2 Kings 21:21
2 Kings 21:21
He followed completely the ways of his father, worshiping the idols his father had worshiped, and bowing down to them.

He followed the example of his father, worshiping the same idols his father had worshiped.

He walked in all the way in which his father walked and served the idols that his father served and worshiped them.

For he walked in all the way that his father had walked, and served the idols that his father had served and worshiped them.

And he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshipped them:

He walked in all the ways his father had walked; he served the idols his father had served, and he worshiped them.

because he completely adopted his father's lifestyle, serving the same idols his father had served and worshipped.

He followed in the footsteps of his father and worshiped and bowed down to the disgusting idols which his father had worshiped.

He lived like his father in every way and worshiped and prayed to the idols his father had worshiped.

And he walked in all the way that his father walked in and served the idols that his father had served and worshipped them;

And he walked in all the ways that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshiped them:

And he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshipped them:

And he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshipped them:

And he walked in all the way in which his father had walked: and he served the abominations which his father had served, and he adored them;

and he walked in all the way that his father had walked in, and served the idols that his father had served, and worshipped them;

And he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshipped them:

And he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshiped them:

He walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshiped them:

and walketh in all the way that his father walked in, and serveth the idols that his father served, and boweth himself to them,

2 i Mbretërve 21:21
Ndoqi plotësisht rrugën e ndjekur nga i ati, u shërbeu idhujve të cilëve u kishte shërbyer i ati dhe i adhuroi.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 21:21
وسلك في كل الطريق الذي سلك فيه ابوه وعبد الاصنام التي عبدها ابوه وسجد لها.

De Künig B 21:21
und war in alln ganz dyr Vater. Er gadient yn de Götzn, wo sein Vater vereert hiet, und warf si vor ien nider.

4 Царе 21:21
Ходи напълно в пътя, в който ходи баща му, и служи на идолите, на които служеше баща му, та им се поклони.

列 王 紀 下 21:21
行 他 父 親 一 切 所 行 的 , 敬 奉 他 父 親 所 敬 奉 的 偶 像 ,

行 他 父 亲 一 切 所 行 的 , 敬 奉 他 父 亲 所 敬 奉 的 偶 像 ,



2 Kings 21:21
U svemu je slijedio put svoga oca, služio je idolima kojima je služio i njegov otac i klanjao im se.

Druhá Královská 21:21
A chodil po vší cestě, po níž chodil otec jeho. Sloužil také ukydaným bohům, jimž sloužíval otec jeho, a klaněl se jim,

Anden Kongebog 21:21
han vandrede nøje i sin Faders Spor og dyrkede Afgudsbillederne, som hans Fader havde dyrket, og tilbad dem;

2 Koningen 21:21
Want hij wandelde in al den weg, dien zijn vader gewandeld had, en hij diende de drekgoden, die zijn vader gediend had, en hij boog zich voor die neder.

מלכים ב 21:21
וַיֵּ֕לֶךְ בְּכָל־הַדֶּ֖רֶךְ אֲשֶׁר־הָלַ֣ךְ אָבִ֑יו וַֽיַּעֲבֹ֗ד אֶת־הַגִּלֻּלִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָבַ֣ד אָבִ֔יו וַיִּשְׁתַּ֖חוּ לָהֶֽם׃

כא וילך בכל הדרך אשר הלך אביו ויעבד את הגללים אשר עבד אביו וישתחו להם

וילך בכל־הדרך אשר־הלך אביו ויעבד את־הגללים אשר עבד אביו וישתחו להם׃

2 Királyok 21:21
És tökéletesen azon az úton járt, a melyen járt volt az õ atyja, és szolgált a bálványoknak, a kiknek szolgált volt atyja, és azokat imádta.

Reĝoj 2 21:21
Li iradis laux tute la sama vojo, laux kiu iradis lia patro, kaj li servadis al la idoloj, al kiuj servadis lia patro, kaj adorklinigxadis antaux ili.

Ja hän vaelsi kaikkia niitä teitä, joita hänen isänsä vaeltanut oli, ja palveli epäjumalia, joita hänen isänsä palvellut oli, ja kumarsi niitä,

2 Rois 21:21
et il marcha dans toute la voie dans laquelle avait marché son père, et il servit les idoles que son père avait servies, et se prosterna devant elles:

il marcha dans toute la voie où avait marché son père, il servit les idoles qu'avait servies son père, et il se prosterna devant elles;

Car il suivit tout le train que son père avait tenu, et servit les dieux de fiente que son père avait servis, et se prosterna devant eux.

