1 Samuel 2:8
1 Samuel 2:8
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; on them he has set the world.

He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, placing them in seats of honor. For all the earth is the LORD's, and he has set the world in order.

He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the LORD’s, and on them he has set the world.

"He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap To make them sit with nobles, And inherit a seat of honor; For the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, And He set the world on them.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile. He seats them with noblemen and gives them a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; He has set the world on them.

He raises the poor up from the dust, he lifts up the needy from the trash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. Indeed the pillars of the earth belong to the LORD, and he has set the world on them.

He lifts the weak from the dust; he raises the poor from the ash heap to seat them with princes and to bestow on them an honored position. The foundations of the earth belong to the LORD, and he has placed the world on them.

He raises the poor from the dust. He lifts the needy from the trash heap in order to make them sit with nobles and even to make them inherit a glorious throne. "The pillars of the earth are the LORD's. He has set the world on them.

He raises up the poor out of the dust and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill to set them among princes and to make them inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he has set the world upon them.

He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts up the beggar from the rubbish, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he has set the world upon them.

He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he has set the world on them.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, He lifteth up the needy from the dunghill, To make them sit with princes, And inherit the throne of glory: For the pillars of the earth are Jehovah's, And he hath set the world upon them.

He raiseth up the needy from the dust, and lifteth up the poor from the dunghill: that he may sit with princes, and hold the throne of glory. For the poles of the earth are the Lord's, and upon them he hath set the world.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust; from the dung-hill he lifteth up the needy, To set him among nobles; and he maketh them inherit a throne of glory; For the pillars of the earth are Jehovah's, and he hath set the world upon them.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, he lifteth up the needy from the dunghill, to make them sit with princes, and inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

He raiseth the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

He raises up the poor out of the dust. He lifts up the needy from the dunghill, To make them sit with princes, and inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are Yahweh's. He has set the world on them.

He raiseth from the dust the poor, From a dunghill He lifteth up the needy, To cause them to sit with nobles, Yea, a throne of honour He doth cause them to inherit, For to Jehovah are the fixtures of earth, And He setteth on them the habitable world.

1 i Samuelit 2:8
Ai e ngre të mjerin nga pluhuri dhe e heq të varfërin nga plehrat, në mënyrë që të ulet me princat dhe të trashëgojnë një fron lavdie; sepse shtyllat e dheut i përkasin Zotit, dhe mbi to ai ka mbështetur botën.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 2:8
يقيم المسكين من التراب. يرفع الفقير من المزبلة للجلوس مع الشرفاء ويملكهم كرسي المجد. لان للرب اعمدة الارض وقد وضع عليها المسكونة.

Dyr Sämyheel A 2:8
Önn Klainn zieght yr ausher von n Molttn; önn Armen dyrrött yr von n Drök. Er gibt iem aynn Siz bei de Edln; er weist iem aynn bsundern Plaz zue. Dyr Trechtein ist s Grundföst von n Erdkraiß; auf iem ruet, was löbt und si regt.

1 Царе 2:8
Въздига бедния от пръстта, И възвишава сиромаха от бунището, За да ги направи да седнат между князете, И да наследят славен престол; Защото стълбовете на земята са на Господа, Който и постави на тях вселената.

撒 母 耳 記 上 2:8
他 從 灰 塵 裡 抬 舉 貧 寒 人 , 從 糞 堆 中 提 拔 窮 乏 人 , 使 他 們 與 王 子 同 坐 , 得 著 榮 耀 的 座 位 。 地 的 柱 子 屬 於 耶 和 華 ; 他 將 世 界 立 在 其 上 。

他 从 灰 尘 里 抬 举 贫 寒 人 , 从 粪 堆 中 提 拔 穷 乏 人 , 使 他 们 与 王 子 同 坐 , 得 着 荣 耀 的 座 位 。 地 的 柱 子 属 於 耶 和 华 ; 他 将 世 界 立 在 其 上 。



1 Samuel 2:8
Diže slabića iz prašine, iz bunjišta izvlači uboga, da ih posadi s knezovima i da im odredi počasna mjesta. Jer Jahvini su stupovi zemlje, na njih je stavio ovaj svijet.

První Samuelova 2:8
Nuzného vyzdvihuje z prachu, a z hnoje vyvyšuje chudého, aby je posadil s knížaty, a stolici slávy dědičně jim dal; nebo Hospodinovy jsou stěžeje země, na nichž založil okršlek.

1 Samuel 2:8
han rejser ringe af Støvet, af Skarnet løfter han fattige for at bænke og give dem Ærespladsen. Thi HERRENS er Jordens Søjler, Jorderig bygged han paa dem!

1 Samuël 2:8
Hij verheft den geringe uit het stof, en den nooddruftige verhoogt Hij uit den drek, om te doen zitten bij de vorsten, dat Hij hen den stoel der ere doe beerven; want de grondvesten des aardrijks zijn des HEEREN, en Hij heeft de wereld daarop gezet.

