, daß er zwei Teile zum Tode brachte und ein Teil beim Leben ließ. Also wurden die Moabiter David untertänig, daß sie ihm Geschenke zutrugen.

Er schlug auch die Moabiter also zu Boden, daß er zwei Teile zum Tode brachte und einen Teil am Leben ließ. Also wurden die Moabiter David untertänig, daß sie ihm Geschenke zutrugen. {~} {~}

Dazu schlug er die Moabiter und maß sie mit einer Schnur ab, indem er sie auf die Erde niederliegen hieß: je zwei Schnüre maß er ab zur Hinrichtung und je eine Schnurlänge, um die Betreffenden am Leben zu lassen. So wurden die Moabiter Davids tributpflichtige Unterthanen.

2 Samuele 8:2
Sconfisse pure i Moabiti: e fattili giacere per terra, li misurò con la corda; ne misurò due corde per farli mettere a morte, e la lunghezza d’una corda per lasciarli in vita. E i Moabiti divennero sudditi e tributari di Davide.

Percosse ancora i Moabiti, e fattili giacere in terra, li misurò con una funicella; e ne misurò due parti per farli morire, e una parte intiera per salvar loro la vita. Ed i Moabiti furono renduti soggetti a Davide, e tributari.

2 SAMUEL 8:2
Dan lagi dialahkannya orang Moabpun, diukurnya mereka itu dengan tali, disuruhnya mereka itu meniarap di tanah, lalu diukurnya mereka itu dua tali akan dibunuh dan genap tali akan dihidupi. Demikianlah orang Moab itu menjadi takluk kepada Daud serta membawa upeti.

사무엘하 8:2
다윗이 또 모압을 쳐서 저희로 땅에 엎드리게 하고 줄로 재어 그 두줄 길이의 사람은 죽이고 한 줄 길이의 사람은 살리니 모압 사람이 다윗의 종이 되어 조공을 바치니라

II Samuelis 8:2
et percussit Moab et mensus est eos funiculo coaequans terrae mensus est autem duos funiculos unum ad occidendum et unum ad vivificandum factusque est Moab David serviens sub tributo

Antroji Samuelio knyga 8:2
Ir jis nugalėjo Moabą, ir matavo juos, suguldęs ant žemės. Jis atmatavo dvi virves nužudyti, o vieną virvę palikti gyvus. Taip moabitai tapo Dovydo tarnais ir mokėjo jam duoklę.

2 Samuel 8:2
I patua ano e ia a Moapa, a ruritia ana ratou ki te aho; a meinga ana ratou kia takoto ki te whenua: na e rua nga aho i ruritia e ia mo te whakamate, kotahi tino aho mo te whakaora. Na ka riro nga Moapi hei pononga ma Rawiri, hei kaihomai hakari.

2 Samuel 8:2
Han slo også moabittene og målte dem med en snor - han lot dem legge sig ned på jorden og målte så to snorlengder med folk som skulde drepes, og en full snorlengde med folk som skulde få leve; og moabittene blev Davids tjenere og måtte svare ham skatt.

2 Samuel 8:2
Y derrotó a Moab, y los midió con cordel, haciéndolos tenderse en tierra; y midió dos cordeles para dar les muerte, y un cordel entero para dejar los vivos. Y los moabitas fueron siervos de David, trayéndo le tributo.

También derrotó a Moab, y los midió con cordel, haciéndolos tenderse en tierra. Midió dos cordeles para darles muerte, y un cordel entero para dejarlos vivos. Y los Moabitas fueron siervos de David, trayéndole tributo.

Hirió también a los de Moab, y los midió con cordel, haciéndolos echar por tierra; y midió con dos cordeles para muerte, y un cordel entero para vida; y los moabitas vinieron a ser siervos de David, y le traían tributos.

Hirió también á los de Moab, y midiólos con cordel, haciéndolos echar por tierra; y midió con dos cordeles para muerte, y un cordel entero para vida; y fueron los Moabitas siervos debajo de tributo.

Hirió también a los de Moab, y los midió con cordel, haciéndolos echar por tierra; y los midió en dos cordeles, el uno para muerte, y otro cordel entero para vida; y fueron los moabitas siervos llevando presente.

2 Samuel 8:2
Do mesmo modo derrotou os moabitas e os fez deitar lado a lado no chão e os mediu com uma corda calculando: dois terços deles destinados à execução e um terço livres da morte. Assim os moabitas se tornaram servos de Davi, pagando-lhe tributos.

Também derrotou os moabitas, e os mediu com cordel, fazendo-os deitar por terra; e mediu dois cordéis para os matar, e um cordel inteiro para os deixar com vida. Ficaram assim os moabitas por servos de Davi, pagando-lhe tributos.   

2 Samuel 8:2
A bătut pe Moabiţi, şi i -a măsurat cu o frînghie, punîndu -i să se culce la pămînt; a măsurat două frînghii ca să -i omoare, şi o frînghie plină, ca să -i lase vii. Şi Moabiţii au fost supuşi lui David, şi i-au plătit... un bir.

2-я Царств 8:2
И поразил Моавитян и смерил их веревкою, положив их на землю; и отмерил две веревки на умерщвление, а одну веревку на оставление в живых. И сделались Моавитяне у Давида рабами, платящими дань.

И поразил Моавитян и смерил их веревкою, положив их на землю; и отмерил две веревки на умерщвление, а одну веревку на оставление в живых. И сделались Моавитяне у Давида рабами, платящими дань.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 8:2
Han slog ock moabiterna och mätte dem med snöre, i det att han lät dem lägga sig ned på jorden: med två snörlängder mätte han ut den del av dem, som skulle dödas, och med en full snörlängd den del som han låt leva. Så blevo moabiterna David underdåniga och förde till honom skänker.

2 Samuel 8:2
At kaniyang sinaktan ang Moab, at sinukat niya sila ng tali, na pinahiga sila sa lupa; at kaniyang sinukat ng dalawang tali upang patayin, at ng isang buong tali upang buhayin. At ang mga Moabita ay naging mga alipin ni David, at nagsipagdala ng mga kaloob.

2 ซามูเอล 8:2
พระองค์ทรงชนะโมอับ ทรงวัดเขาด้วยเชือกวัด คือบังคับให้เรียงตัวเข้าแถวนอนลงที่พื้นดิน ทรงวัดดูแล้วให้ประหารเสียสองแถว และไว้ชีวิตเต็มหนึ่งแถว คนโมอับก็เป็นไพร่ของดาวิด และได้นำเครื่องบรรณาการมาถวาย

2 Samuel 8:2
Moavlıları da bozguna uğrattı. Onları yere yatırıp iple ölçtü. Ölçtüğü iki sırayı öldürdü, bir bütün sırayı sağ bıraktı. Moavlılar Davutun haraç ödeyen köleleri oldular.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 8:2
Người cũng đánh dân Mô-áp, bắt chúng nằm dài trên đất mà lấy dây đo: đo hai dây để giết, rồi đo một dây để sống. Như vậy, dân Mô-áp phải phục Ða-vít và đóng thuế cho người.

2 Samuel 8:1
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