1 Samuel 30:1
1 Samuel 30:1
David and his men reached Ziklag on the third day. Now the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and burned it,

Three days later, when David and his men arrived home at their town of Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had made a raid into the Negev and Ziklag; they had crushed Ziklag and burned it to the ground.

Now when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made a raid against the Negeb and against Ziklag. They had overcome Ziklag and burned it with fire

Then it happened when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid on the Negev and on Ziklag, and had overthrown Ziklag and burned it with fire;

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

David and his men arrived in Ziklag on the third day. The Amalekites had raided the Negev and attacked and burned down Ziklag.

When David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and set it on fire.

On the third day David and his men came to Ziklag. Now the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They attacked Ziklag and burned it.

Two days later, when David and his men came to Ziklag, the Amalekites had raided the Negev, including Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and burned it.

And it came to pass when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the Negev and Ziklag and had smitten Ziklag and burned it with fire.

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid upon the South, and upon Ziklag, and had smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire,

Now when David and his men were come to Siceleg on the third day, the Amalecites had made an invasion on the south side upon Siceleg, and had smitten Siceleg, and burnt it with fire.

And it came to pass, when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid upon the south, and upon Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag and burned it with fire;

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid upon the South, and upon Ziklag, and had smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

It happened, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had made a raid on the South, and on Ziklag, and had struck Ziklag, and burned it with fire,

And it cometh to pass, in the coming in of David and his men to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites have pushed unto the south, and unto Ziklag, and smite Ziklag, and burn it with fire,

1 i Samuelit 30:1
Kur Davidi dhe njerëzt e tij arritën në Tsiklag ditën e tretë, Amalekitët kishin kryer një plaçkitje në Negev dhe në Tsiklag; kishin pushtuar Tsiklagun dhe i kishin vënë zjarrin;

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 30:1
ولما جاء داود ورجاله الى صقلغ في اليوم الثالث كان العمالقة قد غزوا الجنوب وصقلغ وضربوا صقلغ واحرقوها بالنار

Dyr Sämyheel A 30:1
Wie dyr Dafet mit seine Mannen eyn n drittn Tag auf Zikläg kaam, warnd d Ämylecker eyn n Sundergau und in Zikläg eingfalln und hietnd Zikläg eingnummen und eingäschert.

1 Царе 30:1
И когато на третия ден Давид и мъжете му влязоха в Сиклаг, амаличаните бяха нападнали южната страна и Сиклаг, и бяха опустошили Сиклаг и бяха го изгорили с огън.

撒 母 耳 記 上 30:1
第 三 日 , 大 衛 和 跟 隨 他 的 人 到 了 洗 革 拉 。 亞 瑪 力 人 已 經 侵 奪 南 地 , 攻 破 洗 革 拉 , 用 火 焚 燒 ,

第 三 日 , 大 卫 和 跟 随 他 的 人 到 了 洗 革 拉 。 亚 玛 力 人 已 经 侵 夺 南 地 , 攻 破 洗 革 拉 , 用 火 焚 烧 ,



1 Samuel 30:1
Kad je David sa svojim ljudima treći dan stigao u Siklag, a to Amalečani bijahu navalili na Negeb i na Siklag; opljačkali su Siklag i ognjem ga spalili.

První Samuelova 30:1
Byl pak, když se navrátil David a muži jeho do Sicelechu, den třetí, jakž Amalechitští byli vpád učinili k straně polední i k Sicelechu, a vyhubili Sicelech, a vypálili jej.

1 Samuel 30:1
Da David og hans Mænd Tredjedagen efter kom til Ziklag, var Amalekiterne faldet ind i Sydlandet og Ziklag, og de havde indtaget Ziklag og stukket det i Brand;

1 Samuël 30:1
Het geschiedde nu, als David en zijn mannen den derden dag te Ziklag kwamen, dat de Amalekieten in het zuiden en te Ziklag ingevallen waren, en Ziklag geslagen, en dezelve met vuur verbrand hadden;

