2 Samuel 15:10
2 Samuel 15:10
Then Absalom sent secret messengers throughout the tribes of Israel to say, "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpets, then say, 'Absalom is king in Hebron.'"

But while he was there, he sent secret messengers to all the tribes of Israel to stir up a rebellion against the king. "As soon as you hear the ram's horn," his message read, "you are to say, 'Absalom has been crowned king in Hebron.'"

But Absalom sent secret messengers throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, “As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then say, ‘Absalom is king at Hebron!’”

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say, 'Absalom is king in Hebron.'"

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron.

Then Absalom sent messengers throughout the tribes of Israel with this message: "When you hear the sound of the ram's horn, you are to say, 'Absalom has become king in Hebron!'"

But Absalom sent agents throughout all of the tribes of Israel, telling them, "When you hear the sound of the battle trumpet, you're to announce that Absalom is king in Hebron."

Then Absalom sent spies through all the tribes of Israel who said, "When you hear the sound of the horn, you may assume that Absalom rules in Hebron."

But Absalom sent his loyal supporters to all the tribes of Israel and said, "When you hear the sound of the ram's horn, say, 'Absalom has become king in Hebron.'"

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the shofar, then ye shall say, Absalom reigns in Hebron.

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say, Absalom reigns in Hebron.

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say, Absalom reigns in Hebron.

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom is king in Hebron.

And Absalom sent spies into all the tribes of Israel, saying: As soon as you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, say ye: Absalom reigneth in Hebron.

And Absalom sent emissaries into all the tribes of Israel, saying, When ye hear the sound of the trumpet, ye shall say, Absalom reigns in Hebron.

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom is king in Hebron.

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron.

But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then you shall say, 'Absalom is king in Hebron!'"

and Absalom sendeth spies through all the tribes of Israel, saying, 'At your hearing the voice of the trumpet, then ye have said, Absalom hath reigned in Hebron.'

2 i Samuelit 15:10
Pastaj Absalomi dërgoi emisarë ndër të gjitha fiset e Izraelit për të thënë: "Kur të dëgjoni tingullin e borisë, do të thoni: "Absalomi u shpall mbret në Hebron".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 15:10
وارسل ابشالوم جواسيس في جميع اسباط اسرائيل قائلا اذا سمعتم صوت البوق فقولوا قد ملك ابشالوم في حبرون.

Dyr Sämyheel B 15:10
Dyr Äpsylom afer gschickt von dort Botn an alle Stämm von Isryheel und ließ ien sagn: "Wenntß ys Widerhorn schalln hoertß, naacherd sagtß: 'Dyr Äpsylom ist z Hebron Künig wordn!'"

2 Царе 15:10
А Авесалом разпрати шпиони по всичките Израилеви племена да казват: Щом чуете тръбния звук, кажете: Авесалом се възцари в Хеврон.

撒 母 耳 記 下 15:10
押 沙 龍 打 發 探 子 走 遍 以 色 列 各 支 派 , 說 : 你 們 一 聽 見 角 聲 就 說 : 押 沙 龍 在 希 伯 崙 作 王 了 !

押 沙 龙 打 发 探 子 走 遍 以 色 列 各 支 派 , 说 : 你 们 一 听 见 角 声 就 说 : 押 沙 龙 在 希 伯 仑 作 王 了 !



2 Samuel 15:10
Abšalom razasla tajne glasnike po svim Izraelovim plemenima i poruči im: "Kad čujete zvuk roga, tada recite: Abšalom je postao kralj u Hebronu."

Druhá Samuelova 15:10
I poslal Absolon špehéře do všech pokolení Izraelských, aby řekli: Když uslyšíte zvuk trouby, rcete: Kralujeť Absolon v Hebronu.

2 Samuel 15:10
Men Absalom havde i al Hemmelighed sendt Bud ud i alle Israels Stammer og ladet sige: »Naar I hører, der stødes i Horn, saa skal I raabe: Absalom er blevet Konge i Hebron!«

2 Samuël 15:10
Absalom nu had verspieders uitgezonden in alle stammen van Israel, om te zeggen: Als gij het geluid der bazuin zult horen, zo zult gij zeggen: Absalom is koning te Hebron.

