2 Chronicles 19:2
2 Chronicles 19:2
Jehu the seer, the son of Hanani, went out to meet him and said to the king, "Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, the wrath of the LORD is on you.

Jehu son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him. "Why should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD?" he asked the king. "Because of what you have done, the LORD is very angry with you.

But Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the LORD.

Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, "Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD and so bring wrath on yourself from the LORD?

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.

Then Jehu son of Hanani the seer went out to confront him and said to King Jehoshaphat, "Do you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, the LORD's wrath is on you.

where Hanani's son Jehu, the seer, went out to meet him. He asked king Jehoshaphat, "Should you be helping those who are wicked, yes or no? Should you love those who hate the LORD? Wrath is headed your way directly from the LORD because of this.

the prophet Jehu son of Hanani confronted him; he said to King Jehoshaphat, "Is it right to help the wicked and be an ally of those who oppose the LORD? Because you have done this the LORD is angry with you!

Jehu, son of the seer Hanani, asked King Jehoshaphat, "Why do you help wicked people and love those who hate the LORD? The LORD's anger is directed toward you because you have done this.

And Jehu, the son of Hanani, the seer, went out to meet him and said to king Jehoshaphat, Should thou help the ungodly and love those that hate the LORD? Therefore, the wrath of the presence of the LORD shall be upon thee.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Should you help the wicked, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath come upon you from the LORD.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Should you help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath on you from before the LORD.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the wicked, and love them that hate Jehovah? for this thing wrath is upon thee from before Jehovah.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer met him, and said to him: Thou helpest the ungodly, and thou art joined in friendship with them that hate the Lord, and therefore thou didst deserve indeed the wrath of the Lord:

And Jehu the son of Hanani, the seer, went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate Jehovah? Therefore is wrath upon thee from Jehovah.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the wicked, and love them that hate the LORD? for this thing wrath is upon thee from before the LORD.

And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldst thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.

Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, "Should you help the wicked, and love those who hate Yahweh? Because of this, wrath is on you from before Yahweh.

and go out unto his presence doth Jehu son of Hanani, the seer, and saith unto king Jehoshaphat, 'To give help to the wicked, and to those hating Jehovah, dost thou love? and for this against thee is wrath from before Jehovah,

2 i Kronikave 19:2
Por shikuesi Jehu, bir i Hananit, i doli përpara dhe i tha mbretit Jozafat: "A duhet të ndihmoje ti një të pafe dhe të doje ata që urrenin Zotin? Prandaj mëria e Zotit është mbi ty.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 19:2
وخرج للقائه ياهو بن حناني الرائي وقال للملك يهوشافاط أتساعد الشرير وتحب مبغضي الرب. فلذلك الغضب عليك من قبل الرب.

Dyr Lauft B 19:2
Daa traat iem dyr Seher Jehu Hänynisun entgögn und hielt iem vür: "Haat ietz dös sein +müessn, däßst yn n Fräfler hilffst? Liebst du die, wo önn Trechtein hassnd? Ietz haast yn n Herrn seinn Zorn auf n Gnäck.

2 Летописи 19:2
гледачът Ииуй, Ананиевият син, излезе да го посрещне, и рече на цар Иосафата: На нечестивия ли помагаш, и тия ли, които мразят Господа, обичаш? Затова, гняв от Господа има върху тебе.

歷 代 志 下 19:2
先 見 哈 拿 尼 的 兒 子 耶 戶 出 來 迎 接 約 沙 法 王 , 對 他 說 : 你 豈 當 幫 助 惡 人 , 愛 那 恨 惡 耶 和 華 的 人 呢 ? 因 此 耶 和 華 的 忿 怒 臨 到 你 。

先 见 哈 拿 尼 的 儿 子 耶 户 出 来 迎 接 约 沙 法 王 , 对 他 说 : 你 岂 当 帮 助 恶 人 , 爱 那 恨 恶 耶 和 华 的 人 呢 ? 因 此 耶 和 华 的 忿 怒 临 到 你 。



2 Chronicles 19:2
iziđe preda nj Hananijev sin vidjelac Jehu i reče kralju Jošafatu: "Zar da pomažeš bezbožniku i da ljubiš Jahvine mrzitelje? Zato i udara na te srdžba Jahvina.

