2 Chronicles 35:26
2 Chronicles 35:26
The other events of Josiah's reign and his acts of devotion in accordance with what is written in the Law of the LORD--

The rest of the events of Josiah's reign and his acts of devotion (carried out according to what was written in the Law of the LORD),

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his good deeds according to what is written in the Law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and his deeds of devotion as written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was written in the law of the LORD,

The rest of the events of Josiah's reign, along with his deeds of faithful love according to what is written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the accomplishments of Josiah, including his faithful acts of devotion as required in the Law of the LORD,

The rest of the events of Josiah's reign, including the faithful acts he did in obedience to what is written in the law of the LORD

Everything else about Josiah-including his devotion to God by following what is written in the LORD's Teachings

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and his mercy, according to that which was written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his good deeds, according to that which is written in the law of Jehovah,

Now the rest of the acts of Josias and of his mercies, according to what was commanded by the law of the Lord:

And the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his good deeds, according to that which is written in the law of Jehovah,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his good deeds, according to that which is written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was written in the law of the LORD,

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his good deeds, according to that which is written in the law of Yahweh,

And the rest of the matters of Josiah, and his kind acts, according as it is written in the law of Jehovah,

2 i Kronikave 35:26
Pjesa tjetër e bëmave të Josias, veprat e tij të mira sipas asaj që është shkruar në ligjin e Zotit,

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 35:26
وبقية امور يوشيا ومراحمه حسبما هو مكتوب في ناموس الرب

Dyr Lauft B 35:26
De übrige Getaat von n Josiesn, und wie frumm däß yr war und allss taat, was in n Herrn seinn Gsötz niderglögt ist,

2 Летописи 35:26
А останалите дела на Иосия, и добродетелите му [сторени] според предписаното в Господния закон,

歷 代 志 下 35:26
約 西 亞 其 餘 的 事 和 他 遵 著 耶 和 華 律 法 上 所 記 而 行 的 善 事 ,

约 西 亚 其 馀 的 事 和 他 遵 着 耶 和 华 律 法 上 所 记 而 行 的 善 事 ,



2 Chronicles 35:26
Ostala Jošijina djela i njegova pobožnost, vršeni onako kako piše u Jahvinu Zakonu,

Druhá Paralipomenon 35:26
Jiné pak věci Joziášovy, i pobožnost jeho, jakž napsáno jest v zákoně Hospodinově,

Anden Krønikebog 35:26
Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Josias og hans fromme Gerninger, der stemte med, hvad der er foreskrevet i HERRENS Lov,

2 Kronieken 35:26
Het overige nu der geschiedenissen van Josia, en zijn goeddadigheden, naar dat geschreven is in de wet des HEEREN;

דברי הימים ב 35:26
וְיֶ֛תֶר דִּבְרֵ֥י יֹאשִׁיָּ֖הוּ וַחֲסָדָ֑יו כַּכָּת֖וּב בְּתֹורַ֥ת יְהוָֽה׃

כו ויתר דברי יאשיהו וחסדיו--ככתוב בתורת יהוה

ויתר דברי יאשיהו וחסדיו ככתוב בתורת יהוה׃

2 Krónika 35:26
Jósiásnak pedig többi dolgai, és a szerint való jó tettei, a mint az Úrnak törvényében meg van írva;

Kroniko 2 35:26
La cetera historio de Josxija kaj liaj virtoj, konformaj al la preskriboj de la instruo de la Eternulo,

Mitä enempää Josiasta sanomista on ja hänen laupiudestansa kirjoituksen jälkeen Herran laissa,

2 Chroniques 35:26
Et le reste des actes de Josias, et ses actions pieuses, conformément à ce qui est écrit dans la loi de l'Éternel,

Le reste des actions de Josias, et ses oeuvres de piété, telles que les prescrit la loi de l'Eternel,

Et le reste des faits de Josias et ses actions de piété, selon ce qui est écrit dans la Loi de l'Eternel;

2 Chronik 35:26
Was aber mehr von Josia zu sagen ist, und seine Barmherzigkeit nach der Schrift im Gesetz des HERRN

Was aber mehr von Josia zu sagen ist und seine Barmherzigkeit nach der Vorschrift im Gesetz des HERRN

Die übrige Geschichte Josias aber und seine frommen, der Vorschrift im Gesetze Jahwes entsprechenden Thaten,

2 Cronache 35:26
Il rimanente delle azioni di Giosia, le sue opere pie secondo i precetti della legge dell’Eterno,

Ora, quant’è al rimanente de’ fatti di Giosia, e le sue opere pie, secondo quello ch’è scritto nella Legge del Signore,

2 TAWARIKH 35:26
Adapun barang yang lagi tinggal dari pada segala kisah Yosia dan segala kebajikannya setuju dengan barang yang tersurat di dalam taurat Tuhan,

역대하 35:26
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 35:26
reliqua autem sermonum Iosiae et misericordiarum eius quae lege praecepta sunt Domini

Antroji Kronikø knyga 35:26
Kiti Jozijo darbai ir jo geradarystės vykdant Viešpaties įstatymus

2 Chronicles 35:26
Na, ko era atu meatanga a Hohia, me ana mahi atawhai, rite tonu ki nga mea i tuhituhia ki te ture a Ihowa,

2 Krønikebok 35:26
Hvad som ellers er å fortelle om Josias og om de fromme gjerninger han gjorde i lydighet mot det som skrevet er i Herrens lov,

2 Crónicas 35:26
Los demás hechos de Josías y sus obras piadosas conforme a lo escrito en la ley del SEÑOR,

Los demás hechos de Josías y sus obras piadosas conforme a lo escrito en la ley del SEÑOR,

Los demás de los hechos de Josías, y sus obras piadosas, conforme a lo que está escrito en la ley de Jehová,

Lo demás de los hechos de Josías, y sus piadosas obras, conforme á lo que está escrito en la ley de Jehová,

Lo demás de los hechos de Josías, y sus misericordias, conforme a lo que está escrito en la ley del SEÑOR,

2 Crônicas 35:26
Quanto aos demais atos do rei Josias, suas muitas proezas e ações piedosas, de acordo com o que está escrito na Torá, a Lei de Yahweh, o SENHOR,

Ora, o restante dos atos de Josias, e as suas boas obras em conformidade com o que está escrito na lei do Senhor,   

2 Cronici 35:26
Celelalte fapte ale lui Iosia, şi faptele lui evlavioase, făcute aşa cum porunceşte Legea Domnului,

2-я Паралипоменон 35:26
Прочие деяния Иосии и добродетели его, согласные с предписанным в законе Господнем,

Прочие деяния Иосии и добродетели его, согласные с предписанным в законе Господнем,[]

Krönikeboken 35:26
Vad nu mer är att säga om Josia och om de fromma gärningar han gjorde, efter vad föreskrivet var i HERRENS lag,

2 Chronicles 35:26
Ang iba nga sa mga gawa ni Josias, at ang kaniyang mga mabuting gawa, ayon sa nasusulat sa kautusan ng Panginoon,

2 พงศาวดาร 35:26
ส่วนพระราชกิจนอกนั้นของโยสิยาห์ และความดีของพระองค์ ตามที่บันทึกไว้ในพระราชบัญญัติของพระเยโฮวาห์

2 Tarihler 35:26
Yoşiyanın yaptığı öbür işler, RABbin Yasasında yazılanlara uygun bağlılığı,[]

2 Söû-kyù 35:26
Các công việc khác của Giô-si-a, những việc thiện người làm cứ theo điều đã chép trong sách luật pháp của Ðức Giê-hô-va và các sự người, từ đầu đến cuối,

2 Chronicles 35:25
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