1 Samuel 20:27
1 Samuel 20:27
But the next day, the second day of the month, David's place was empty again. Then Saul said to his son Jonathan, "Why hasn't the son of Jesse come to the meal, either yesterday or today?"

But when David's place was empty again the next day, Saul asked Jonathan, "Why hasn't the son of Jesse been here for the meal either yesterday or today?"

But on the second day, the day after the new moon, David’s place was empty. And Saul said to Jonathan his son, “Why has not the son of Jesse come to the meal, either yesterday or today?”

It came about the next day, the second day of the new moon, that David's place was empty; so Saul said to Jonathan his son, "Why has the son of Jesse not come to the meal, either yesterday or today?"

And it came to pass on the morrow, which was the second day of the month, that David's place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor to day?

However, the day after the New Moon, the second day, David's place was still empty, and Saul asked his son Jonathan, "Why didn't Jesse's son come to the meal either yesterday or today?"

But the next day, on the second day of the New Moon, David's place was empty, and so Saul told his son Jonathan, "Why didn't Jesse's son come to the festival, either yesterday or today?"

But the next morning, the second day of the new moon, David's place was still vacant. So Saul said to his son Jonathan, "Why has Jesse's son not come to the meal yesterday or today?"

But on the second day of the month, David's place was still empty. Saul asked his son Jonathan, "Why hasn't Jesse's son come to the meal either yesterday or today?"

And it came to pass on the next day, which was the second day of the new moon, that David's place was empty, and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Why did not the son of Jesse come to food, neither yesterday nor today?

And it came to pass the next day, which was the second day of the month, that David's place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Why does not the son of Jesse come to the table, neither yesterday, nor today?

And it came to pass on the morrow, which was the second day of the month, that David's place was empty: and Saul said to Jonathan his son, Why comes not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor to day?

And it came to pass on the morrow after the new moon, which was the second day , that David's place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor to-day?

And when the second day after the new moon was come, David's place appeared empty again. And Saul said to Jonathan his son: Why cometh not the son of Isai to meat neither yesterday nor to day?

And it came to pass the next day after the new moon, the second day of the month, as David's place was empty, that Saul said to Jonathan his son, Why has not the son of Jesse come to table, neither yesterday nor to-day?

And it came to pass on the morrow after the new moon, which was the second day, that David's place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor today?

And it came to pass on the morrow, which was the second day of the month, that David's place was empty: and Saul said to Jonathan his son, Why cometh not the son of Jesse to eat, neither yesterday, nor to-day?

It happened on the next day after the new moon, the second day, that David's place was empty. Saul said to Jonathan his son, "Why doesn't the son of Jesse come to eat, neither yesterday, nor today?"

And it cometh to pass on the second morrow of the new moon, that David's place is looked after, and Saul saith unto Jonathan his son, 'Wherefore hath the son of Jesse not come in, either yesterday or to-day, unto the food?'

1 i Samuelit 20:27
Por të nesërmen, ditën e dytë të hënës së re, vendi i Davidit ishte akoma bosh. Atëherë Sauli i tha Jonathanit, birit të tij: "Pse biri i Isait nuk erdhi për të ngrënë as dje, as sot?".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 20:27
وكان في الغد الثاني من الشهر ان موضع داود خلا فقال شاول ليوناثان ابنه لماذا لم يات ابن يسّى الى الطعام لا امس ولا اليوم.

Dyr Sämyheel A 20:27
Wie aber eyn n zwaittn Tag, eyn n Tag naach n Neumaand, yn n Dafetn sein Plaz wider laer blib, gsait dyr Saul zo seinn Sun Jonant: "Zwö ist n dyr Jessennsun göstern und heint nit zo n Össn zueherkemmen?"

1 Царе 20:27
А на следния ден, вторият на месеца, Давидовото място [пак] беше празно; затова Саул рече на сина си Ионатана: Защо Есеевият син не дойде да яде ни вчера, ни днес?

撒 母 耳 記 上 20:27
初 二 日 大 衛 的 座 位 還 空 設 。 掃 羅 問 他 兒 子 約 拿 單 說 : 耶 西 的 兒 子 為 何 昨 日 、 今 日 沒 有 來 吃 飯 呢 ?

初 二 日 大 卫 的 座 位 还 空 设 。 扫 罗 问 他 儿 子 约 拿 单 说 : 耶 西 的 儿 子 为 何 昨 日 、 今 日 没 有 来 吃 饭 呢 ?



1 Samuel 20:27
Sutradan iza mladog mjeseca, drugi dan u mjesecu, opet Davidovo mjesto osta prazno, i Šaul upita svoga sina Jonatana: "Zašto Jišajev sin nije došao na objed ni jučer ni danas?"

První Samuelova 20:27
Stalo se pak nazejtří, druhého dne novměsíce, že opět prázdné bylo místo Davidovo. I řekl Saul Jonatovi synu svému: Proč nepřišel syn Izai ani včera ani dnes k jídlu?

