1 Samuel 12:17
1 Samuel 12:17
Is it not wheat harvest now? I will call on the LORD to send thunder and rain. And you will realize what an evil thing you did in the eyes of the LORD when you asked for a king."

You know that it does not rain at this time of the year during the wheat harvest. I will ask the LORD to send thunder and rain today. Then you will realize how wicked you have been in asking the LORD for a king!"

Is it not wheat harvest today? I will call upon the LORD, that he may send thunder and rain. And you shall know and see that your wickedness is great, which you have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking for yourselves a king.”

"Is it not the wheat harvest today? I will call to the LORD, that He may send thunder and rain. Then you will know and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the LORD by asking for yourselves a king."

Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

Isn't the wheat harvest today? I will call on the LORD and He will send thunder and rain, so that you will know and see what a great evil you committed in the LORD's sight by requesting a king for yourselves."

Is it not the wheat harvest today? I'll call upon the LORD, and he will send thunder and rain. Then you will know and understand that you have done a great evil in the sight of the LORD by asking for a king for yourselves."

Is this not the time of the wheat harvest? I will call on the LORD so that he makes it thunder and rain. Realize and see what a great sin you have committed before the LORD by asking for a king for yourselves."

Isn't the wheat being harvested today? I will call on the LORD, and he'll send thunder and rain. Then you will realize what a wicked thing you did in the LORD's presence when you asked for a king."

Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of the LORD in asking for a king over you.

Is it not wheat harvest today? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that you may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which you have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call to the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that you may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which you have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

Is it not wheat harvest to-day? I will call unto Jehovah, that he may send thunder and rain; and ye shall know and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of Jehovah, in asking you a king.

Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call upon the Lord, and he shall send thunder and rain: and you shall know and see that you yourselves have done a great evil in the sight of the Lord, in desiring a king over you.

Is it not wheat-harvest to-day? I will call unto Jehovah, and he will send thunder and rain; and ye shall perceive and see that your wickedness is great which ye have done in the sight of Jehovah in asking for yourselves a king.

Is it not wheat harvest today? I will call unto the LORD, that he may send thunder and rain; and ye shall know and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

Is it not wheat-harvest to-day? I will call to the LORD, and he will send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

Isn't it wheat harvest today? I will call to Yahweh, that he may send thunder and rain; and you shall know and see that your wickedness is great, which you have done in the sight of Yahweh, in asking for a king."

is it not wheat-harvest to-day? I call unto Jehovah, and He doth give voices and rain; and know ye and see that your evil is great which ye have done in the eyes of Jehovah, to ask for you a king.'

1 i Samuelit 12:17
A nuk jemi vallë në kohën e korrjes së grurit? Unë do të kërkoj ndihmën e Zotit dhe ai do të dërgojë bubullima dhe shi; kështu do të kuptoni dhe do të shihni se e keqja që keni bërë duke kërkuar një mbret për ju, është e madhe në sytë e Zotit".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 12:17
أما هو حصاد الحنطة اليوم. فاني ادعو الرب فيعطي رعودا ومطرا فتعلمون وترون انه عظيم شركم الذي عملتموه في عيني الرب بطلبكم لانفسكم ملكا.

Dyr Sämyheel A 12:17
Ietz ist decht grad d Waitzärn. I ruef önn Herrn an, und er gaat ayn Dunderwöter und Rögn schicken. Yso gaatß is gspannen und einseghn, wie irr dran däßß in n Herrn seine Augn gwösn seitß, däßß aynn Künig verlangt habtß."

1 Царе 12:17
Не е ли днес жетва на пшеницата? Ще призова Господа; и Той ще прати гръмове и дъжд, за да познаете и видите, че злото, което направихте, като си поискахте цар, е голямо пред Господа.