שמואל ב 15:10
וַיִּשְׁלַ֤ח אַבְשָׁלֹום֙ מְרַגְּלִ֔ים בְּכָל־שִׁבְטֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לֵאמֹ֑ר כְּשָׁמְעֲכֶם֙ אֶת־קֹ֣ול הַשֹּׁפָ֔ר וַאֲמַרְתֶּ֕ם מָלַ֥ךְ אַבְשָׁלֹ֖ום בְּחֶבְרֹֽון׃

י וישלח אבשלום מרגלים בכל שבטי ישראל לאמר  כשמעכם את קול השפר ואמרתם מלך אבשלום בחברון

וישלח אבשלום מרגלים בכל־שבטי ישראל לאמר כשמעכם את־קול השפר ואמרתם מלך אבשלום בחברון׃

2 Sámuel 15:10
Hírnököket külde pedig Absolon Izráelnek minden nemzetségéhez, hogy megmondják: Mikor a trombitaszót halljátok, azt mondjátok: Absolon uralkodik Hebronban.

Samuel 2 15:10
Kaj Absxalom sendis esplorrigardantojn al cxiuj triboj de Izrael kun la sekvanta instrukcio:Kiam vi auxdos la sonon de trumpeto, tiam diru:Absxalom farigxis regxo en HXebron.

Mutta Absalom oli lähettänyt vakoojat kaikkiin Israelin sukukuntiin, ja käski sanoa: kuin saatte kuulla torven äänen, niin sanokaat: Absalom on kuningas Hebronissa.

2 Samuel 15:10
Et Absalom envoya des émissaires dans toutes les tribus d'Israël, disant: Quand vous entendrez le son de la trompette, dites: Absalom règne à Hébron.

Absalom envoya des espions dans toutes les tribus d'Israël, pour dire: Quand vous entendrez le son de la trompette, vous direz: Absalom règne à Hébron.

Or Absalom avait envoyé dans toutes les Tribus d'Israël des gens apostés, pour dire : Aussitôt que vous aurez entendu le son de la trompette, dites : Absalom est établi Roi à Hébron.

2 Samuel 15:10
Absalom aber hatte Kundschafter ausgesandt in alle Stämme Israels und lassen sagen: Wenn ihr der Posaunen Schall hören werdet, so sprechet: Absalom ist König worden zu Hebron.

Absalom aber hatte Kundschafter ausgesandt in alle Stämme Israels und lassen sagen: Wenn ihr der Posaune Schall hören werdet, so sprecht: Absalom ist König geworden zu Hebron.

Dabei sandte aber Absalom geheime Boten unter alle Stämme Israels aus und ließ verkündigen: Wenn ihr Posaunenschall hört, so sagt euch: Absalom ist in Hebron König geworden!

2 Samuele 15:10
Intanto Absalom mandò degli emissari per tutte le tribù d’Israele, a dire: "Quando udrete il suon della tromba, direte: Absalom è proclamato re a Hebron".

Or Absalom avea mandate per tutte le tribù d’Israele delle persone che dessero loro la posta, dicendo: Quando voi udirete il suon della tromba, dite: Absalom è fatto re in Hebron.

2 SAMUEL 15:10
Adapun Absalom itu sudah menyuruhkan beberapa orang penghulu kepada segala suku bangsa Israel, mengatakan: Serta kedengaranlah bunyi nafiri kepadamu kelak, pada masa itu hendaklah kamu katakan: Absalom sudah menjadi raja di Heberon.

