1 Samuel 12:14
1 Samuel 12:14
If you fear the LORD and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the LORD your God--good!

"Now if you fear and worship the LORD and listen to his voice, and if you do not rebel against the LORD's commands, then both you and your king will show that you recognize the LORD as your God.

If you will fear the LORD and serve him and obey his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, and if both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the LORD your God, it will be well.

"If you will fear the LORD and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the LORD, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the LORD your God.

If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God:

If you fear the LORD, worship and obey Him, and if you don't rebel against the LORD's command, then both you and the king who rules over you will follow the LORD your God.

If you fear the LORD, serve him, obey him, and don't rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then both you and the king who rules over you will truly follow the LORD your God.

If you fear the LORD, serving him and obeying him and not rebelling against what he says, and if both you and the king who rules over you follow the LORD your God, all will be well.

If you fear the LORD, serve him, obey him, and don't rebel against what he says, then you and your king will follow the LORD your God.

If ye will fear the LORD and serve him and hear his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye and also the king that reigns over you continue following the LORD your God.

If you will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both you and also the king that reigns over you continue following the LORD your God:

If you will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both you and also the king that reigns over you continue following the LORD your God:

If ye will fear Jehovah, and serve him, and hearken unto his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of Jehovah, and both ye and also the king that reigneth over you be followers of Jehovah your God, well :

If you will fear the Lord, and serve him, and hearken to his voice, and not provoke the mouth of the Lord: then shall both you, and the king who reigneth over you, be followers of the Lord your God.

If ye fear Jehovah, and serve him, and hearken to his voice, and rebel not against the commandment of Jehovah, then both ye and the king also that reigns over you shall continue following Jehovah your God.

If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and hearken unto his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, and both ye and also the king that reigneth over you be followers of the LORD your God, well:

If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye, and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God.

If you will fear Yahweh, and serve him, and listen to his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of Yahweh, and both you and also the king who reigns over you are followers of Yahweh your God, [well]:

'If ye fear Jehovah, and have served Him, and hearkened to His voice, then ye do not provoke the mouth of Jehovah, and ye have been -- both ye and the king who hath reigned over you -- after Jehovah your God.

1 i Samuelit 12:14
Në qoftë se keni frikë nga Zoti, i shërbeni dhe dëgjoni zërin e tij, dhe nuk ngrini krye kundër urdhërimeve të Zotit, atëherë ju dhe mbreti që mbretëron mbi ju do të ndiqni Zotin, Perëndinë tuaj.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 12:14
ان اتقيتم الرب وعبدتموه وسمعتم صوته ولم تعصوا قول الرب وكنتم انتم والملك ايضا الذي يملك عليكم وراء الرب الهكم*****

Dyr Sämyheel A 12:14
Wenntß önn Herrn ferchttß und iem dientß, wenntß auf iem lustertß und nit ungfölgig werdtß und wenntß ös wie aau dyr Künig über enk yn n Herrn, enkern Got, folgtß, naacherd pässt allss.

1 Царе 12:14
Ако се боите от Господа и Му служите, и слушате гласа Му, и не въставате против Господното повеление, и следвате Господа вашия Бог, както вие, така и царят, който царува над вас, [добре];

撒 母 耳 記 上 12:14
你 們 若 敬 畏 耶 和 華 , 事 奉 他 , 聽 從 他 的 話 , 不 違 背 他 的 命 令 , 你 們 和 治 理 你 們 的 王 也 都 順 從 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的   神 就 好 了 。

你 们 若 敬 畏 耶 和 华 , 事 奉 他 , 听 从 他 的 话 , 不 违 背 他 的 命 令 , 你 们 和 治 理 你 们 的 王 也 都 顺 从 耶 和 华 ─ 你 们 的   神 就 好 了 。



1 Samuel 12:14
Ako se budete bojali Jahve i njemu budete služili, ako budete slušali njegov glas i ne budete se protivili njegovim zapovijedima, slijedit ćete Jahvu, Boga svoga, vi i kralj koji kraljuje nad vama.

První Samuelova 12:14
Budete-li se báti Hospodina, a jemu sloužiti a poslouchati hlasu jeho, a nebudete-li se zpěčovati řeči Hospodinově, tak i vy i král, kterýž kraluje nad vámi, ostojíte, jdouce za Hospodinem Bohem vaším.

1 Samuel 12:14
Hvis I frygter HERREN og tjener ham, adlyder hans Røst og ikke er genstridige mod HERRENS Bud, men følger HERREN eders Gud, baade I og Kongen, som har faaet Herredømmet over eder, da skal det gaa eder vel.

1 Samuël 12:14
Zo gij den HEERE zult vrezen, en Hem dienen, en naar Zijn stem horen, en den mond des HEEREN niet wederspannig zijt, zo zult gijlieden, zowel gij als de koning, die over u regeren zal, achter den HEERE, uw God, zijn.

