1 Samuel 11:11
1 Samuel 11:11
The next day Saul separated his men into three divisions; during the last watch of the night they broke into the camp of the Ammonites and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. Those who survived were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.

But before dawn the next morning, Saul arrived, having divided his army into three detachments. He launched a surprise attack against the Ammonites and slaughtered them the whole morning. The remnant of their army was so badly scattered that no two of them were left together.

And the next day Saul put the people in three companies. And they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch and struck down the Ammonites until the heat of the day. And those who survived were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.

The next morning Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp at the morning watch and struck down the Ammonites until the heat of the day. Those who survived were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.

And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the host in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

The next day Saul organized the troops into three divisions. During the morning watch, they invaded the Ammonite camp and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. There were survivors, but they were so scattered that no two of them were left together.

The next day Saul separated the people into three companies. They came into the camp during the morning watch, and struck down the Ammonites until the heat of the day. Those who survived were scattered so that no two of them remained together.

The next day Saul placed the people in three groups. They went to the Ammonite camp during the morning watch and struck them down until the hottest part of the day. The survivors scattered; no two of them remained together.

The next day Saul arranged the army in three divisions. They came into the [Ammonite] camp during the morning hours and continued to defeat the Ammonites until it got hot that day. The survivors were so scattered that no two of them were left together.

And it was so on the next day that Saul put the people in order in three companies, and they came into the midst of the host in the morning watch and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day, and it came to pass that those who remained were scattered so that two of them were not left together.

And it was so the next day, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they who remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the middle of the host in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and smote the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they that remained were scattered, so that not two of them were left together.

And it came to pass, when the morrow was come that Saul put the people in three companies: and he came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and he slew the Ammonites until the day grew hot, and the rest were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

And it came to pass the next day that Saul set the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and smote Ammon until the heat of the day: and it came to pass that they who remained were scattered, and not two of them were left together.

And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and smote the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

And it was so on the morrow, that Saul disposed the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the host in the morning-watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they who remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

It was so on the next day, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and struck the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it happened, that those who remained were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.

And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that Saul putteth the people in three detachments, and they come into the midst of the camp in the morning-watch, and smite Ammon till the heat of the day; and it cometh to pass that those left are scattered, and there have not been left of them two together.

1 i Samuelit 11:11
Të nesërmen, Sauli e ndau popullin në tre grupe, të cilët hynë në mes të kampit armik para mëngjesit dhe i grinë Amonitët deri në zheg të ditës. Ata që shpëtuan u shpërndanë dhe nuk mbetën as dy veta bashkë.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 11:11
وكان في الغد ان شاول جعل الشعب ثلاث فرق ودخلوا في وسط المحلّة عند سحر الصبح وضربوا العمونيين حتى حمي النهار. والذين بقوا تشتتوا حتى لم يبق منهم اثنان معا.

Dyr Sämyheel A 11:11
Mittn bei dyr Nacht gstöllt dyr Saul s Hör in drei Rottn auf. Lang ee wenn d Sunn aufgieng, drangend s eyn s Lager ein; und wie s schoen staet haiß wurd, hietnd s d Ämmannen gschlagn. Grad weenig blibnd über; yso ausaynandergstraeut wurdnd s, däß nit aynmaal zween von ien beinandblibnd.

1 Царе 11:11
И на утринта Саул раздели людете на три полка; и във [време на] утринната стража те навлязоха всред стана, и поразяваха амонците докато се стопли денят; и оцелелите от тях се разпиляха до толкоз, щото нито двама от тях не останаха заедно.

撒 母 耳 記 上 11:11
第 二 日 , 掃 羅 將 百 姓 分 為 三 隊 , 在 晨 更 的 時 候 入 了 亞 捫 人 的 營 , 擊 殺 他 們 直 到 太 陽 近 午 , 剩 下 的 人 都 逃 散 , 沒 有 二 人 同 在 一 處 的 。

第 二 日 , 扫 罗 将 百 姓 分 为 三 队 , 在 晨 更 的 时 候 入 了 亚 扪 人 的 营 , 击 杀 他 们 直 到 太 阳 近 午 , 剩 下 的 人 都 逃 散 , 没 有 二 人 同 在 一 处 的 。



1 Samuel 11:11
Sutradan Šaul razdijeli narod u tri čete, koje provališe u tabor o jutarnjoj straži i tukoše Amonce do najveće dnevne žege; a što preživje, rasprša se da ni dvojica ne ostaše zajedno.

