2 Samuel 19:35
2 Samuel 19:35
I am now eighty years old. Can I tell the difference between what is enjoyable and what is not? Can your servant taste what he eats and drinks? Can I still hear the voices of male and female singers? Why should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?

I am eighty years old today, and I can no longer enjoy anything. Food and wine are no longer tasty, and I cannot hear the singers as they sing. I would only be a burden to my lord the king.

I am this day eighty years old. Can I discern what is pleasant and what is not? Can your servant taste what he eats or what he drinks? Can I still listen to the voice of singing men and singing women? Why then should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?

"I am now eighty years old. Can I distinguish between good and bad? Or can your servant taste what I eat or what I drink? Or can I hear anymore the voice of singing men and women? Why then should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?

I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?

I'm now 80 years old. Can I discern what is pleasant and what is not? Can your servant taste what he eats or drinks? Can I still hear the voice of male and female singers? Why should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?

I'm now 80 years old! I can hardly tell the difference between what tastes good or bad! I can't tell what I eat or drink! I can't hear the voice of men and women when they sing! So why should your servant be an added burden to your majesty the king?

I am presently eighty years old. Am I able to discern good and bad? Can I taste what I eat and drink? Am I still able to hear the voices of male and female singers? Why should I continue to be a burden to my lord the king?

I'm 80 years old now. How can I tell what is pleasant and what is not? Can I taste what I eat or drink? Can I still hear the singing of men and women? Why should I now become a burden to you, Your Majesty?

I am this day eighty years old, and shall I tell the difference between the good and the bad? Shall thy slave enjoy what I eat or what I drink? Shall I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? Why then should thy slave be yet a burden unto my lord the king?

I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can your servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? why then should your servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?

I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can your servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? why then should your servant be yet a burden to my lord the king?

I am this day fourscore years old: can I discern between good and bad? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?

I am this day fourscore years old, are my senses quick to discern sweet and bitter? or can meat or drink delight thy servant? or can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? why should thy servant be a burden to my lord, the king?

I am this day eighty years old: can I discern between good and bad? can thy servant taste what I eat and what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? and why should thy servant be yet a burden to my lord the king?

I am this day fourscore years old: can I discern between good and bad? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?

I am this day eighty years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing-men and singing-women? why then should thy servant be yet a burden to my lord the king?

I am this day eighty years old. Can I discern between good and bad? Can your servant taste what I eat or what I drink? Can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? Why then should your servant be yet a burden to my lord the king?

A son of eighty years I am to-day; do I know between good and evil? doth thy servant taste that which I am eating, and that which I drink? do I hearken any more to the voice of singers and songstresses? and why is thy servant any more for a burden unto my lord the king?

2 i Samuelit 19:35
Tani unë jam tetëdhjetë vjeç; a mund të dalloj akoma atë që është e mirë nga ajo që është e keqe? A mund ta shijojë akoma shërbëtori yt atë që ha o atë që pi? A mund të dëgjojë unë akoma zërin e këngëtarëve dhe të këngëtareve. Pse shërbëtori yt duhet t'i bëhet barrë mbretit, zotërisë tim?

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 19:35
انا اليوم ابن ثمانين سنة. هل اميّز بين الطيب والردي وهل يستطعم عبدك بما آكل وما اشرب وهل اسمع ايضا اصوات المغنين والمغنيات. فلماذا يكون عبدك ايضا ثقلا على سيدي الملك.

Dyr Sämyheel B 19:35
Achtzg Jaar bin i ietz alt. Mein, abweisig werd i aau schoen staet. Older mainst, däß myr s Össn und Trinken non vil bedeutt? Sönger und Söngerinnen hoer i schoon gar niemer richtig. I fiel y dir grad zuer Last, o Künig.

2 Царе 19:35
Днес съм осемдесет години на възраст. Мога ли да различавам между добро и лошо? може ли слугата ти да усеща що яде или що пие? мога ли да чуя вече гласа на певците или на певиците? Защо, прочее, да бъде слугата ти още товар на господаря ми царя?

撒 母 耳 記 下 19:35
僕 人 現 在 八 十 歲 了 , 還 能 嘗 出 飲 食 的 滋 味 、 辨 別 美 惡 麼 ? 還 能 聽 男 女 歌 唱 的 聲 音 麼 ? 僕 人 何 必 累 贅 我 主 我 王 呢 ?

仆 人 现 在 八 十 岁 了 , 还 能 尝 出 饮 食 的 滋 味 、 辨 别 美 恶 麽 ? 还 能 听 男 女 歌 唱 的 声 音 麽 ? 仆 人 何 必 累 赘 我 主 我 王 呢 ?



