2 Samuel 15:2
2 Samuel 15:2
He would get up early and stand by the side of the road leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone came with a complaint to be placed before the king for a decision, Absalom would call out to him, "What town are you from?" He would answer, "Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel."

He got up early every morning and went out to the gate of the city. When people brought a case to the king for judgment, Absalom would ask where in Israel they were from, and they would tell him their tribe.

And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute to come before the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, “From what city are you?” And when he said, “Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel,”

Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way to the gate; and when any man had a suit to come to the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, "From what city are you?" And he would say, "Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel."

And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

He would get up early and stand beside the road leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone had a grievance to bring before the king for settlement, Absalom called out to him and asked, "What city are you from?" If he replied, "Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel,"

Then he would get up early, stand near the passageway to the palace gate, and when anyone arrived to file a legal complaint for a hearing before the king, Absalom would call to him and ask, "You're from what city?" If he replied, "Your servant is from one of Israel's tribes,"

Now Absalom used to get up early and stand beside the road that led to the city gate. Whenever anyone came by who had a complaint to bring to the king for arbitration, Absalom would call out to him, "What city are you from?" The person would answer, "I, your servant, am from one of the tribes of Israel."

Absalom used to get up early and stand by the road leading to the city gate. When anyone had a case to be tried by King David, Absalom would ask, "Which city are you from?" After the person had told him which tribe in Israel he was from,

And Absalom rose up early and stood beside the way of the gate; and when anyone that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto them and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy slave is of one of the tribes of Israel.

And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said, Of what city are you? And he said, Your servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him, and said, Of what city are you? And he said, Your servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that, when any man had a suit which should come to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

And Absalom rising up early stood by the entrance of the gate, and when any man had business to come to the king's judgment, Absalom called him to him, and said: Of what city art thou? He answered, and said: Thy servant is of such a tribe of Israel.

And Absalom rose early, and stood beside the way of the gate; and it was so, that when any man who had a controversy had to come to the king for judgment, then Absalom called him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man had a suit which should come to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.

And Absalom rose early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant is one of the tribes of Israel.

Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate. It was so, that when any man had a suit which should come to the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him, and said, "What city are you from?" He said, "Your servant is of one of the tribes of Israel."

and Absalom hath risen early, and stood by the side of the way of the gate, and it cometh to pass, every man who hath a pleading to come unto the king for judgment, that Absalom calleth unto him, and saith, 'Of what city art thou?' and he saith, 'Of one of the tribes of Israel is thy servant.'

2 i Samuelit 15:2
Absalomi ngrihej herët në mëngjes dhe rrinte anës rrugës që të çonte te porta e qytetit. Kështu, në qoftë se dikush kishte ndonjë gjyq dhe shkonte te mbreti për të siguruar drejtësi, Absalomi e thërriste dhe i thoshte: "Nga cili qytet je?". Tjetri i përgjigjej: "Shërbëtori yt është nga filan fis i Izraelit".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 15:2
وكان ابشالوم يبكر ويقف بجانب طريق الباب وكل صاحب دعوى آت الى الملك لاجل الحكم كان ابشالوم يدعوه اليه ويقول من اية مدينة انت فيقول من احد اسباط اسرائيل عبدك.

Dyr Sämyheel B 15:2
In aller Frueh gstöllt yr si nöbn dönn Wög zo n Stattoor hin. Wenn öbber mit aynn Strit zo n Künig gwill, grödt yr n an: "Wo kimmst n her?" Wenn der aft gantwortt: "Aus n Isryheelischn obn bin i.",

2 Царе 15:2
И Авесалом ставаше рано, та стоеше край пътя до портата; и когато някой имаше дело, за което трябваше да дойде пред царя за съдба, тогава Авесалом го викаше и думаше: От кой си град? А той казваше: Слугата ти е от еди-кое Израилево племе.

撒 母 耳 記 下 15:2
押 沙 龍 常 常 早 晨 起 來 , 站 在 城 門 的 道 旁 , 凡 有 爭 訟 要 去 求 王 判 斷 的 , 押 沙 龍 就 叫 他 過 來 , 問 他 說 : 你 是 哪 一 城 的 人 ? 回 答 說 : 僕 人 是 以 色 列 某 支 派 的 人 。

押 沙 龙 常 常 早 晨 起 来 , 站 在 城 门 的 道 旁 , 凡 有 争 讼 要 去 求 王 判 断 的 , 押 沙 龙 就 叫 他 过 来 , 问 他 说 : 你 是 哪 一 城 的 人 ? 回 答 说 : 仆 人 是 以 色 列 某 支 派 的 人 。