První Samuelova 11:11
Nazejtří pak rozdělil Saul lid na tři houfy; i vskočili do prostřed vojska v čas jitřního bdění, a bili Ammonitské, až slunce dobře vzešlo; kteříž pak byli pozůstali, rozprchli se, tak že nezůstalo z nich ani dvou pospolu.

1 Samuel 11:11
Dagen efter delte Saul Hæren i tre Afdelinger, og de trængte ind i Lejren ved Morgenvagten og huggede ned blandt Ammoniterne, til det blev hedt; og de, som undslap, splittedes til alle Sider, saa ikke to og to blev sammen.

1 Samuël 11:11
Het geschiedde nu des anderen daags, dat Saul het volk stelde in drie hopen, en zij kwamen in het midden des legers, in de morgenwake, en zij sloegen Ammon, totdat de dag heet werd; en het geschiedde, dat de overigen alzo verstrooid werden, dat er onder hen geen twee te zamen bleven.

שמואל א 11:11
וַיְהִ֣י מִֽמָּחֳרָ֗ת וַיָּ֨שֶׂם שָׁא֣וּל אֶת־הָעָם֮ שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה רָאשִׁים֒ וַיָּבֹ֤אוּ בְתֹוךְ־הַֽמַּחֲנֶה֙ בְּאַשְׁמֹ֣רֶת הַבֹּ֔קֶר וַיַּכּ֥וּ אֶת־עַמֹּ֖ון עַד־חֹ֣ם הַיֹּ֑ום וַיְהִ֤י הַנִּשְׁאָרִים֙ וַיָּפֻ֔צוּ וְלֹ֥א נִשְׁאֲרוּ־בָ֖ם שְׁנַ֥יִם יָֽחַד׃

יא ויהי ממחרת וישם שאול את העם שלשה ראשים ויבאו בתוך המחנה באשמרת הבקר ויכו את עמון עד חם היום ויהי הנשארים ויפצו ולא נשארו בם שנים יחד

ויהי ממחרת וישם שאול את־העם שלשה ראשים ויבאו בתוך־המחנה באשמרת הבקר ויכו את־עמון עד־חם היום ויהי הנשארים ויפצו ולא נשארו־בם שנים יחד׃

1 Sámuel 11:11
Másodnapon pedig Saul a népet három seregre osztá, és kora hajnalban a táborra ütének, és verték Ammont mindaddig, míg a nap felmelegedék; a kik pedig megmaradtak, úgy szétszórattak, hogy kettõ sem maradt közülök együtt.

Samuel 1 11:11
En la sekvanta tago Saul dividis la popolon en tri tacxmentojn, kaj ili eniris en la tendaron dum la matena gardotempo, kaj venkobatis la Amonidojn, antaux ol la tago farigxis varma; la restintoj diskuris tiel, ke ne restis ecx du kune.

Niin Saul jakoi toisena päivänä huomeneltain kansan kolmeen joukkoon, ja he tulivat huomenvartiossa sisälle keskelle leiriä ja löivät Ammonilaisia siihenasti kuin päivä tuli palavimmaksi; ja ne jotka jäivät, hajoitettiin, niin ettei kahta heistä yhteen jäänyt.

1 Samuel 11:11
Et il arriva que, le lendemain, Saül rangea le peuple en trois corps; et ils entrèrent au milieu du camp pendant la veille du matin, et ils frappèrent Ammon jusqu'à la chaleur du jour; et ceux qui restèrent furent dispersés; et il n'en resta pas deux ensemble.

Le lendemain, Saül divisa le peuple en trois corps. Ils pénétrèrent dans le camp des Ammonites à la veille du matin, et ils les battirent jusqu'à la chaleur du jour. Ceux qui échappèrent furent dispersés, et il n'en resta pas deux ensemble.

