2 Kings 3:21
2 Kings 3:21
Now all the Moabites had heard that the kings had come to fight against them; so every man, young and old, who could bear arms was called up and stationed on the border.

Meanwhile, when the people of Moab heard about the three armies marching against them, they mobilized every man who was old enough to strap on a sword, and they stationed themselves along their border.

When all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to fight against them, all who were able to put on armor, from the youngest to the oldest, were called out and were drawn up at the border.

Now all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to fight against them. And all who were able to put on armor and older were summoned and stood on the border.

And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood in the border.

All Moab had heard that the kings had come up to fight against them. So all who could bear arms, from the youngest to the oldest, were summoned and took their stand at the border.

Meanwhile, all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to attack them, so everyone old enough to wear battle armor was mustered to stand guard at the border.

Now all Moab had heard that the kings were attacking, so everyone old enough to fight was mustered and placed at the border.

All the people of Moab heard that the kings had come to fight them. So all men old enough to bear arms were called to fight. They stood at the border.

And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to gird on a girdle and upward and stood in the border.

And when all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armor, and older, and stood in the border.

And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armor, and upward, and stood in the border.

Now when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered themselves together, all that were able to put on armor, and upward, and stood on the border.

And all the Moabites hearing that the kings were come up to fight against them, gathered together all that were girded with a belt upon them, and stood in the borders.

And all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, and they were called together, all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood by the border.

Now when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered themselves together, all that were able to put on armour, and upward, and stood on the border.

And when all the Moabites heard that the kings were come up to fight against them, they gathered all that were able to put on armor, and upward, and stood in the border.

Now when all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to fight against them, they gathered themselves together, all who were able to put on armor, and upward, and stood on the border.

and all Moab have heard that the kings have come up to fight against them, and they are called together, from every one girding on a girdle and upward, and they stand by the border.

2 i Mbretërve 3:21
Tërë Moabitët, që mësuan që këta mbretër kishin dalë për të bërë luftë, mblodhën tërë ata që ishin në gjendje të mbanin armë, të rinj dhe pleq, dhe u rreshtuan në kufi.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 3:21
ولما سمع كل الموآبيين ان الملوك قد صعدوا لمحاربتهم جمعوا كل متقلدي السلاح فما فوق ووقفوا على التخم.

De Künig B 3:21
Wie dös gantze Mob gagspannt, däß de Künig gögn ien aufgstöpfend, wurd allss aufbotn, was kömpfen kunnt, und an dyr Grentz aufgstöllt.

4 Царе 3:21
А като чуха всичките моавци, че царете са дошли да се бият с тях, събраха се всички, които можеха да опасват нож и нагоре, та застанаха на границата.

列 王 紀 下 3:21
摩 押 眾 人 聽 見 這 三 王 上 來 要 與 他 們 爭 戰 , 凡 能 頂 盔 貫 甲 的 , 無 論 老 少 , 盡 都 聚 集 站 在 邊 界 上 。

摩 押 众 人 听 见 这 三 王 上 来 要 与 他 们 争 战 , 凡 能 顶 盔 贯 甲 的 , 无 论 老 少 , 尽 都 聚 集 站 在 边 界 上 。



2 Kings 3:21
Kad su Moapci čuli da su kraljevi došli s njima ratovati, pozvaše sve koji bijahu sposobni za oružje i postaviše ih na granicu.

Druhá Královská 3:21
Všecken pak Moáb uslyšev, že by vytáhli králové, aby bojovali proti nim, svolali se všickni, od toho, kterýž se pasem opásati může, a výše, a postavili se na pomezí.

Anden Kongebog 3:21
Da alle Moabiterne hørte, at Kongerne var draget op for at føre Krig med dem, blev enhver, der overhovedet kunde bære Vaaben, opbudt, og de tog Stilling ved Grænsen.

2 Koningen 3:21
Toen nu al de Moabieten hoorden, dat koningen opgetogen waren, om tegen hen te strijden, zo werden zij samen geroepen, van al degenen af, die den gordel aangordden en daarboven, en zij stonden aan de landpale.