2 Samuel 15:2
Abšalom je u rano jutro stajao kraj puta koji vodi do gradskih vrata; i tko god je imao kakvu parnicu te išao kralju na sud, Abšalom bi ga dozvao k sebi i pitao: "Iz kojega si grada?" A kad bi ovaj odgovorio: "Tvoj je sluga iz toga i toga Izraelova plemena",

Druhá Samuelova 15:2
A vstávaje ráno Absolon, stával u cesty při bráně, a každého muže, kterýž, maje při, šel k králi pro rozsouzení, povolával Absolon, říkaje: Z kterého jsi ty města? A když mu odpověděl: Z toho a z toho pokolení Izraelského jest služebník tvůj,

2 Samuel 15:2
og om Morgenen stillede han sig ved Portvejen, og naar nogen gik til Kongen for at faa en Retssag afgjort, kaldte Absalom ham til sig og spurgte ham: »Hvilken By er du fra?« Naar han da svarede: »Din Træl er fra den eller den af Israels Stammer!«

2 Samuël 15:2
Ook maakte zich Absalom des morgens vroeg op, en stond aan de zijde van den weg der poort. En het geschiedde, dat Absalom allen man, die een geschil had, om tot den koning ten gerichte te komen, tot zich riep, en zeide: Uit welke stad zijt gij? Als hij dan zeide: Uw knecht is uit een der stammen Israels;

שמואל ב 15:2
וְהִשְׁכִּים֙ אַבְשָׁלֹ֔ום וְעָמַ֕ד עַל־יַ֖ד דֶּ֣רֶךְ הַשָּׁ֑עַר וַיְהִ֡י כָּל־הָאִ֣ישׁ אֲשֶֽׁר־יִהְיֶה־לֹּו־רִיב֩ לָבֹ֨וא אֶל־הַמֶּ֜לֶךְ לַמִּשְׁפָּ֗ט וַיִּקְרָ֨א אַבְשָׁלֹ֤ום אֵלָיו֙ וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אֵֽי־מִזֶּ֥ה עִיר֙ אַ֔תָּה וַיֹּ֕אמֶר מֵאַחַ֥ד שִׁבְטֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל עַבְדֶּֽךָ׃

ב והשכים אבשלום ועמד על יד דרך השער ויהי כל האיש אשר יהיה לו ריב לבוא אל המלך למשפט ויקרא אבשלום אליו ויאמר אי מזה עיר אתה ויאמר מאחד שבטי ישראל עבדך

והשכים אבשלום ועמד על־יד דרך השער ויהי כל־האיש אשר־יהיה־לו־ריב לבוא אל־המלך למשפט ויקרא אבשלום אליו ויאמר אי־מזה עיר אתה ויאמר מאחד שבטי־ישראל עבדך׃

2 Sámuel 15:2
És reggelenként felkelvén Absolon, megálla az útfélen a kapuban, és mindenkit, a kinek dolga lévén, a királyhoz megy ítélet végett, megszólíta Absolon, és megkérdé: Micsoda városból való vagy te? És ha azt mondá: Izráelnek egyik nemzetségébõl való a te szolgád;

Samuel 2 15:2
Kaj Absxalom levigxadis frue, kaj starigxadis cxe la vojo al la pordego; kaj cxiun homon, kiu havis plendon kaj iris al la regxo por jugxo, Absxalom vokis al si, kaj diris al li:El kiu urbo vi estas? Kaj kiam tiu respondis:Via sklavo estas el tiu aux tiu tribo de Izrael,

Ja Absalom nousi varhain huomeneltain ja seisoi porttitien vieressä, ja kuin jollakin oli asiaa tulla kuninkaan tykö oikeuden eteen, kutsui Absalom sen tykönsä ja sanoi: sinun palvelias on yhdestä Israelin sukukunnista,

2 Samuel 15:2
Et Absalom se levait de bonne heure, et se tenait à côté du chemin de la porte; et tout homme qui avait une cause qui l'obligeât d'aller vers le roi pour un jugement, Absalom l'appelait, et disait: De quelle ville es-tu? Et il disait: Ton serviteur est de l'une des tribus d'Israël.

Il se levait de bon matin, et se tenait au bord du chemin de la porte. Et chaque fois qu'un homme ayant une contestation se rendait vers le roi pour obtenir un jugement, Absalom l'appelait, et disait: De quelle ville es-tu? Lorsqu'il avait répondu: Je suis d'une telle tribu d'Israël,

Et Absalom se levait le matin, et se tenait à côté du chemin qui allait vers la porte; et s'il y avait quelqu'un qui eût quelque affaire, pour laquelle il fallût aller vers le Roi afin de demander justice, Absalom l'appelait, et lui disait : De quelle ville es-tu? et il répondait : Ton serviteur est d'une telle Tribu d'Israël.

