1 Samuel 31:12
1 Samuel 31:12
all their valiant men marched through the night to Beth Shan. They took down the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall of Beth Shan and went to Jabesh, where they burned them.

all their mighty warriors traveled through the night to Beth-shan and took the bodies of Saul and his sons down from the wall. They brought them to Jabesh, where they burned the bodies.

all the valiant men arose and went all night and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and they came to Jabesh and burned them there.

all the valiant men rose and walked all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and they came to Jabesh and burned them there.

All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

all their brave men set out, journeyed all night, and retrieved the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan. When they arrived at Jabesh, they burned the bodies there.

every valiant soldier got up, traveled all night, and removed Saul's body and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan. Then they went to Jabesh and cremated the bodies there.

all their warriors set out and traveled throughout the night. They took Saul's corpse and the corpses of his sons from the city wall of Beth Shan and went to Jabesh, where they burned them.

all the fighting men marched all night and took the dead bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall of Beth Shan. They came back to Jabesh and burned the bodies there.

all the valiant men arose and went all night and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan and came to Jabesh and burnt them there.

All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

all the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan; and they came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

All the most valiant men arose, and walked all the night, and took the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, from the wall of Bethsan: and they came to Jabes Galaad, and burnt them there:

all the valiant men arose and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and came to Jabesh, and burned them there.

all the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan; and they came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

all the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth Shan; and they came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

and all the men of valour arise, and go all the night, and take the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, from the wall of Beth-Shan, and come in to Jabesh, and burn them there,

1 i Samuelit 31:12
tërë njerëzit trima u ngritën, ecën tërë natën dhe hoqën nga muret e Beth-Shanit kufomën e Saulit dhe kufomat e bijve të tij; pastaj u kthyen në Jabesh dhe këtu i dogjën ato.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 31:12
قام كل ذي بأس وساروا الليل كله واخذوا جسد شاول واجساد بنيه عن سور بيت شان وجاءوا بها الى يابيش واحرقوها هناك

Dyr Sämyheel A 31:12
braachend allsand Wörmannen auf, gstöpfend de gantze Nacht durchhin und taatnd yn Saul und yn seine Sün ienerne Leichnäm umbb dyr Bett-Schauner Mauer abher, naamend s auf Jäbs mit und gverbrennend s daa ent.

1 Царе 31:12
всичките храбри мъже станаха и, като ходиха цялата нощ, снеха тялото на Саула и телата на синовете му от стената на Ветсан, и като дойдоха в Явис, там ги изгориха.

撒 母 耳 記 上 31:12
他 們 中 間 所 有 的 勇 士 就 起 身 , 走 了 一 夜 , 將 掃 羅 和 他 兒 子 的 屍 身 從 伯 珊 城 牆 上 取 下 來 , 送 到 雅 比 那 裡 , 用 火 燒 了 ;

他 们 中 间 所 有 的 勇 士 就 起 身 , 走 了 一 夜 , 将 扫 罗 和 他 儿 子 的 尸 身 从 伯 珊 城 墙 上 取 下 来 , 送 到 雅 比 那 里 , 用 火 烧 了 ;



1 Samuel 31:12
ustadoše svi hrabri ljudi i, pošto su hodili svu noć, uzeše Šaulovo mrtvo tijelo i tjelesa njegovih sinova sa zida grada Bet Šana pa ih donesoše u Jabeš i ondje spališe.

První Samuelova 31:12
Zdvihli se všickni muži silní, a jdouce celou noc, sňali tělo Saulovo i těla synů jeho se zdi Betsanské; a když se navrátili do Jábes, spálili je tam.

1 Samuel 31:12
brød alle vaabenføre Mænd op, og efter at have gaaet hele Natten igennem tog de Sauls og hans Sønners Kroppe ned fra Bet-Sjans Mur, bragte dem med til Jabesj og brændte dem der.

1 Samuël 31:12
Zo maakten zich op alle strijdbare mannen, en gingen den gehelen nacht, en zij namen het lichaam van Saul, en de lichamen zijner zonen, van den muur te Beth-San; en zij kwamen te Jabes, en brandden ze aldaar.

