1 Kings 8:50
1 Kings 8:50
And forgive your people, who have sinned against you; forgive all the offenses they have committed against you, and cause their captors to show them mercy;

Forgive your people who have sinned against you. Forgive all the offenses they have committed against you. Make their captors merciful to them,

and forgive your people who have sinned against you, and all their transgressions that they have committed against you, and grant them compassion in the sight of those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them

and forgive Your people who have sinned against You and all their transgressions which they have transgressed against You, and make them objects of compassion before those who have taken them captive, that they may have compassion on them

And forgive thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

May You forgive Your people who sinned against You and all their rebellions against You, and may You give them compassion in the eyes of their captors, so that they may be compassionate to them.

forgiving your people who have sinned against you, along with their transgressions by which they have transgressed against you. "Show your compassion in the presence of those who have taken them captive, so they may show compassion on them,

Forgive all the rebellious acts of your sinful people and cause their captors to have mercy on them.

Forgive your people, who have sinned against you. [Forgive] all their wrongs when they rebelled against you, and cause those who captured them to have mercy on them

and forgive thy people that have sinned against thee and all their rebellions by which they have rebelled against thee and cause those who carried them captive to have mercy on them,

And forgive your people that have sinned against you, and all their transgressions in which they have transgressed against you, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

And forgive your people that have sinned against you, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against you, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

and forgive thy people who have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee; and give them compassion before those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them;

And forgive thy people, that have sinned against thee, and all their iniquities, by which they have transgressed against thee: and give them mercy before them that have made them captives, that they may have compassion on them.

and forgive thy people their sin against thee, and all their transgressions whereby they have transgressed against thee, and give them to find compassion with those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them

and forgive thy people which have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee; and give them compassion before those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

And forgive thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions in which they have transgressed against thee, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

and forgive your people who have sinned against you, and all their transgressions in which they have transgressed against you; and give them compassion before those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them

and hast forgiven Thy people who have sinned against Thee, even all their transgressions which they have transgressed against Thee, and hast given them mercies before their captors, and they have had mercy on them --

1 i Mbretërve 8:50
dhe fale popullin tënd që ka mëkatuar kundër teje për të gjitha shkeljet që ka bërë kundër teje dhe bëj që të gjejnë mëshirë pranë atyre që i kanë shpërngulur, me qëllim që këta të fundit të tregohen të mëshirshëm me ta,

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 8:50
واغفر لشعبك ما اخطأوا به اليك وجميع ذنوبهم التي اذنبوا بها اليك واعطهم رحمة امام الذين سبوهم فيرحموهم.

De Künig A 8:50
und verzeih yn deinn Volk, was s gögn di gsündigt haat; verzeih iem alle Fräfln, wo s begangen haat gögn di! Laaß s bei seine Unterdrucker Mitlaid und Dyrbarmen finddn!

3 Царе 8:50
и прости на людете Си, които са Ти съгрешили, всичките им престъпления, чрез които станаха престъпници против Тебе, и умилостиви към тях пленителите им, за да им покажат милост;

列 王 紀 上 8:50
饒 恕 得 罪 你 的 民 , 赦 免 他 們 的 一 切 過 犯 , 使 他 們 在 擄 他 們 的 人 面 前 蒙 憐 恤 。

饶 恕 得 罪 你 的 民 , 赦 免 他 们 的 一 切 过 犯 , 使 他 们 在 掳 他 们 的 人 面 前 蒙 怜 恤 。



1 Kings 8:50
učini im pravdu i oprosti svome narodu što je zgriješio protiv tebe, oprosti sve uvrede koje ti je nanio, učini da mu se smiluju osvajači i da budu milostivi prema njemu,

První Královská 8:50
A odpusť lidu svému, cožkoli zhřešil proti tobě, i všecka přestoupení jejich, jimiž přestoupili proti tobě, a nakloň k nim lítostí ty, kteříž je zjímali, aby se smilovali nad nimi.