2 Samuel 19:35
Sada mi je osamdeset godina; mogu li još razlikovati što je dobro a što zlo? Može li tvojem sluzi još goditi što jede i pije? Mogu li još slušati glas pjevača i pjevačica? Zašto bi tvoj sluga bio još na teret mome gospodaru kralju?

Druhá Samuelova 19:35
V osmdesáti letech jsem dnes. Zdaliž mohu rozeznati mezi dobrým a zlým? Zdaliž okušením rozezná služebník tvůj, co bych jedl a co bych pil? Zdaliž poslouchati mohu již hlasu zpěváků a zpěvakyní? Proč by tedy služebník tvůj déle býti měl břemenem pánu svému králi?

2 Samuel 19:35
Jeg er nu firsindstyve Aar gammel; mon jeg kan skelne mellem godt og ondt, eller mon din Træl har nogen Smag for, hvad jeg spiser eller drikker, mon jeg endnu har Øre for Sangeres og Sangerinders Røst? Hvorfor skulde din Træl da i Fremtiden falde min Herre Kongen til Byrde?

2 Samuël 19:35
Ik ben heden tachtig jaren oud; zou ik kunnen onderscheiden tussen goed en kwaad? Zou uw knecht kunnen smaken, wat ik eet en wat ik drink? Zoude ik meer kunnen horen naar de stem der zangers en zangeressen? En waarom zou uw knecht mijn heer den koning verder tot een last zijn?

שמואל ב 19:35
בֶּן־שְׁמֹנִ֣ים שָׁנָה֩ אָנֹכִ֨י הַיֹּ֜ום הַאֵדַ֣ע ׀ בֵּין־טֹ֣וב לְרָ֗ע אִם־יִטְעַ֤ם עַבְדְּךָ֙ אֶת־אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֹכַל֙ וְאֶת־אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶשְׁתֶּ֔ה אִם־אֶשְׁמַ֣ע עֹ֔וד בְּקֹ֖ול שָׁרִ֣ים וְשָׁרֹ֑ות וְלָמָּה֩ יִֽהְיֶ֨ה עַבְדְּךָ֥ עֹוד֙ לְמַשָּׂ֔א אֶל־אֲדֹנִ֖י הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃

לו בן שמנים שנה אנכי היום האדע בין טוב לרע אם יטעם עבדך את אשר אכל ואת אשר אשתה אם אשמע עוד בקול שרים ושרות ולמה יהיה עבדך עוד למשא אל אדני המלך

בן־שמנים שנה אנכי היום האדע ׀ בין־טוב לרע אם־יטעם עבדך את־אשר אכל ואת־אשר אשתה אם־אשמע עוד בקול שרים ושרות ולמה יהיה עבדך עוד למשא אל־אדני המלך׃

2 Sámuel 19:35
Nyolczvan esztendõs vagyok ma, avagy képes vagyok-é még különbséget tenni a jó és rossz között, vagy érzem-é, a te szolgád, ízét annak, a mit eszem és iszom, vagy gyönyörködhetem-é az éneklõ férfiak és asszonyok hangjaiban? Miért lenne terhére a te szolgád az én uramnak, a királynak?

Samuel 2 19:35
Mi havas nun la agxon de okdek jaroj; cxu mi povas distingi inter bono kaj malbono? cxu via sklavo sentos la guston de tio, kion mi mangxos aux kion mi trinkos? cxu mi povas ankoraux kompreni la vocxon de kantistoj kaj kantistinoj? por kio via sklavo estu sxargxo por mia sinjoro la regxo?

Minä olen jo tänäpänä kahdaksankymmenen ajastaikainen, tietäisinkö minä, mikä hyvä eli paha olis? eli maistaisko palvelias, mitä hän syö ja juo? taikka kuulisinko minä silleen veisaajain ja laulajain ääntä? Miksi palvelias pitäis vaivaaman herraani kuningasta?

2 Samuel 19:35
Je suis aujourd'hui âgé de quatre-vingt ans; puis-je distinguer ce qui est bon de ce qui est mauvais? Ton serviteur peut-il savourer ce que je mange et ce que je bois? Puis-je encore entendre la voix des chanteurs et des chanteuses? Et pourquoi ton serviteur serait-il encore à charge au roi, mon seigneur?

Je suis aujourd'hui âgé de quatre-vingts ans. Puis-je connaître ce qui est bon et ce qui est mauvais? Ton serviteur peut-il savourer ce qu'il mange et ce qu'il boit? Puis-je encore entendre la voix des chanteurs et des chanteuses? Et pourquoi ton serviteur serait-il encore à charge à mon seigneur le roi?

