2 Chronicles 28:1
2 Chronicles 28:1
Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem sixteen years. Unlike David his father, he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD.

Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem sixteen years. He did not do what was pleasing in the sight of the LORD, as his ancestor David had done.

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as his father David had done,

Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do right in the sight of the LORD as David his father had done.

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: but he did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD, like David his father:

Ahaz was 20 years old when he became king and reigned 16 years in Jerusalem. He did not do what was right in the LORD's sight like his ancestor David,

Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 16 years in Jerusalem, but he did not practice what the LORD considered to be right, as his ancestor David had done.

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned for sixteen years in Jerusalem. He did not do what pleased the LORD, in contrast to his ancestor David.

Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to rule. He ruled for 26 years in Jerusalem. He didn't do what the LORD considered right, as his ancestor David had done.

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; but he did not do that which was right in the sight of the LORD, like David, his father.

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: but he did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD, like David his father:

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: but he did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD, like David his father:

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: and he did not that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah, like David his father;

Achaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: he did not that which was right in the sight of the Lord as David his father had done,

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And he did not what was right in the sight of Jehovah, like David his father,

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: and he did not that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, like David his father:

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: but he did not that which was right in the sight of the LORD, like David his father:

Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: and he didn't do that which was right in the eyes of Yahweh, like David his father;

A son of twenty years is Ahaz in his reigning, and sixteen years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and he hath not done that which is right in the eyes of Jehovah, as David his father,

2 i Kronikave 28:1
Ashazi ishte njëzet vjeç kur filloi të mbretërojë, dhe mbretëroi gjashtëmbëdhjetë vjet në Jeruzalem. Ai nuk bëri atë që është e drejtë në sytë e Zotit, siç kishte bërë Davidi, i ati;

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 28:1
كان آحاز ابن عشرين سنة حين ملك وملك ست عشرة سنة في اورشليم ولم يفعل المستقيم في عيني الرب كداود ابيه.

Dyr Lauft B 28:1
Dyr Ähäs war zwainzg Jaar alt, wie yr Künig wurd, und greichnet sechzöhen Jaar lang in Ruslham. Er taat nit wie sein Vorvater Dafet, was yn n Trechtein recht gwösn wär,

2 Летописи 28:1
Ахаз бе двадесет години на възраст когато се възцари, и царува шестнадесет години в Ерусалим; но не върши това, което бе право пред Господа, както баща му Давид,

歷 代 志 下 28:1
亞 哈 斯 登 基 的 時 候 年 二 十 歲 , 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 十 六 年 ; 不 像 他 祖 大 衛 行 耶 和 華 眼 中 看 為 正 的 事 ,

亚 哈 斯 登 基 的 时 候 年 二 十 岁 , 在 耶 路 撒 冷 作 王 十 六 年 ; 不 像 他 祖 大 卫 行 耶 和 华 眼 中 看 为 正 的 事 ,



2 Chronicles 28:1
Ahazu je bilo dvadeset godina kad se zakraljio, a kraljevao je šesnaest godina u Jeruzalemu, ali nije činio što je pravo u Jahvinim očima kao što je činio njegov otac David.

Druhá Paralipomenon 28:1
Ve dvadcíti letech byl Achas, když počal kralovati, a šestnácte let kraloval v Jeruzalémě, a nečinil toho, což pravého bylo před očima Hospodinovýma, jako David otec jeho.