מלכים ב 3:21
וְכָל־מֹואָב֙ שָֽׁמְע֔וּ כִּֽי־עָל֥וּ הַמְּלָכִ֖ים לְהִלָּ֣חֶם בָּ֑ם וַיִּצָּעֲק֗וּ מִכֹּ֨ל חֹגֵ֤ר חֲגֹרָה֙ וָמַ֔עְלָה וַיַּעַמְד֖וּ עַֽל־הַגְּבֽוּל׃

כא וכל מואב שמעו כי עלו המלכים להלחם בם ויצעקו מכל חגר חגרה ומעלה ויעמדו על הגבול

וכל־מואב שמעו כי־עלו המלכים להלחם בם ויצעקו מכל חגר חגרה ומעלה ויעמדו על־הגבול׃

2 Királyok 3:21
Mikor pedig meghallotta az egész Moáb, hogy feljöttek a királyok õ ellenök harczolni, egybegyûlének mindnyájan, a kik fegyvert foghattak, és megállottak az õ [tartományuk] határán.

Reĝoj 2 3:21
CXiuj Moabidoj auxdis, ke la regxoj venis, por militi kontraux ili, kaj ili kunvokis cxiujn, kiuj povis komenci porti zonon, kaj pli agxajn, kaj starigxis cxe la limo.

Kuin kaikki Moabilaiset kuulivat, että kuninkaat oli nousseet ylös sotimaan heitä vastaan, kutsuivat he kokoon kaikki, jotka itsensä ensin vyöllä vyöttivät, ja sitä vanhemmat, ja menivät rajoille.

2 Rois 3:21
Et tout Moab apprit que ces rois étaient montés pour leur faire la guerre, et ils convoquèrent tout homme qui était en âge de ceindre une ceinture, -et au-dessus; et ils se tinrent sur la frontière.

Cependant, tous les Moabites ayant appris que les rois montaient pour les attaquer, on convoqua tous ceux en âge de porter les armes et même au-dessus, et ils se tinrent sur la frontière.

Or tous les Moabites ayant appris que ces Rois-là étaient montés pour leur faire la guerre, s'étaient assemblés à cri public, depuis tous ceux qui étaient en âge de porter les armes, et au-dessus, et ils se tinrent sur la frontière.

2 Koenige 3:21
Da aber alle Moabiter höreten, daß die Könige heraufzogen, wider sie zu streiten, beriefen sie alle, die zur Rüstung alt genug und drüber waren, und traten an die Grenze.

Da aber alle Moabiter hörten, daß die Könige heraufzogen, wider sie zu streiten, beriefen sie alle, die zur Rüstung alt genug und darüber waren, und traten an die Grenze.

Als aber sämtliche Moabiter vernahmen, daß die Könige herangezogen seien, um sie anzugreifen, wurde alles aufgeboten, was nur irgend waffenfähig war, und sie stellten sich an der Grenze auf.

2 Re 3:21
Ora tutti i Moabiti, avendo udito che quei re eran saliti per muover loro guerra, avevan radunato tutti quelli ch’erano in età di portare le armi, e occupavano la frontiera.

Or tutti i Moabiti, avendo inteso che quei re erano saliti per far loro guerra, si erano adunati a grida, da chiunque si cominciava a cingere la spada in su; e si erano fermati in su le frontiere.

2 RAJA-RAJA 3:21
Hata, serta kedengaranlah kepada orang Moabi bahwa ketiga orang raja itu sudah datang hendak berperang dengan mereka itu, dikerahkannyalah segala orang yang berpakaikan ikat pinggang dan yang tua dari pada itu, lalu berdirilah mereka itu sekalian pada perhinggaan tanahnya.

열왕기하 3:21
모압 모든 사람이 왕들이 올라와서 자기를 치려 한다 함을 듣고 갑옷 입을 만한 자로부터 그 이상이 다 모여 그 경계에 섰더라

II Regum 3:21
universi autem Moabitae audientes quod ascendissent reges ut pugnarent adversum eos convocaverunt omnes qui accincti erant balteo desuper et steterunt in terminis

Antroji Karaliø knyga 3:21
Moabitai, išgirdę, kad karaliai atėjo kariauti prieš juos, surinko visus vyrus, jaunus ir senus, galinčius nešioti ginklą, ir sustojo krašto pasienyje.

