2 Chronicles 28:15
2 Chronicles 28:15
The men designated by name took the prisoners, and from the plunder they clothed all who were naked. They provided them with clothes and sandals, food and drink, and healing balm. All those who were weak they put on donkeys. So they took them back to their fellow Israelites at Jericho, the City of Palms, and returned to Samaria.

Then the four men just mentioned by name came forward and distributed clothes from the plunder to the prisoners who were naked. They provided clothing and sandals to wear, gave them enough food and drink, and dressed their wounds with olive oil. They put those who were weak on donkeys and took all the prisoners back to their own people in Jericho, the city of palms. Then they returned to Samaria.

And the men who have been mentioned by name rose and took the captives, and with the spoil they clothed all who were naked among them. They clothed them, gave them sandals, provided them with food and drink, and anointed them, and carrying all the feeble among them on donkeys, they brought them to their kinsfolk at Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to Samaria.

Then the men who were designated by name arose, took the captives, and they clothed all their naked ones from the spoil; and they gave them clothes and sandals, fed them and gave them drink, anointed them with oil, led all their feeble ones on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers; then they returned to Samaria.

And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

Then the men who were designated by name took charge of the captives and provided clothes for their naked ones from the plunder. They clothed them, gave them sandals, food and drink, dressed their wounds, and provided donkeys for all the feeble. The Israelites brought them to Jericho, the City of Palms, among their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.

After this, some men who were chosen by name took charge of the captives, clothed those who were naked with clothes appropriated from the war booty, gave them clothes and sandals, fed them, gave them something to drink, anointed them with oil, provided those who weren't able to walk with donkeys to ride on, and took them back to their relatives at Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to Samaria.

Men were assigned to take the prisoners and find clothes among the plunder for those who were naked. So they clothed them, supplied them with sandals, gave them food and drink, and provided them with oil to rub on their skin. They put the ones who couldn't walk on donkeys. They brought them back to their brothers at Jericho, the city of the date palm trees, and then returned to Samaria.

Then the men who were mentioned by name took charge of the prisoners and gave clothes from the loot to all the prisoners who were naked. They provided clothes for them, gave them sandals, gave them something to eat and drink, and let them bathe. They put everyone who was exhausted on donkeys and brought them to Jericho (the City of Palms) near their own people. Then they returned to Samaria.

And the men which were expressed by name rose up and took the captives, and, with the spoil, clothed all that were naked among them and arrayed them and shod them and gave them to eat and to drink and anointed them and carried all the feeble of them upon asses and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren; then they returned to Samaria.

And the men who were mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and dressed them, and gave them sandals, and gave them food and drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them on asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers: then they returned to Samaria.

And the men that have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm-trees, unto their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

And the men, whom we mentioned above, rose up and took the captives, and with the spoils clothed all them that were naked: and when they had clothed and shed them, and refreshed them with meat and drink, and anointed them because of their labour, and had taken care of them, they set such of them as could not walk, and were feeble, upon beasts, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm trees to their brethren, and they returned to Samaria.

And the men that have been expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them on asses, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm-trees, to their brethren. And they returned to Samaria.

And the men which have been expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

And the men who were expressed by name arose, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

The men who have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them, gave them sandals, and gave them something to eat and to drink, anointed them, carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.

and the men who have been expressed by name rise and take hold on the captives, and all their naked ones they have clothed from the spoil, yea, they clothe them, and shoe them, and cause them to eat and drink, and anoint them, and lead them on asses, even every feeble one, and bring them in to Jericho, the city of palms, near their brethren, and turn back to Samaria.

