1 Samuel 16:13
1 Samuel 16:13
So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah.

So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day forward. And Samuel rose up and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

So Samuel took the horn of oil, anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD took control of David from that day forward. Then Samuel set out and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD came on David from that day forward. Then Samuel got up and went to Ramah.

So Samuel took the horn full of olive oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers. The Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day onward. Then Samuel got up and went to Ramah.

Samuel took the flask of olive oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers. The LORD's Spirit came over David and stayed with him from that day on. Then Samuel left for Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him from among his brethren; and the Spirit of the LORD prospered David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the middle of his brothers: and the Spirit of the LORD came on David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of Jehovah came mightily upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward: and Samuel rose up, and went to Ramatha.

And Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the Spirit of Jehovah came upon David from that day forward. And Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose, and went to Ramah.

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers: and the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily on David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

And Samuel taketh the horn of oil, and anointeth him in the midst of his brethren, and prosper over David doth the Spirit of Jehovah from that day and onwards; and Samuel riseth and goeth to Ramath.

1 i Samuelit 16:13
Atëherë Samueli mori bririn e vajit dhe e vajosi para vëllezërve të tij; që nga ajo ditë Fryma e Zotit zbriti te Davidi. Pastaj Samueli u ngrit dhe shkoi në Ramah.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 16:13
فاخذ صموئيل قرن الدهن ومسحه في وسط اخوته. وحلّ روح الرب على داود من ذلك اليوم فصاعدا. ثم قام صموئيل وذهب الى الرامة

Dyr Sämyheel A 16:13
Dyr Sämyheel naam dös Horn mit n Öl und gsalbt önn Dafetn vor de Augn von seine Brüeder. Und von dönn Tag an war dyr Heilige Geist mit n Dafetn. Dyr Sämyheel afer braach auf und gakeert auf Rämy zrugg.

1 Царе 16:13
Тогава Самуил взе рога с мирото та го помаза всред братята му; и Господният Дух дойде със сила на Давида от същия ден и после. Тогава Самуил стана та си отиде в Рама.

撒 母 耳 記 上 16:13
撒 母 耳 就 用 角 裡 的 膏 油 , 在 他 諸 兄 中 膏 了 他 。 從 這 日 起 , 耶 和 華 的 靈 就 大 大 感 動 大 衛 。 撒 母 耳 起 身 回 拉 瑪 去 了 。

撒 母 耳 就 用 角 里 的 膏 油 , 在 他 诸 兄 中 膏 了 他 。 从 这 日 起 , 耶 和 华 的 灵 就 大 大 感 动 大 卫 。 撒 母 耳 起 身 回 拉 玛 去 了 。



1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel uze rog s uljem i pomaza ga usred njegove braće. Duh Jahvin obuze Davida od onoga dana. A Samuel krenu na put i ode u Ramu.

První Samuelova 16:13
Protož vzal Samuel roh s olejem, a pomazal ho u prostřed bratří jeho. I odpočinul Duch Hospodinův na Davidovi od toho dne i potom. A Samuel vstav, odšel do Ráma.

1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel tog da Oliehornet og salvede ham, medens hans Brødre stod rundt om: Og HERRENS Aand kom over David fra den Dag af. Derefter brød Samuel op og gik til Rama.

1 Samuël 16:13
Toen nam Samuel den oliehoorn, en hij zalfde hem in het midden zijner broederen. En de Geest des HEEREN werd vaardig over David van dien dag af en voortaan. Daarna stond Samuel op, en hij ging naar Rama.

שמואל א 16:13
וַיִּקַּ֨ח שְׁמוּאֵ֜ל אֶת־קֶ֣רֶן הַשֶּׁ֗מֶן וַיִּמְשַׁ֣ח אֹתֹו֮ בְּקֶ֣רֶב אֶחָיו֒ וַתִּצְלַ֤ח רֽוּחַ־יְהוָה֙ אֶל־דָּוִ֔ד מֵהַיֹּ֥ום הַה֖וּא וָמָ֑עְלָה וַיָּ֣קָם שְׁמוּאֵ֔ל וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ הָרָמָֽתָה׃ ס

יג ויקח שמואל את קרן השמן וימשח אתו בקרב אחיו ותצלח רוח יהוה אל דוד מהיום ההוא ומעלה ויקם שמואל וילך הרמתה

ויקח שמואל את־קרן השמן וימשח אתו בקרב אחיו ותצלח רוח־יהוה אל־דוד מהיום ההוא ומעלה ויקם שמואל וילך הרמתה׃ ס

1 Sámuel 16:13
Vevé azért Sámuel, az olajos szarut, és felkené õt testvérei között. És attól a naptól fogva az Úrnak lelke Dávidra szálla, és azután is. Felkele azután Sámuel és elméne Rámába.