שמואל א 31:12
וַיָּק֜וּמוּ כָּל־אִ֣ישׁ חַיִל֮ וַיֵּלְכ֣וּ כָל־הַלַּיְלָה֒ וַיִּקְח֞וּ אֶת־גְּוִיַּ֣ת שָׁא֗וּל וְאֵת֙ גְּוִיֹּ֣ת בָּנָ֔יו מֵחֹומַ֖ת בֵּ֣ית שָׁ֑ן וַיָּבֹ֣אוּ יָבֵ֔שָׁה וַיִּשְׂרְפ֥וּ אֹתָ֖ם שָֽׁם׃

יב ויקומו כל איש חיל וילכו כל הלילה ויקחו את גוית שאול ואת גוית בניו מחומת בית שן ויבאו יבשה וישרפו אתם שם

ויקומו כל־איש חיל וילכו כל־הלילה ויקחו את־גוית שאול ואת גוית בניו מחומת בית שן ויבאו יבשה וישרפו אתם שם׃

1 Sámuel 31:12
Felkelének mindnyájan a vitéz férfiak, és menének egész éjjel, és [miután] levették Saul testét és az õ fiainak testeit Bethsán kerítésérõl, elmentek Jábesbe, és ott megégették õket;

Samuel 1 31:12
tiam cxiuj kuragxuloj levigxis kaj iris tutan nokton kaj prenis la korpon de Saul kaj la korpojn de liaj filoj de la muro de Bet-SXan, kaj venis en Jabesxon kaj forbruligis ilin tie.

Nousivat kaikki sotaan kelpaavaiset miehet, kävivät kaiken sen yön ja ottivat Saulin ruumiin ja hänen poikainsa ruumiit alas Betsanin muurin päältä, veivät Jabekseen ja polttivat ne siellä,

1 Samuel 31:12
et tous les hommes vaillants se levèrent et marchèrent toute la nuit, et prirent de la muraille de Beth-Shan le corps de Saül et les corps de ses fils, et vinrent à Jabès, et les brûlèrent là.

tous les vaillants hommes se levèrent, et, après avoir marché toute la nuit, ils arrachèrent des murs de Beth-Schan le cadavre de Saül et ceux de ses fils. Puis ils revinrent à Jabès, où ils les brûlèrent;

Et tous les vaillants hommes [d'entr'eux], se levèrent et marchèrent toute la nuit, et enlevèrent le corps de Saül, et les corps de ses fils, de la muraille de Bethsan, et revinrent à Jabés, où ils les brûlèrent.

1 Samuel 31:12
machten sie sich auf, was streitbare Männer waren, und gingen die ganze Nacht und nahmen die Leichname Sauls und seiner Söhne von der Mauer Bethsans und brachten sie gen Jabes und verbrannten sie daselbst.

machten sie sich auf, was streitbare Männer waren, und gingen die ganze Nacht und nahmen die Leichname Sauls und seiner Söhne von der Mauer zu Beth-Sean und brachten sie gen Jabes und verbrannten sie daselbst

machten sich alle wehrhaften Männer auf, marschierten die ganze Nacht hindurch und stahlen den Leichnam Sauls und die Leichen seiner Söhne von der Mauer Bethsans. Sodann kehrten sie nach Jabes zurück und verbrannten sie dort

1 Samuele 31:12
tutti gli uomini valorosi si levarono, camminarono tutta la notte, tolsero dalle mura di Beth-Shan il cadavere di Saul e i cadaveri dei suoi figliuoli, tornarono a Jabes, e quivi li bruciarono.

tutti gli uomini di valore d’infra loro si levarono, e camminarono tutta la notte, e tolsero via dalle mura di Bet-san il corpo di Saulle, e i corpi de’ suoi figliuoli; e se ne vennero in Iabes, e quivi gli arsero.

1 SAMUEL 31:12
maka berbangkitlah segala orang mereka itu yang tahu berperang, lalu berjalan semalam-malaman itu, maka diangkatnya mayat Saul dan mayat ketiga orang anaknya dari pada dewala Bait-San itu; setelah sampai mereka itu ke Yabes, dibakarnya habis akan segala mayat itu di sana.

사무엘상 31:12
모든 장사가 일어나 밤새도록 가서 사울과 그 아들들의 시체를 벧산 성벽에서 취하여 가지고 야베스에 돌아와서 거기서 불사르고

I Samuelis 31:12
surrexerunt omnes viri fortissimi et ambulaverunt tota nocte et tulerunt cadaver Saul et cadavera filiorum eius de muro Bethsan veneruntque Iabes et conbuserunt ea ibi

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 31:12
Pakilo jų drąsiausieji vyrai ir ėjo visą naktį; nuėję nuėmė Sauliaus ir jo sūnų lavonus nuo Bet Šeano sienos, parnešė į Jabešą ir juos ten sudegino.

