2 Kings 8:19
2 Kings 8:19
Nevertheless, for the sake of his servant David, the LORD was not willing to destroy Judah. He had promised to maintain a lamp for David and his descendants forever.

But the LORD did not want to destroy Judah, for he had made a covenant with David and promised that his descendants would continue to rule, shining like a lamp forever.

Yet the LORD was not willing to destroy Judah, for the sake of David his servant, since he promised to give a lamp to him and to his sons forever.

However, the LORD was not willing to destroy Judah, for the sake of David His servant, since He had promised him to give a lamp to him through his sons always.

Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him alway a light, and to his children.

The LORD was unwilling to destroy Judah because of His servant David, since He had promised to give a lamp to David and his sons forever.

But the LORD remained unwilling to destroy Judah for the sake of his servant David, since he had promised to keep David's lamp burning brightly through his descendants every day.

But the LORD was unwilling to destroy Judah. He preserved Judah for the sake of his servant David to whom he had promised a perpetual dynasty.

But for David's sake the LORD didn't want to destroy Judah. The LORD had told David that he would always give him and his descendants a [shining] lamp.

Yet with all this, the LORD would not destroy Judah for David, his slave's sake, as he had promised him to give him always a light of his sons.

Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him always a light, and to his children.

Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him always a light, and to his children.

Howbeit Jehovah would not destroy Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give unto him a lamp for his children alway.

But the Lord would not destroy Juda, for David his servant's sake, as he had promised him, to give him a light, and to his children always.

But Jehovah would not destroy Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he had promised him to give him always a lamp for his sons.

Howbeit the LORD would not destroy Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give unto him a lamp for his children alway.

Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him always a light, and to his children.

However Yahweh would not destroy Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give to him a lamp for his children always.

and Jehovah was not willing to destroy Judah, for the sake of David his servant, as He said to him, to give to him a lamp -- to his sons all the days.

2 i Mbretërve 8:19
Megjithatë Zoti nuk deshi ta shkatërronte Judën, për hir të dashurisë që kishte për Davidin, shërbëtorin e tij, sepse i kishte premtuar t'u jepte një llambë për gjithnjë atij dhe bijve të tij.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 8:19
ولم يشإ الرب ان يبيد يهوذا من اجل داود عبده كما قال انه يعطيه سراجا ولبنيه كل الايام.

De Künig B 8:19
Doch dyr Herr gwill Judau nit verderbn zwögns seinn Knecht Dafet, yn dönn was yr herghaissn hiet, däß allzeit öbber aus seinn Naachwuechs auf seinn Troon bleibn wurdd.

4 Царе 8:19
При все това, Господ не иска да изтреби Юда, заради слугата Си Давида, както му бе обещал, че ще даде светилник нему и на потомците му до века.

列 王 紀 下 8:19
耶 和 華 卻 因 他 僕 人 大 衛 的 緣 故 , 仍 不 肯 滅 絕 猶 大 , 照 他 所 應 許 大 衛 的 話 , 永 遠 賜 燈 光 與 他 的 子 孫 。

耶 和 华 却 因 他 仆 人 大 卫 的 缘 故 , 仍 不 肯 灭 绝 犹 大 , 照 他 所 应 许 大 卫 的 话 , 永 远 赐 灯 光 与 他 的 子 孙 。



2 Kings 8:19
Ipak Jahve ne htjede razoriti Judeje zbog sluge svoga Davida, zato što mu obeća da će dati svjetiljku njemu i njegovim sinovima zauvijek.

Druhá Královská 8:19
Hospodin však nechtěl zahladiti Judy pro Davida služebníka svého, jakž mu byl zaslíbil, že dá jemu svíci i synům jeho po všecky dny.

Anden Kongebog 8:19
Dog vilde HERREN ikke tilintetgøre Juda for sin Tjener Davids Skyld efter det Løfte, han havde givet ham, at han altid skulde have en Lampe for hans Aasyn.