Druhá Paralipomenon 19:2
Vyšel jemu vstříc Jéhu syn Chananův, prorok, a řekl králi Jozafatovi: Zdaliž jsi bezbožnému měl pomáhati, a ty, jenž nenávidí Hospodina, milovati? Z té příčiny proti tobě jest hněv Hospodinův.

Anden Krønikebog 19:2
Da traadte Seeren Jehu, Hananis Søn, frem for ham, og han sagde til Kong Josafat: »Skal man hjælpe de ugudelige? Elsker du dem, der hader HERREN? For den Sags Skyld er HERRENS Vrede over dig!

2 Kronieken 19:2
En Jehu, de zoon van Hanani, de ziener, ging uit, hem tegen, en zeide tot den koning Josafat: Zoudt gij den goddeloze helpen, en die den HEERE haten, liefhebben? Nu is daarom over u van het aangezicht des HEEREN grote toornigheid.

דברי הימים ב 19:2
וַיֵּצֵ֣א אֶל־פָּנָ֗יו יֵה֣וּא בֶן־חֲנָ֘נִי֮ הַחֹזֶה֒ וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ אֶל־הַמֶּ֣לֶךְ יְהֹושָׁפָ֔ט הֲלָרָשָׁ֣ע לַעְזֹ֔ר וּלְשֹׂנְאֵ֥י יְהוָ֖ה תֶּאֱהָ֑ב וּבָזֹאת֙ עָלֶ֣יךָ קֶּ֔צֶף מִלִּפְנֵ֖י יְהוָֽה׃

ב ויצא אל פניו יהוא בן חנני החזה ויאמר אל המלך יהושפט הלרשע לעזר ולשנאי יהוה תאהב  ובזאת עליך קצף מלפני יהוה

ויצא אל־פניו יהוא בן־חנני החזה ויאמר אל־המלך יהושפט הלרשע לעזר ולשנאי יהוה תאהב ובזאת עליך קצף מלפני יהוה׃

2 Krónika 19:2
És eleibe méne Jéhu próféta, a Hanáni fia, és monda Jósafát királynak: Avagy az istentelennek kellett-é segítségül lenned, és az Úrnak gyûlölõit szeretned? Ezért nagy az Úrnak haragja ellened.

Kroniko 2 19:2
Kaj eliris renkonte al li Jehu, filo de HXanani, la viziisto, kaj diris al la regxo Jehosxafat:CXu oni devas helpi al malvirtulo? vi amas la malamikojn de la Eternulo, kaj pro tio estas sur vi la kolero de la Eternulo.

Ja Jehu Hananin poika näkiä meni häntä vastaan ja sanoi kuningas Josaphatille: pitääkö sinun auttaman jumalatointa ja rakastaman niitä, jotka Herraa vihaavat? ja sentähden on Herran viha sinun päälläs;

2 Chroniques 19:2
Jéhu, fils de Hanani, le voyant, sortit au-devant de lui, et dit au roi Josaphat: Aides-tu au méchant, et aimes-tu ceux qui haïssent l'Éternel? A cause de cela il y a colère sur toi de la part de l'Éternel.

Jéhu, fils de Hanani, le prophète, alla au-devant de lui. Et il dit au roi Josaphat: Doit-on secourir le méchant, et aimes-tu ceux qui haïssent l'Eternel? A cause de cela, l'Eternel est irrité contre toi.

Et Jéhu fils d'Hanani le Voyant sortit au devant du Roi Josaphat, et lui dit : As-tu donc donné du secours au méchant, et aimes-tu ceux qui haïssent l'Eternel? à cause de cela l'indignation est sur toi de par l'Eternel.