שמואל א 12:14
אִם־תִּֽירְא֣וּ אֶת־יְהוָ֗ה וַעֲבַדְתֶּ֤ם אֹתֹו֙ וּשְׁמַעְתֶּ֣ם בְּקֹלֹ֔ו וְלֹ֥א תַמְר֖וּ אֶת־פִּ֣י יְהוָ֑ה וִהְיִתֶ֣ם גַּם־אַתֶּ֗ם וְגַם־הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר מָלַ֣ךְ עֲלֵיכֶ֔ם אַחַ֖ר יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃

יד אם תיראו את יהוה ועבדתם אתו ושמעתם בקולו ולא תמרו את פי יהוה--והיתם גם אתם וגם המלך אשר מלך עליכם אחר יהוה אלהיכם

אם־תיראו את־יהוה ועבדתם אתו ושמעתם בקלו ולא תמרו את־פי יהוה והיתם גם־אתם וגם־המלך אשר מלך עליכם אחר יהוה אלהיכם׃

1 Sámuel 12:14
Hogyha az Urat félitek, és néki szolgáltok; szavára hallgattok és az Úr szája ellen engedetlenek nem lesztek; és mind ti, mind pedig a király, a ki felettetek uralkodik, az Urat, a ti Isteneteket követitek: [megtartattok.]

Samuel 1 12:14
Se vi timos la Eternulon kaj servos al Li kaj obeos Lian vocxon kaj ne ribelos kontraux la diro de la Eternulo, tiam vi kaj ankaux la regxo, kiu ekregis super vi, estos sub la defendo de la Eternulo, via Dio.

Jos te pelkäätte Herraa ja palvelette häntä, kuulette hänen äänensä ja ette ole Herran suulle tottelemattomat, niin sekä te että teidän kuninkaanne, joka teitä hallitsee, seuraa Herraa teidän Jumalaanne.

1 Samuel 12:14
Si vous craignez l'Éternel et que vous le serviez, et que vous écoutiez sa voix, et que vous ne soyez pas rebelles au commandement de l'Éternel, alors vous, et le roi qui règne sur vous, vous irez après l'Éternel, votre Dieu.

Si vous craignez l'Eternel, si vous le servez, si vous obéissez à sa voix, et si vous n'êtes point rebelles à la parole de l'Eternel, vous vous attacherez à l'Eternel, votre Dieu, vous et le roi qui règne sur vous.

Si vous craignez l'Eternel, et que vous le serviez, et obéissiez à sa voix, et que vous ne soyez point rebelles au commandement de l'Eternel, alors et vous, et votre Roi qui règne sur vous, vous serez sous la conduite de l'Eternel votre Dieu.

1 Samuel 12:14
Werdet ihr nun den HERRN fürchten und ihm dienen und seiner Stimme gehorchen und dem Munde des HERRN nicht ungehorsam sein, so werdet beide ihr und euer König, der über euch herrschet, dem HERRN, eurem Gott, folgen.

Werdet ihr nun den HERRN fürchten und ihm dienen und seiner Stimme gehorchen und dem Munde des HERRN nicht ungehorsam sein, so werdet ihr und euer König, der über euch herrscht, dem HERRN, eurem Gott, folgen. {~} {~}

Wenn ihr Jahwe fürchtet, ihm dient, seiner Stimme gehorcht und dem Befehl Jahwes nicht widerstrebt und wenn ihr, sowohl ihr selbst, als der König, der euch regiert, Jahwe, eurem Gotte, folgsam seid - - ;

1 Samuele 12:14
Se temete l’Eterno, lo servite, e ubbidite alla sua voce, se non siete ribelli al comandamento dell’Eterno, e tanto voi quanto il re che regna su voi siete seguaci dell’Eterno, ch’è il vostro Dio, bene;

Se voi temete il Signore e gli servite, e ubbidite alla sua voce, e non siete ribelli alla bocca del Signore; e voi, e il vostro re, che regna sopra voi, sarete dietro al Signore Iddio vostro.

1 SAMUEL 12:14
Jikalau kiranya kamu takut akan Tuhan dan berbuat bakti kepada-Nya dan mendengar akan suara-Nya dan tiada kamu mendurhaka akan firman Tuhan, niscaya kamu dan rajamu, yang memerintahkan kamu, itupun akan dalam pemeliharaan Tuhan, Allahmu.

사무엘상 12:14
너희가 만일 여호와를 경외하여 그를 섬기며 그 목소리를 듣고 여호와의 명령을 거역하지 아니하며 또 너희와 너희를 다스리는 왕이 너희 하나님 여호와를 좇으면 좋으니라마는

I Samuelis 12:14
si timueritis Dominum et servieritis ei et audieritis vocem eius et non exasperaveritis os Domini eritis et vos et rex qui imperat vobis sequentes Dominum Deum vestrum

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 12:14
Jei bijosite Viešpaties, Jam tarnausite, klausysite Jo balso ir nesipriešinsite Jo įsakymams, tai jūs ir jūsų karalius, kuris jus valdo, seksite Viešpatį, savo Dievą.

