1 Kings 6:15
1 Kings 6:15
He lined its interior walls with cedar boards, paneling them from the floor of the temple to the ceiling, and covered the floor of the temple with planks of juniper.

The entire inside, from floor to ceiling, was paneled with wood. He paneled the walls and ceilings with cedar, and he used planks of cypress for the floors.

He lined the walls of the house on the inside with boards of cedar. From the floor of the house to the walls of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood, and he covered the floor of the house with boards of cypress.

Then he built the walls of the house on the inside with boards of cedar; from the floor of the house to the ceiling he overlaid the walls on the inside with wood, and he overlaid the floor of the house with boards of cypress.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the cieling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

he paneled the interior temple walls with cedar boards; from the temple floor to the surface of the ceiling he overlaid the interior with wood. He also overlaid the floor with cypress boards.

Then he built the inside walls of the Temple, lining them from floor to ceiling with cedar boards, and overlaying the Temple floor with boards made of cypress wood.

He constructed the walls inside the temple with cedar planks; he paneled the inside with wood from the floor of the temple to the rafters of the ceiling. He covered the temple floor with boards made from the wood of evergreens.

he began to line the inside walls of the temple with cedar boards. He paneled the inside of the temple with wood from floor to ceiling. He covered the floor of the temple with cypress planks.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house and the walls of the ceiling; and he covered them on the inside with wood and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

And he built the walls of the house inside with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar: from the floor of the house unto the walls of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood; and he covered the floor of the house with boards of fir.

And he built the walls of the house on the inside, with boards of cedar, from the floor of the house to the top of the walls, and to the roots, he covered it with boards of cedar on the inside: and he covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, from the floor of the house to the walls of the roof; he overlaid them on the inside with wood, and overlaid the floor of the house with boards of cypress.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar; from the floor of the house unto the walls of the cieling, he covered them on the inside with wood: and he covered the floor of the house with boards of fir.

And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

He built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar: from the floor of the house to the walls of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood; and he covered the floor of the house with boards of fir.

and he buildeth the walls of the house within with beams of cedar, from the floor of the house unto the walls of the ceiling; he hath overlaid with wood the inside, and covereth the floor of the house with ribs of fir.

1 i Mbretërve 6:15
Pastaj ndërtoi muret ndarës të tempullit me dërrasa të kedrit; dhe nga dyshemeja e tempullit deri në tavan e veshi nga brenda me dru; pastaj e mbuloi dyshemenë e tempullit me dërrasa qiparisi.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 6:15
وبنى حيطان البيت من داخل بأضلاع ارز من ارض البيت الى حيطان السقف وغشّاه من داخل بخشب وفرش ارض البيت باخشاب سرو.

De Künig A 6:15
Er gatäferlt n einwendig mit Zödernholz von n Bodm hinst eyn d Rafenn aufhin. Auf n Bodm gverlögt yr Züpfernplankenn.

3 Царе 6:15
И облече стените на дома извътре с кедрови дъски; облече стените с дърво извътре от пода на дома до покрива, а пода на дома покри с елхови дъски.

列 王 紀 上 6:15
殿 裡 面 用 香 柏 木 板 貼 牆 , 從 地 到 棚 頂 都 用 木 板 遮 蔽 , 又 用 松 木 板 鋪 地 。

殿 里 面 用 香 柏 木 板 贴 墙 , 从 地 到 棚 顶 都 用 木 板 遮 蔽 , 又 用 松 木 板 铺 地 。



1 Kings 6:15
I obloži iznutra zidove Hrama cedrovim daskama - od poda do stropa obloži ih drvetom iznutra - a daskama čempresovim obloži pod Hrama.

První Královská 6:15
A otafloval zdi domu vnitř prkny cedrovými, od podlahy domu až k stropu obložil dřívím vnitř; položil také podlahu domu prkny jedlovými.