2 Chronik 19:2
Und es ging ihm entgegen hinaus Jehu, der Sohn Hananis, der Schauer, und sprach zum Könige Josaphat: Sollst du so dem Gottlosen helfen und lieben, die den HERRN hassen? Und um deswillen ist über dir der Zorn vom HERRN.

Und es gingen ihm entgegen hinaus Jehu, der Sohn Hananis, der Seher, und sprach zum König Josaphat: Sollst du so dem Gottlosen helfen, und lieben, die den HERRN hassen? Und um deswillen ist über dir der Zorn vom HERRN.

Da trat Jehu, der Sohn Hananis, der Seher, vor ihn und sprach zum Könige Josaphat: Mußtest du dem Gottlosen helfen und liebst du die, die Jahwe hassen? Darum lastet nun auf dir grimmiger Zorn von seiten Jahwes!

2 Cronache 19:2
E il veggente Jehu, figliuolo di Hanani, andò incontro a Giosafat, e gli disse: "Dovevi tu dare aiuto ad un empio e amar quelli che odiano l’Eterno? Per questo fatto hai attirato su di te l’ira dell’Eterno.

Allora il veggente Iehu, figliuolo di Hanani, gli uscì incontro, e gli disse: Si conviene egli dar soccorso ad un empio? Ti si conviene egli amar quelli che odiano il Signore? Perciò dunque vi è ira contro a te da parte del Signore.

Maka Yehu bin Hanani, penilik itu, lalu keluar pergi menghadap baginda, maka katanya kepada baginda raja Yosafat: Mengapa engkau menolong orang fasik dan mengasihi akan orang yang benci akan Tuhan? Maka sebab itu murka besar berlaku atasmu dari hadirat Tuhan.

역대하 19:2
하나니의 아들 선견자 예후가 나가서 여호사밧 왕을 맞아 가로되 왕이 악한 자를 돕고 여호와를 미워하는 자를 사랑하는 것이 가하니이까 그러므로 여호와께로서 진노하심이 왕에게 임하리이다

II Paralipomenon 19:2
cui occurrit Hieu filius Anani videns et ait ad eum impio praebes auxilium et his qui oderunt Dominum amicitia iungeris et idcirco iram quidem Domini merebaris

Antroji Kronikø knyga 19:2
Hananio sūnus Jehuvas, regėtojas, išėjo jo pasitikti ir kalbėjo karaliui Juozapatui: “Ar turėtum padėti bedieviui ir mylėti tuos, kurie nekenčia Viešpaties? Dėl to užsitraukei Viešpaties rūstybę.

2 Chronicles 19:2
A ka puta te matakite, a Iehu tama a Hanani, ki te whakatau i a ia, ka mea ki a Kingi Iehohapata, Me awhina ianei e koe te tangata kino, me aroha ki te hunga e kino ana ki a Ihowa? Na he riri tenei mou, he mea no te aroaro o Ihowa.

2 Krønikebok 19:2
Da gikk seeren Jehu, Hananis sønn, ut imot ham, og han sa til kong Josafat: Skal en hjelpe den ugudelige, og skal du elske dem som hater Herren? For dette hviler det vrede over dig fra Herren.

2 Crónicas 19:2
Y salió a su encuentro el vidente Jehú, hijo de Hananí, y dijo al rey Josafat: ¿Vas a ayudar al impío y amar a los que odian al SEÑOR, y con esto traer sobre ti la ira del SEÑOR?

Pero el vidente Jehú, hijo de Hananí, salió a encontrarlo y dijo al rey Josafat: "¿Vas a ayudar al impío y amar a los que odian al SEÑOR, y con esto traer sobre ti la ira del SEÑOR?

Y le salió al encuentro Jehú el vidente, hijo de Hanani, y dijo al rey Josafat: ¿Al impío das ayuda, y amas a los que aborrecen a Jehová? Pues la ira de la presencia de Jehová será sobre ti por ello.