Samuel 1 16:13
Kaj Samuel prenis la kornon kun la oleo, kaj sanktoleis lin inter liaj fratoj. Kaj la spirito de la Eternulo ekfavoris Davidon de post tiu tago kaj pluen. Kaj Samuel levigxis kaj iris en Raman.

Niin otti Samuel öljysarvensa ja voiteli hänen veljeinsä keskellä: ja Herran henki tuli Davidiin siitä päivästä ja sen perään; niin Samuel nousi ja meni Ramaan.

1 Samuel 16:13
Et Samuel prit la corne d'huile, et l'oignit au milieu de ses frères. Et l'Esprit de l'Éternel saisit David, depuis ce jour-là et dans la suite. Et Samuel se leva et s'en alla à Rama.

Samuel prit la corne d'huile, et l'oignit au milieu de ses frères. L'esprit de l'Eternel saisit David, à partir de ce jour et dans la suite. Samuel se leva, et s'en alla à Rama.

Alors Samuel prit la corne d'huile, et l'oignit au milieu de ses frères; et depuis ce jour-là l'Esprit de l'Eternel saisit David. Et Samuel se leva, et s'en alla à Rama.

1 Samuel 16:13
Da nahm Samuel sein Ölhorn und salbete ihn mitten unter seinen Brüdern. Und der Geist des HERRN geriet über David von dem Tage an und fürder. Samuel aber machte sich auf und ging gen Rama.

Da nahm Samuel sein Ölhorn und salbte ihn mitten unter seinen Brüdern. Und der Geist des HERRN geriet über David von dem Tage an und fürder. Samuel aber machte sich auf und ging gen Rama.

Da nahm Samuel das Ölhorn und salbte ihn in Gegenwart seiner Brüder. Da kam der Geist Jahwes über David von dem Tage an und weiterhin. Samuel aber brach auf und begab sich nach Rama.

1 Samuele 16:13
Allora Samuele prese il corno dell’olio, e l’unse in mezzo ai suoi fratelli; e, da quel giorno in poi, lo spirito dell’Eterno investì Davide. E Samuele si levò e se ne andò a Rama.

Samuele adunque prese il corno dell’olio, e l’unse in mezzo de’ suoi fratelli; e lo Spirito del Signore da quel dì innanzi si avventò sopra Davide. Poi Samuele si levò, e se ne andò in Rama.

1 SAMUEL 16:13
Maka oleh Semuel diambil akan tanduk yang berisi minyak harum itu, disiraminya akan dia di tengah-tengah segala saudaranya, maka Roh Tuhanpun berlakulah atas Daud dari pada hari itu dan kemudiannya. Setelah itu maka bangkitlah Semuel, lalu iapun pulanglah ke Rama.

사무엘상 16:13
사무엘이 기름 뿔을 취하여 그 형제 중에서 그에게 부었더니 이날 이후로 다윗이 여호와의 신에게 크게 감동되니라 사무엘이 떠나서 라마로 가니라

I Samuelis 16:13
tulit igitur Samuhel cornu olei et unxit eum in medio fratrum eius et directus est spiritus Domini in David a die illa et in reliquum surgensque Samuhel abiit in Ramatha

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 16:13
Samuelis paėmė ragą su aliejumi ir jį patepė tarp jo brolių. Tą dieną Viešpaties Dvasia nužengė ant Dovydo ir pasiliko su juo. Samuelis sugrįžo į Ramą.

