2 Samuel 14:22
2 Samuel 14:22
Joab fell with his face to the ground to pay him honor, and he blessed the king. Joab said, "Today your servant knows that he has found favor in your eyes, my lord the king, because the king has granted his servant's request."

Joab bowed with his face to the ground in deep respect and said, "At last I know that I have gained your approval, my lord the king, for you have granted me this request!"

And Joab fell on his face to the ground and paid homage and blessed the king. And Joab said, “Today your servant knows that I have found favor in your sight, my lord the king, in that the king has granted the request of his servant.”

Joab fell on his face to the ground, prostrated himself and blessed the king; then Joab said, "Today your servant knows that I have found favor in your sight, O my lord, the king, in that the king has performed the request of his servant."

And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and bowed himself, and thanked the king: and Joab said, To day thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath fulfilled the request of his servant.

Joab fell with his face to the ground in homage and praised the king. "Today," Joab said, "your servant knows I have found favor with you, my lord the king, because the king has granted the request of your servant."

At this, Joab fell on his face to the ground, prostrating himself to bless the king, and then said, "Today your servant realizes that he's found favor with you, your majesty, in that the king has acted on the request of his servant."

Then Joab bowed down with his face toward the ground and thanked the king. Joab said, "Today your servant knows that I have found favor in your sight, my lord the king, because the king has granted the request of your servant!"

Joab quickly bowed down with his face touching the ground, and he blessed the king. He said, "Today I know that you have been kind to me because you have done what I wanted."

And Joab fell to the ground on his face and worshipped and blessed the king, and Joab said, Today thy slave knows that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king has fulfilled the word of his slave.

And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and bowed himself, and thanked the king: and Joab said, Today your servant knows that I have found grace in your sight, my lord, O king, in that the king has fulfilled the request of his servant.

And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and bowed himself, and thanked the king: and Joab said, To day your servant knows that I have found grace in your sight, my lord, O king, in that the king has fulfilled the request of his servant.

And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and did obeisance, and blessed the king: and Joab said, To-day thy servant knoweth that I have found favor in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath performed the request of his servant.

And Joab falling down to the ground upon his face, adored, and blessed the king: and Joab said: This day thy servant hath understood, that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king: for thou hast fulfilled the request of thy servant.

And Joab fell to the ground on his face and bowed himself, and blessed the king; and Joab said, To-day thy servant knows that I have found favour in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king has fulfilled the request of his servant.

And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and did obeisance, and blessed the king: end Joab said, Today thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath performed the request of his servant.

And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and bowed himself, and thanked the king: and Joab said, To-day thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath fulfilled the request of his servant.

Joab fell to the ground on his face, and did obeisance, and blessed the king. Joab said, "Today your servant knows that I have found favor in your sight, my lord, king, in that the king has performed the request of his servant."

And Joab falleth on his face to the earth, and doth obeisance, and blesseth the king, and Joab saith, 'To-day hath thy servant known that I have found grace in thine eyes, my lord, O king, in that the king hath done the word of his servant.'

2 i Samuelit 14:22
Atëherë Joabi u shtri me fytyrën për tokë, u përul dhe e bekoi mbretin. Pastaj Joabi tha: "Sot shërbëtori yt kupton se ka gjetur hirin tënd, o mbret, o imzot, sepse mbreti bëri atë që shërbëtori kishte kërkuar".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 14:22
فسقط يوآب على وجهه الى الارض وسجد وبارك الملك وقال يوآب اليوم علم عبدك اني قد وجدت نعمة في عينيك يا سيدي الملك اذ فعل الملك قول عبده.

Dyr Sämyheel B 14:22
Dyr Job warf si mit n Gsicht eyn n Bodm hin und ghuldigt iem. Er pris önn Künig mit de Worter: "Heint waiß i s, däßst ys guet mit mir mainst, weilst mein Bitt erfüllt haast, o Künig!"

2 Царе 14:22
И Иоав падна с лице на земята та се поклони и благослови царя. И рече Иоав: Днес слугата ти познава, че придобих твоето благоволение, господарю мой царю, тъй като царят изпълни желанието на слугата си.