2 Samuel 15:2
Und Absalom machte sich also des Morgens frühe auf und trat an den Weg bei dem Tor. Und wenn jemand einen Handel hatte, daß er zum Könige vor Gericht kommen sollte, rief ihn Absalom zu sich und sprach: Aus welcher Stadt bist du? Wenn dann der sprach: Dein Knecht ist aus der Stämme Israels einem,

Auch machte sich Absalom des Morgens früh auf und trat an den Weg bei dem Tor. Und wenn jemand einen Handel hatte, daß er zum König vor Gericht kommen sollte, rief ihn Absalom zu sich und sprach: Aus welcher Stadt bist du? Wenn dann der sprach: Dein Knecht ist aus der Stämme Israels einem,

Und Absalom pflegte sich frühmorgens neben dem Thorweg aufzustellen, und wenn nun irgendjemand einen Rechtshandel hatte, der ihn veranlaßte, den König um eine Entscheidung anzugehen, so rief Absalom ihn an und fragte: Aus welcher Stadt bist du? Antwortete er nun: Dein Sklave ist aus einem der Stämme Israels!

2 Samuele 15:2
Absalom si levava la mattina presto, e si metteva da un lato della via che menava alle porte della città; e quando qualcuno, avendo un processo, si recava dal re per chieder giustizia, Absalom lo chiamava, e gli diceva: "Di qual città sei tu?" L’altro gli rispondeva: "Il tuo servo è di tale e tale tribù d’Israele".

Ed egli si levava la mattina, e si fermava allato alla via della porta; e se vi era alcuno che avesse qualche piato, per lo quale gli convenisse venire al re per giudicio, Absalom lo chiamava, e gli diceva: Di qual città sei tu? E colui gli rispondeva: Il tuo servitore è di tale e tale tribù d’Israele.

2 SAMUEL 15:2
Dan lagi bangunlah Absalom pagi-pagi, lalu berdiri pada sisi jalan ke pintu gerbang, maka sesungguhnya tiap-tiap orang yang ada perkaranya hendak pergi mempersembahkan dia kepada hukum baginda, ia itu dipanggil oleh Absalom, lalu katanya: Dari negeri mana engkau? Apabila sahutnya: Hamba tuan ini dari negeri ini atau dari negeri itu dalam salah suatu suku bangsa Israel;

사무엘하 15:2
압살롬이 일찌기 일어나 성문길 곁에 서서 어떤 사람이든지 송사가 있어 왕에게 재판을 청하러 올 때에 그 사람을 불러서 이르되 `너는 어느 성 사람이냐' 그 사람의 대답이 `종은 이스라엘 아무 지파에 속하였나이다' 하면

II Samuelis 15:2
et mane consurgens Absalom stabat iuxta introitum portae et omnem virum qui habebat negotium ut veniret ad regis iudicium vocabat Absalom ad se et dicebat de qua civitate es tu qui respondens aiebat ex una tribu Israhel ego sum servus tuus

Antroji Samuelio knyga 15:2
Jis keldavosi anksti ir atsistodavo šalia kelio prie vartų. Jei koks žmogus su savo byla ateidavo į karaliaus teismą, Abšalomas pasišaukdavo jį ir klausdavo: “Iš kurio tu miesto?” Kai tas atsakydavo: “Tavo tarnas yra iš tokios Izraelio giminės”,

2 Samuel 15:2
Na ka maranga wawe a Apoharama, a ka tu ki te taha o te huarahi, ki te kuwaha, na ki te mea he take ta tetahi tangata e tika ana kia tae ki te kingi kia whakaritea, ka karanga a Apoharama ki a ia, ka mea, No tehea pa koe? A ka pea tera, No tetahi o nga iwi o Iharaira tau pononga.

2 Samuel 15:2
Og Absalom pleide å stå tidlig op og stille sig ved siden av veien til porten; og så ofte det kom en mann som hadde en sak han vilde føre frem for kongen og få dom i, kalte Absalom på ham og spurte: Hvilken by er du fra? Når han så svarte: Din tjener er fra den og den av Israels stammer,

2 Samuel 15:2
Y Absalón se levantaba temprano y se situaba junto al camino de la puerta; y sucedía que todo aquel que tenía un pleito y venía al rey para juicio, Absalón lo llamaba y decía: ¿De qué ciudad eres? Y éste respondía: Tu siervo es de una de las tribus de Israel.

Absalón se levantaba temprano y se situaba junto al camino de la puerta; y sucedía que todo aquél que tenía un pleito y venía al rey para juicio, Absalón lo llamaba y decía: "¿De qué ciudad eres?" Y éste respondía: "Tu siervo es de una de las tribus de Israel."