1 Samuel 20:27
Men da Davids Plads ogsaa stod tom næste Dag, Dagen efter Nymaanedagen, sagde Saul til sin Søn Jonatan: »Hvorfor kom Isajs Søn hverken til Maaltidet i Gaar eller i Dag?«

1 Samuël 20:27
Het geschiedde nu des anderen daags, den tweeden der nieuwe maan, als Davids plaats ledig gevonden werd, zo zeide Saul tot zijn zoon Jonathan: Waarom is de zoon van Isai noch gisteren noch heden tot de spijze gekomen?

שמואל א 20:27
וַיְהִ֗י מִֽמָּחֳרַ֤ת הַחֹ֙דֶשׁ֙ הַשֵּׁנִ֔י וַיִּפָּקֵ֖ד מְקֹ֣ום דָּוִ֑ד ס וַיֹּ֤אמֶר שָׁאוּל֙ אֶל־יְהֹונָתָ֣ן בְּנֹ֔ו מַדּ֜וּעַ לֹא־בָ֧א בֶן־יִשַׁ֛י גַּם־תְּמֹ֥ול גַּם־הַיֹּ֖ום אֶל־הַלָּֽחֶם׃

כז ויהי ממחרת החדש השני ויפקד מקום דוד  {פ}  ויאמר שאול אל יהונתן בנו מדוע לא בא בן ישי גם תמול גם היום אל הלחם

ויהי ממחרת החדש השני ויפקד מקום דוד ס ויאמר שאול אל־יהונתן בנו מדוע לא־בא בן־ישי גם־תמול גם־היום אל־הלחם׃

1 Sámuel 20:27
És lõn az újhold után következõ napon, a második [napon,] mikor [ismét] üres volt a Dávid helye, monda Saul az õ fiának, Jonathánnak: Isainak fia miért nem jött el az ebédre sem tegnap, sem ma?

Samuel 1 20:27
Estis la dua tago de la monatkomenco, kaj la loko de David restis neokupita. Tiam Saul diris al sia filo Jonatan:Kial la filo de Jisxaj ne venis hieraux nek hodiaux al la tagmangxo?

Ja toisena päivänä uudesta kuusta, kuin Davidia kaivattiin siastansa, sanoi Saul pojallensa Jonatanille: Miksi ei Isain poika ole tullut pöydän tykö, ei eilen eikä myöskään tänäpänä?

1 Samuel 20:27
Et le lendemain de la nouvelle lune, le second jour, comme la place de David était vide, Saül dit à Jonathan, son fils: Pourquoi le fils d'Isaï n'est-il venu au repas ni hier ni aujourd'hui?

Le lendemain, second jour de la nouvelle lune, la place de David était encore vide. Et Saül dit à Jonathan, son fils: Pourquoi le fils d'Isaï n'a-t-il paru au repas ni hier ni aujourd'hui?

Mais le lendemain de la nouvelle lune, qui était le second [jour du mois], la place de David fut encore vide; et Saül dit à Jonathan son fils : Pourquoi le fils d'Isaï n'a-t-il été ni hier ni aujourd'hui au repas?

1 Samuel 20:27
Des andern Tages des Neumonden, da man Davids vermissete an seinem Ort, sprach Saul zu seinem Sohn Jonathan: Warum ist der Sohn Isais nicht zu Tische kommen, weder gestern noch heute?

Des andern Tages nach dem Neumond, da man David vermißte an seinem Ort, sprach Saul zu seinem Sohn Jonathan: Warum ist der Sohn Isai nicht zu Tisch gekommen, weder gestern noch heute?

Aber am Tage nach dem Neumonde fragte Saul, als Davids Platz leer blieb, seinen Sohn Jonathan: Warum ist der Sohn Isais weder gestern noch heute zu Tische gekommen?

1 Samuele 20:27
Ma l’indomani, secondo giorno della luna nuova, il posto di Davide era ancora vuoto; e Saul disse a Gionathan, suo figliuolo: "Perché il figliuolo d’Isai non è venuto a mangiare né ieri né oggi?"

Ora il giorno appresso la nuova luna, ch’era il secondo, il luogo di Davide era ancora vuoto; e Saulle disse a Gionatan, suo figliuolo: Perchè non è venuto il figliuolo d’Isai a mangiare, nè ieri, nè oggi?

1 SAMUEL 20:27
Maka sesungguhnya pada keesokan harinya, yaitu pada dua hari bulan itu, apabila didapati pula akan tempat Daud itu hampa, maka titah Saul kepada Yonatan, puteranya: Apa sebab bin Isai itu tiada datang kepada perjamuan, baik kemarin baik hari ini?

사무엘상 20:27
이튿날 곧 달의 제 이일에도 다윗의 자리가 오히려 비었으므로 사울이 그 아들 요나단에게 묻되 `이새의 아들이 어찌하여 어제와 오늘 식사에 나오지 아니하느뇨 ?'

