2 Samuel 19:2
2 Samuel 19:2
And for the whole army the victory that day was turned into mourning, because on that day the troops heard it said, "The king is grieving for his son."

As all the people heard of the king's deep grief for his son, the joy of that day's victory was turned into deep sadness.

So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people, for the people heard that day, “The king is grieving for his son.”

The victory that day was turned to mourning for all the people, for the people heard it said that day, "The king is grieved for his son."

And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people: for the people heard say that day how the king was grieved for his son.

That day's victory was turned into mourning for all the troops because on that day the troops heard, "The king is grieving over his son."

The victory had become an occasion for the army to mourn, because on that very day the troops heard the announcement, "The king is grieving for his son!"

So the victory of that day was turned to mourning as far as all the people were concerned. For the people heard on that day, "The king is grieved over his son."

The victory of that day was turned into mourning because all the troops heard that the king was grieving for his son.

And that day the salvation was turned into mourning for all the people, for the people heard it said that day how the king was grieved for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people: for the people heard say that day how the king was grieved for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning to all the people: for the people heard say that day how the king was grieved for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people; for the people heard say that day, The king grieveth for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people: for the people heard say that day: The king grieveth for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people; for the people heard say that day, The king is grieved for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people: for the people heard say that day, The king grieveth for his son.

And the victory that day was turned into mourning to all the people: for the people heard it said that day how the king was grieved for his son.

The victory that day was turned into mourning to all the people; for the people heard it said that day, "The king grieves for his son."

and the salvation on that day becometh mourning to all the people, for the people hath heard on that day, saying, 'The king hath been grieved for his son.'

2 i Samuelit 19:2
Kështu fitorja atë ditë u shndërrua në zi për të gjithë popullin, sepse populli dëgjoi atë ditë të thuhet: "Mbreti është i dëshpëruar për shkak të birit të tij".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 19:2
فصارت الغلبة في ذلك اليوم مناحة عند جميع الشعب لان الشعب سمعوا في ذلك اليوم من يقول ان الملك قد تأسف على ابنه.

Dyr Sämyheel B 19:2
Yso wurd dyr Tag der Röttung für s gantze Hör zo aynn Trauertag, weil s is mitgakriegnd, wie gro däß dyr Künig wögn seinn Sun betrüebt war.

2 Царе 19:2
И в оня ден победата се обърна в печал между целия народ; защото в оня ден людете чуха да казват: Царят бил печален за сина си.

撒 母 耳 記 下 19:2
眾 民 聽 說 王 為 他 兒 子 憂 愁 , 他 們 得 勝 的 歡 樂 卻 變 成 悲 哀 。

众 民 听 说 王 为 他 儿 子 忧 愁 , 他 们 得 胜 的 欢 乐 却 变 成 悲 哀 。



2 Samuel 19:2
Tako se pobjeda u onaj dan pretvorila u žalost za svu vojsku, jer je vojska čula u onaj dan da kralj tuguje za svojim sinom.

Druhá Samuelova 19:2
Pročež obrátilo se to vysvobození toho dne v kvílení všemu lidu; nebo slyšel lid v ten den, že bylo praveno: Zámutek má král pro syna svého.

2 Samuel 19:2
og Sejren blev den Dag til Sorg for alt Folket, fordi det hørte, at Kongen sørgede dybt over sin Søn.

2 Samuël 19:2
Toen werd de verlossing te dienzelven dage het ganse volk tot rouw; want het volk had te dienzelven dage horen zeggen: Het smart den koning over zijn zoon.

שמואל ב 19:2
וַתְּהִ֨י הַתְּשֻׁעָ֜ה בַּיֹּ֥ום הַה֛וּא לְאֵ֖בֶל לְכָל־הָעָ֑ם כִּֽי־שָׁמַ֣ע הָעָ֗ם בַּיֹּ֤ום הַהוּא֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר נֶעֱצַ֥ב הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ עַל־בְּנֹֽו׃

ג ותהי התשעה ביום ההוא לאבל--לכל העם  כי שמע העם ביום ההוא לאמר נעצב המלך על בנו

ותהי התשעה ביום ההוא לאבל לכל־העם כי־שמע העם ביום ההוא לאמר נעצב המלך על־בנו׃

2 Sámuel 19:2
És gyászra fordult a szabadulás azon a napon az egész népre nézve, mert a nép azon a napon hallja vala, hogy beszélik: Így bánkódik a király az õ fián.

Samuel 2 19:2
Kaj la triumfo en tiu tago farigxis funebro por la tuta popolo; cxar la popolo auxdis en tiu tago, ke la regxo malgxojas pri sia filo.

Ja sinä päivänä oli voitosta itku kaiken kansan seassa; sillä kansa oli kuullut sinä päivänä sanottavan kuninkaan olevan murheellisen poikansa tähden.

2 Samuel 19:2
Et la victoire fut changée en deuil pour tout le peuple, ce jour-là, car le peuple entendit ce jour-là qu'on disait: Le roi est affligé à cause de son fils.

Et la victoire, ce jour-là, fut changée en deuil pour tout le peuple, car en ce jour le peuple entendait dire: Le roi est affligé à cause de son fils.