2 Koenige 21:21
und wandelte in allem Wege, den sein Vater gewandelt hatte, und dienete den Götzen, welchen sein Vater gedienet hatte, und betete sie an.

und wandelte in allem Wege, den sein Vater gewandelt hatte, und diente allen Götzen, welchen sein Vater gedient hatte, und betete sie an,

und wandelte durchaus auf dem Wege, den sein Vater gewandelt hatte, und diente den Götzen, denen sein Vater gedient hatte, und betete sie an

2 Re 21:21
seguì in tutto la via battuta dal padre suo, servì agl’idoli ai quali avea servito suo padre, e li adorò;

e camminò per tutta la via nella quale era camminato suo padre; e servì agl’idoli, a’ quali avea servito suo padre, e li adorò;

2 RAJA-RAJA 21:21
Karena berjalanlah baginda pada segala jalan yang telah diturut oleh ayahanda baginda, dan berbuat baktilah baginda kepada segala berhala tahi yang disembah oleh ayahanda baginda, dan lagi bagindapun menyembah sujud kepadanya.

열왕기하 21:21
그 부친의 행한 모든 길로 행하여 그 부친의 섬기던 우상을 섬겨 경배하고

II Regum 21:21
et ambulavit in omni via per quam ambulaverat pater eius servivitque inmunditiis quibus servierat pater suus et adoravit eas

Antroji Karaliø knyga 21:21
Jis vaikščiojo visais savo tėvo keliais, tarnavo stabams ir juos garbino.

2 Kings 21:21
I haere hoki ia i nga ara katoa i haere ai tona papa, i mahi ki nga whakapakoko i mahi ai tona papa, a koropiko ana ia ki aua mea.

2 Kongebok 21:21
Han vandret i alle deler på den vei hans far hadde vandret, og dyrket de motbydelige avguder hans far hadde dyrket, og tilbad dem.

2 Reyes 21:21
Pues anduvo en todo el camino en que su padre había andado, sirvió a los ídolos a los que su padre había servido y los adoró.

Pues anduvo en todo el camino en que su padre había andado, sirvió a los ídolos a los que su padre había servido y los adoró.

Y anduvo en todos los caminos en que su padre anduvo, y sirvió a los ídolos a los cuales había servido su padre, y a ellos adoró;

Y anduvo en todos los caminos en que su padre anduvo, y sirvió á las inmundicias á las cuales había servido su padre, y á ellas adoró;

Y anduvo en todos los caminos en que su padre anduvo, y sirvió a las inmundicias a las cuales había servido su padre, y a ellas adoró;

2 Reis 21:21
Ele imitou o mau procedimento do seu pai e também adorou e serviu os ídolos que seu pai havia cultuado.

e andou em todo o caminho em que seu pai andara, e serviu os ídolos que ele tinha servido, e os adorou.   

2 Imparati 21:21
a umblat în toată calea în care umblase tatăl său, a slujit idolilor cărora slujise şi tatăl său, şi s'a închinat înaintea lor;

4-я Царств 21:21
и ходил тою же точно дорогою, которою ходил отец его, и служил идолам, которым служил отец его, и поклонялся им,

и ходил тою же точно дорогою, которою ходил отец его, и служил идолам, которым служил отец его, и поклонялся им,[]

2 Kungaboken 21:21
Han vandrade i allt på samma väg som hans fader hade vandrat, och tjänade och tillbad de eländiga avgudar som hans fader hade tjänat.

2 Kings 21:21
At siya'y lumakad ng buong lakad na inilakad ng kaniyang ama, at naglingkod sa mga diosdiosan na pinaglingkuran ng kaniyang ama, at sinamba niya ang mga yaon:

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 21:21
พระองค์ทรงดำเนินในทางทั้งสิ้นซึ่งบิดาของพระองค์ทรงดำเนิน และปรนนิบัติรูปเคารพซึ่งบิดาของพระองค์ทรงปรนนิบัติ และนมัสการรูปเหล่านั้น

2 Krallar 21:21
Babasının yürüdüğü yollarda yürüdü, aynı putlara taptı ve hizmet etti.[]

2 Caùc Vua 21:21
Người đi theo y một đường của cha người, hầu việc hình tượng mà cha người đã hầu việc, và quì lạy trước mặt chúng nó.

2 Kings 21:20
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