撒 母 耳 記 下 14:22
約 押 就 面 伏 於 地 叩 拜 , 祝 謝 於 王 , 又 說 : 王 既 應 允 僕 人 所 求 的 , 僕 人 今 日 知 道 在 我 主 我 王 眼 前 蒙 恩 了 。

约 押 就 面 伏 於 地 叩 拜 , 祝 谢 於 王 , 又 说 : 王 既 应 允 仆 人 所 求 的 , 仆 人 今 日 知 道 在 我 主 我 王 眼 前 蒙 恩 了 。



2 Samuel 14:22
A Joab pade licem na zemlju, pokloni se i zahvali kralju; zatim reče Joab: "Danas vidi tvoj sluga da je našao milost u tvojim očima, gospodaru kralju, kad je kralj ispunio molbu svoga sluge."

Druhá Samuelova 14:22
I padl Joáb na tvář svou k zemi, a pokloniv se, poděkoval králi, a řekl Joáb: Dnes jest poznal služebník tvůj, že jsem nalezl milost před očima tvýma, pane můj králi, poněvadž jest král naplnil žádost služebníka svého.

2 Samuel 14:22
Da faldt Joab paa sit Ansigt til Jorden og bøjede sig og velsignede Kongen og sagde: »Nu ved din Træl, at jeg har fundet Naade for dine Øjne, Herre Konge, siden Kongen har opfyldt sin Træls Bøn!«

2 Samuël 14:22
Toen viel Joab op zijn aangezicht ter aarde, en boog zich, en dankte den koning; en Joab zeide: Heden heeft uw knecht gemerkt, dat ik genade gevonden heb in uw ogen, mijn heer koning! Omdat de koning het woord van zijn knecht gedaan heeft.

שמואל ב 14:22
וַיִּפֹּל֩ יֹואָ֨ב אֶל־פָּנָ֥יו אַ֛רְצָה וַיִּשְׁתַּ֖חוּ וַיְבָ֣רֶךְ אֶת־הַמֶּ֑לֶךְ וַיֹּ֣אמֶר יֹואָ֡ב הַיֹּום֩ יָדַ֨ע עַבְדְּךָ֜ כִּי־מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֤ן בְּעֵינֶ֙יךָ֙ אֲדֹנִ֣י הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֥ה הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ אֶת־דְּבַ֥ר [עַבְדֹּו כ] (עַבְדֶּֽךָ׃ ק)

כב ויפל יואב אל פניו ארצה וישתחו ויברך את המלך ויאמר יואב היום ידע עבדך כי מצאתי חן בעיניך אדני המלך אשר עשה המלך את דבר עבדו (עבדך)

ויפל יואב אל־פניו ארצה וישתחו ויברך את־המלך ויאמר יואב היום ידע עבדך כי־מצאתי חן בעיניך אדני המלך אשר־עשה המלך את־דבר [עבדו כ] (עבדך׃ ק)

2 Sámuel 14:22
És a földre arczczal leborula Joáb, és térdet-fejet hajtván, megköszöné a királynak, és monda Joáb: Ma ismerte meg, uram király, a te szolgád, hogy van valami becsületem elõtted; mert az õ szolgájának beszédét megcselekedte a király.

Samuel 2 14:22
Joab jxetis sin vizagxaltere kaj adorklinigxis, kaj dankis la regxon. Kaj Joab diris:Hodiaux via sklavo scias, ke mi akiris vian favoron, mia sinjoro, ho regxo, cxar la regxo plenumis la vorton de sia sklavo.

Silloin lankesi Joab kasvoillensa maahan, kumarsi ja kiitti kuningasta, ja sanoi: tänäpänä ymmärtää palvelias minun löytäneeksi armon sinun edessäs, minun herrani kuningas; sillä kuningas tekee, mitä hänen palveliansa sanoo.

2 Samuel 14:22
Et Joab tomba sur sa face contre terre et se prosterna, et bénit le roi. Et Joab dit: Aujourd'hui ton serviteur connaît que j'ai trouvé faveur à tes yeux, ô roi, mon seigneur, parce que le roi a fait ce que son serviteur a dit.