שמואל א 30:1
וַיְהִ֞י בְּבֹ֨א דָוִ֧ד וַאֲנָשָׁ֛יו צִֽקְלַ֖ג בַּיֹּ֣ום הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֑י וַעֲמָלֵקִ֣י פָֽשְׁט֗וּ אֶל־נֶ֙גֶב֙ וְאֶל־צִ֣קְלַ֔ג וַיַּכּוּ֙ אֶת־צִ֣קְלַ֔ג וַיִּשְׂרְפ֥וּ אֹתָ֖הּ בָּאֵֽשׁ׃

א ויהי בבא דוד ואנשיו צקלג--ביום השלישי ועמלקי פשטו אל נגב ואל צקלג ויכו את צקלג וישרפו אתה באש

ויהי בבא דוד ואנשיו צקלג ביום השלישי ועמלקי פשטו אל־נגב ואל־צקלג ויכו את־צקלג וישרפו אתה באש׃

1 Sámuel 30:1
És történt, hogy a mikor Dávid harmadnapon embereivel Siklágba megérkezék, [ímé] az Amálekiták betörének a déli vidékre és Siklágba, és leverték Siklágot, és felégették azt tûzzel.

Samuel 1 30:1
Kiam David kaj liaj viroj venis en Ciklagon en la tria tago, la Amalekidoj estis atakintaj la sudan regionon kaj Ciklagon, venkobatintaj Ciklagon kaj forbruligintaj gxin per fajro.

Kuin David kolmantena päivänä tuli Ziglagiin miehinensä, olivat Amalekilaiset tulleet etelän puolelta Ziglagiin, lyöneet Ziglagin ja polttaneet sen tulella,

1 Samuel 30:1
Et il se trouva que, lorsque David et ses hommes arrivèrent à Tsiklag, le troisième jour, les Amalékites avaient fait une incursion sur le pays du midi, et sur Tsiklag; et ils avaient frappé Tsiklag et l'avaient brûlée par le feu;

Lorsque David arriva le troisième jour à Tsiklag avec ses gens, les Amalécites avaient fait une invasion dans le midi et à Tsiklag. Ils avaient détruit et brûlé Tsiklag,

Or trois jours après David et ses gens étant revenus à Tsiklag, [trouvèrent] que les Hamalécites s'étaient jetés du côté du Midi, et sur Tsiklag, et qu'ils avaient frappé Tsiklag, et l'avaient brûlée;

1 Samuel 30:1
Da nun David des dritten Tages kam gen Ziklag mit seinen Männern, waren die Amalekiter hereingefallen zum Mittag und zu Ziklag und hatten Ziklag geschlagen und mit Feuer verbrannt;

Da nun David des dritten Tages kam gen Ziklag mit seinen Männern, waren die Amalekiter eingefallen ins Mittagsland und in Ziklag und hatten Ziklag geschlagen und mit Feuer verbrannt

Als nun David mit seinen Leuten am dritten Tage Ziklag erreichte, waren die Amalekiter in das Südland und in Ziklag eingefallen, hatten Ziklag geplündert und niedergebrannt,

1 Samuele 30:1
Tre giorni dopo, quando Davide e la sua gente furon giunti a Tsiklag, ecco che gli Amalekiti avean fatto una scorreria verso il mezzogiorno e verso Tsiklag; aveano presa Tsiklag e l’aveano incendiata:

ORA, tre giorni appresso, Davide essendo ritornato in Siclag con la sua gente, trovò che gli Amalechiti erano scorsi verso il Mezzodì, e in Siclag, e che aveano percossa Siclag, e l’aveano arsa col fuoco;

1 SAMUEL 30:1
Arakian, maka kemudian dari pada tiga hari, apabila sampailah Daud dan segala orangnya ke Zikelaj, tiba-tiba orang Amaleki sudah menyerang pada sebelah selatan dan akan negeri Zikelaj itu, dan dialahkannya Zikelaj, dibakarnya habis dengan api.

사무엘상 30:1
다윗과 그의 사람들이 제 삼일에 시글락에 이를 때에 아말렉 사람들이 이미 남방과 시글락을 침노하였는데 그들이 시글락을 쳐서 불사르고

I Samuelis 30:1
cumque venissent David et viri eius in Siceleg die tertia Amalechitae impetum fecerant ex parte australi in Siceleg et percusserant Siceleg et succenderant eam igni

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 30:1
Kai Dovydas ir jo vyrai trečią dieną sugrįžo į Ciklagą, amalekiečiai buvo įsiveržę iš pietų į Ciklagą, užėmę jį ir sudeginę.