撒 母 耳 記 上 12:17
這 不 是 割 麥 子 的 時 候 麼 ? 我 求 告 耶 和 華 , 他 必 打 雷 降 雨 , 使 你 們 又 知 道 又 看 出 , 你 們 求 立 王 的 事 是 在 耶 和 華 面 前 犯 大 罪 了 。

这 不 是 割 麦 子 的 时 候 麽 ? 我 求 告 耶 和 华 , 他 必 打 雷 降 雨 , 使 你 们 又 知 道 又 看 出 , 你 们 求 立 王 的 事 是 在 耶 和 华 面 前 犯 大 罪 了 。



1 Samuel 12:17
Nije li sada pšenična žetva? Ali ja ću zazvati Jahvu i on će poslati gromove i kišu. I jasno ćete razabrati kako je veliko zlo koje ste učinili pred Jahvom tražeći sebi kralja."

První Samuelova 12:17
Zdaliž není dnes žeň pšeničná? Volati budu k Hospodinu, i vydá hřímání a déšť, tak že poznati a viděti musíte, jak jest to velmi zlá věc, kteréž jste se dopustili před očima Hospodinovýma, žádavše sobě krále.

1 Samuel 12:17
Har vi ikke Hvedehøst nu? Men jeg vil raabe til HERREN, at han skal sende Torden og Regn, for at I kan kende og se, at det i HERRENS Øjne var en stor Brøde I begik, da I krævede en Konge!«

1 Samuël 12:17
Is het niet vandaag de tarweoogst? Ik zal tot den HEERE roepen, en Hij zal donder en regen geven; zo weet dan, en ziet, dat uw kwaad groot is, dat gij voor de ogen des HEEREN gedaan hebt, dat gij een koning voor u begeerd hebt.

שמואל א 12:17
הֲלֹ֤וא קְצִיר־חִטִּים֙ הַיֹּ֔ום אֶקְרָא֙ אֶל־יְהוָ֔ה וְיִתֵּ֥ן קֹלֹ֖ות וּמָטָ֑ר וּדְע֣וּ וּרְא֗וּ כִּֽי־רָעַתְכֶ֤ם רַבָּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר עֲשִׂיתֶם֙ בְּעֵינֵ֣י יְהוָ֔ה לִשְׁאֹ֥ול לָכֶ֖ם מֶֽלֶךְ׃ ס

יז הלוא קציר חטים היום--אקרא אל יהוה ויתן קלות ומטר ודעו וראו כי רעתכם רבה אשר עשיתם בעיני יהוה לשאול לכם מלך  {ס}

הלוא קציר־חטים היום אקרא אל־יהוה ויתן קלות ומטר ודעו וראו כי־רעתכם רבה אשר עשיתם בעיני יהוה לשאול לכם מלך׃ ס

1 Sámuel 12:17
Avagy nem búzaaratás van-é most? Kiáltani fogok az Úrhoz, és õ mennydörgést és esõt ád, hogy megtudjátok és meglássátok, mily nagy a ti gonoszságtok, melyet cselekedtetek az Úr szemei elõtt, mikor királyt kértetek magatoknak.

Samuel 1 12:17
CXu ne estas nun rikolto de tritiko? sed mi ekvokos al la Eternulo, kaj Li donos tondrojn kaj pluvon, por ke vi sciu kaj vidu, kiel granda estas via malbono, kiun vi faris antaux la Eternulo, petante por vi regxon.

Eikö nyt ole nisun elonaika? Vaan minä huudan Herran tykö, että hän antaisi jylistä ja sataa, ymmärtääksenne ja nähdäksenne sen suuren pahuuden, jonka te olette tehneet Herran edessä, anoissanne teillenne kuningasta.

1 Samuel 12:17
N'est-ce pas aujourd'hui la moisson des froments? Je crierai à l'Éternel, et il enverra des tonnerres et de la pluie; et vous saurez et vous verrez que le mal que vous avez fait est grand aux yeux de l'Éternel, d'avoir demandé un roi pour vous.

Ne sommes-nous pas à la moisson des blés? J'invoquerai l'Eternel, et il enverra du tonnerre et de la pluie. Sachez alors et voyez combien vous avez eu tort aux yeux de l'Eternel de demander pour vous un roi.

