2 Samuel 13:15
2 Samuel 13:15
Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her. Amnon said to her, "Get up and get out!"

Then suddenly Amnon's love turned to hate, and he hated her even more than he had loved her. "Get out of here!" he snarled at her.

Then Amnon hated her with very great hatred, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, “Get up! Go!”

Then Amnon hated her with a very great hatred; for the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, "Get up, go away!"

Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.

After this, Amnon hated Tamar with such intensity that the hatred he hated her with was greater than the love he had loved her with. "Get out of here!" he said."

Afterwards, though, Amnon hated her very intensely. As a result, his hatred for her exceeded the love that he had previously for her. So Amnon told her, "Get up! Leave!"

Then Amnon greatly despised her. His disdain toward her surpassed the love he had previously felt toward her. Amnon said to her, "Get up and leave!"

Now, Amnon developed an intense hatred for her. His hatred for her was greater than the lust he had felt for her. "Get out of here," he told her.

Then Amnon hated her exceedingly so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her with exceeding great hatred; for the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her with an exceeding great hatred: so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her before, And Amnon said to her: Arise, and get thee gone.

And Amnon hated her with an exceeding great hatred, for the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her with exceeding great hatred; for the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, Arise, be gone.

Then Amnon hated her with exceeding great hatred; for the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. Amnon said to her, "Arise, be gone!"

And Amnon hateth her -- a very great hatred -- that greater is the hatred with which he hath hated her than the love with which he loved her, and Amnon saith to her, 'Rise, go.'

2 i Samuelit 13:15
Pastaj Amnoni filloi ta urrejë me një urrejtje shumë të madhe, kështu që urrejtja që ndjente për të ishte më e madhe se dashuria me të cilën e kishte dashuruar më parë. Kështu Amnoni i tha: "Çohu, shko!".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 13:15
ثم ابغضها امنون بغضة شديدة جدا حتى ان البغضة التي ابغضها اياها كانت اشد من المحبة التي احبها اياها. وقال لها امنون قومي انطلقي.

Dyr Sämyheel B 13:15
Wie s umhin war, gwill yr aber nix meer dyrvon wissn; weilete hassn taat yr s; nix meer war mit dyr Lieb. Er gsait grad non zo irer: "Zue ietz!"

2 Царе 13:15
Тогава Амнон я намрази с много голяма омраза, така щото омразата, с която я намрази бе по-голяма от любовта, с която я бе залюбил. И рече й Амнон: Стани, иди си.

撒 母 耳 記 下 13:15
隨 後 , 暗 嫩 極 其 恨 他 , 那 恨 他 的 心 比 先 前 愛 他 的 心 更 甚 , 對 他 說 : 你 起 來 , 去 罷 !

随 後 , 暗 嫩 极 其 恨 他 , 那 恨 他 的 心 比 先 前 爱 他 的 心 更 甚 , 对 他 说 : 你 起 来 , 去 罢 !



2 Samuel 13:15
Nato je odmah zamrzi silnom mržnjom te je mržnja kojom ju je zamrzio bila veća od ljubavi kojom ju je prije ljubio. I reče joj Amnon: "Ustani! Odlazi!"

Druhá Samuelova 13:15
Potom vzal ji Amnon v nenávist velikou velmi, tak že větší byla nenávist, kterouž nenáviděl jí, než milost, kterouž ji miloval. I řekl jí Amnon: Vstaň a jdi pryč.

2 Samuel 13:15
Men bagefter hadede Amnon hende med et saare stort Had; ja det Had, han følte mod hende, var større end den Kærlighed, han havde baaret til hende. Og Amnon sagde til hende: »Staa op og gaa din Vej!«

2 Samuël 13:15
Daarna haatte haar Amnon met een zeer groten haat; want de haat, waarmede hij haar haatte, was groter dan de liefde, waarmede hij haar had liefgehad; en Amnon zeide tot haar: Maak u op, ga weg.

