1 Samuel 24:17
1 Samuel 24:17
"You are more righteous than I," he said. "You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.

And he said to David, "You are a better man than I am, for you have repaid me good for evil.

He said to David, “You are more righteous than I, for you have repaid me good, whereas I have repaid you evil.

He said to David, "You are more righteous than I; for you have dealt well with me, while I have dealt wickedly with you.

And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil.

and said to David, "You are more righteous than I, for you have done what is good to me though I have done what is evil to you.

to David, "You are more righteous than I am, because you have treated me well even though I've treated you poorly.

He said to David, "You are more innocent than I, for you have treated me well, even though I have tried to harm you!

He told David, "You are more righteous than I. You treated me well while I treated you badly.

And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I, for thou hast repaid me with good, whereas I have repaid thee with evil.

And he said to David, you are more righteous than I: for you have rewarded me with good, whereas I have rewarded you with evil.

And he said to David, You are more righteous than I: for you have rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded you evil.

And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I; for thou hast rendered unto me good, whereas I have rendered unto thee evil.

And he said to David: Thou art more just than I: for thou hast done good to me, and I have rewarded thee with evil.

And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I; for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil.

And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rendered unto me good, whereas I have rendered unto thee evil.

And he said to David, thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me with good, whereas I have rewarded thee with evil.

He said to David, "You are more righteous than I; for you have done good to me, whereas I have done evil to you.

And he saith unto David, 'More righteous thou art than I; for thou hast done me good, and I have done thee evil;

1 i Samuelit 24:17
Pastaj i tha Davidit: "Ti je më i drejtë se unë, sepse më ke bërë të mira, kurse unë të kam bërë të këqija.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 24:17
ثم قال لداود انت ابرّ مني لانك جازيتني خيرا وانا جازيتك شرا.

Dyr Sämyheel A 24:17
und er gsait zo n Dafetn: "Mein, du bist ja ayn vil ayn bösserner Mensch wie i, weilst myr dös Boese von mir mit Guetheit vergoltn haast.

1 Царе 24:17
И рече на Давида: Ти си по-праведен от мене, защото ти ми въздаде добро, а аз ти въздадох зло.

撒 母 耳 記 上 24:17
對 大 衛 說 : 你 比 我 公 義 ; 因 為 你 以 善 待 我 , 我 卻 以 惡 待 你 。

对 大 卫 说 : 你 比 我 公 义 ; 因 为 你 以 善 待 我 , 我 却 以 恶 待 你 。



1 Samuel 24:17
Zatim reče Davidu: "Pravedniji si od mene jer ti si meni učinio dobro, a ja sam tebi učinio zlo.

První Samuelova 24:17
A řekl Davidovi: Spravedlivější jsi nežli já; nebo ty jsi mi odplatil se dobrým, já pak zlým tobě jsem se odplatil.

1 Samuel 24:17
og sagde til David: »Du er retfærdigere end jeg; thi du har gjort mig godt, medens jeg har gjort dig ondt,

1 Samuël 24:17
En hij zeide tot David: Gij zijt rechtvaardiger dan ik; want gij hebt mij goed vergolden, en ik heb u kwaad vergolden.

שמואל א 24:17
וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ אֶל־דָּוִ֔ד צַדִּ֥יק אַתָּ֖ה מִמֶּ֑נִּי כִּ֤י אַתָּה֙ גְּמַלְתַּ֣נִי הַטֹּובָ֔ה וַאֲנִ֖י גְּמַלְתִּ֥יךָ הָרָעָֽה׃

יז ויאמר אל דוד צדיק אתה ממני  כי אתה גמלתני הטובה ואני גמלתיך הרעה

ויאמר אל־דוד צדיק אתה ממני כי אתה גמלתני הטובה ואני גמלתיך הרעה׃

1 Sámuel 24:17
És monda Dávidnak: Te igazságosabb vagy én nálamnál, mert te jót cselekedtél velem, én pedig rosszal fizettem néked.

Samuel 1 24:17
Kaj li diris al David:Vi estas pli justa ol mi; cxar vi repagis al mi per bono, dum mi repagis al vi per malbono.

(H24:18) Ja sanoi Davidille: sinä olet hurskaampi minua, sillä sinä olet osoittanut minulle hyvää, mutta minä sitä vastaan olen osoittanut sinulle pahaa.

1 Samuel 24:17
(24:18) Et il dit à David: Tu es plus juste que moi, car toi tu m'as rendu le bien, et moi je t'ai rendu le mal;

Et il dit à David: Tu es plus juste que moi; car tu m'as fait du bien, et moi je t'ai fait du mal.