Anden Krønikebog 28:1
Akaz var tyve Aar gammel da han blev Konge, og han herskede seksten Aar i Jerusalem. Han gjorde ikke, hvad der var ret i HERRENS Øjne, som hans Fader David,

2 Kronieken 28:1
Achaz was twintig jaren oud, toen hij koning werd, en regeerde zestien jaren te Jeruzalem; en hij deed niet dat recht was in de ogen des HEEREN, gelijk zijn vader David;

דברי הימים ב 28:1
בֶּן־עֶשְׂרִ֤ים שָׁנָה֙ אָחָ֣ז בְּמָלְכֹ֔ו וְשֵׁשׁ־עֶשְׂרֵ֣ה שָׁנָ֔ה מָלַ֖ךְ בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וְלֹא־עָשָׂ֧ה הַיָּשָׁ֛ר בְּעֵינֵ֥י יְהוָ֖ה כְּדָוִ֥יד אָבִֽיו׃

א בן עשרים שנה אחז במלכו ושש עשרה שנה מלך בירושלם ולא עשה הישר בעיני יהוה כדויד אביו

בן־עשרים שנה אחז במלכו ושש־עשרה שנה מלך בירושלם ולא־עשה הישר בעיני יהוה כדויד אביו׃

2 Krónika 28:1
Húsz esztendõs volt Akház, mikor uralkodni kezdett, és tizenhat esztendeig uralkodék Jeruzsálemben, és nem cselekedék kedves dolgot az Úr elõtt, mint Dávid, az õ atyja;

Kroniko 2 28:1
La agxon de dudek jaroj havis Ahxaz, kiam li farigxis regxo, kaj dek ses jarojn li regxis en Jerusalem; kaj li ne agadis bone antaux la Eternulo, kiel lia patro David.

Ahas oli kahdenkymmenen ajastaikainen tullessansa kuninkaaksi, ja hallitsi kuusitoistakymmentä ajastaikaa Jerusalemissa, ja ei tehnyt, mitä Herralle kelvollinen oli, niinkuin hänen isänsä David;

2 Chroniques 28:1
Achaz était âgé de vingt ans lorsqu'il commença de régner; et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem. Et il ne fit pas ce qui est droit aux yeux de l'Éternel, comme avait fait David, son père;

Achaz avait vingt ans lorsqu'il devint roi, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem. Il ne fit point ce qui est droit aux yeux de l'Eternel, comme avait fait David, son père.

Achaz était âgé de vingt ans quand il commença à régner, et il régna seize ans à Jérusalem; mais il ne fit point ce qui est droit devant l'Eternel, comme [avait fait] David son père.

2 Chronik 28:1
Ahas war zwanzig Jahre alt, da er König ward, und regierete sechzehn Jahre zu Jerusalem; und tat nicht, das dem HERRN wohlgefiel, wie sein Vater David,

Ahas war zwanzig Jahre alt, da er König ward, und regierte sechzehn Jahre zu Jerusalem und tat nicht, was dem HERRN wohl gefiel, wie sein Vater David,

Zwanzig Jahre war Ahas alt, als er König ward, und sechzehn Jahre regierte er zu Jerusalem. Er that jedoch nicht, was Jahwe wohlgefiel, wie sein Ahnherr David,

2 Cronache 28:1
Achaz avea vent’anni quando cominciò a regnare, e regnò sedici anni a Gerusalemme. Egli non fece ciò ch’è giusto agli occhi dell’Eterno, come avea fatto Davide suo padre;

ACHAZ era d’età di vent’anni, quando cominciò a regnare; e regnò sedici anni in Gerusalemme; e non fece ciò che piace al Signore, come Davide, suo padre.

Adapun umur Akhaz pada masa ia naik raja itu dua puluh tahun dan kerajaanlah ia di Yeruzalem enam belas tahun lamanya; maka tiada dibuatnya barang yang benar kepada pemandangan Tuhan, seperti Daud, moyangda baginda.

역대하 28:1
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 28:1
viginti annorum erat Achaz cum regnare coepisset et sedecim annis regnavit in Hierusalem non fecit rectum in conspectu Domini sicut David pater eius

Antroji Kronikø knyga 28:1
Achazas, būdamas dvidešimties metų, pradėjo karaliauti ir šešiolika metų karaliavo Jeruzalėje. Jis nedarė to, kas teisinga Viešpaties akyse, kaip darė jo tėvas Dovydas,

2 Chronicles 28:1
E rua tekau nga tau o Ahata i tona kingitanga, a tekau ma ono nga tau i kingi ai ia ki Hiruharama: kihai hoki ia i mahi i te tika ki ta Ihowa titiro, kihai i pera me tona papa, me Rawiri.