שמואל ב 13:15
וַיִּשְׂנָאֶ֣הָ אַמְנֹ֗ון שִׂנְאָה֙ גְּדֹולָ֣ה מְאֹ֔ד כִּ֣י גְדֹולָ֗ה הַשִּׂנְאָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר שְׂנֵאָ֔הּ מֵאַהֲבָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֲהֵבָ֑הּ וַֽיֹּאמֶר־לָ֥הּ אַמְנֹ֖ון ק֥וּמִי לֵֽכִי׃

טו וישנאה אמנון שנאה גדולה מאד--כי גדולה השנאה אשר שנאה מאהבה אשר אהבה ויאמר לה אמנון קומי לכי

וישנאה אמנון שנאה גדולה מאד כי גדולה השנאה אשר שנאה מאהבה אשר אהבה ויאמר־לה אמנון קומי לכי׃

2 Sámuel 13:15
És meggyûlölé õt Amnon felette igen, mert nagyobb lõn gyûlölete, melylyel gyûlölte õt, a szeretetnél, melylyel õt megszerette vala. És monda néki Amnon: Kelj fel, eredj dolgodra.

Samuel 2 13:15
Post tio Amnon ekmalamis sxin per tre granda malamo; pli granda estis la malamo, kiun li eksentis al sxi, ol la amo, kiun li antauxe havis por sxi. Kaj Amnon diris al sxi:Levigxu, foriru.

Sitte vihasi Amnon häntä sangen suurella vihalla, niin että viha, jolla hän häntä vihasi oli suurempi, kuin rakkaus ennen oli, jolla hän häntä rakasti. Ja Amnon sanoi hänelle: nouse ja mene.

2 Samuel 13:15
Et Amnon la haït d'une très-grande haine, car la haine dont il la haït était plus grande que l'amour dont il l'avait aimée. Et Amnon lui dit: Lève-toi, va-t'en.

Puis Amnon eut pour elle une forte aversion, plus forte que n'avait été son amour. Et il lui dit: Lève-toi, va-t'en!

Après cela, Amnon la haït d'une grande haine, en sorte que la haine qu'il lui portait, était plus grande que l'amour qu'il avait eu pour elle; ainsi Amnon lui dit : Lève-toi, va-t'en.

2 Samuel 13:15
Und Amnon ward ihr überaus gram, daß der Haß größer war, denn vorhin die Liebe war. Und Amnon sprach zu ihr: Mache dich auf und hebe dich!

Und Amnon ward ihr überaus gram, daß der Haß größer war, denn vorhin die Liebe war. Und Amnon sprach zu ihr: Mache dich auf und hebe dich!

Dann aber erfaßte Amnon eine überaus tiefe Abneigung gegen sie, und zwar war die Abneigung, die er gegen sie faßte, noch größer als die Liebe, die er zu ihr gehegt hatte. So gebot ihr Amnon: Auf! gehe fort!

2 Samuele 13:15
Poi Amnon concepì verso di lei un odio fortissimo; talmente, che l’odio per lei fu maggiore dell’amore di cui l’aveva amata prima. E le disse:

E poi Amnon l’odiò d’un odio molto grande; perciocchè l’odio che le portava era maggiore che l’amore che le avea portato. Ed egli le disse: Levati, vattene via.

2 SAMUEL 13:15
Setelah itu maka bencilah Amnon akan dia terlalu sangat, bahkan, kemudian bencinya akan dia itu lebih besar dari pada berahinya dahulu. Maka kata Amnon kepadanya: Bangkitlah engkau, pergilah!

사무엘하 13:15
그리하고 암논이 저를 심히 미워하니 이제 미워하는 미움이 이왕 연애하던 연애보다 더한지라 곧 저에게 이르되 `일어나 가라'

II Samuelis 13:15
et exosam eam habuit Amnon magno odio nimis ita ut maius esset odium quo oderat eam amore quo ante dilexerat dixitque ei Amnon surge vade

Antroji Samuelio knyga 13:15
Po to Amnonas pradėjo jos labai nekęsti. Ta neapykanta buvo didesnė už jo meilę. Amnonas tarė jai: “Kelkis ir eik sau!”