Et dès le lendemain Saül mit le peuple en trois bandes, et ils entrèrent dans le camp sur la veille du matin, et ils frappèrent les Hammonites jusques vers la chaleur du jour; et ceux qui demeurèrent de reste furent tellement dispersés çà et là, qu'il n'en demeura pas deux ensemble.

1 Samuel 11:11
Und des andern Morgens stellete Saul das Volk in drei Haufen; und kamen ins Lager um die Morgenwache und schlugen die Ammoniter, bis der Tag heiß ward; welche aber überblieben, wurden also zerstreuet, daß ihrer nicht zween beieinander blieben.

Und des andern Morgens stellte Saul das Volk in drei Haufen, und sie kamen ins Lager um die Morgenwache und schlugen die Ammoniter, bis der Tag heiß ward; welche aber übrigblieben, wurden also zerstreut, daß ihrer nicht zwei beieinander blieben.

Am andern Morgen aber teilte Saul das Volk in drei Heerhaufen, und sie drangen um die Morgenwache in das Lager ein und richteten unter den Ammonitern eine Niederlage an, bis es heiß wurde. Was aber übrig blieb, zerstreute sich, so daß nicht zwei von ihnen beisammen blieben.

1 Samuele 11:11
Il giorno seguente, Saul divise il popolo in tre schiere, che penetrarono nel campo degli Ammoniti in su la vigilia del mattino, e li batterono fino alle ore calde del giorno. Quelli che scamparono furon dispersi in guisa che non ne rimasero due assieme.

E il giorno seguente Saulle dispose il popolo in tre schiere; e quelle entrarono dentro al campo in su la veglia della mattina, e percossero gli Ammoniti, finchè il dì fu riscaldato. E avvenne che coloro che scamparono furono dispersi qua e là, e non ne rimase di loro due insieme.

1 SAMUEL 11:11
Hata, maka pada keesokan harinya dibahagi Saul akan orang banyak itu menjadi tiga pasukan, lalu masuklah mereka itu ke dalam tentara musuh, pada ketika kawal dini hari, maka diparangnya akan orang Ammon sampai hari panas terik, bahwasanya tercerai-berailah segala orang sisanya, sehingga dari padanya dua orang juapun tiada tinggal bersama-sama.

사무엘상 11:11
이튿날에 사울이 백성을 삼대에 나누고 새벽에 적진 중에 들어가서 날이 더울 때까지 암몬 사람을 치매 남은 자가 다 흩어져서 둘도 함께 한 자가 없었더라

I Samuelis 11:11
et factum est cum venisset dies crastinus constituit Saul populum in tres partes et ingressus est media castra in vigilia matutina et percussit Ammon usque dum incalesceret dies reliqui autem dispersi sunt ita ut non relinquerentur in eis duo pariter

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 11:11
Kitą dieną Saulius suskirstė vyrus į tris būrius ir rytinės sargybos metu jie įsiveržė į stovyklą ir žudė amonitus, iki pradėjo kaitinti saulė. O likusieji buvo taip išblaškyti, kad dviejų neliko kartu.

1 Samuel 11:11
Heoi i te aonga ake ka wehea e Haora te iwi kia toru nga ngohi. Na haere ana ratou ki waenganui o te puni i te whakaaraara o te ata, patua iho nga Amoni a mahana noa te ra; a, ko nga toenga, i marara noa atu, a kihai hoki i waiho kia tokorua o r atou e haere tahi ana.

1 Samuels 11:11
Dagen efter stilte Saul folket op i tre hoper, og i morgenvakten trengte de midt inn i leiren og hugg ammonittene ned, til dagen blev het; og de som blev tilbake, spredtes, så det ikke blev to sammen tilbake av dem.

1 Samuel 11:11
A la mañana siguiente Saúl dispuso al pueblo en tres compañías; y entraron en medio del campamento a la vigilia de la mañana, e hirieron a los amonitas hasta que calentó el día. Y sucedió que los que quedaron fueron dispersados, no quedando dos de ellos juntos.

A la mañana siguiente, a la vigilia de la mañana (2 a 6 a.m.), Saúl dispuso al pueblo en tres compañías; y entraron en medio del campamento, e hirieron a los Amonitas hasta que calentó el día. Los que quedaron fueron dispersados, no quedando dos de ellos juntos.