1 Samuel 31:12
Ka whakatika nga marohirohi katoa, a haere ana pau noa taua po katoa; na tangohia iho e ratou te tinana o Haora, me nga tinana o ana tama i te taiepa o Petehana, a haere ana ki Iapehe, tahuna ana ki reira.

1 Samuels 31:12
tok alle våbenføre menn avsted og gikk hele natten; de tok Sauls og hans sønners kropper ned av Betsans mur, og da de var kommet til Jabes, brente de dem der.

1 Samuel 31:12
se levantaron todos los hombres valientes, y caminando toda la noche, tomaron el cuerpo de Saúl y los cuerpos de sus hijos del muro de Bet-sán, y volviendo a Jabes, los quemaron allí.

se levantaron todos los hombres valientes, y caminando toda la noche, tomaron el cuerpo de Saúl y los cuerpos de sus hijos del muro de Bet Sán, y volviendo a Jabes, los quemaron allí.

todos los hombres valientes se levantaron, y anduvieron toda aquella noche, y quitaron el cuerpo de Saúl y los cuerpos de sus hijos del muro de Bet-seán; y viniendo a Jabes, los quemaron allí.

Todos los hombres valientes se levantaron, y anduvieron toda aquella noche, y quitaron el cuerpo de Saúl y los cuerpos de sus hijos del muro de Beth-san; y viniendo á Jabes, quemáronlos allí.

todos los hombres valientes se levantaron, y anduvieron toda aquella noche, y quitaron el cuerpo de Saúl y los cuerpos de sus hijos del muro de Bet-sán; y viniendo a Jabes, los quemaron allí.

1 Samuel 31:12
os mais corajosos dentre o povo foram durante a noite a Bete-Seã. Tiraram da muralha os corpos de Saul e dos seus três filhos e os levaram para a cidade de Jabes, onde os cremaram.

todos os homens valorosos se levantaram e, caminhando a noite toda, tiraram e corpo de Saul e os corpos de seus filhos do muro de Bete-Sã; e voltando a Jabes, ali os queimaram.   

1 Samuel 31:12
toţi vitejii s'au sculat, au mers toată noaptea şi au luat de pe zidurile Bet-Şanului trupul lui Saul şi trupurile fiilor lui. Apoi s'au întors la Iabes, unde le-au ars;

1-я Царств 31:12
и поднялись все люди сильные, и шли всю ночь, ивзяли тело Саула и тела сыновей его со стены Беф-Сана, и пришли в Иавис, и сожгли их там;

и поднялись все люди сильные, и шли всю ночь, и взяли тело Саула и тела сыновей его со стены Беф-Сана, и пришли в Иавис, и сожгли их там;[]

1 Samuelsboken 31:12
stodo de upp, alla stridbara män, och gingo hela natten och togo Sauls och hans söners kroppar ned från Bet-Sans mur, och begåvo sig därefter till Jabes och förbrände dem där.

1 Samuel 31:12
Lahat ng matapang na lalake ay bumangon at nagsilakad sa buong gabi at kinuha ang bangkay ni Saul at ang mga bangkay ng kaniyang mga anak sa kuta ng Beth-san; at sila'y naparoon sa Jabes, at kanilang pinagsunog doon.

1 ซามูเอล 31:12
ชายที่กล้าหาญทุกคนก็ลุกขึ้นเดินคืนยังรุ่งไปปลดพระศพของซาอูล และศพราชโอรสทั้งสามลงเสียจากกำแพงเมืองเบธชาน และมาที่เมืองยาเบช ถวายพระเพลิงเสียที่นั่น

1 Samuel 31:12
Bütün yiğitler geceleyin yola koyularak Beytşeana gittiler. Saulla oğullarının cesetlerini Beytşean surundan indirip Yaveşe götürdüler, orada yaktılar.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 31:12
thì những người dõng sĩ trong bọn đứng dậy, đi trọn đêm, gỡ lấy xác của Sau-lơ và của con trai người khỏi tường thành Bết-san; rồi họ trở về Gia-be, thiêu các thây tại đó.

1 Samuel 31:11
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