1 Kings 9:27
1 Kings 9:27
And Hiram sent his men--sailors who knew the sea--to serve in the fleet with Solomon's men.

Hiram sent experienced crews of sailors to sail the ships with Solomon's men.

And Hiram sent with the fleet his servants, seamen who were familiar with the sea, together with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent his servants with the fleet, sailors who knew the sea, along with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

With the fleet, Hiram sent his servants, experienced seamen, along with Solomon's servants.

Hiram sent his servants to sail with the fleet, since they were expert seamen, and so they accompanied Solomon's servants.

Hiram sent his fleet and some of his sailors, who were well acquainted with the sea, to serve with Solomon's men.

Hiram sent his own servants [who were] experienced seamen with the fleet. Along with Solomon's servants

And Hiram sent in the navy his slaves, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the slaves of Solomon.

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, seaman that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent his servants in the fleet, sailors that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent in the fleet his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon;

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

Hiram sent in the navy his servants, sailors who had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

And Hiram sendeth in the navy his servants, shipmen knowing the sea, with servants of Solomon,

1 i Mbretërve 9:27
Hirami dërgoi mbi anijet e flotës shërbëtorët e tij, marinarë që e njihnin detin, me qëllim që të punonin me shërbëtorët e Salomonit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 9:27
فارسل حيرام في السفن عبيده النواتي العارفين بالبحر مع عبيد سليمان.

De Künig A 9:27
Dyr Hiram gschickt iem Schöf und erfarne Marner, die was mit n Salman seine Leut mitaynand

3 Царе 9:27
А в корабите Хирам прати от слугите си, опитни морски корабници, [да бъдат] със Соломоновите слуги.

列 王 紀 上 9:27
希 蘭 差 遣 他 的 僕 人 , 就 是 熟 悉 泛 海 的 船 家 , 與 所 羅 門 的 僕 人 一 同 坐 船 航 海 。

希 兰 差 遣 他 的 仆 人 , 就 是 熟 悉 泛 海 的 船 家 , 与 所 罗 门 的 仆 人 一 同 坐 船 航 海 。



1 Kings 9:27
Hiram je poslao na tim lađama svoje sluge, mornare koji su poznavali more, sa slugama Salomonovim.

První Královská 9:27
A poslal Chíram na těch lodech služebníky své, plavce umělé na moři, s služebníky Šalomounovými.

Første Kongebog 9:27
og Hiram sendte sine Folk, befarne Søfolk, om Bord paa Skibene sammen med Salomos Folk.

1 Koningen 9:27
En Hiram zond met die schepen zijn knechten, scheepslieden, kenners van de zee, met de knechten van Salomo.

מלכים א 9:27
וַיִּשְׁלַ֨ח חִירָ֤ם בָּֽאֳנִי֙ אֶת־עֲבָדָ֔יו אַנְשֵׁ֣י אֳנִיֹּ֔ות יֹדְעֵ֖י הַיָּ֑ם עִ֖ם עַבְדֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃

כז וישלח חירם באני את עבדיו אנשי אניות ידעי הים--עם עבדי שלמה

וישלח חירם באני את־עבדיו אנשי אניות ידעי הים עם עבדי שלמה׃

1 Királyok 9:27
És elküldé Hírám az õ szolgáit a hajókon, a kik jó hajósok és a tengeren jártasak [valának], a Salamon szolgáival.

Reĝoj 1 9:27
Kaj HXiram sendis en la sxiparo siajn servantojn sxipistojn, spertajn maristojn, kun la servantoj de Salomono.

Ja Hiram lähetti palveliansa laivaan, jotka olivat jalot haaksimiehet ja mereen hyvin harjaantuneet, Salomon palveliain kanssa;

1 Rois 9:27
Et Hiram envoya sur la flotte ses serviteurs, des matelots connaissant la mer, avec les serviteurs de Salomon.

Et Hiram envoya sur ces navires, auprès des serviteurs de Salomon, ses propres serviteurs, des matelots connaissant la mer.