1 Samuel 12:14
Ki te wehi koutou i a Ihowa, ki te mahi ki a ia, ki te whakarongo ki tona reo, ki te kore hoki e tutu ki te kupu a Ihowa, katahi koutou ko te kingi e kingi ana i a koutou ka whai tonu i a Ihowa, i to koutou Atua.

1 Samuels 12:14
Dersom I nu frykter Herren og tjener ham og lyder ham og ikke er gjenstridige mot Herrens ord, men følger Herren eders Gud, både I og kongen som råder over eder [så skal Herren være med eder].

1 Samuel 12:14
Si teméis al SEÑOR y le servís, escucháis su voz y no os rebeláis contra el mandamiento del SEÑOR, entonces vosotros, como el rey que reine sobre vosotros, estaréis siguiendo al SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

"Si temen al SEÑOR y Le sirven, escuchan Su voz y no se rebelan contra el mandamiento del SEÑOR, entonces ustedes, como el rey que reine sobre ustedes, estarán siguiendo al SEÑOR su Dios.

Si temiereis a Jehová y le sirviereis, y oyereis su voz, y no fuereis rebeldes a la palabra de Jehová, así vosotros como el rey que reina sobre vosotros, andaréis en pos de Jehová vuestro Dios.

Si temiereis á Jehová y le sirviereis, y oyereis su voz, y no fuereis rebeldes á la palabra de Jehová, así vosotros como el rey que reina sobre vosotros, seréis en pos de Jehová vuestro Dios.

Si temiereis al SEÑOR y le sirviereis, y oyereis su voz, y no fuereis rebeldes a la palabra del SEÑOR, así vosotros como el rey que reina sobre vosotros, seréis en pos del SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

1 Samuel 12:14
Se temerdes ao SENHOR, e o servirdes, e atenderdes às suas ordens, e se tanto vós como o rei que governa sobre vós seguirdes a Yahweh vosso Deus, então tudo vos irá bem!

Se temerdes ao Senhor, e o servirdes, e derdes ouvidos à sua voz, e não fordes rebeldes às suas ordens, e se tanto vós como o rei que reina sobre vós seguirdes o Senhor vosso Deus, bem está;   

1 Samuel 12:14
Dacă vă veţi teme de Domnul, dacă -I veţi sluji, dacă veţi asculta de glasul Lui, şi dacă nu vă veţi împotrivi cuvîntului Domnului, vă veţi alipi de Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru, atît voi cît şi împăratul care domneşte peste voi.

1-я Царств 12:14
Если будете бояться Господа и служить Ему и слушать гласа Его, и не станете противиться повелениям Господа, и будете и вы и царь ваш, который царствует над вами, ходить вслед Господа, Бога вашего.

Если будете бояться Господа и служить Ему и слушать гласа Его, и не станете противиться повелениям Господа, и будете и вы и царь ваш, который царствует над вами, [ходить] вслед Господа, Бога вашего.[]

1 Samuelsboken 12:14
Allenast man I nu frukta HERREN och tjäna honom och höra hans röst och icke vara gensträviga mot HERRENS befallning. Ja, både I och den konung som regerar över eder mån följa HERREN, eder Gud.

1 Samuel 12:14
Kung kayo'y matatakot sa Panginoon, at maglilingkod sa kaniya, at makikinig sa kaniyang tinig, at hindi manghihimagsik laban sa utos ng Panginoon, at kayo at gayon din ang hari na naghahari sa inyo ay maging masunurin sa Panginoon ninyong Dios, ay mabuti:

1 ซามูเอล 12:14
ถ้าท่านทั้งหลายจะยำเกรงพระเยโฮวาห์ และปรนนิบัติพระองค์ และเชื่อฟังพระสุรเสียงของพระองค์ และไม่กบฏต่อพระบัญชาของพระเยโฮวาห์ ท่านทั้งหลายและกษัตริย์ผู้ปกครองเหนือท่านจึงจะเป็นผู้ติดตามพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของท่านทั้งหลายต่อไป

1 Samuel 12:14
Eğer RABden korkar, Ona kulluk ederseniz, Onun sözünü dinleyip buyruklarına karşı gelmezseniz, hem siz hem de önderiniz olacak kral Tanrınız RABbin ardınca giderseniz, ne âlâ![]

1 Sa-mu-eân 12:14
Nếu các ngươi kính sợ Ðức Giê-hô-va, phục sự Ngài, vâng theo lời phán Ngài, chẳng nghịch mạng lịnh của Ngài; nếu các ngươi và vua cai trị các ngươi vâng theo Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời các ngươi, thì chắc các ngươi sẽ được may mắn.

1 Samuel 12:13
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