Første Kongebog 6:15
Templets Vægge dækkede han indvendig med Cederbrædder; fra Bygningens Gulv til Loftsbjælkerne dækkede han dem indvendig med Træ; og over Templets Gulv lagde han Cypresbrædder.

1 Koningen 6:15
Ook bouwde hij de wanden van het huis van binnen met cederen planken; van den vloer des huizes tot aan het dak der wanden, beschoot hij ze van binnen met hout; en overdekte den vloer van het huis met dennen planken.

מלכים א 6:15
וַיִּבֶן֩ אֶת־קִירֹ֨ות הַבַּ֤יִת מִבַּ֙יְתָה֙ בְּצַלְעֹ֣ות אֲרָזִ֔ים מִקַּרְקַ֤ע הַבַּ֙יִת֙ עַד־קִירֹ֣ות הַסִּפֻּ֔ן צִפָּ֥ה עֵ֖ץ מִבָּ֑יִת וַיְצַ֛ף אֶת־קַרְקַ֥ע הַבַּ֖יִת בְּצַלְעֹ֥ות בְּרֹושִֽׁים׃

טו ויבן את קירות הבית מביתה בצלעות ארזים--מקרקע הבית עד קירות הספן צפה עץ מבית ויצף את קרקע הבית בצלעות ברושים

ויבן את־קירות הבית מביתה בצלעות ארזים מקרקע הבית עד־קירות הספן צפה עץ מבית ויצף את־קרקע הבית בצלעות ברושים׃

1 Királyok 6:15
És megbéllelé a ház falait belõl czédrusfával, a ház padlózatától egészen a padlásig beborítá belõl fával; a ház padlózatát pedig beborítá fenyõdeszkákkal.

Reĝoj 1 6:15
Kaj li konstruis la murojn de la domo interne el cedraj tabuloj; de la planko de la domo gxis la plafono li kovris interne per ligno, kaj li kovris la plankon de la domo per cipresaj tabuloj.

Ja kaunisti huoneen seinät sisältä sedripuisilla laudoilla, huoneen permannosta niin lakeen asti, ja kaunisti sisältä puilla, ja teki huoneen permannon honkaisista laudoista.

1 Rois 6:15
-Et il revêtit les murs de la maison, par dedans, de planches de cèdre; depuis le sol de la maison jusqu'au haut des murs du toit; il les recouvrit de bois par dedans; et il couvrit le sol de la maison de planches de cyprès.

Salomon en revêtit intérieurement les murs de planches de cèdre, depuis le sol jusqu'au plafond; il revêtit ainsi de bois l'intérieur, et il couvrit le sol de la maison de planches de cyprès.

Il lambrissa d'ais de cèdre, les murailles de la maison par dedans, depuis le sol de la maison jusqu'à la voûte lambrissée; il [les] couvrit de bois par dedans, et il couvrit le sol de la maison d'ais de sapin.

1 Koenige 6:15
Und bauete die Wände des Hauses inwendig an den Seiten von Zedern, von des Hauses Boden an bis an die Decke; und spündete es mit Holz inwendig und täfelte den Boden des Hauses mit tannenen Brettern.

Er baute die Wände des Hauses inwendig mit Brettern von Zedern; von des Hauses Boden bis an die Decke täfelte er es mit Holz inwendig, und den Boden des Hauses täfelte er mit Tannenbrettern.

Und er baute die Wände im Innern des Gebäudes aus mit Brettern von Cedern; vom Fußboden des Gebäudes an bis zu den Balken der Decke belegte er's im Innern mit Holz. Den Fußboden des Gebäudes aber belegte er mit Cypressenbrettern.

1 Re 6:15
ne rivestì le pareti interne di tavole di cedro, dal pavimento sino alla travatura del tetto; rivestì così di legno l’interno, e coperse il pavimento della casa di tavole di cipresso.

Or egli intavolò le mura della Casa di dentro d’assi di cedro; egli coperse il di dentro di legno, dal suolo della Casa fino al sommo delle pareti, e al coperto; e coperse il suolo della Casa d’assi di abete.