1 Samuel 30:1
A, no ka tae a Rawiri ratou ko ana tangata ki Tikiraka i te toru o nga ra, na kua huaki nga Amareki ki te tonga, ki Tikiraka ano, patua ana a Tikiraka e ratou, tahuna ake ki te ahi;

1 Samuels 30:1
Da David og hans menn på den tredje dag kom til Siklag, hadde amalekittene overfalt sydlandet og Siklag, og de hadde inntatt Siklag og brent det op.

1 Samuel 30:1
Y aconteció que cuando David y sus hombres llegaron a Siclag al tercer día, los amalecitas habían hecho una incursión en el Neguev y contra Siclag, y habían asolado a Siclag y la habían incendiado;

Al tercer día, cuando David y sus hombres llegaron a Siclag, los Amalecitas habían hecho una incursión en el Neguev (región del sur) y contra Siclag, y habían asolado a Siclag y la habían incendiado,

Y cuando David y sus hombres vinieron a Siclag el tercer día, los de Amalec habían invadido el sur, y a Siclag, y habían asolado a Siclag y la habían puesto a fuego.

Y CUANDO David y los suyos vinieron á Siclag el tercer día, los de Amalec habían invadido el mediodía y á Siclag, y habían desolado á Siclag, y puéstola á fuego.

Y cuando David y los suyos vinieron a Siclag al tercer día, los de Amalec habían invadido al mediodía y a Siclag, y habían herido a Siclag, y la habían quemado a fuego.

1 Samuel 30:1
Quando Davi e seus homens chegaram a Ziclague, no terceiro dia, os amalequitas haviam atacado o Neguebe, devastando e incendiado a cidade de Ziclague.

Sucedeu, pois, que, chegando Davi e os seus homens ao terceiro dia a Ziclague, os amalequitas tinham feito uma incursão sobre o Negebe, e sobre Ziclague, e tinham ferido a Ziclague e a tinham queimado a fogo;   

1 Samuel 30:1
Cînd a ajuns David cu oamenii lui a treia zi la Ţiclag, Amaleciţii năvăliseră în partea de miazăzi şi în Ţiclag. Ei nimiciseră şi arseseră Ţiclagul,

1-я Царств 30:1
В третий день после того, как Давид и люди его пошли в Секелаг, Амаликитяне напали с юга на Секелаг и взяли Секелаг и сожгли егоогнем,

В третий день после того, как Давид и люди его пошли в Секелаг, Амаликитяне напали с юга на Секелаг и взяли Секелаг и сожгли его огнем,[]

1 Samuelsboken 30:1
När David med sina män på tredje dagen kom till Siklag, hade amalekiterna infallit i Sydlandet och i Siklag; och de hade intagit Siklag och bränt upp det i eld.

1 Samuel 30:1
At nangyari, nang si David at ang kaniyang mga lalake ay dumating sa Siclag, sa ikatlong araw, na ang mga Amalecita ay sumalakay sa Timugan, at sa Siclag, at sinaktan ang Siclag, at sinunog ng apoy;

1 ซามูเอล 30:1
อยู่มาในวันที่สามเมื่อดาวิดกับคนของท่านมาถึงเมืองศิกลากปรากฏว่าคนอามาเลขได้มาปล้นทางภาคใต้กับปล้นศิกลากแล้ว เขาชนะศิกลากและเผาเสียด้วยไฟ

1 Samuel 30:1
Davutla adamları üçüncü gün Ziklak Kentine vardılar. Bu arada Amalekliler Negev bölgesiyle Ziklaka baskın yapmış, Ziklak Kentini yakıp yıkmışlardı.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 30:1
Khỏi ba ngày, khi Ða-vít với những kẻ theo mình đến Xiếc-lác, thì dân A-ma-léc đã loán đến miền nam cùng Xiếc-lác, xông vào Xiếc-lác và đã phóng hỏa nó.

1 Samuel 29:11
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