2 Kings 3:21
A, no te rongonga o nga Moapi katoa kua tae ake aua kingi ki te whawhai ki a ratou, ka huihui ratou, nga mea e ahei te whitiki, me te hunga i kaumatua ake, a tu ana i te rohe.

2 Kongebok 3:21
Da moabittene fikk høre at kongene hadde draget op for å stride mot dem, blev de alle kalt sammen, så mange som på nogen måte kunde bære våben, og de stilte sig op ved grensen.

2 Reyes 3:21
Y todos los moabitas oyeron que los reyes habían subido a pelear contra ellos. Y convocaron a todos, desde los que podían ceñir armadura para arriba, y se pusieron en la frontera.

Y todos los Moabitas oyeron que los reyes habían subido a pelear contra ellos. Y convocaron a todos, desde los que podían ponerse armadura en adelante, y se colocaron en la frontera.

Y todos los de Moab, como oyeron que los reyes subían a pelear contra ellos, se juntaron todos desde los que apenas podían ceñirse la armadura en delante, y se pusieron en la frontera.

Y todos los de Moab, como oyeron que los reyes subían á pelear contra ellos, juntáronse desde todos los que ceñían talabarte arriba, y pusiéronse en la frontera.

Y todos los de Moab, cuando oyeron que los reyes subían a pelear contra ellos, se juntaron desde todos los que ceñían talabarte arriba, y se pusieron en la frontera.

2 Reis 3:21
Assim que os moabitas tomaram conhecimento de que os reis tinham vindo atacá-los, todos os que eram capazes de empunhar armas, das crianças aos mais idosos, foram convocados e tomaram posição de guerra na fronteira.

Ouvindo, pois, todos os moabitas que os reis tinham subido para pelejarem contra eles, convocaram-se todos os que estavam em idade de pegar armas, e daí para cima, e puseram-se às fronteiras.   

2 Imparati 3:21
Însă, toţi Moabiţii, auzind că împăraţii se suie să lupte împotriva lor, au chemat pe toţi cei în vîrstă să poarte armele şi mai mari chiar, şi au stătut la hotar.

4-я Царств 3:21
Когда Моавитяне услышали, что идут цари воевать с ними, тогдасобраны были все, начиная от носящего пояс и старше, истали на границе.

Когда Моавитяне услышали, что идут цари воевать с ними, тогда собраны были все, начиная от носящего пояс и старше, и стали на границе.[]

2 Kungaboken 3:21
Moabiterna hade nu allasammans hört att konungarna hade dragit upp för att strida mot dem, och alla de som voro vid vapenför ålder eller därutöver blevo uppbådade och stodo nu vid gränsen.

2 Kings 3:21
Nang mabalitaan nga ng lahat na Moabita na ang mga hari ay nagsiahon upang magsilaban sa kanila, ay nagpipisan silang lahat na makapagsasakbat ng sandata at hanggang sa katandatandaan, at nagsitayo sa hangganan.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 3:21
และเมื่อคนโมอับทั้งหลายได้ยินว่าบรรดากษัตริย์ยกไปสู้รบกับตน คนที่มีอายุสวมเกราะและสูงขึ้นไปก็ได้รวบรวมกันเข้า และยกไปตั้งที่พรมแดน

2 Krallar 3:21
Moavlılar kralların kendilerine saldırmak üzere yola çıktıklarını duydular. Genç, yaşlı eli silah tutan herkes bir araya toplanıp sınırda beklemeye başladı.[]

2 Caùc Vua 3:21
Khi dân Mô-áp hay rằng các vua ấy đi lên đánh mình, thì nhóm hết thảy những người có thể nai nịch binh khí được trở lên, và đứng tại bờ cõi xứ.

2 Kings 3:20
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