2 i Kronikave 28:15
Pastaj disa njerëz të thirrur me emër u ngritën dhe morën robërit dhe me rrobat e plaçkës veshën tërë ata që ishin lakuriq; u dhanë rroba dhe sandale, për të ngrënë dhe për të pirë dhe i vajosën; pastaj i mbartën tërë të dobëtit mbi gomarë dhe i çuan në Jeriko, qyteti i palmave, pranë vëllezërve të tyre, pastaj u kthyen në Samari.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 28:15
وقام الرجال المعيّنة اسماؤهم واخذوا المسبيين والبسوا كل عراتهم من الغنيمة وكسوهم وحذوهم واطعموهم واسقوهم ودهّنوهم وحملوا على حمير جميع المعيين منهم وأتوا بهم الى اريحا مدينة النخل الى اخوتهم ثم رجعوا الى السامرة

Dyr Lauft B 28:15
Es wurdnd Mänder aufgstöllt, däß sö si um de Gfangnen kümmernd. Sö gaabnd yn allsand ayn Gwand, wo kains hietnd, aus dyr Beuttn, und Schueh aau. Zo n Össn und Trinken gakriegnd s aau öbbs, ienerne Wunddn wurdnd versorgt und de ganz Dyrlaibltn auf Ösln aufhingsitzt. Aft brangend s de Gfangnen eyn de Palmennstat Iereich hinst eyn de Grentz und gakeernd selbn wider auf Samreit zrugg.

2 Летописи 28:15
И споменатите по име мъже станаха та взеха пленниците и облякоха от користите всичките голи между тях; облякоха ги, обуха ги, дадоха им да ядат и да пият, и помазаха ги, а всичките слаби от тях пренесоха на осли и ги заведоха в Ерихон, града на палмите, при братята им. Тогава се върнаха в Самария.

歷 代 志 下 28:15
以 上 提 名 的 那 些 人 就 站 起 , 使 被 擄 的 人 前 來 ; 其 中 有 赤 身 的 , 就 從 所 掠 的 財 物 中 拿 出 衣 服 和 鞋 來 , 給 他 們 穿 , 又 給 他 們 吃 喝 , 用 膏 抹 他 們 ; 其 中 有 軟 弱 的 , 就 使 他 們 騎 驢 , 送 到 棕 樹 城 耶 利 哥 他 們 弟 兄 那 裡 ; 隨 後 就 回 撒 瑪 利 亞 去 了 。

以 上 提 名 的 那 些 人 就 站 起 , 使 被 掳 的 人 前 来 ; 其 中 有 赤 身 的 , 就 从 所 掠 的 财 物 中 拿 出 衣 服 和 鞋 来 , 给 他 们 穿 , 又 给 他 们 吃 喝 , 用 膏 抹 他 们 ; 其 中 有 软 弱 的 , 就 使 他 们 骑 驴 , 送 到 棕 树 城 耶 利 哥 他 们 弟 兄 那 里 ; 随 後 就 回 撒 玛 利 亚 去 了 。



2 Chronicles 28:15
Onda su poimence prozvani ljudi ustali, osokolili robove, obukli sve gole u odjeću iz plijena; a kad su ih obukli, obuli, nahranili, napojili i namazali, poveli su na magarcima sve iznemogle i odveli ih u palmov grad Jerihon do njihove braće, a potom se vratili u Samariju.

Druhá Paralipomenon 28:15
A přičinivše se muži někteří ze jména znamenaní, vzali ty zajaté, a všecky, kteřížkoli z nich nebyli odění, přiodíli je z těch kořistí. A když je zobláčeli a zobouvali, nakrmili i napojili, ano i pomazali, a zprovodili na oslích, každého nemocného z nich, a dovedli ho do Jericha města palmového k bratřím jejich, potom navrátili se do Samaří.

Anden Krønikebog 28:15
og de ovenfor nævnte Mænd stod op og tog sig af Fangerne, gav alle de nøgne iblandt dem Klæder af Byttet, forsynede dem med Klæder og Sko, gav dem Mad og Drikke, salvede dem, lod dem, der ikke kunde gaa, ride paa Æsler og bragte dem til Jeriko, Palmestaden, hen i Nærheden af deres Brødre; derpaa vendte de tilbage til Samaria.