Et Hiram envoya de ses serviteurs, gens de mer, et qui entendaient la marine, pour être avec les serviteurs de Salomon dans cette flotte.

1 Koenige 9:27
Und Hiram sandte seine Knechte im Schiff, die gute Schiffsleute und auf dem Meer erfahren waren, mit den Knechten Salomos.

Und Hiram sandte seine Knechte im Schiff, die gute Schiffsleute und auf dem Meer erfahren waren, mit den Knechten Salomos;

Und Hiram sandte auf der Flotte Unterthanen von sich - Schiffsleute, die mit dem Meere vertraut waren, - zusammen mit den Unterthanen Salomos.

1 Re 9:27
Hiram mandò su questa flotta, con la gente di Salomone, la sua propria gente: marinai, che conoscevano il mare.

Ed Hiram mandò in quel navilio, co’ servitori di Salomone, i suoi servitori marinari, intendenti dell’arte marinaresca.

1 RAJA-RAJA 9:27
Maka disuruhkan raja Hiram beberapa orang hambanya, yaitu orang kapal yang berpelayaran di laut, naik kapal itu serta dengan segala hamba raja Sulaiman.

열왕기상 9:27
히람이 자기 종 곧 바다에 익숙한 사공들을 솔로몬의 종과 함께 그 배로 보내매

I Regum 9:27
misitque Hiram in classe illa servos suos viros nauticos et gnaros maris cum servis Salomonis

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 9:27
Hiramas atsiuntė tiems laivams savo tarnų, patyrusių jūrininkų, kurie plaukė kartu su Saliamono tarnais.

1 Kings 9:27
A tonoa ana e Hirama ana tangata ki runga ki nga kaipuke, he kaimahi kaipuke, he mohio ki te moana, hei hoa mo nga tangata a Horomona.

1 Kongebok 9:27
Og Hiram sendte sine folk, sjøvant mannskap, på skibene sammen med Salomos folk.

1 Reyes 9:27
Y envió Hiram a sus siervos con la flota, marineros que conocían el mar, junto con los siervos de Salomón.

Hiram envió a sus siervos con la flota, marineros que conocían el mar, junto con los siervos de Salomón,

Y envió Hiram en ellos a sus siervos, marineros y diestros en el mar, con los siervos de Salomón;

Y envió Hiram en ellos á sus siervos, marineros y diestros en la mar, con los siervos de Salomón:

Y envió Hiram en ellos a sus siervos, marineros y diestros en el mar, con los siervos de Salomón;

1 Reis 9:27
E Hirão enviou em navios os seus marinheiros, homens experientes na arte da navegação marítima, a fim de servirem a Salomão como marinheiros.

Hirão mandou com aquela frota, em companhia dos servos de Salomão, os seus próprios servos, marinheiros que conheciam o mar;   

1 Imparati 9:27
Şi Hiram a trimes cu aceste corăbii, la slujitorii lui Solomon, pe înşişi slujitorii lui, marinari cari cunoşteau marea.

3-я Царств 9:27
И послал Хирам на корабле своих подданных корабельщиков, знающих море, с подданными Соломоновыми;

И послал Хирам на корабле своих подданных корабельщиков, знающих море, с подданными Соломоновыми;[]

1 Kungaboken 9:27
På denna flotta sände Hiram av sitt folk sjökunnigt skeppsmanskap, som åtföljde Salomos folk.

1 Kings 9:27
At sinugo ni Hiram sa mga sasakyan ang kaniyang mga bataan, mga magdadagat na bihasa sa dagat, na kasama ng mga bataan ni Salomon.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 9:27

1 Krallar 9:27
Hiram denizi bilen gemicilerini Süleymanın adamlarıyla birlikte Ofire gönderdi.[]

1 Caùc Vua 9:27
Hi-ram sai những tôi tớ mình, tức những thủy thủ, thông thạo về nghề đi biển, đến trong đoàn tàu đó, đặng giúp tôi tớ của Sa-lô-môn.

1 Kings 9:26
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