Joab tomba la face contre terre et se prosterna, et il bénit le roi. Puis il dit: Ton serviteur connaît aujourd'hui que j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, ô roi mon seigneur, puisque le roi agit selon la parole de son serviteur.

Et Joab s'inclina sur son visage en terre, et se prosterna, et bénit le Roi. Et Joab dit : Aujourd'hui ton serviteur a connu qu'il a trouvé grâce devant toi, ô Roi mon Seigneur! car le Roi a fait ce que son serviteur lui a dit.

2 Samuel 14:22
Da fiel Joab auf sein Antlitz zur Erde und betete an und dankte dem Könige und sprach: Heute merket dein Knecht, daß ich Gnade gefunden habe vor deinen Augen, mein HERR König, daß der König tut, was sein Knecht sagt.

Da fiel Joab auf sein Antlitz zur Erde und beugte sich nieder und dankte dem König und sprach: Heute merkt dein Knecht, daß ich Gnade gefunden habe vor deinen Augen, mein Herr König, da der König tut, was sein Knecht sagt.

Da warf sich Joab mit dem Angesichte zur Erde nieder, huldigte und beglückwünschte den König. Und Joab rief aus: Heute erfährt dein Sklave, daß mein königlicher Herr mir gnädig gesinnt ist, weil der König das Anliegen seines Sklaven erfüllt hat!

2 Samuele 14:22
Joab si gettò con la faccia a terra, si prostrò, benedisse il re, e disse: "Oggi il tuo servo riconosce che ha trovato grazia agli occhi tuoi, o re, mio signore; poiché il re ha fatto quel che il suo servo gli ha chiesto".

E Ioab si gittò in terra sopra la sua faccia, e si prosternò, e benedisse il re, e disse: Oggi conosce il tuo servitore che io ho trovata grazia appo te, o re, mio signore; poichè il re ha fatto ciò che il suo servitore gli ha detto.

2 SAMUEL 14:22
Maka menyembah sujudlah Yoab dengan mukanya sampai ke tanah serta menjunjung karunia baginda, sambil sembahnya: Bahwa pada hari ini juga patik mengetahui akan hal patik sudah beroleh keridlaan di hadapan tuanku, ya tuanku! yaitu tegal tuanku menurut akan sembah patik ini.

사무엘하 14:22
요압이 땅에 엎드려 절하고 왕을 위하여 복을 빌고 가로되 `내 주 왕이여 ! 종의 구함을 허락하시니 종이 왕 앞에서 은혜 받은줄을 오늘날 아나이다' 하고

II Samuelis 14:22
cadensque Ioab super faciem suam in terram adoravit et benedixit regi et dixit Ioab hodie intellexit servus tuus quia inveni gratiam in oculis tuis domine mi rex fecisti enim sermonem servi tui

Antroji Samuelio knyga 14:22
Joabas, parpuolęs veidu į žemę, nusilenkė ir dėkojo karaliui. Po to jis tarė: “Karaliau, mano valdove, šiandien žinau, kad radau malonę tavo akyse, nes patenkinai savo tarno prašymą”.

2 Samuel 14:22
Na ka tapapa a Ioapa ki te whenua, ka piko, ka whakapai i te kingi: i mea ano a Ioapa, No tenei ra tau pononga i mohio ai e manakohia ana ahau e koe, e toku ariki, e te kingi, no te kingi hoki ka whakamana i te kupu a tana pononga.

2 Samuel 14:22
Da kastet Joab sig ned med ansiktet mot jorden og velsignet kongen, og han sa: Idag skjønner din tjener at jeg har funnet nåde for dine øine, herre konge, siden kongen vil gjøre efter sin tjeners ord.

2 Samuel 14:22
Joab cayó rostro en tierra, y postrándose, bendijo al rey; entonces Joab dijo: Oh rey mi señor, hoy tu siervo sabe que he hallado gracia ante tus ojos, puesto que el rey ha concedido la petición de su siervo.