2 Kronieken 28:15
De mannen nu, die met namen uitgedrukt zijn, maakten zich op, en grepen de gevangenen, en kleedden van den roof al hun naakten; en zij kleedden hen, en schoeiden hen, en spijsden hen, en drenkten hen, en zalfden hen, en voerden ze op ezelen, allen die zwak waren, en brachten hen te Jericho, de Palmstad, bij hun broederen; daarna keerden zij weder naar Samaria.

דברי הימים ב 28:15
וַיָּקֻ֣מוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים֩ אֲשֶׁר־נִקְּב֨וּ בְשֵׁמֹ֜ות וַיַּחֲזִ֣יקוּ בַשִּׁבְיָ֗ה וְכָֽל־מַעֲרֻמֵּיהֶם֮ הִלְבִּ֣ישׁוּ מִן־הַשָּׁלָל֒ וַיַּלְבִּשׁ֣וּם וַ֠יַּנְעִלוּם וַיַּאֲכִל֨וּם וַיַּשְׁק֜וּם וַיְסֻכ֗וּם וַיְנַהֲל֤וּם בַּחֲמֹרִים֙ לְכָל־כֹּושֵׁ֔ל וַיְבִיא֛וּם יְרֵחֹ֥ו עִיר־הַתְּמָרִ֖ים אֵ֣צֶל אֲחֵיהֶ֑ם וַיָּשׁ֖וּבוּ שֹׁמְרֹֽון׃ פ

טו ויקמו האנשים אשר נקבו בשמות ויחזיקו בשביה וכל מערמיהם הלבישו מן השלל וילבשם וינעלום ויאכלום וישקום ויסכום וינהלום בחמרים לכל כושל ויביאום ירחו עיר התמרים אצל אחיהם וישובו שמרון  {פ}

ויקמו האנשים אשר־נקבו בשמות ויחזיקו בשביה וכל־מערמיהם הלבישו מן־השלל וילבשום וינעלום ויאכלום וישקום ויסכום וינהלום בחמרים לכל־כושל ויביאום ירחו עיר־התמרים אצל אחיהם וישובו שמרון׃ פ

2 Krónika 28:15
És felállának a névszerint megnevezett férfiak, s felvevék a foglyokat, és a kik mezítelenek valának közülök, felöltözteték a zsákmányból; felöltözteték azokat, sarukat is adának lábaikra; ételt és italt is adának nékik; sõt meg is kenék õket, és a gyengélkedõket szamarakra helyezék, és vivék õket a pálmafák városába, Jérikhóba, az õ atyjokfiaihoz; azután megtérének Samariába.

Kroniko 2 28:15
Kaj levigxis la viroj, menciitaj laux iliaj nomoj, prenis la kaptitojn, kaj cxiujn el iliaj nuduloj ili vestis per parto de la rabitajxo, vestis ilin, donis al ili sxuojn, donis al ili mangxi kaj trinki, sxmiris ilin per oleo, sidigis sur azenoj cxiujn senfortulojn, forkondukis ilin en Jerihxon, la urbon de Palmoj, al iliaj fratoj; kaj ili mem revenis en Samarion.

Ja ne miehet nousivat, jotka nimeltänsä nimitetyt olivat, ja ottivat vangit ja kaikki jotka heidän seassansa alasti olivat, ja vaatettivat siitä saaliista. Ja kuin he heidät olivat vaatettaneet ja kengittäneet, antoivat he heille ruokaa ja juomaa, ja voitelivat heitä, ja veivät kaikki ne aasein päällä jotka heikoimmat olivat, ja saattivat heidät Jerihon Palmukaupunkiin veljeinsä tykö, ja palasivat sitte Samariaan.

2 Chroniques 28:15
Et les hommes qui ont été nommés par leurs noms se levèrent et prirent les captifs, et vêtirent du butin tous ceux d'entre eux qui étaient nus; et ils les vêtirent et les chaussèrent, et leur donnèrent à manger et à boire, et les oignirent; et ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui étaient faibles, et les amenèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères; et ils s'en retournèrent à Samarie.