1 Samuel 16:13
Katahi ka mau a Hamuera ki te haona hinu, a whakawahia ana ia i roto i ona tuakana: ko te tino putanga mai o te wairua o Ihowa ki runga ki a Rawiri i taua rangi ano a ahu ake nei. Na whakatika ana a Hamuera, haere ana ki Rama.

1 Samuels 16:13
Da tok Samuel oljehornet og salvet ham midt iblandt hans brødre, og Herrens Ånd kom over David fra den dag og fremdeles. Så brøt Samuel op og gikk til Rama.

1 Samuel 16:13
Entonces Samuel tomó el cuerno de aceite y lo ungió en medio de sus hermanos; y el Espíritu del SEÑOR vino poderosamente sobre David desde aquel día en adelante. Luego Samuel se levantó y se fue a Ramá.

Entonces Samuel tomó el cuerno de aceite y lo ungió en medio de sus hermanos. Y el Espíritu del SEÑOR vino poderosamente sobre David desde aquel día en adelante. Luego Samuel se levantó y se fue a Ramá.

Y Samuel tomó el cuerno del aceite, y lo ungió de entre sus hermanos; y desde aquel día en adelante el Espíritu de Jehová vino sobre David. Se levantó luego Samuel, y se volvió a Ramá.

Y Samuel tomó el cuerno del aceite, y ungiólo de entre sus hermanos: y desde aquel día en adelante el espíritu de Jehová tomó á David. Levantóse luego Samuel, y volvióse á Rama.

Y Samuel tomó el cuerno del aceite, y lo ungió de entre sus hermanos; y desde aquel día en adelante el Espíritu del SEÑOR tomó a David. Y levantándose Samuel, se volvió a Ramá.

1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel apanhou o chifre que estava repleto do melhor azeite e ungi-o na presença dos seus irmãos, e, a partir daquele dia, o Espírito de Yahweh assenhorou-se de David, Davi. E Samuel retornou para Ramá.

Então Samuel tomou o vaso de azeite, e o ungiu no meio de seus irmãos; e daquele dia em diante o Espírito do Senhor se apoderou de Davi. Depois Samuel se levantou, e foi para Ramá.   

1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel a luat cornul cu untdelemn, şi l -a uns în mijlocul fraţilor lui. Duhul Domnului a venit peste David, începînd din ziua aceea şi în cele următoare. Samuel s'a sculat, şi s'a dus la Rama.

1-я Царств 16:13
И взял Самуил рог с елеем и помазал его среди братьев его, и почивал Дух Господень на Давиде с того дня и после; Самуил же встал и отошел в Раму.

И взял Самуил рог с елеем и помазал его среди братьев его, и почивал Дух Господень на Давиде с того дня и после; Самуил же встал и отошел в Раму.[]

1 Samuelsboken 16:13
Då tog Samuel sitt oljehorn och smorde honom mitt ibland hans bröder; och HERRENS Ande kom över David, från den dagen och allt framgent. Sedan stod Samuel upp och gick till Rama.

1 Samuel 16:13
Nang magkagayo'y kinuha ni Samuel ang sungay ng langis, at pinahiran siya sa gitna ng kaniyang mga kapatid: at ang Espiritu ng Panginoon ay makapangyarihang suma kay David mula sa araw na yaon hanggang sa haharapin. Gayon bumangon si Samuel at napasa Rama.

1 ซามูเอล 16:13
ซามูเอลจึงนำขวดเขาน้ำมันและเจิมตั้งเขาไว้ท่ามกลางพี่ชายของเขา และพระวิญญาณของพระเยโฮวาห์ก็สวมทับดาวิดตั้งแต่วันนั้นเป็นต้นไป และซามูเอลก็ลุกขึ้นกลับไปยังรามาห์

1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel yağ boynuzunu alıp kardeşlerinin önünde çocuğu meshetti. O günden başlayarak RABbin Ruhu Davutun üzerine güçlü bir biçimde indi. Bundan sonra Samuel kalkıp Ramaya döndü.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 16:13
Sa-mu-ên lấy sừng dầu, xức cho người ở giữa các anh người. Từ ngày đó về sau, Thần của Ðức Giê-hô-va cảm động Ða-vít. Sa-mu-ên đứng dậy đi về Ra-ma.

1 Samuel 16:12
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