Y se levantaba Absalón de mañana, y se ponía a un lado del camino de la puerta; y a cualquiera que tenía pleito y venía al rey a juicio, Absalón le llamaba a sí, y le decía: ¿De qué ciudad eres? Y él respondía: Tu siervo es de una de las tribus de Israel.

Y levantábase Absalom de mañana, y poníase á un lado del camino de la puerta; y á cualquiera que tenía pleito y venía al rey á juicio, Absalom le llamaba á sí, y decíale: ¿De qué ciudad eres? Y él respondía: Tu siervo es de una de las tribus de Israel.

Y se levantaba Absalón de mañana, y se ponía a un lado del camino de la puerta; y a cualquiera que tenía pleito y venía al rey a juicio, Absalón le llamaba a sí, y le decía: ¿De qué ciudad eres? Y él respondía: Tu siervo es de una de las tribus de Israel.

2 Samuel 15:2
Levantando-se ao raiar do dia, Absalão plantava-se à beira da estrada principal que levava à porta da cidade. E assim, sempre que alguém vinha trazer uma causa para ser julgada pelo rei, Absalão abordava essa pessoa e questionava: “De que cidade és?” E, invariavelmente, a resposta era: “O teu servo é de uma das cidades de Israel!”

E levantando-se Absalão cedo, parava ao lado do caminho da porta; e quando algum homem tinha uma demanda para, vir ao rei a juízo, Absalão o chamava a si e lhe dizia: De que cidade és tu? E, dizendo ele: De tal tribo de Israel é teu servo;   

2 Samuel 15:2
Se scula disdedimineaţă, şi stătea la marginea drumului la poartă. Şi oridecîteori avea cineva vreo neînţelegere şi se ducea la împărat la judecată, Absalom îl chema şi zicea: ,,Din ce cetate eşti?`` După ce -i răspundea: ,,Sînt din cutare seminţie a lui Israel,``

2-я Царств 15:2
И вставал Авессалом рано утром, истановился при дороге у ворот, и когда кто-нибудь, имея тяжбу, шел кцарю на суд, то Авессалом подзывал его к себе и спрашивал: из какого города ты? И когда тот отвечал: из такого-то колена Израилева раб твой,

И вставал Авессалом рано утром, и становился при дороге у ворот, и когда кто-нибудь, имея тяжбу, шел к царю на суд, то Авессалом подзывал его к себе и спрашивал: из какого города ты? И когда тот отвечал: из такого-то колена Израилева раб твой,[]

2 Samuelsbokem 15:2
Och Absalom plägade bittida om morgonen ställa sig vid sidan av vägen som ledde till porten, och så ofta någon då var på väg till konungen med en rättssak som han ville hava avdömd, kallade Absalom honom till sig och frågade: »Från vilken stad är du?» När han då svarade: »Din tjänare är från den och den av Israels stammar»,

2 Samuel 15:2
At bumangong maaga si Absalom, at tumayo sa tabi ng daan sa pintuang-bayan; at nangyari, na pagka ang sinomang tao ay mayroong usap na ilalapit sa hari upang hatulan, na tinatawag nga ni Absalom, at sinabi, Taga saang bayan ka? At kaniyang sinabi, Ang iyong lingkod ay isa sa mga lipi ng Israel.

2 ซามูเอล 15:2
อับซาโลมตื่นบรรทมแต่เช้าตรู่ไปประทับริมทางไปยังประตูเมือง ถ้าผู้ใดมีเรื่องที่จะถวายกษัตริย์ให้ทรงตัดสิน อับซาโลมก็เรียกผู้นั้น ถามว่า "เจ้ามาจากเมืองไหน" และเมื่อเขาทูลตอบว่า "ผู้รับใช้ของท่านเป็นคนตระกูลหนึ่งในอิสราเอล"

2 Samuel 15:2
Sabah erkenden kalkıp kent kapısına giden yolun kenarında dururdu. Davasına baktırmak için krala gelen herkese seslenip, ‹‹Nerelisin?›› diye sorardı. Adam hangi İsrail oymağından geldiğini söylerdi.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 15:2
Áp-sa-lôm dậy sớm, đứng nơi mé đường vào cửa thành. Nếu gặp ai có sự kiện thưa chi đi đến vua đặng cầu xét đoán, thì Áp-sa-lôm gọi người ấy hỏi rằng: Người ở thành nào? Nếu họ đáp: Tôi tớ ông thuộc về chi phái kia của Y-sơ-ra-ên,

2 Samuel 15:1
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