2 Krønikebok 28:1
Akas var tyve år gammel da han blev konge, og regjerte seksten år i Jerusalem. Han gjorde ikke hvad rett var i Herrens øine, som hans far David,

2 Crónicas 28:1
Acaz tenía veinte años cuando comenzó a reinar, y reinó dieciséis años en Jerusalén; pero no hizo lo recto ante los ojos del SEÑOR como su padre David había hecho,

Acaz tenía veinte años cuando comenzó a reinar, y reinó dieciséis años en Jerusalén; pero no hizo lo recto ante los ojos del SEÑOR como su padre David lo había hecho,

Veinte años tenía Acaz cuando comenzó a reinar, y dieciséis años reinó en Jerusalén; mas no hizo lo recto ante los ojos de Jehová, como David su padre.

DE VEINTE años era Achâz cuando comenzó á reinar, y dieciséis años reinó en Jerusalem: mas no hizo lo recto en ojos de Jehová, como David su padre.

De veinte años era Acaz cuando comenzó a reinar, y dieciséis años reinó en Jerusalén; mas no hizo lo recto en ojos del SEÑOR, como David su padre.

2 Crônicas 28:1
Acaz tinha vinte anos quando começou a reinar e governou dezesseis anos em Jerusalém. Não fez o que é justo e agradável aos olhos de Yahweh, o SENHOR, como o havia feito o rei Davi, seu antepassado.

Tinha Acaz vinte anos quando começou a reinar, e reinou dezesseis anos em Jerusalém. E não fez o que era reto aos olhos do Senhor, como Davi, seu pai;   

2 Cronici 28:1
Ahaz avea douăzeci de ani cînd a ajuns împărat, şi a domnit şasesprezece ani la Ierusalim. El n'a făcut ce este bine înaintea Domnului, cum făcuse tatăl său David.

2-я Паралипоменон 28:1
Двадцати лет был Ахаз, когда воцарился, и шестнадцать лет царствовал в Иерусалиме; и он не делал угодного в очах Господних, как делал Давид, отец его:

Двадцати лет был Ахаз, когда воцарился, и шестнадцать лет царствовал в Иерусалиме; и он не делал угодного в очах Господних, как [делал] Давид, отец его:[]

Krönikeboken 28:1
Ahas var tjugu år gammal när han blev konung, och han regerade sexton år i Jerusalem. Han gjorde icke vad rätt var i HERRENS ögon, såsom hans fader David,

2 Chronicles 28:1
Si Achaz ay may dalawangpung taon nang siya'y magpasimulang maghari; at siya'y nagharing labing anim na taon sa Jerusalem: at hindi siya gumawa ng matuwid sa harap ng mga mata ng Panginoon, na gaya ni David na kaniyang magulang.

2 พงศาวดาร 28:1
เมื่ออาหัสทรงเริ่มครองราชย์มีพระชนมายุยี่สิบพรรษา และพระองค์ทรงครองราชย์ในเยรูซาเล็มสิบหกปี แต่พระองค์มิได้ทรงกระทำสิ่งที่ถูกต้องในสายพระเนตรของพระเยโฮวาห์ อย่างกับดาวิดบรรพบุรุษของพระองค์

2 Tarihler 28:1
Ahaz yirmi yaşında kral oldu ve Yeruşalimde on altı yıl krallık yaptı. RABbin gözünde doğru olanı yapan atası Davut gibi davranmadı.[]

2 Söû-kyù 28:1
A-cha được hai mươi tuổi khi người lên ngôi làm vua; người cai trị mười sáu năm tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, chẳng làm điều thiện trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va y như Ða-vít, tổ phụ người, đã làm;

2 Chronicles 27:9
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