2 Samuel 13:15
Katahi ka nui atu te kino i kino ai a Amanono ki a ia; nui atu te kino i kino ai ia ki a ia i te aroha i aroha ai ia ki a ia. A ka mea a Amanono ki a ia, Whakatika, haere.

2 Samuel 13:15
Men derefter fattet Amnon et sterkt hat til henne - det hat han fikk til henne, var større enn den kjærlighet han hadde hatt til henne. Og Amnon sa til henne: Stå op og gå din vei!

2 Samuel 13:15
Entonces Amnón la aborreció con un odio muy grande; porque el odio con que la aborreció fue mayor que el amor con que la había amado. Y Amnón le dijo: Levántate, vete.

Entonces Amnón la aborreció con un odio muy grande; porque el odio con que la aborreció fue mayor que el amor con que la había amado. Y Amnón le dijo: "Levántate, vete."

Luego la aborreció Amnón con tan gran aborrecimiento, que el odio con que la aborreció fue mayor que el amor con que la había amado. Y le dijo Amnón: Levántate y vete.

Aborrecióla luego Amnón de tan grande aborrecimiento, que el odio con que la aborreció fué mayor que el amor con que la había amado. Y díjole Amnón: Levántate y vete.

La aborreció luego Amnón de tan grande aborrecimiento, que el odio con que la aborreció después fue mayor que el amor con que la había amado. Y le dijo Amnón: Levántate y vete.

2 Samuel 13:15
Logo em seguida, entretanto, Amnom sentiu uma forte rejeição por ela, muito mais intensa do que paixão que alimentara em seu interior há tempos. E lhe ordenou: “Levanta-te! Vai-te embora depressa!”

Depois sentiu Amnom grande aversão por ela, pois maior era a aversão que se sentiu por ela do que o amor que lhe tivera. E disse-lhe Amnom: Levanta-te, e vai-te.   

2 Samuel 13:15
Apoi Amnon a urît -o foarte mult, mai mult decît o iubise. Şi i -a zis: ,,Scoală-te, şi du-te!``

2-я Царств 13:15
Потом возненавидел ее Амнон величайшею ненавистью, так что ненависть, какою он возненавидел ее, была сильнее любви, какую имел к ней; и сказал ей Амнон: встань, уйди.

Потом возненавидел ее Амнон величайшею ненавистью, так что ненависть, какою он возненавидел ее, была сильнее любви, какую имел к ней; и сказал ей Амнон: встань, уйди.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 13:15
Men därefter fick Amnon en mycket stor motvilja mot henne; ja, den motvilja han fick mot henne var större än den kärlek han hade haft till henne. Och Amnon sade till henne: »Stå upp och gå din väg.»

2 Samuel 13:15
Nang magkagayo'y kinapootan siya ni Amnon na may mahigpit na poot; sapagka't ang kapootan na kaniyang ikinapoot sa kaniya ay malaki kay sa pagsinta na kaniyang isininta sa kaniya. At sinabi ni Amnon sa kaniya, Bumangon ka, ikaw ay yumaon.

2 ซามูเอล 13:15
ต่อมาอัมโนนเกลียดชังเธอยิ่งนัก ความเกลียดชังครั้งนี้ก็มากยิ่งกว่าความรักซึ่งท่านได้รักเธอมาก่อน และอัมโนนรับสั่งกับเธอว่า "จงลุกขึ้นไป"

2 Samuel 13:15
Bundan sonra Amnon Tamardan öylesine nefret etti ki, ona duyduğu nefret, beslemiş olduğu sevgiden daha güçlüydü. Amnon Tamara, ‹‹Kalk, git!›› dedi.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 13:15
Rồi đó, Am-nôn lấy làm gớm ghét nàng quá, đến đỗi tình người ghen ghét nàng lại lớn hơn tình thương yêu nàng khi trước. Am-nôn nói cùng nàng rằng: Hãy đứng dậy, đi đi!

2 Samuel 13:14
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