Y salióle al encuentro Jehú el vidente, hijo de Hanani, y dijo al rey Josaphat: ¿Al impío das ayuda, y amas á los que aborrecen á Jehová? Pues la ira de la presencia de Jehová será sobre ti por ello.

Y le salió al encuentro Jehú, hijo de Hanani, vidente, y dijo al rey Josafat: ¿A un impío das ayuda, y amas a los que aborrecen al SEÑOR? Pues la ira de la presencia del SEÑOR será sobre ti por ello.

2 Crônicas 19:2
o vidente e profeta Iehú ben Hanáni, Jeú filho de Hanani, saiu ao seu encontro e o admoestou dizendo: “Devias tu emprestar o teu auxílio ao ímpio e demonstrar solidariedade àqueles que odeiam a Yahweh? Ora, por conta desse erro virá sobre ti grande ira da parte do SENHOR!

Mas Jeú, filho de Hanâni, a vidente, saiu ao encontro do rei Jeosafá e lhe disse: Devias tu ajudar o ímpio, e amar aqueles que odeiam ao Senhor? Por isso virá sobre ti grande ira da parte do Senhor.   

2 Cronici 19:2
Iehu, fiul proorocului Hanani, i -a ieşit înainte, şi a zis împăratului Iosafat: ,,Cum de ai ajutat tu pe cel rău, şi ai iubit pe cei ce urăsc pe Domnul? Din pricina aceasta este mîniat Domnul pe tine.

2-я Паралипоменон 19:2
И выступил навстречу ему Ииуй, сын Анании, прозорливец, и сказал царю Иосафату: следовало ли тебе помогать нечестивцу и любить ненавидящих Господа? За это на тебя гнев от лица Господня.

И выступил навстречу ему Ииуй, сын Анании, прозорливец, и сказал царю Иосафату: [следовало] ли тебе помогать нечестивцу и любить ненавидящих Господа? За это на тебя гнев от лица Господня.[]

Krönikeboken 19:2
Då gick siaren Jehu, Hananis son, ut mot konung Josafat och sade till honom: »Skall man då hjälpa den ogudaktige? Skall du då älska dem som hata HERREN? För vad du har gjort vilar nu HERRENS förtörnelse över dig.

2 Chronicles 19:2
At si Jehu na anak ni Hanani na tagakita ay lumabas na sinalubong siya, at sinabi sa haring Josaphat: Tutulungan mo ba ang mga masama at mamahalin yaong mga napopoot sa Panginoon? dahil sa bagay na ito ay kapootan ang sasaiyo na mula sa harap ng Panginoon.

2 พงศาวดาร 19:2
แต่เยฮูบุตรชายฮานานีผู้ทำนายได้ออกไปเฝ้าพระองค์ ทูลกษัตริย์เยโฮชาฟัทว่า "ควรที่พระองค์จะช่วยคนอธรรมและรักผู้ที่เกลียดชังพระเยโฮวาห์หรือ เพราะเรื่องนี้พระพิโรธของพระเยโฮวาห์ได้ออกมาถึงพระองค์

2 Tarihler 19:2
Hanani oğlu Bilici Yehu, Kral Yehoşafatı karşılamaya giderek ona şöyle dedi: ‹‹Kötülere yardım edip RABden nefret edenleri mi sevmen gerekir? Bunun için RABbin öfkesi senin üstünde olacak.[]

2 Söû-kyù 19:2
Giê-hu, con trai của Ha-na-ni, đấng tiên kiến, đi ra đón vua Giô-sa-phát, mà nói rằng: Vua há giúp đỡ kẻ hung ác, và thương mến kẻ ghen ghét Ðức Giê-hô-va sao? Bởi cớ đó, có cơn giận của Ðức Giê-hô-va đến trên vua.

2 Chronicles 19:1
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