Et les hommes dont les noms viennent d'être mentionnés se levèrent et prirent les captifs; ils employèrent le butin à vêtir tous ceux qui étaient nus, ils leur donnèrent des habits et des chaussures, ils les firent manger et boire, ils les oignirent, ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui étaient fatigués, et ils les menèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères. Puis ils retournèrent à Samarie.

Et ces hommes qui ont été [ci-dessus] nommés par leurs noms, se levèrent et prirent les prisonniers, et revêtirent des dépouilles tous ceux d'entr'eux qui étaient nus; et quand ils les eurent vêtus et chaussés, et qu'ils leur eurent donné à manger et à boire, et qu'ils les eurent oints, ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui ne se pouvaient pas soutenir, et les amenèrent à Jérico, la ville des palmes, chez leurs frères; puis ils s'en retournèrent à Samarie.

2 Chronik 28:15
Da stunden auf die Männer, die jetzt mit Namen genannt sind, und nahmen die Gefangenen und alle die bloß unter ihnen waren, zogen sie an von dem Geraubten und kleideten sie und zogen ihnen Schuhe an; und gaben ihnen zu essen und zu trinken und salbeten sie; und führeten sie auf Eseln alle, die schwach waren, und brachten sie gen Jericho, zur Palmenstadt, zu ihren Brüdern. Und kamen wieder gen Samaria.

Da standen auf die Männer, die jetzt mit Namen genannt sind, und nahmen die Gefangenen; und alle, die bloß unter ihnen waren, zogen sie an von dem Geraubten und kleideten sie und zogen ihnen Schuhe an und gaben ihnen zu essen und zu trinken und salbten sie und führten sie auf Eseln alle, die schwach waren, und brachten sie gen Jericho, zur Palmenstadt, zu ihren Brüdern und kamen wieder gen Samaria.

Und die Männer, die namentlich dazu bezeichnet waren, gingen daran, sich der Gefangenen anzunehmen, bekleideten alle, die nackt unter ihnen waren, aus der Beute, gaben ihnen Kleider und Schuhe und zu essen und zu trinken, versorgten sie, so viele ihrer zum Gehen zu matt waren, mit Eseln, brachten sie nach Jericho, der Palmenstadt, in die Nähe ihrer Volksgenossen und kehrten sodann nach Samaria zurück.

2 Cronache 28:15
E gli uomini già ricordati per nome si levarono e presero i prigionieri; del bottino si servirono per rivestire tutti quelli di loro ch’erano ignudi; li rivestirono, li calzarono, diedero loro da mangiare e da bere, li unsero, condussero sopra degli asini tutti quelli che cascavan dalla fatica, e li menarono a Gerico, la città delle palme, dai loro fratelli; poi se ne tornarono a Samaria.

E quegli uomini suddetti si levarono, e presero i prigioni, e vestirono delle spoglie tutti que’ di loro ch’erano ignudi; e dopo averli rivestiti e calzati, diedero loro da mangiare e da bere, e li unsero; e ricondussero sopra degli asini quelli d’infra loro che non si potevano reggere; e li menarono in Gerico, città delle palme, appresso i lor fratelli; poi se ne ritornarono in Samaria.

2 TAWARIKH 28:15
Maka berbangkitlah orang yang tersebut namanya itu, lalu diambilnya akan segala orang tawanan dan segala orang yang telanjang di antaranya, dikenakannya pakaian dari pada barang jarahan itu, maka dikenakannyalah pakaian dan kasut, dan diberinya makan minum akan dia, dan disiraminya dengan minyak, dan segala orang yang lemah, yang tiada dapat berjalan, dinaikkannya ke atas keledai, lalu dihantarnya mereka itu sekalian ke Yerikho, negeri pokok kurma, kepada segala saudara mereka itu; setelah itu maka kembalilah segala penghulu itu ke Samaria.