2 Koningen 8:19
Doch de HEERE wilde Juda niet verderven, om Davids Zijns knechts wil; gelijk als Hij hem gezegd had, dat Hij hem te allen tijde voor zijn zonen een lamp zou geven.

מלכים ב 8:19
וְלֹֽא־אָבָ֤ה יְהוָה֙ לְהַשְׁחִ֣ית אֶת־יְהוּדָ֔ה לְמַ֖עַן דָּוִ֣ד עַבְדֹּ֑ו כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר אָֽמַר־לֹ֗ו לָתֵ֨ת לֹ֥ו נִ֛יר לְבָנָ֖יו כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃

יט ולא אבה יהוה להשחית את יהודה למען דוד עבדו  כאשר אמר לו לתת לו ניר לבניו--כל הימים

ולא־אבה יהוה להשחית את־יהודה למען דוד עבדו כאשר אמר־לו לתת לו ניר לבניו כל־הימים׃

2 Királyok 8:19
De az Úr még sem akarta elveszteni Júdát Dávidért, az õ szolgájáért; a mint megigérte volt néki, hogy szövétneket ad néki és az õ fiainak mindörökké.

Reĝoj 2 8:19
Tamen la Eternulo ne volis pereigi Judujon, pro Sia servanto David, cxar Li promesis al li doni lumilon al li kaj al liaj filoj por cxiam.

Mutta palveliansa Davidin tähden ei Herra tahtonut hävittää Juudaa, niinkuin hän oli hänelle sanonut, että hän oli antava hänelle yhden valkeuden ja hänen lapsillensa joka aika.

2 Rois 8:19
Mais l'Éternel ne voulut point détruire Juda, à cause de David, son serviteur, selon ce qu'il lui avait dit, qu'il lui donnerait une lampe pour ses fils, à toujours.

Mais l'Eternel ne voulut point détruire Juda, à cause de David, son serviteur, selon la promesse qu'il lui avait faite de lui donner toujours une lampe parmi ses fils.

Toutefois l'Eternel ne voulut point détruire Juda, pour l'amour de David son serviteur, selon ce qu'il lui avait dit, qu'il lui donnerait une lampe, à lui et à ses fils, à toujours.

2 Koenige 8:19
Aber der HERR wollte Juda nicht verderben um seines Knechts David willen; wie er ihm geredet hatte, ihm zu geben eine Leuchte unter seinen Kindern immerdar.

aber der HERR wollte Juda nicht verderben um seines Knechtes David willen, wie er ihm verheißen hatte, ihm zu geben eine Leuchte unter seinen Kindern immerdar.

Aber Jahwe wollte Juda nicht verderben um seines Knechtes David willen, gemäß dem, was er diesem verheißen hatte, daß er ihm allezeit eine Leuchte vor seinem Angesichte verleihen wolle.

2 Re 8:19
Nondimeno l’Eterno non volle distrugger Giuda, per amor di Davide suo servo, conformemente alla promessa fattagli di lasciar sempre una lampada a lui ed ai suoi figliuoli.

Ma pure, per amor di Davide, suo servitore, il Signore non volle distruggere Giuda, secondo ch’egli avea detto a Davide, che sempre gli darebbe una lampana accesa d’infra i suoi figliuoli.

2 RAJA-RAJA 8:19
Tetapi tiada juga Tuhan mau membinasakan orang Yehuda oleh karena sebab Daud, hamba-Nya, seperti Ia sudah berfirman kepadanya, bahwa dikaruniakan-Nya kepadanya kelak sebuah pelita dalam anaknya pada sediakala hari.

열왕기하 8:19
여호와께서 그 종 다윗을 위하여 유다 멸하기를 즐겨하지 아니하셨으니 이는 저와 그 자손에게 항상 등불을 주겠다고 허하셨음이더라

II Regum 8:19
noluit autem Dominus disperdere Iudam propter David servum suum sicut promiserat ei ut daret illi lucernam et filiis eius cunctis diebus

Antroji Karaliø knyga 8:19
Tačiau Viešpats nenorėjo Judo sunaikinti dėl savo tarno Dovydo, nes jam buvo pažadėjęs duoti žiburį iš jo vaikų.