Ainsi la délivrance fut en ce jour-là changée en deuil pour tout le peuple; parce que le peuple avait entendu qu'on disait en ce jour-là : Le Roi a été fort affligé à cause de son fils.

2 Samuel 19:2
Und ward aus dem Siege des Tages ein Leid unter dem ganzen Volk; denn das Volk hatte gehöret des Tages, daß sich der König um seinen Sohn bekümmerte.

(-) Und es ward aus dem Sieg des Tages ein Leid unter dem ganzen Volk; denn das Volk hatte gehört des Tages, daß sich der König um seinen Sohn bekümmerte.

da gestaltete sich an jenem Tage der Sieg für das ganze Volk zu einer Trauer, weil das Volk an jenem Tage die Kunde vernahm: Der König grämt sich um seinen Sohn!

2 Samuele 19:2
E la vittoria in quel giorno si cangiò in lutto per tutto il popolo, perché il popolo sentì dire in quel giorno: "Il re è molto afflitto a cagione del suo figliuolo".

E la vittoria tornò in quel dì a tutto il popolo in duolo; perciocchè il popolo udì dire in quel dì: Il re è addolorato del suo figliuolo.

2 SAMUEL 19:2
Sehingga kemenangan pada hari itu telah menjadi bagi orang banyak itu seolah-olah suatu perkabungan, karena kedengaranlah kepada segala rakyat kata orang: Tiada terhiburkan baginda dari karena putera baginda.

사무엘하 19:2
왕이 그 아들을 위하여 슬퍼한다 함이 그 날에 백성들에게 들리매 그 날의 이김이 모든 백성에게 슬픔이 된지라

II Samuelis 19:2
et versa est victoria in die illa in luctum omni populo audivit enim populus in die illa dici dolet rex super filio suo

Antroji Samuelio knyga 19:2
Tos dienos pergalė virto gedulu visiems žmonėms, nes žmonės girdėjo kalbant, kad karalius sielojasi dėl savo sūnaus.

2 Samuel 19:2
Na puta ke ana te whakaoranga i taua ra hei tangi ma te iwi katoa; i rongo hoki te iwi i taua ra i te korero, e koingo ana te kingi ki tana tama.

2 Samuel 19:2
Og seieren blev den dag til sorg for alt folket, fordi folket den dag fikk høre at kongen var bedrøvet over sin sønn.

2 Samuel 19:2
Y la victoria aquel día se convirtió en duelo para todo el pueblo, porque el pueblo oyó decir aquel día: El rey está entristecido por su hijo.

Y la victoria (la salvación) aquel día se convirtió en duelo para todo el pueblo, porque el pueblo oyó decir aquel día: "El rey está entristecido por su hijo."

Y aquel día la victoria se volvió en luto para todo el pueblo; porque aquel día el pueblo oyó decir que el rey tenía dolor por su hijo.

Y volvióse aquel día la victoria en luto para todo el pueblo; porque oyó decir el pueblo aquel día que el rey tenía dolor por su hijo.

Y se volvió aquel día la salud en luto para todo el pueblo; porque oyó decir el pueblo aquel día que el rey tenía dolor por su hijo.

2 Samuel 19:2
A vitória, naquele dia, se transformou em luto para todo o exército, porque os soldados compreenderam naquele momento que o rei estava sofrendo grande angústia por causa da morte de seu amado filho.

Então a vitória se tornou naquele dia em tristeza para todo o povo, porque nesse dia o povo ouviu dizer: O rei está muito triste por causa de seu filho.   

2 Samuel 19:2
Şi în ziua aceea, biruinţa s'a prefăcut în jale pentru tot poporul, căci în ziua aceea, poporul auzea zicîndu-se: ,,Împăratul este mîhnit din pricina fiului său.``

2-я Царств 19:2
И обратилась победа того дня в плач для всего народа; ибо народ услышал в тот день и говорил, что царь скорбит о своем сыне.

И обратилась победа того дня в плач для всего народа; ибо народ услышал в тот день и говорил, что царь скорбит о своем сыне.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 19:2
Och segern blev på den dagen förbytt till sorg för allt folket, eftersom folket på den dagen fick höra sägas att konungen var bedrövad för sin sons skull.

2 Samuel 19:2
At ang pagtatagumpay sa araw na yaon ay naging kapanglawan sa buong bayan: sapagka't narinig ng bayan na sinasabi sa araw na yaon. Ang hari ay nahahapis dahil sa kaniyang anak.

2 ซามูเอล 19:2
เพราะฉะนั้นชัยชนะในวันนั้นก็กลายเป็นการไว้ทุกข์ของประชาชนทั้งหลาย เพราะในวันนั้นประชาชนได้ยินว่า กษัตริย์ทรงโทมนัสเพราะพระราชบุตรของพระองค์

2 Samuel 19:2
O gün zafer ordu için yasa dönüştü. Çünkü kralın oğlu için acı çektiğini duymuşlardı.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 19:2
Ấy vậy, chính trong ngày đó sự thắng trận bèn đổi ra sự thảm sầu cho cả dân sự; vì dân sự đã nghe nói rằng vua rất buồn bực về sự chết của con vua.

2 Samuel 19:1
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