Je suis aujourd'hui âgé de quatre-vingts ans, pourrais-je discerner le bon d'avec le mauvais? Ton serviteur pourrait-il savourer ce qu'il mangerait et boirait? Pourrais-je encore entendre la voix des chantres et des chanteuses? et pourquoi ton serviteur serait-il à charge au Roi mon Seigneur?

2 Samuel 19:35
Ich bin heute achtzig Jahre alt. Wie sollte ich kennen, was gut oder böse ist, oder schmecken, was ich esse oder trinke, oder hören, was die Sänger oder Sängerinnen singen? Warum sollte dein Knecht meinen HERRN König fürder beschweren?

(-) Ich bin heute achtzig Jahre alt. Wie sollte ich kennen, was gut oder böse ist, oder schmecken, was ich esse oder trinke, oder hören, was die Sänger oder Sängerinnen singen? Warum sollte dein Knecht meinem Herrn König weiter beschweren?

Achtzig Jahre bin ich jetzt alt: könnte ich da noch Gutes und Schlechtes unterscheiden, oder würde dein Knecht einen Geschmack von dem haben, was ich esse und was ich trinke? Oder könnte ich noch der Stimme der Sänger und Sängerinnen lauschen? Wozu also sollte dein Knecht meinem königlichen Herrn noch zur Last fallen?

2 Samuele 19:35
Io ho adesso ottant’anni: posso io ancora discernere ciò ch’è buono da ciò che è cattivo? Può il tuo servo gustare ancora ciò che mangia o ciò che beve? Posso io udire ancora la voce dei cantori e delle cantatrici? E perché dunque il tuo servo sarebb’egli d’aggravio al re mio signore?

Io sono omai d’età di ottant’anni; potrei io discernere fra il buono e il cattivo? potrebbe il tuo servitore gustar ciò che mangerebbe o berrebbe? potrei io ancora udir la voce de’ cantatori e delle cantatrici? e perchè sarebbe il tuo servitore più in gravezza al re, mio signore?

2 SAMUEL 19:35
Bahwa sekarang umur patik sudah delapan puluh tahun, manakan patik dapat lagi membedakan antara jahat dengan baik; manakan patik dapat lagi merasai sedapnya barang yang patik makan dan minum kelak; manakan patik mendengar lagi akan bunyi suara biduan laki-laki dan perempuan; betapa gerangan patik ini memberatkan lagi tuanku?

사무엘하 19:35
내 나이 이제 팔십세라 어떻게 좋고 흉한 것을 분간할 수 있사오며 음식의 맛을 알 수 있사오리이까 ? 어떻게 다시 노래하는 남자나 여인의 소리를 알아 들을 수 있사오리이까 ? 어찌하여 종이 내주 왕께 오히려 누를 끼치리이까 ?

II Samuelis 19:35
octogenarius sum hodie numquid vigent sensus mei ad discernendum suave aut amarum aut delectare potest servum tuum cibus et potus vel audire ultra possum vocem cantorum atque cantricum quare servus tuus fit oneri domino meo regi

Antroji Samuelio knyga 19:35
Man šiandien jau aštuoniasdešimt metų. Ar aš atskirsiu, kas gera ir kas bloga? Ar pajusiu tavo valgių ir gėrimų skonį? Ar beišgirsiu dainuojančių vyrų ar moterų balsus? Tai kodėl tavo tarnas turėtų būti našta mano valdovui karaliui?

2 Samuel 19:35
Ka waru tekau oku tau i tenei ra: e mohio ranei ahau he pai tenei, he kino tera? e mohiotia ranei e tau pononga te reka o taku e kai ai, o taku ranei e inu ai? e rongo ano ranei ahau i te reo o nga tane waiata, o nga wahine waiata ranei? a kia m einga ano tau pononga hei whakararuraru mo toku ariki, mo te kingi hei aha?

2 Samuel 19:35
Jeg er idag åtti år; kan jeg vel nu skjelne mellem godt og ondt, eller kan din tjener smake hvad jeg eter og drikker, eller kan jeg nu lenger høre på sangere og sangerinner? Hvorfor skulde da din tjener lenger være min herre kongen til byrde?

2 Samuel 19:35
Tengo ahora ochenta años. ¿Puedo distinguir entre lo bueno y lo malo? ¿Puede tu siervo saborear lo que come o bebe? ¿Puede oír aún la voz de los cantores o de las cantoras? ¿Por qué, pues, ha de ser tu siervo otra carga más para mi señor el rey?

"Ahora tengo ochenta años. ¿Puedo distinguir entre lo bueno y lo malo? ¿Puede su siervo saborear lo que come o bebe? ¿Puede oír aún la voz de los cantores o de las cantoras? ¿Por qué, pues, ha de ser su siervo otra carga más para mi señor el rey?