2 Kings 8:19
Otiia kihai a Ihowa i pai ki te whakangaro i a Hura, i whakaaro hoki ki tana pononga, ki a Rawiri, i korero hoki ia ki a ia, ka hoatu e ia ki a ia he rama ma ana tamariki mo nga ra katoa.

2 Kongebok 8:19
Men Herren vilde ikke ødelegge Juda for sin tjener Davids skyld, fordi han hadde lovt ham at han vilde la en lampe brenne for ham og hans sønner gjennem alle tider.

2 Reyes 8:19
Sin embargo, el SEÑOR no quiso destruir a Judá por amor a David su siervo, ya que le había prometido darle una lámpara por medio de sus hijos para siempre.

Sin embargo, el SEÑOR no quiso destruir a Judá por amor a David Su siervo, ya que le había prometido darle una lámpara por medio de sus hijos para siempre.

Con todo eso, Jehová no quiso cortar a Judá, por amor de David su siervo, como le había prometido darle lámpara a él y a sus hijos perpetuamente.

Con todo eso, Jehová no quiso cortar á Judá, por amor de David su siervo, como le había prometido darle lámpara de sus hijos perpetuamente.

Con todo eso, el SEÑOR no quiso cortar a Judá, por amor de David su siervo, como le había prometido darle lámpara de sus hijos perpetuamente.

2 Reis 8:19
Contudo, o SENHOR não quis destruir Judá, por causa de Davi, seu servo, porque havia prometido a ele que manteria para sempre uma chama acessa entre seus descendentes.

Todavia o Senhor não quis destruir a Judá, por causa de Davi, seu servo, porquanto lhe havia prometido que lhe daria uma lâmpada, a ele e a seus filhos, para sempre.   

2 Imparati 8:19
Dar Domnul n'a voit să nimicească pe Iuda, din pricina robului Său David, după făgăduinţa pe care i -o făcuse că -i va da totdeauna o lumină printre fiii săi.

4-я Царств 8:19
Однакож не хотел Господь погубить Иуду, ради Давида, раба Своего,так как Он обещал дать ему светильник в детях его на все времена.

Однакож не хотел Господь погубить Иуду, ради Давида, раба Своего, так как Он обещал дать ему светильник в детях его на все времена.[]

2 Kungaboken 8:19
Dock ville HERREN icke fördärva Juda, för sin tjänare Davids skull, enligt sitt löfte till honom, att han skulle låta honom och hans söner hava en lampa för alltid.

2 Kings 8:19
Gayon ma'y hindi giniba ng Panginoon ang Juda, dahil kay David na kaniyang lingkod gaya ng kaniyang ipinangako sa kaniya na bibigyan siya ng isang ilawan sa ganang kaniyang mga anak magpakailan man.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 8:19
อย่างไรก็ดีพระเยโฮวาห์จะไม่ทรงทำลายยูดาห์ เพราะทรงเห็นแก่ดาวิดผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ เหตุที่พระองค์ได้ตรัสสัญญาว่า จะทรงประทานประทีปแก่ดาวิด และแก่ราชโอรสของพระองค์เป็นนิตย์

2 Krallar 8:19
Ama RAB kulu Davutun hatırı için Yahudayı yok etmek istemedi. Çünkü Davuta ve soyuna sönmeyen bir ışık vereceğine söz vermişti.[]

2 Caùc Vua 8:19
Song Ðức Giê-hô-va nhân vì Ða-vít, tôi tớ của Ngài, không muốn tuyệt diệt Giu-đa, bởi Ngài đã hứa để dành một ngọn đèn cho Ða-vít và cho dòng dõi người mãi mãi.

2 Kings 8:18
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