Joab cayó rostro en tierra, y postrándose, bendijo al rey. Entonces Joab dijo: "Oh rey mi señor, hoy su siervo sabe que he hallado gracia ante sus ojos, puesto que el rey ha concedido la petición de su siervo."

Y Joab se postró en tierra sobre su rostro, e hizo reverencia, y después que bendijo al rey, dijo: Hoy ha entendido tu siervo que he hallado gracia en tus ojos, rey señor mío; pues que ha hecho el rey lo que su siervo ha dicho.

Y Joab se postró en tierra sobre su rostro, é hizo reverencia, y después que bendijo al rey, dijo: Hoy ha entendido tu siervo que he hallado gracia en tus ojos, rey señor mío; pues que ha hecho el rey lo que su siervo ha dicho.

Y Joab se postró en tierra sobre su rostro, y adoró, y bendijo al rey, y dijo: Hoy ha entendido tu siervo que he hallado gracia en tus ojos, rey señor mío; pues que ha hecho el rey la palabra de su siervo.

2 Samuel 14:22
Joabe caiu com o rosto em terra, prostrou-se e bendisse o rei. Depois, Joabe declarou: “O teu servo reconhece neste momento que encontrou graça aos teus olhos, senhor meu rei, pois o rei compreendeu e atendeu o pedido de teu servo!”

Então Joabe se prostrou com o rosto em terra e, fazendo uma reverência, abençoou o rei; e disse Joabe: Hoje conhece o teu servo que achei graça aos teus olhos, ó rei meu senhor, porque o rei fez segundo a palavra do teu servo.   

2 Samuel 14:22
Ioab a căzut cu faţa la pămînt, s'a închinat, şi a binecuvîntat pe împăratul. Apoi a zis: ,,Robul tău cunoaşte azi că am căpătat trecere înaintea ta, împărate, domnul meu, fiindcă împăratul lucrează după cuvîntul robului său.``

2-я Царств 14:22
Тогда Иоав пал лицем на землю и поклонился, и благословил царя и сказал: теперь знает раб твой, что обрел благоволение пред очами твоими, господин мой царь, так как царь сделал по слову раба своего.

Тогда Иоав пал лицем на землю и поклонился, и благословил царя и сказал: теперь знает раб твой, что обрел благоволение пред очами твоими, господин мой царь, так как царь сделал по слову раба своего.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 14:22
Då föll Joab ned till jorden på sitt ansikte och bugade sig och välsignade konungen; och Joab sade: »I dag märker din tjänare att jag har funnit nåd för dina ögon, min herre konung, eftersom konungen uppfyller sin tjänares önskan.»

2 Samuel 14:22
At nagpatirapa si Joab sa lupa, at nagbigay galang, at binasbasan ang hari: at sinabi ni Joab, Ngayo'y talastas ng iyong lingkod na ako'y nakasumpong ng biyaya sa iyong paningin, panginoon ko, Oh hari, sa paraang pinayagan ng hari ang kahilingan ng kaniyang lingkod.

2 ซามูเอล 14:22
โยอาบก็ซบหน้าลงถึงดินและน้อมตัวลง แล้วโมทนาพระคุณกษัตริย์ โยอาบกราบทูลว่า "ข้าแต่กษัตริย์เจ้านายของข้าพระองค์ วันนี้ผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ทราบว่า ข้าพระองค์ได้รับพระกรุณาในสายพระเนตรของพระองค์ ในประการที่กษัตริย์ทรงทำให้บรรลุตามคำทูลขอของผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์"

2 Samuel 14:22
Yoav yüzüstü yere kapanarak onu kutsadı ve, ‹‹Ey efendim kral, bugün benden hoşnut olduğunu biliyorum, çünkü kulunun isteğini yaptın›› dedi.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 14:22
Giô-áp sấp mình xuống đất lạy, và chúc phước cho vua, mà rằng: Vua chúa tôi ôi, ngày nay tôi tớ vua biết rằng nó đã được ơn trước mặt vua; vì vua đã làm điều tôi tớ vua đã cầu xin Ngài.

2 Samuel 14:21
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