Y el día siguiente dispuso Saúl el pueblo en tres escuadrones, y entraron en medio del campamento a la vigilia de la mañana, e hirieron a los amonitas hasta que el día calentaba; y los que quedaron fueron dispersos, tal que no quedaron dos de ellos juntos.

Y el día siguiente dispuso Saúl el pueblo en tres escuadrones, y entraron en medio del real á la vela de la mañana, é hirieron á los Ammonitas hasta que el día calentaba: y los que quedaron fueron dispersos, tal que no quedaron dos de ellos juntos.

Y el día siguiente Saúl puso el pueblo en orden en tres escuadrones, y entraron en medio del real a la vela de la mañana, e hirieron a los amonitas hasta que el día calentaba; y los que quedaron fueron dispersos, tal que no quedaron dos de ellos juntos.

1 Samuel 11:11
No dia seguinte, Saul dividiu os seus homens em três grandes grupos. Ao raiar da aurora os exércitos de Saul avançaram sobre o acampamento amonita e os atacaram violentamente. Por volta do meio dia já haviam massacrado quase todos os inimigos. E os que conseguiram fugir se espalharam, cada qual buscando livrar sua própria vida por um lado.

Ao outro dia Saul dividiu o povo em três companhias; e pela vigília da manhã vieram ao meio do arraial, e feriram aos amonitas até que o dia aquentou; e sucedeu que os restantes se espalharam de modo a não ficarem dois juntos.   

1 Samuel 11:11
A două zi, Saul a împărţit poporul în trei cete. Au pătruns în tabăra Amoniţilor în straja dimineţei, şi i-au bătut pînă la căldura zilei. Ceice au scăpat, au fost risipiţi, şi n'au mai rămas doi laolaltă dintre ei.

1-я Царств 11:11
В следующий день Саул разделил народ на три отряда, и они проникли в средину стана во время утренней стражи и поразилиАммонитян до дневного зноя; оставшиеся рассеялись, так что не осталось из них двоих вместе.

В следующий день Саул разделил народ на три отряда, и они проникли в средину стана во время утренней стражи и поразили Аммонитян до дневного зноя; оставшиеся рассеялись, так что не осталось из них двоих вместе.[]

1 Samuelsboken 11:11
Dagen därefter fördelade Saul folket i tre hopar; och de trängde in i lägret vid morgonväkten och nedgjorde ammoniterna, och upphörde först när det var som hetast på dagen. Och de som kommo undan blevo så kringspridda, att icke två av dem kommo undan tillsammans.

1 Samuel 11:11
At naging gayon sa kinabukasan, na inilagay ni Saul ang bayan ng tatlong pulutong; at sila'y pumasok sa gitna ng kampamento sa pagbabantay sa kinaumagahan at sinaktan ang mga Ammonita hanggang sa kainitan ng araw: at nangyari, na ang mga nalabi ay nangalat, na anopa't walang naiwang dalawang magkasama.

1 ซามูเอล 11:11
พอวันรุ่งขึ้นซาอูลก็จัดพลออกเป็นสามกองทัพ ยกเข้ามากลางค่ายในยามสาม และฆ่าฟันคนอัมโมนเสียจนเวลาแดดจัด ต่อมา ผู้ที่เหลืออยู่ก็กระจัดกระจายไป รวมกันไม่ได้สักคู่เดียวเลย

1 Samuel 11:11
Ertesi gün Saul adamlarını üç bölüğe ayırdı. Adamlar sabah nöbetinde Ammonluların ordugahına girdi. Kırım günün en sıcak zamanına dek sürdü. Sağ kalanlar dağıldı; iki kişi bile bir arada kalmadı.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 11:11
Nhưng sáng ngày mai, Sau-lơ chia dân sự ra làm ba đạo, hãm dinh dân Am-môn vừa lúc canh năm, và đánh dân Am-môn cho đến gần đứng bóng. Những người thoát khỏi thì bị tản lạc đến đỗi không có hai người chung nhau.

1 Samuel 11:10
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