N'est-ce pas aujourd'hui la moisson des blés? Je crierai à l'Eternel, et il fera tonner et pleuvoir; afin que vous sachiez et que vous voyiez, combien le mal que vous avez fait en la présence de l'Eternel est grand, d'avoir demandé un Roi pour vous.

1 Samuel 12:17
Ist nicht jetzt die Weizenernte? Ich will aber den HERRN anrufen, daß er soll donnern und regnen lassen, daß ihr inne werdet und sehen sollt das große Übel, das ihr vor des HERRN Augen getan habt, daß ihr euch einen König gebeten habt.

Ist nicht jetzt die Weizenernte? Ich will aber den HERRN anrufen, daß er soll donnern und regnen lassen, daß ihr innewerdet und sehen sollt das große Übel, das ihr vor des HERRN Augen getan habt, daß ihr euch einen König erbeten habt.

Nicht wahr, gegenwärtig ist Weizenernte? Ich werde Jahwe anrufen, daß er Gewitter und Regen sendet: so werdet ihr dann inne werden und einsehen, wie großes Unrecht ihr nach dem Urteile Jahwes begangen habt, indem ihr einen König fordertet!

1 Samuele 12:17
Non siamo al tempo della mèsse del grano? Io invocherò l’Eterno, ed egli manderà tuoni e pioggia affinché sappiate e veggiate quanto è grande agli occhi dell’Eterno il male che avete fatto chiedendo per voi un re".

Non è egli oggi la ricolta de’ grani? io griderò al Signore, ed egli farà tonare e piovere; acciocchè sappiate, e veggiate che il male, il qual voi avete commesso davanti al Signore, chiedendovi un re, è grande.

1 SAMUEL 12:17
Bukankah sekarang ini musim pemotongan gandum? Maka aku hendak berseru kepada Tuhan dan Iapun kelak mengadakan guruh dan hujan, demikian nyatalah kepadamu dan dapat diketahui olehmu, bahwa besarlah adanya jahat yang telah kamu perbuat di hadapan pemandangan Tuhan, sebab kamu menghendaki seorang raja bagi dirimu.

사무엘상 12:17
오늘은 밀 베는 때가 아니냐 ? 내가 여호와께 아뢰리니 여호와께서 우뢰와 비를 보내사 너희가 왕을 구한 일 곧 여호와의 목전에 범한 죄악이 큼을 너희로 밝히 알게 하시리라'

I Samuelis 12:17
numquid non messis tritici est hodie invocabo Dominum et dabit voces et pluvias et scietis et videbitis quia grande malum feceritis vobis in conspectu Domini petentes super vos regem

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 12:17
Argi šiandien ne kviečių pjūtis? Aš šauksiuosi Viešpaties, ir Jis siųs perkūniją ir lietų, kad jūs suprastumėte ir pasimokytumėte, kokį didelį nusikaltimą padarėte Viešpaties akyse, prašydami sau karaliaus”.

1 Samuel 12:17
Ehara ianei tenei i te kotinga witi inaianei? Ka karanga ahau ki a Ihowa, a ka homai he whatitiri, he ua, kia mohio ai koutou, kia kite ai, he nui to koutou he i meatia nei e koutou i te aroaro o Ihowa i a koutou i tono kingi nei mo koutou.

1 Samuels 12:17
Er det ikke nu hvetehøstens tid? Jeg vil rope til Herren og han skal sende torden og regn. Kjenn da og se at eders ondskap er stor, den som I har gjort for Herrens øine ved å kreve en konge!

1 Samuel 12:17
¿No es ahora la siega del trigo? Yo clamaré al SEÑOR, para que mande truenos y lluvia. Entonces conoceréis y veréis que es grande la maldad que habéis hecho ante los ojos del SEÑOR, al pedir para vosotros un rey.