שמואל א 2:8
מֵקִ֨ים מֵעָפָ֜ר דָּ֗ל מֵֽאַשְׁפֹּת֙ יָרִ֣ים אֶבְיֹ֔ון לְהֹושִׁיב֙ עִם־נְדִיבִ֔ים וְכִסֵּ֥א כָבֹ֖וד יַנְחִלֵ֑ם כִּ֤י לַֽיהוָה֙ מְצֻ֣קֵי אֶ֔רֶץ וַיָּ֥שֶׁת עֲלֵיהֶ֖ם תֵּבֵֽל׃

ח מקים מעפר דל מאשפת ירים אביון להושיב עם נדיבים וכסא כבוד ינחלם  כי ליהוה מצקי ארץ וישת עליהם תבל

מקים מעפר דל מאשפת ירים אביון להושיב עם־נדיבים וכסא כבוד ינחלם כי ליהוה מצקי ארץ וישת עליהם תבל׃

1 Sámuel 2:8
Felemeli a porból a szegényt,

Samuel 1 2:8
Li levas malricxulon el polvo, El koto Li altigas senhavulon, Por sidigi lin kun altranguloj, Kaj tronon de gloro Li heredigas al li; CXar al la Eternulo apartenas la fundamentoj de la tero, Kaj sur ili Li starigis la mondon.

Hän nostaa tomusta köyhän ja ylentää vaivaisen loasta, istuttaaksensa häntä päämiesten sekaan ja antaaksensa hänen kunnian istuimen periä; sillä maan perustukset ovat Herran, ja maan piirin on hän asettanut niiden päälle.

1 Samuel 2:8
De la poussière il fait lever le misérable, de dessus le fumier il élève le pauvre, pour les faire asseoir avec les nobles: et il leur donne en héritage un trône de gloire; car les piliers de la terre sont à l'Éternel, et sur eux il a posé le monde.

De la poussière il retire le pauvre, Du fumier il relève l'indigent, Pour les faire asseoir avec les grands. Et il leur donne en partage un trône de gloire; Car à l'Eternel sont les colonnes de la terre, Et c'est sur elles qu'il a posé le monde.

Il élève le pauvre de la poudre, et il tire le misérable de dessus le fumier, pour le faire asseoir avec les principaux, et il leur donne en héritage un trône de gloire; car les fondements de la terre sont à l'Eternel, et il a posé sur eux la terre habitable.

1 Samuel 2:8
Er hebet auf den Dürftigen aus dem Staub und erhöhet den Armen aus dem Kot, daß er ihn setze unter die Fürsten und den Stuhl der Ehren erben lasse. Denn der Welt Ende sind des HERRN, und er hat den Erdboden drauf gesetzet.

Er hebt auf den Dürftigen aus dem Staub und erhöht den Armen aus dem Kot, daß er ihn setze unter die Fürsten und den Stuhl der Ehre erben lasse. Denn der Welt Grundfesten sind des HERRN, und er hat den Erdboden darauf gesetzt.

Aus dem Staube richtet er den Schwachen empor, aus dem Kot erhebt er den Armen, heißt sie sitzen neben den Fürsten, weist ihnen an den Ehrenplatz. Denn Jahwes sind der Erde Säulen, und er stellte auf sie den Erdkreis.

1 Samuele 2:8
Rileva il misero dalla polvere e trae su il povero dal letame, per farli sedere coi principi, per farli eredi di un trono di gloria; poiché le colonne della terra son dell’Eterno, e sopra queste Egli ha posato il mondo.

Egli rileva il misero dalla polvere, Ed innalza il bisognoso dallo sterco, Per farlo sedere co’ nobili; E fa loro eredare un seggio di gloria; Imperocchè le colonne dalla terra sono del Signore, Ed egli ha posto il mondo sopra esse.

1 SAMUEL 2:8
Orang yang hina diangkat-Nya dari dalam abu, dan orang miskin dibangkitkan-Nya dari dalam lebu, supaya didudukkan-Nya mereka itu dengan raja-raja dan diberi-Nya akan dia mempusakai kursi kemuliaan, karena segala alas bumi itu Tuhan punya, dan Tuhan juga yang telah membangunkan bumi di atasnya.

사무엘상 2:8
가난한 자를 진토에서 일으키시며 빈핍한 자를 거름더미에서 드사 귀족들과 함께 앉게 하시며 영광의 위를 차지하게 하시는도다 땅의 기둥들은 여호와의 것이라 여호와께서 세계를 그 위에 세우셨도다

I Samuelis 2:8
suscitat de pulvere egenum et de stercore elevat pauperem ut sedeat cum principibus et solium gloriae teneat Domini enim sunt cardines terrae et posuit super eos orbem

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 2:8
Jis pakelia iš dulkių vargdienį, iš sąšlavų duobės iškelia vargšą; juos pasodina greta kunigaikščių ir leidžia paveldėti jiems šlovės sostą. Viešpačiui priklauso žemės pamatai, ant jų Jis pastatė pasaulį.