Første Kongebog 8:50
og du tilgive dit Folk, hvad de syndede imod dig, alle de Overtrædelser, hvori de gjorde sig skyldige imod dig, og lade dem finde Barmhjertighed hos Sejrherrerne, saa de forbarmer sig over dem;

1 Koningen 8:50
En vergeef aan Uw volk, dat zij tegen U gezondigd zullen hebben, en al hun overtredingen, waarmede zij tegen U zullen overtreden hebben; en geef hun barmhartigheid voor het aangezicht dergenen, die ze gevangen houden, opdat zij zich hunner ontfermen;

מלכים א 8:50
וְסָלַחְתָּ֤ לְעַמְּךָ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר חָֽטְאוּ־לָ֔ךְ וּלְכָל־פִּשְׁעֵיהֶ֖ם אֲשֶׁ֣ר פָּשְׁעוּ־בָ֑ךְ וּנְתַתָּ֧ם לְרַחֲמִ֛ים לִפְנֵ֥י שֹׁבֵיהֶ֖ם וְרִֽחֲמֽוּם׃

נ וסלחת לעמך אשר חטאו לך ולכל פשעיהם אשר פשעו בך ונתתם לרחמים לפני שביהם ורחמום

וסלחת לעמך אשר חטאו־לך ולכל־פשעיהם אשר פשעו־בך ונתתם לרחמים לפני שביהם ורחמום׃

1 Királyok 8:50
És légy kegyelmes a te néped iránt, a kik ellened vétkezéndenek, és minden bûneik iránt, a melyekkel ellened vétkeztek; és szerezz kedvességet nékik azok elõtt, a kik õket fogva tartják, hogy könyörüljenek rajtok;

Reĝoj 1 8:50
kaj pardonu al Via popolo tion, per kio ili pekis antaux Vi, kaj cxiujn iliajn krimojn, kiujn ili faris kontraux Vi, kaj veku por ili kompaton en iliaj kaptintoj, por ke cxi tiuj estu favorkoraj al ili.

Ja olisit sinun kansalles armollinen, jotka sinua vastaan syntiä tehneet ovat, ja kaikille heidän rikoksillensa, joilla he rikkoneet ovat sinua vastaan: ja antaisit heille armon niiltä, jotka heitä vankina pitävät, ja he armahtaisivat heidän päällensä.

1 Rois 8:50
et pardonne à ton peuple ce en quoi ils ont péché contre toi, et toutes leurs transgressions qu'ils ont commises contre toi, et donne-leur de trouver compassion auprès de ceux qui les ont emmenés captifs, en sorte que ceux-ci aient compassion d'eux;

pardonne à ton peuple ses péchés et toutes ses transgressions contre toi; excite la compassion de ceux qui les retiennent captifs, afin qu'ils aient pitié d'eux,

Et pardonne à ton peuple qui aura péché contre toi, et même [pardonne-leur] tous les crimes qu'ils auront commis contre toi, et fais que ceux qui les auront emmenés captifs aient pitié d'eux, et leur fassent grâce.

1 Koenige 8:50
und deinem Volk gnädig sein, das an dir gesündiget hat, und allen ihren Übertretungen, damit sie wider dich übertreten haben, und Barmherzigkeit geben vor denen, die sie gefangen halten, und dich ihrer erbarmen.

und deinem Volk gnädig sein, das an dir gesündigt hat, und allen ihren Übertretungen, damit sie wider dich übertreten haben, und Barmherzigkeit geben vor denen, die sie gefangen halten, daß sie sich ihrer erbarmen;

und deinem Volke vergeben, was sie an dir gesündigt haben, und alle ihre Übertretungen, womit sie sich wider dich vergangen gaben, und wollest ihnen Barmherzigkeit widerfahren lassen von seiten derer, die sie gefangen halten, daß die sich ihrer erbarmen.

1 Re 8:50
perdona al tuo popolo che ha peccato contro di te, tutte le trasgressioni di cui si è reso colpevole verso di te, e muovi a pietà per essi quelli che li hanno menati in cattività, affinché abbiano compassione di loro;

E perdona al tuo popolo che avrà peccato contro a te; e rimetti loro tutti i lor misfatti, che avranno commessi contro a te; e rendi loro misericordiosi quelli che li avranno menati in cattività, acciocchè abbiano pietà di loro;

1 RAJA-RAJA 8:50
dan ampunilah kiranya akan umat-Mu segala dosa yang telah diperbuatnya kepada-Mu, dan segala jahat yang telah dilakukannya kepada-Mu, dan berilah kiranya mereka itu mendapat sayang dari pada orang yang telah menawani akan mereka itu, supaya orang itupun mengasihani akan mereka itu.