역대하 28:15
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 28:15
steteruntque viri quos supra memoravimus et adprehendentes captivos omnesque qui nudi erant vestierunt de spoliis cumque vestissent eos et calciassent et refecissent cibo ac potu unxissent quoque propter laborem et adhibuissent eis curam quicumque ambulare non poterant et erant inbecillo corpore inposuerunt eos iumentis et adduxerunt Hierichum civitatem Palmarum ad fratres eorum ipsique reversi sunt Samariam

Antroji Kronikø knyga 28:15
Vardais paminėti vyrai pakilo, paėmė belaisvius, iš grobio jie juos apvilko, apavė, pavalgydino, pagirdė ir patepė aliejumi; silpnesniuosius užkėlė ant asilų ir nuvedė visus į Jerichą, palmių miestą, pas jų brolius. Po to jie sugrįžo į Samariją.

2 Chronicles 28:15
Na ka whakatika nga tangata i whakahuatia o ratou ingoa, ka mau ki nga whakarau, whakakakahuria ana e ratou ki nga taonga nga mea kakahukore o ratou; whakakakahuria ana e ratou, whakawhiwhi rawa ki te hu, hoatu ana he mea hei kai, hei inu, whaka wahia ana, kawea ana nga mea kahakore katoa o ratou i runga i te kaihe, a tae noa ki Heriko, ki te pa nikau ki o ratou tuakana, teina. Na hoki ana ratou ki Hamaria.

2 Krønikebok 28:15
Og de menn som nettop er nevnt, kom og tok fangene og klædde alle som var nakne iblandt dem, med klær som de tok av hærfanget; de gav dem både klær og sko, både mat og drikke, og salvet dem, og alle de skrøpelige iblandt dem satte de op på asener og førte dem til Jeriko, Palmestaden, til deres brødre; så vendte de selv hjem igjen til Samaria.

2 Crónicas 28:15
Y se levantaron los hombres que habían sido designados por nombre y tomaron a los cautivos, y del botín vistieron a todos los desnudos y les dieron vestidos y sandalias; les dieron de comer y de beber y los ungieron, y condujeron en asnos a todos los débiles y los llevaron a Jericó, ciudad de las palmeras, junto a sus hermanos; entonces volvieron a Samaria.

Y se levantaron los hombres que habían sido designados por nombre y tomaron a los cautivos, y del botín vistieron a todos los desnudos y les dieron vestidos y sandalias. También les dieron de comer y de beber y los ungieron, y a todos los débiles los condujeron en asnos y los llevaron a Jericó, ciudad de las palmeras, a sus hermanos; entonces regresaron a Samaria.

Y se levantaron los varones nombrados, y tomaron los cautivos, y vistieron del despojo a los que de ellos estaban desnudos; los vistieron y los calzaron, y les dieron de comer y de beber, y los ungieron, y condujeron en asnos a todos los débiles, y los llevaron hasta Jericó, ciudad de las palmeras, cerca de sus hermanos; y ellos se volvieron a Samaria.

Y levantáronse los varones nombrados, y tomaron los cautivos, y vistieron del despojo á los que de ellos estaban desnudos; vistiéronlos y calzáronlos, y diéronles de comer y de beber, y ungiéronlos, y condujeron en asnos á todos los flacos, y lleváronlos

Y se levantaron los varones nombrados, y tomaron los cautivos, y vistieron del despojo a los que de ellos estaban desnudos; los vistieron y los calzaron, y les dieron de comer y de beber, y los ungieron, y condujeron en asnos a todos los flacos, y los llevaron hasta Jericó, la ciudad de las palmas, cerca de sus hermanos; y ellos se volvieron a Samaria.

2 Crônicas 28:15
Em seguida, certos homens, designados nominalmente para este fim, puseram-se a reconfortar e encorajar os prisioneiros. Utilizando o próprio material que havia sido trazido com o despojo, vestiram todos os que estavam nus; deram-lhes roupa, calçado, alimento, bebida e abrigo. Depois conduziram-nos, colocando sobre animais de carga os fracos e feridos, até seus irmãos que estavam em Jericó, a cidade das palmeiras. Em seguida regressaram a Samaria.