사무엘하 15:10
이에 압살롬이 정탐을 이스라엘 모든 지파 가운데 두루 보내어 이르기를 `너희는 나팔소리를 듣거든 곧 부르기를 압살롬이 헤브론에서 왕이 되었다 하라' 하니라

II Samuelis 15:10
misit autem Absalom exploratores in universas tribus Israhel dicens statim ut audieritis clangorem bucinae dicite regnavit Absalom in Hebron

Antroji Samuelio knyga 15:10
Jis slapta išsiuntė pasiuntinius į visas Izraelio gimines su pranešimu: “Išgirdę trimito garsą, sakykite: ‘Abšalomas karaliauja Hebrone’ ”.

2 Samuel 15:10
Otiia ka tono tutei a Apoharama puta noa i nga iwi katoa o Iharaira, hei mea, Rongo kau koutou i te tangi o te tetere, ko reira koutou ka mea, Ko Apoharama te kingi kei Heperona.

2 Samuel 15:10
Og Absalom sendte speidere omkring i alle Israels stammer og sa: Når I hører basunen lyde, så skal I si: Absalom er blitt konge i Hebron.

2 Samuel 15:10
Pero Absalón envió espías por todas las tribus de Israel, diciendo: Tan pronto oigáis el sonido de la trompeta, entonces diréis: ``Absalón es rey en Hebrón.

Pero Absalón envió espías por todas las tribus de Israel y dijo: "Tan pronto oigan el sonido de la trompeta, entonces dirán: 'Absalón es rey en Hebrón.'"

Pero Absalón envió espías por todas las tribus de Israel, diciendo: Cuando oyereis el sonido de la trompeta, diréis: Absalón reina en Hebrón.

Empero envió Absalom espías por todas las tribus de Israel, diciendo: Cuando oyereis el sonido de la trompeta, diréis: Absalom reina en Hebrón.

Pero envió Absalón espías por todas las tribus de Israel, diciendo: Cuando oyereis el sonido de la trompeta, diréis: Absalón reina en Hebrón.

2 Samuel 15:10
Absalão mandou mensageiros a todas as tribos de Israel para notificá-los: “Quando ouvirdes o som da trombeta, bradai uns aos outros: ‘Absalão tornou-se rei em Hebrom!’

Absalão, porém, enviou emissários por todas as tribos de Israel, dizendo: Quando ouvirdes o som da trombeta, direis: Absalão reina em Hebrom.   

2 Samuel 15:10
Absalom a trimes iscoade în toate seminţiile lui Israel, să spună: ,,Cînd veţi auzi sunetul trîmbiţei, să ziceţi: ,Absalom s'a făcut împărat la Hebron!``

2-я Царств 15:10
И разослал Авессалом лазутчиков во все колена Израилевы, сказав: когда вы услышите звук трубы, то говорите: Авессалом воцарился в Хевроне.

И разослал Авессалом лазутчиков во все колена Израилевы, сказав: когда вы услышите звук трубы, то говорите: Авессалом воцарился в Хевроне.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 15:10
Men Absalom sände ut hemliga budbärare till alla Israels stammar och lät säga: »När I hören basunen ljuda, så sägen: 'Nu har Absalom blivit konung i Hebron.'»

2 Samuel 15:10
Nguni't si Absalom ay nagsugo ng mga tiktik sa lahat ng mga lipi ng Israel, na sinasabi, Pagkarinig ninyo ng tunog ng pakakak, inyo ngang sasabihin, Si Absalom ay hari sa Hebron.

2 ซามูเอล 15:10
แต่อับซาโลมได้ส่งผู้สื่อสารไปทั่วอิสราเอลทุกตระกูลว่า "ท่านทั้งหลายได้ยินเสียงแตรเมื่อไร จงกล่าวกันว่า `อับซาโลมเป็นกษัตริย์ที่กรุงเฮโบรน'"

2 Samuel 15:10

2 Sa-mu-eân 15:10
Áp-sa-lôm sai những kẻ do thám rao lịnh nầy khắp trong các chi phái Y-sơ-ra-ên rằng: Thoạt khi anh em nghe tiếng kèn, thì hãy nói: Áp-sa-lôm làm vua tại Hếp-rôn!

2 Samuel 15:9
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