"¿No es ahora la siega del trigo? Yo clamaré al SEÑOR, para que mande truenos y lluvia. Entonces conocerán y verán que es grande la maldad que han hecho ante los ojos del SEÑOR, al pedir para ustedes un rey."

¿No es ahora la siega del trigo? Yo clamaré a Jehová, y Él dará truenos y aguas; para que conozcáis y veáis que es grande vuestra maldad que habéis hecho ante los ojos de Jehová, pidiendo para vosotros rey.

¿No es ahora la siega de los trigos? Yo clamaré á Jehová, y él dará truenos y aguas; para que conozcáis y veáis que es grande vuestra maldad que habéis hecho en los ojos de Jehová, pidiéndoos rey.

¿No es ahora la siega de los trigos? Yo clamaré al SEÑOR, y él dará truenos y aguas; para que conozcáis y veáis que es grande vuestra maldad que habéis hecho en los ojos del SEÑOR, pidiéndoos rey.

1 Samuel 12:17
Não é agora a época da colheita do trigo? Pois bem, rogarei a Yahweh, e Ele fará trovejar e chover a fim de que venhas a reconhecer com toda clareza como foi grave o pecado que cometestes contra o SENHOR pedindo um rei para vós!”

Não é hoje a sega do trigo? clamarei, pois, ao Senhor, para que ele envie trovões e chuva; e sabereis e vereis que é grande a vossa maldade, que fizestes perante o Senhor, pedindo para vós um rei.   

1 Samuel 12:17
Nu sîntem noi la seceratul grînelor? Voi striga către Domnul, şi va trimete tunete şi ploaie. Să ştiţi atunci şi să vedeţi cît de rău... aţi făcut înaintea Domnului cînd aţi cerut un împărat pentru voi``.

1-я Царств 12:17
не жатва ли пшеницы ныне? Но я воззову к Господу, и пошлет Он гром и дождь, и вы узнаете и увидите, как велик грех, который вы сделали пред очами Господа, прося себе царя.

не жатва ли пшеницы ныне? Но я воззову к Господу, и пошлет Он гром и дождь, и вы узнаете и увидите, как велик грех, который вы сделали пред очами Господа, прося себе царя.[]

1 Samuelsboken 12:17
Nu är ju tiden för veteskörden; men jag vill ropa till HERREN att han må låta det dundra och regna. Så skolen I märka och se huru mycket ont I haven gjort i HERRENS ögon genom eder begäran att få en konung.»

1 Samuel 12:17
Hindi ba pagaani ng trigo sa araw na ito? Ako'y tatawag sa Panginoon, na siya'y magpapasapit ng kulog at ulan; at inyong malalaman at makikita na ang inyong kasamaan ay dakila, na inyong ginawa sa paningin ng Panginoon sa paghingi ninyo ng isang hari.

1 ซามูเอล 12:17
วันนี้เป็นฤดูเกี่ยวข้าวสาลีไม่ใช่หรือ ข้าพเจ้าจะร้องทูลต่อพระเยโฮวาห์ และพระองค์จะทรงส่งฟ้าร้องและฝน เพื่อท่านทั้งหลายจะรับรู้และเห็นเองว่า ความชั่วของท่านนั้นใหญ่โตเพียงใด ซึ่งท่านได้กระทำในสายพระเนตรของพระเยโฮวาห์ ในการที่ได้ขอให้มีกษัตริย์สำหรับท่าน"

1 Samuel 12:17
Bugün buğday biçme zamanı değil mi? Göğü gürletsin, yağmur yağdırsın diye RABbe yalvaracağım. Böylece bir kral istemekle yaptığınız kötülüğün RABbin gözünde ne denli büyük olduğunu iyice anlayacaksınız.››[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 12:17
Ngày nay, há chẳng phải là mùa gặt lúa mì sao? Ta sẽ cầu khẩn Ðức Giê-hô-va; Ngài sẽ làm sấm sét và mưa, để các ngươi biết và thấy mình đã phạm sự ác lớn trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va, bởi vì đã xin một vua.

1 Samuel 12:16
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