E os homens já mencionados por nome se levantaram e tomaram os cativos, e vestiram do despojo a todos os que dentre eles estavam nus; vestiram-nos, e os calçaram, e lhes deram de comer e de beber, e os ungiram; e, levando sobre jumentos todos os que estavam fracos, conduziram-nos a Jericó, a cidade das palmeiras, a seus irmãos. Depois voltaram para Samária.   

2 Cronici 28:15
Şi oamenii numiţi pe nume pentru aceasta, s'au sculat şi au luat pe prinşii de război, au îmbrăcat cu prada pe toţi cei ce erau goi, le-au dat haine şi încălţăminte, le-au dat să mănînce şi să bea, i-au uns, au încălecat pe măgari pe toţi cei osteniţi, şi i-au adus la Ierihon, cetatea finicilor, la fraţii lor. Apoi s'au întors la Samaria.

2-я Паралипоменон 28:15
И встали мужи, упомянутые по именам, и взяли пленных, и всех нагих из них одели из добычи, – и одели их, и обули их, и накормили их, и напоили их, и помазали их елеем, и посадили на ослов всех слабых из них, и отправили их в Иерихон, город пальм, к братьям их, и возвратились в Самарию.

И встали мужи, упомянутые по именам, и взяли пленных, и всех нагих из них одели из добычи, --и одели их, и обули их, и накормили их, и напоили их, и помазали их елеем, и посадили на ослов всех слабых из них, и отправили их в Иерихон, город пальм, к братьям их, и возвратились в Самарию.[]

Krönikeboken 28:15
Och de nämnda männen stodo upp och togo sig an fångarna. Alla som voro nakna bland dem klädde de upp med vad de hade tagit såsom byte; de gåvo dem kläder och skor, mat och dryck, och smorde dem med olja, och alla som icke orkade gå läto de sätta sig upp på åsnor, och förde dem så till Jeriko, Palmstaden, till deras bröder där. Sedan vände de tillbaka till Samaria.

2 Chronicles 28:15
At ang mga lalaking nasaysay sa pangalan ay nagsitindig, at kinuha ang mga bihag, at sa samsam ay binihisan ang lahat na hubad sa kanila, at dinamtan at sinapatusan, at mga pinakain at pinainom, at mga pinahiran ng langis, at dinala ang lahat na mahina sa kanila na nakasakay sa mga asno, at mga dinala sa Jerico, na bayan ng mga puno ng palma, sa kanilang mga kapatid: saka nagsibalik sila sa Samaria.

2 พงศาวดาร 28:15
และผู้ชายซึ่งถูกระบุชื่อนั้นได้ลุกขึ้นเอาเสื้อผ้าอันเป็นของที่ริบมาให้แก่คนที่เปลือยกายอยู่ในพวกเชลยและเขาก็นุ่งห่มให้เขาไว้ และให้รองเท้า และจัดหาอาหารและเครื่องดื่มให้ และชโลมเขา และนำคนที่อ่อนเปลี้ยในพวกเขาขึ้นลา นำเขากลับมายังญาติพี่น้องของเขาที่เมืองเยรีโค คือเมืองต้นอินทผลัม และเขาทั้งหลายก็กลับไปยังสะมาเรีย

2 Tarihler 28:15
Görevlendirilen belirli kişiler tutsakları aldılar, yağmalanmış giysilerle aralarındaki çıplakların hepsini giydirdiler. Onlara giysi, çarık, yiyecek, içecek sağladılar. Yaralarına zeytinyağı sürdüler. Yürüyemeyecek durumda olanları eşeklere bindirdiler. Onları hurma kenti Erihaya, kardeşlerine geri götürdükten sonra Samiriyeye döndüler.[]

2 Söû-kyù 28:15
Những người đã kể tên trước đây, bèn chổi dậy, dẫn các phu tù ra, lấy của cướp mặc cho các người trong họ bị trần truồng; chúng mặc quần áo và mang giày cho họ, cho ăn, uống, và xức dầu cho, cùng để những người yếu đuối cỡi lừa, rồi đưa họ về cùng anh em mình, đến Giê-ri-cô, thành cây chà là; đoạn chúng trở về Sa-ma-ri.

2 Chronicles 28:14
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