1 Samuel 2:8
Whakaarahia ana e ia te iti i roto i te puehu, ara ana i a ia te iti i roto i te puehu, ara ana i a ia te rawakore i roto i te puranga paru, a whakanohoia iho ki roto ki nga rangatira, meinga ana kia whiwhi ki te torona kororia: no Ihowa ra hoki nga pou turanga o te whenua; a whakanohoia iho e ia te ao ki runga.

1 Samuels 2:8
han reiser den ringe av støvet, løfter den fattige av skarnet for å sette ham hos fyrster og gi ham et ærefullt sete; for Herren hører jordens støtter til, og på dem har han bygget jorderike.

1 Samuel 2:8
Levanta del polvo al pobre, del muladar levanta al necesitado para hacer los sentar con los príncipes, y heredar un sitio de honor; pues las columnas de la tierra son del SEÑOR, y sobre ellas ha colocado el mundo.

Levanta del polvo al pobre, Del muladar levanta al necesitado Para hacerlos sentar con los príncipes, Y heredar un sitio de honor; Pues las columnas de la tierra son del SEÑOR, Y sobre ellas ha colocado el mundo.

Él levanta del polvo al pobre, y del muladar exalta al menesteroso, para hacerle sentar con príncipes, y hacerle heredar un trono de honor. Porque de Jehová son las columnas de la tierra, y Él asentó sobre ellas el mundo.

El levanta del polvo al pobre, Y al menesteroso ensalza del estiércol, Para asentarlo con los príncipes; Y hace que tengan por heredad asiento de honra: Porque de Jehová son las columnas de la tierra, Y él asentó sobre ellas el mundo.

El levanta del polvo al pobre, y al menesteroso ensalza del estiércol, para asentarlo con los príncipes; y hace que tengan por heredad asiento de honra. Porque del SEÑOR son las columnas de la tierra, y él asentó sobre ellas el mundo.

1 Samuel 2:8
Ergue do pó o necessitado e do monte de cinzas faz ressurgir o abatido; Ele os faz assentar-se com príncipes e lhes concede um lugar de honra, porque ao SENHOR pertencem os fundamentos da terra, e sobre eles estabeleceu o mundo.

Levanta do pó o pobre, do monturo eleva o necessitado, para os fazer sentar entre os príncipes, para os fazer herdar um trono de glória; porque do Senhor são as colunas da terra, sobre elas pôs ele o mundo.   

1 Samuel 2:8
El ridică din pulbere pe cel sărac, Ridică din gunoi pe cel lipsit. Ca să -i pună să şadă alături cu cei mari. Şi le dă de moştenire un scaun de domnie îmbrăcat cu slavă; Căci ai Domnului sînt stîlpii... pămîntului, Şi pe ei a aşezat El lumea.

1-я Царств 2:8
Из праха подъемлет Он бедного, из брения возвышает нищего, посаждая с вельможами, и престол славы дает им в наследие; ибо у Господа основания земли, и Он утвердил на них вселенную.

Из праха подъемлет Он бедного, из брения возвышает нищего, посаждая с вельможами, и престол славы дает им в наследие; ибо у Господа основания земли, и Он утвердил на них вселенную.[]

1 Samuelsboken 2:8
Han upprättar den ringe ur stoftet, ur dyn lyfter han den fattige upp, ty han vill låta dem sitta bredvid furstar, och en härlig tron giver han dem till arvedel. Ty jordens grundfästen äro HERRENS, och jordkretsen har han ställt på dem.

1 Samuel 2:8
Kaniyang ibinabangon ang dukha mula sa alabok, Kaniyang itinataas ang mapagkailangan mula sa dumihan, Upang sila'y palukluking kasama ng mga prinsipe, At magmana ng luklukan ng kaluwalhatian: Sapagka't ang mga haligi ng lupa ay sa Panginoon, At kaniyang ipinatong ang sanglibutan sa kanila.

1 ซามูเอล 2:8
พระองค์ทรงยกคนยากจนขึ้นจากผงคลี พระองค์ทรงยกคนขอทานขึ้นจากกองขยะ กระทำให้เขานั่งร่วมกับเจ้านาย และได้ที่นั่งอันมีเกียรติเป็นมรดก เพราะว่าเสาแห่งพิภพเป็นของพระเยโฮวาห์ พระองค์ทรงวางพิภพไว้บนนั้น

1 Samuel 2:8
Düşkünü yerden kaldırır,
Yoksulu çöplükten çıkarır;
Soylularla oturtsun
Ve kendilerine onur tahtını miras olarak bağışlasın diye.
Çünkü yeryüzünün temelleri RABbindir,
O dünyayı onların üzerine kurmuştur.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 2:8
Vì các trụ của trái đất thuộc về Ðức Giê-hô-va: Ngài đã đặt thế gian ở trên đó.

1 Samuel 2:7
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