2 Chronicles 15:5
2 Chronicles 15:5
In those days it was not safe to travel about, for all the inhabitants of the lands were in great turmoil.

"During those dark times, it was not safe to travel. Problems troubled the people of every land.

In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for great disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands.

"In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for many disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.

In those times there was no peace for those who went about their daily activities because the residents of the lands had many conflicts.

"During those days, it wasn't safe for anyone to come and go, because many civil disturbances afflicted everyone who lived in the territories.

In those days no one could travel safely, for total chaos had overtaken all the people of the surrounding lands.

At those times no one could come and go in peace, because everyone living in the land had a lot of turmoil.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great destruction upon all the inhabitants of the lands.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great turmoil was upon all the inhabitants of the countries.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were on all the inhabitants of the countries.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in; but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the lands.

At that time there shall be no peace to him that goeth out and cometh in, but terrors on every side among all the inhabitants of the earth.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out nor to him that came in, but great disturbances were amongst all the inhabitants of the countries.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the lands.

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.

In those times there was no peace to him who went out, nor to him who came in; but great troubles were on all the inhabitants of the lands.

and in those times there is no peace to him who is going out, and to him who is coming in, for many troubles are on all the inhabitants of the lands,

2 i Kronikave 15:5
Në atë kohë nuk kishte siguri për ata që shkonin e vinin, sepse të gjithë banorët e vendeve ishin shumë të shqetësuar.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 15:5
وفي تلك الازمان لم يكن امان للخارج ولا للداخل لان اضطرابات كثيرة كانت على كل سكان الاراضي.

Dyr Lauft B 15:5
Dyrselbn kunntst di nit aynmaal eyn d Straass aushintraun, weil daa überall ayn Unrue und Unfrid gherrscht.

2 Летописи 15:5
И в ония времена не е имало мир нито за излизащия, нито за влизащия, но големи смутове върху всичките жители на земите.

歷 代 志 下 15:5
那 時 , 出 入 的 人 不 得 平 安 , 列 國 的 居 民 都 遭 大 亂 ;

那 时 , 出 入 的 人 不 得 平 安 , 列 国 的 居 民 都 遭 大 乱 ;



2 Chronicles 15:5
U ona vremena nitko nije mogao na miru ni izlaziti ni dolaziti, jer su veliki nemiri vladali među svim zemaljskim stanovnicima.

Druhá Paralipomenon 15:5
Ale časů těchto není bezpečno vycházeti ani vcházeti; nebo nepokoj veliký jest mezi všemi obyvateli země,

Anden Krønikebog 15:5
I de Tider kunde ingen gaa ud og ind i Fred, thi der var vild Rædsel over alle Landes Indbyggere;

2 Kronieken 15:5
En in die tijden was er geen vrede voor dengene, die uitging, en dengene, die inkwam; maar vele beroerten waren over al de inwoners van die landen;

דברי הימים ב 15:5
וּבָעִתִּ֣ים הָהֵ֔ם אֵ֥ין שָׁלֹ֖ום לַיֹּוצֵ֣א וְלַבָּ֑א כִּ֚י מְהוּמֹ֣ת רַבֹּ֔ות עַ֥ל כָּל־יֹושְׁבֵ֖י הָאֲרָצֹֽות׃

ה ובעתים ההם אין שלום ליוצא ולבא  כי מהומת רבות על כל ישבי הארצות

ובעתים ההם אין שלום ליוצא ולבא כי מהומת רבות על כל־יושבי הארצות׃

2 Krónika 15:5
De ezekben az idõkben nincs békessége sem a kimenõnek, sem a hazajövõnek, mivelhogy nagy a nyomorúsága mindazoknak, a kik [e] földön laknak;

Kroniko 2 15:5
En tiu tempo ne havos pacon la eliranto nek la eniranto, cxar grandaj tumultoj estos cxe cxiuj logxantoj de la landoj.

Niinä aikoina ei ole rauhaa niillä, jotka käyvät sisälle ja ulos; sillä suuri meteli tulee kaikkein maan asuvaisten päälle.

2 Chroniques 15:5
Et, en ces temps-là, il n'y avait point de paix pour ceux qui sortaient et qui entraient, car il y avait beaucoup de troubles parmi tous les habitants du pays,

Dans ces temps-là, point de sécurité pour ceux qui allaient et venaient, car il y avait de grands troubles parmi tous les habitants du pays;

En ce temps-là il n'y avait point de sûreté pour ceux qui voyageaient à cause qu'il y avait de grands troubles parmi tous les habitants du pays.