Et il dit à David : Tu es plus juste que moi; car tu m'as rendu le bien pour le mal que je t'ai fait,

1 Samuel 24:17
Und sprach zu David: Du bist gerechter denn ich. Du hast mir Gutes beweiset, ich aber habe dir Böses beweiset.

und sprach zu David: Du bist gerechter denn ich: du hast mir Gutes bewiesen; ich aber habe dir Böses bewiesen;

und sprach zu David: Du bist in deinem Rechte gegen mich: du hast mir Gutes erwiesen, während ich dir Böses erwies,

1 Samuele 24:17
(H24-18) E disse a Davide: "Tu sei più giusto di me, poiché tu m’hai reso bene per male, mentre io t’ho reso male per bene.

(H24-18) E disse a Davide: Tu sei più giusto di me; perciocchè tu mi hai renduto bene per male; là dove io ti ho renduto male per bene.

1 SAMUEL 24:17
Serta titahnya kepada Daud: Bahwa engkau benar dari padaku, karena engkau sudah membuat baik akan daku, tetapi aku sudah membuat jahat akan dikau.

사무엘상 24:17
다윗에게 이르되 `나는 너를 학대하되 너는 나를 선대하니 너는 나보다 의롭도다

I Samuelis 24:17
(24-18) dixitque ad David iustior tu es quam ego tu enim tribuisti mihi bona ego autem reddidi tibi mala

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 24:17
Ir jis sakė Dovydui: “Tu esi teisesnis už mane, tu man atlyginai geru, o aš tau atsilyginau piktu.

1 Samuel 24:17
Na ka mea ia ki a Rawiri, Tika rawa koe i ahau; he pai hoki tau utu ki ahau, ko taku utu ia ki a koe he kino.

1 Samuels 24:17
Og han sa til David: Du er rettferdigere enn jeg; for du har gjort godt mot mig, men jeg har gjort ondt mot dig.

1 Samuel 24:17
Y dijo a David: Eres más justo que yo, porque tú me has tratado bien mientras que yo te he tratado con maldad.

Y dijo a David: "Eres más justo que yo, porque tú me has tratado bien mientras que yo te he tratado con maldad.

Y dijo a David: Más justo eres tú que yo, pues me has pagado con bien, habiéndote yo pagado con mal.

(H24-18) Y dijo á David: Más justo eres tú que yo, que me has pagado con bien, habiéndote yo pagado con mal.

Y dijo a David: Más justo eres tú que yo, que me has pagado con bien, habiéndote yo pagado con mal.

1 Samuel 24:17
Depois ele confessou a Davi: “Tu és, de fato, mais justo do que eu, porque me tens feito bem, e eu tenho-te constantemente lhe retribuído mal.

E disse a Davi: Tu és mais justo do que eu, pois me recompensaste com bem, e eu te recompensei com mal.   

1 Samuel 24:17
Şi a zis lui David: ,,Tu eşti mai bun decît mine; căci tu mi-ai făcut... bine, iar eu ţi-am făcut rău.

1-я Царств 24:17
(24:18) и сказал Давиду: ты правее меня, ибо ты воздал мне добром, а явоздавал тебе злом;

(24-18) и сказал Давиду: ты правее меня, ибо ты воздал мне добром, а я воздавал тебе злом;[]

1 Samuelsboken 24:17
Och han sade till David: »Du är rättfärdigare än jag, ty du har bevisat mig gott, under det jag har bevisat dig ont.

1 Samuel 24:17
At kaniyang sinabi kay David, Ikaw ay lalong matuwid kay sa akin: sapagka't ikaw ay gumanti sa akin ng mabuti, samantalang ikaw ay aking ginantihan ng kasamaan.

1 ซามูเอล 24:17
พระองค์ตรัสกับดาวิดว่า "เจ้าชอบธรรมยิ่งกว่าข้า เพราะเจ้าตอบแทนข้าด้วยความดี ในเมื่อข้าได้ตอบแทนเจ้าด้วยความร้าย

1 Samuel 24:17
Sonra, ‹‹Sen benden daha doğru bir adamsın›› dedi, ‹‹Sana kötülük yaptığım halde sen bana iyilikle karşılık verdin.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 24:17
(24:18) nói cùng Ða-vít rằng: Con thật công bình hơn cha; vì con có lấy điều thiện mà báo điều ác cha đã làm cho con.

1 Samuel 24:16
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