I Samuelis 20:27
cumque inluxisset dies secunda post kalendas rursum vacuus apparuit locus David dixitque Saul ad Ionathan filium suum cur non venit filius Isai nec heri nec hodie ad vescendum

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 20:27
Bet kai Dovydo vieta buvo tuščia kitą dieną, Saulius tarė savo sūnui Jehonatanui: “Kodėl Jesės sūnus nei vakar, nei šiandien neatėjo valgyti?”

1 Samuel 20:27
Na i te aonga ake, ara i te rua o nga ra o te marama, e takoto kau ana ano to Rawiri wahi. Na ka mea a Haora ki tana tama, ki a Honatana, Na te aha te tama a Hehe te haere mai ai ki te kai inanahi, inaianei?

1 Samuels 20:27
Men da Davids plass også den næste dag - dagen efter nymåne - var tom, sa Saul til Jonatan, sin sønn: Hvorfor er Isais sønn hverken igår eller idag kommet til måltidet?

1 Samuel 20:27
Y sucedió al día siguiente, el segundo día de la luna nueva, que el lugar de David estaba aún vacío; entonces Saúl dijo a su hijo Jonatán: ¿Por qué no ha venido el hijo de Isaí a la comida ni ayer ni hoy?

Pero al día siguiente, el segundo día de la luna nueva, el lugar de David estaba aún vacío. Entonces Saúl dijo a su hijo Jonatán: "¿Por qué no ha venido el hijo de Isaí a la comida ni ayer ni hoy?"

El día siguiente, el segundo día de la luna nueva, aconteció también que el asiento de David estaba vacío. Y Saúl dijo a Jonatán su hijo: ¿Por qué no ha venido a comer el hijo de Isaí hoy ni ayer?

El día siguiente, el segundo día de la nueva luna, aconteció también que el asiento de David estaba vacío. Y Saúl dijo á Jonathán su hijo: ¿Por qué no ha venido á comer el hijo de Isaí hoy ni ayer?

El día siguiente, el segundo día de la nueva luna, aconteció también que el asiento de David estaba vacío. Y Saúl dijo a Jonatán su hijo: ¿Por qué no ha venido a comer el hijo de Isaí hoy ni ayer?

1 Samuel 20:27
No dia seguinte, o segundo dia do festival da lua nova, o lugar de Davi continuou vazio. Então Saul indagou a seu filho Jônatas: “Por que o filho de Jessé não veio cear conosco nem ontem nem hoje?”

Sucedeu também no dia seguinte, o segundo da lua nova, que o lugar de Davi ficou vazio. Perguntou, pois, Saul a Jônatas, seu filho: Por que o filho de Jessé não veio comer nem ontem nem hoje?   

1 Samuel 20:27
A doua zi, ziua a doua a lunii noi, locul lui David era tot gol. Şi Saul a zis fiului său Ionatan: ,,Pentruce n'a venit fiul lui Isai la masă nici eri nici azi?``

1-я Царств 20:27
Наступил и второй день новомесячия, а место Давида оставалось праздным. Тогда сказал Саул сыну своему Ионафану: почему сын Иессеев не пришел к обеду ни вчера, ни сегодня?

Наступил и второй день новомесячия, а место Давида оставалось праздным. Тогда сказал Саул сыну своему Ионафану: почему сын Иессеев не пришел к обеду ни вчера, ни сегодня?[]

1 Samuelsboken 20:27
Men när Davids plats stod tom också dagen efter nymånadsdagen, dagen därefter, sade Saul till sin son Jonatan: »Varför har Isais son varken i går eller i dag kommit till måltiden?»

1 Samuel 20:27
At nangyari nang kinabukasan, pagkaraan ng bagong buwan na ikalawang araw, na sa upuan ni David ay walang nakaupo, sinabi ni Saul kay Jonathan na kaniyang anak, Bakit hindi naparirito ang anak ni Isai upang kumain, ni kahapon, ni ngayon man.

1 ซามูเอล 20:27
อยู่มาวันรุ่งขึ้น คือวันที่สองของเดือน ที่ของดาวิดก็ว่างอยู่ และซาอูลก็ตรัสกับโยนาธานราชบุตรของพระองค์ว่า "ทำไมบุตรเจสซีมิได้มารับประทานอาหาร ทั้งวานนี้และวันนี้"

1 Samuel 20:27
Ertesi gün, ayın ikinci günü, Davutun yeri yine boştu. Bunun üzerine Saul, oğlu Yonatana, ‹‹İşayın oğlu neden dün de, bugün de yemeğe gelmedi?›› diye sordu. kalktı››.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 20:27
Song ngày sau, là ngày mồng hai, chỗ của Ða-vít lại bỏ không nữa. Sau-lơ nói cùng Giô-na-than, con trai mình, rằng: Cớ sao con trai của Y-sai không đến dự ăn bữa hôm qua và ngày nay?

1 Samuel 20:26
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