2 Chronik 15:5
Zu der Zeit wird's nicht wohlgehen dem, der aus- und eingehet. Denn es werden große Getümmel sein über alle, die auf Erden wohnen.

Zu der Zeit wird's nicht wohl gehen dem, der aus und ein geht; denn es werden große Getümmel sein über alle, die auf Erden wohnen.

In jenen Zeiten aber gab es keine Sicherheit für die Aus- und Eingehenden, vielmehr lastete auf allen Bewohnern dieser Landstriche große Beunruhigung.

2 Cronache 15:5
In quel tempo, non v’era pace né per chi andava né per chi veniva; perché fra tutti gli abitanti de’ vari paesi v’erano grandi agitazioni,

Or in que’ tempi non vi era pace alcuna per coloro che andavano e che venivano; perciocchè turbamenti erano fra tutti gli abitanti dei paesi.

Maka pada masa itu tiada selamat bagi orang yang keluar atau bagi orang yang masuk, melainkan huru-hara besar juga di antara segala orang isi negeri-negeri ini,

역대하 15:5
그 때에 열국에 거한 모든 백성이 크게 요란하여 사람의 출입이 평안치 못하며

II Paralipomenon 15:5
in tempore illo non erit pax egredienti et ingredienti sed terrores undique in cunctis habitatoribus terrarum

Antroji Kronikø knyga 15:5
Anais laikais nebuvo saugu įeinančiam ir išeinančiam, nes didelis sumišimas visose šalyse vargino gyventojus.

2 Chronicles 15:5
Kahore hoki he maunga rongo i aua wa, e haere atu ai tetahi, e haere mai ai ranei; he nui hoki nga whakararuraru o nga tangata katoa o nga whenua.

2 Krønikebok 15:5
Og i de tider kunde ingen ferdes trygt, hverken ute eller hjemme; for det rådet stor uro blandt alle dem som bodde her i landene.

2 Crónicas 15:5
Y en aquellos tiempos no había paz para el que salía ni para el que entraba, sino muchas tribulaciones sobre todos los habitantes de las tierras.

"En aquellos tiempos no había paz para el que salía ni para el que entraba, sino muchas tribulaciones sobre todos los habitantes de las tierras.

En aquellos tiempos no hubo paz, ni para el que entraba, ni para el que salía, sino muchas aflicciones sobre todos los habitantes de las tierras.

En aquellos tiempos no hubo paz, ni para el que entraba, ni para el que salía, sino muchas aflicciones sobre todos los habitadores de las tierras.

En aquellos tiempos no hubo paz, ni para el que entraba, ni para el que salía, sino muchas destrucciones sobre todos los habitadores de las tierras.

2 Crônicas 15:5
Naqueles tempos não havia paz ou descanso, nem para os que saíam nem para os que entravam, todos os habitantes daquelas terras eram constantemente afligidos e viviam angustiados.

E naqueles tempos não havia paz nem para o que saia, nem para o que entrava, mas grandes perturbações estavam sobre todos os habitantes daquelas terras.   

2 Cronici 15:5
În vremile acelea, nu era linişte pentru cei ce se duceau şi veneau, căci erau mari turburări printre toţi locuitorii ţării;

2-я Паралипоменон 15:5
В те времена не будет мира ни выходящему, ни входящему, ибо великие волнения будут у всех жителей земель;

В те времена не будет мира ни выходящему, ни входящему, ибо великие волнения будут у всех жителей земель;[]

Krönikeboken 15:5
Under de tiderna fanns ingen trygghet, när man gick ut eller in; utan stor förvirring rådde bland alla dem som bodde här i länderna,

2 Chronicles 15:5
At nang mga panahong yaon ay walang kapayapaan sa kaniya na lumabas, o sa kaniya na pumasok, kundi malaking ligalig ang nangasa lahat ng mga nananahan sa mga lupain.

2 พงศาวดาร 15:5
ในสมัยนั้นไม่มีสันติภาพแก่ผู้ที่ออกไปหรือผู้ที่เข้ามา เพราะมีการวุ่นวายอยู่มากมายรบกวนชาวเมืองทั้งหลายนั้น

2 Tarihler 15:5
O günlerde yolcuların güvenliği yoktu. Çünkü çevre ülkelerde yaşayanların tümü büyük kargaşa içindeydi.[]

2 Söû-kyù 15:5
Trong khi ấy, dân của xứ phải bị sự rối loạn nhiều, kẻ ra kẻ vào không được bằng yên.

2 Chronicles 15:4
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