Yo soy hoy día de edad de ochenta años, ¿podré distinguir entre lo bueno y lo malo? ¿Tomará gusto ahora tu siervo en lo que coma o beba? ¿Oiré más la voz de los cantores y de las cantoras? ¿Para qué, pues, sería aún tu siervo molesto a mi señor el rey?

Yo soy hoy día de edad de ochenta años, que ya no haré diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo: ¿tomará gusto ahora tu siervo en lo que comiere ó bebiere? ¿oiré más la voz de los cantores y de las cantoras? ¿para qué, pues, sería aún tu siervo molesto á mi se

Yo soy hoy día de edad de ochenta años, que ya no haré diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo. ¿Tomará gusto ahora tu siervo en lo que comiere o bebiere? ¿Oiré más la voz de los cantores y de las cantoras? ¿Para qué, pues, sería aún tu siervo molesto a mi señor el rey?

2 Samuel 19:35
Já tenho oitenta anos. Não consigo mais discernir entre o bom e o mau, não sinto mais o sabor dos alimentos nem das bebidas, também não consigo ouvir a voz dos cantores e das cantoras. O teu servo seria apenas mais um peso ao rei meu senhor.

Oitenta anos tenho hoje; poderei eu discernir entre e bom e o mau? poderá o teu servo perceber sabor no que comer e beber? poderei eu mais ouvir a voz dos cantores e das cantoras? e por que será o teu servo ainda pesado ao rei meu senhor?   

2 Samuel 19:35
Eu sînt astăzi în vîrstă de optzeci de ani. Pot eu să mai cunosc ce este bun şi ce este rău? Poate robul tău să mai aibă vreun gust pentru ce mănîncă şi bea? Pot eu să mai aud glasul cîntăreţilor şi cîntăreţelor? Şi pentru ce să mai fie robul tău o povară pentru domnul meu, împăratul?

2-я Царств 19:35
Мне теперь восемьдесят лет; различу ли хорошее от худого? Узнает ли раб твой вкус в том, что буду есть, и в том, что буду пить? И буду ли в состоянии слышать голос певцов и певиц? Зачем же рабу твоему быть в тягость господину моему царю?

Мне теперь восемьдесят лет; различу ли хорошее от худого? Узнает ли раб твой вкус в том, что буду есть, и в том, что буду пить? И буду ли в состоянии слышать голос певцов и певиц? Зачем же рабу твоему быть в тягость господину моему царю?[]

2 Samuelsbokem 19:35
Jag är nu åttio år gammal; kan jag då känna skillnad mellan bättre och sämre, eller har väl din tjänare någon smak för vad jag äter eller för vad jag dricker? Eller kan jag ännu njuta av att höra sångare och sångerskor sjunga? Varför skulle din tjänare då ytterligare bliva min herre konungen till besvär?

2 Samuel 19:35
Ako sa araw na ito'y may walong pung taon na; makapapansin pa ba ako ng mabuti at masama? malalasahan pa ba ng iyong lingkod ang kaniyang kinakain at iniinom? maririnig ko pa ba ang tinig ng mangaawit na lalake at babae? bakit pa nga magiging isang pasan ang iyong lingkod sa aking panginoon na hari?

2 ซามูเอล 19:35
วันนี้ข้าพระองค์มีอายุแปดสิบปีแล้ว ข้าพระองค์จะสังเกตว่าอะไรเป็นที่พอใจและไม่พอใจได้หรือ ผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์จะลิ้มรสอร่อยของสิ่งที่กินและดื่มได้หรือ ข้าพระองค์จะฟังเสียงชายหญิงร้องเพลงได้หรือ ทำไมจะให้ผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์เป็นภาระเพิ่มแก่กษัตริย์เจ้านายของข้าพระองค์อีกเล่า

2 Samuel 19:35
‹‹Şu anda seksen yaşındayım. İyi ile kötüyü ayırt edebilir miyim? Yediğimin, içtiğimin tadını alabilir miyim? Kadın erkek şarkıcıların sesini duyabilir miyim? Öyleyse neden efendim krala daha fazla yük olayım?[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 19:35
Ngày nay tôi được tám mươi tuổi, há còn có thế phân biệt điều tốt và điều xấu ư? Kẻ tôi tớ vua cũng chẳng nếm được mùi của vật mình ăn và uống. Há lại có thể vui nghe người nam nữ ca xướng sao? Kẻ tôi tớ vua sẽ làm bận vua chúa tôi mà làm chi?

2 Samuel 19:34
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