열왕기상 8:50
주께 범죄한 백성을 용서하시며 주께 범한 그 모든 허물을 사하시고 저희를 사로 잡아 간 자의 앞에서 저희로 불쌍히 여김을 얻게 하사 그 사람들로 저희를 불쌍히 여기게 하옵소서

I Regum 8:50
et propitiaberis populo tuo qui peccavit tibi et omnibus iniquitatibus eorum quibus praevaricati sunt in te et dabis misericordiam coram eis qui eos captivos habuerint ut misereantur eis

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 8:50
ir atleisk savo tautai, kuri Tau nusidėjo, visus jos nusikaltimus. Sukelk gailestį priešams, kurie juos laiko nelaisvėje, kad tie jų pasigailėtų,

1 Kings 8:50
Mau ano e muru te he o tau iwi i hara nei ki a koe, me a ratou mahi tutu katoa i tutu ai ki a koe; meinga ano kia arohaina ratou e o ratou kaiherehere, kia tohungia hoki e ratou:

1 Kongebok 8:50
og forlate ditt folk hvad de har syndet mot dig, og alle de misgjerninger de har gjort mot dig, og la dem finne barmhjertighet hos dem som holder dem fanget, så de forbarmer sig over dem;

1 Reyes 8:50
y perdona a tu pueblo que ha pecado contra ti, todas las transgresiones que hayan cometido contra ti, y hazlos objeto de compasión ante los que los llevaron cautivos, para que tengan compasión de ellos

"Perdona a Tu pueblo que ha pecado contra Ti, todas las transgresiones que hayan cometido contra Ti, y hazlos objeto de compasión ante los que los llevaron cautivos, para que tengan compasión de ellos

Y perdona a tu pueblo que ha pecado contra ti, y todas sus transgresiones que han cometido contra ti; y haz que tengan de ellos misericordia los que los hubieren llevado cautivos;

Y perdonarás á tu pueblo que había pecado contra ti, y todas sus infracciones con que se habrán contra ti rebelado; y harás que hayan de ellos misericordia los que los hubieren llevado cautivos:

y perdonarás a tu pueblo que había pecado contra ti, y todas sus rebeliones con que se habrán rebelado contra ti; y harás que hagan con ellos misericordia los que los hubieren llevado cautivos;

1 Reis 8:50
Perdoa a tua gente os pecados cometidos contra ti e todas as revoltas e transgressões que tiverem praticado contra a tua pessoa, faze-os encontrar graça diante de seus dominadores, de modo que recebam deles a necessária misericórdia;

perdoa ao teu povo que houver pecado contra ti, perdoa todas as transgressões que houverem cometido contra ti, e dá-lhes alcançar misericórdia da parte dos que os levarem cativos, para que se compadeçam deles;   

1 Imparati 8:50
iartă poporului Tău păcatele lui şi toate fărădelegile făcute împotriva Ta; trezeşte mila celor ce -i vor ţinea robi, ca să se îndure de ei,

3-я Царств 8:50
и прости народу Твоему, в чем он согрешил пред Тобою, и все проступки его, которые он сделал пред Тобою, и возбуди сострадание к ним в пленивших их, чтобы они были милостивы к ним:

и прости народу Твоему, в чем он согрешил пред Тобою, и все проступки его, которые он сделал пред Тобою, и возбуди сострадание к ним в пленивших их, чтобы они были милостивы к ним:[]

1 Kungaboken 8:50
och förlåta ditt folk vad de hava syndat mot dig, och alla de överträdelser som de hava begått mot dig, och låta dem finna barmhärtighet inför dem som hålla dem fångna, så att dessa förbarma sig över dem.

1 Kings 8:50
At patawarin mo ang iyong bayan, na nagkasala laban sa iyo, at ang lahat nilang pagsalangsang na kanilang isinalangsang laban sa iyo; at mahabag ka sa kanila sa harap niyaong mga nagdalang bihag sa kanila, upang sila'y mahabag sa kanila:

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 8:50
และขอทรงประทานอภัยแก่ประชาชนของพระองค์ผู้ได้กระทำบาปต่อพระองค์ และทรงประทานอภัยต่อการละเมิดทั้งหลายของเขา ซึ่งเขาได้กระทำต่อพระองค์ และให้เขาเป็นที่เมตตาของคนเหล่านั้นที่จับเขาทั้งหลายไปเป็นเชลย เพื่อเขาทั้งหลายจะได้รับความเมตตาจากเขา

1 Krallar 8:50
Sana karşı günah işlemiş olan halkını ve işledikleri bütün suçları bağışla. Düşmanlarının onlara acımasını sağla.[]

1 Caùc Vua 8:50
tha cho dân Chúa tội lỗi và các sự trái mạng mà họ đã phạm cùng Ngài; xin Chúa khiến những kẻ bắt họ làm phu tù có lòng thương xót họ,

1 Kings 8:49
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