1 RAJA-RAJA 6:15
Maka dinding pada sebelah dalam rumah itu dilapisnya dengan papan kayu araz, dari pada dasar rumah itu datang kepada sebelah dalam atap, segala dinding dilapisnya dengan kayu, dan dasar rumah itu dilapisnya dengan papan kayu senobar.

열왕기상 6:15
백향목 널판으로 전의 안 벽 곧 전 마루에서 천장까지의 벽에 입히고 또 잣나무 널판으로 전 마루를 놓고

I Regum 6:15
et aedificavit parietes domus intrinsecus tabulatis cedrinis a pavimento domus usque ad summitatem parietum et usque ad laquearia operuit lignis intrinsecus et texit pavimentum domus tabulis abiegnis

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 6:15
Namų vidaus sienos buvo iškaltos kedro lentomis nuo apačios iki lubų, o grindys išklotos kiparisų lentomis.

1 Kings 6:15
A i hanga e ia nga taha o roto o te whare ki te papa hita; no raro ake a tae noa ki nga papa hipoki, i whakapiritia e ia a roto ki te rakau: a i wharikitia a raro ki te papa kauri.

1 Kongebok 6:15
Han klædde husets vegger innentil med sederbord; fra gulvet og helt op til loftsbjelkene klædde han huset innentil med tre, og gulvet klædde han med cypressbord.

1 Reyes 6:15
Luego construyó las paredes de la casa por dentro con tablas de cedro; desde el suelo de la casa hasta el techo recubrió las paredes interiores de madera; recubrió también el piso de la casa con tablas de ciprés.

construyó las paredes de la casa por dentro con tablas de cedro. Desde el suelo de la casa hasta el techo recubrió las paredes interiores con madera. También recubrió el piso de la casa con tablas de ciprés.

Y cubrió las paredes de la casa con tablas de cedro, revistiéndola de madera por dentro, desde el suelo de la casa hasta las vigas de la techumbre; cubrió también el piso con madera de abeto.

Y aparejó las paredes de la casa por de dentro con tablas de cedro, vistiéndola de madera por dentro, desde el solado de la casa hasta las paredes de la techumbre: cubrió también el pavimento con madera de haya.

Y edificó las paredes de la Casa por dentro con tablas de cedro, vistiéndola de madera por dentro, desde el solado de la casa hasta las paredes de la techumbre; y el solado cubrió de dentro con madera de haya.

1 Reis 6:15
Salomão mandou forrar todas as paredes do Templo por dentro com tábuas de cedro, cobrindo-as desde o chão até o teto, e fez o assoalho foi feito com tábuas de pinho.

Também cobriu as paredes da casa por dentro com tábuas de cedro; desde o soalho da casa até e teto, tudo cobriu com madeira por dentro; e cobriu o soalho da casa com tábuas de cipreste.   

1 Imparati 6:15
Solomon i -a îmbrăcat zidurile pe din lăuntru cu scînduri de cedru, dela pardoseală pînă la tavan; a îmbrăcat astfel în lemn partea dinlăuntru, şi a acoperit pardoseala casei cu scînduri de chiparos.

3-я Царств 6:15
И обложил стены храма внутри кедровыми досками; от пола храма до потолка внутри обложил деревом и покрыл пол храма кипарисовыми досками.

И обложил стены храма внутри кедровыми досками; от пола храма до потолка внутри обложил деревом и покрыл пол храма кипарисовыми досками.[]

1 Kungaboken 6:15
Han täckte husets väggar invändigt med bräder av cederträ. Från husets golv ända upp till takbjälkarna överklädde han det med trä invändigt; husets golv överklädde han med bräder av cypressträ.

1 Kings 6:15
At kaniyang ginawa ang mga panig sa loob ng bahay na kahoy na sedro; mula sa lapag ng bahay hanggang sa mga panig ng kisame, na kaniyang binalot ng kahoy sa loob; at kaniyang tinakpan ang lapag ng bahay ng tabla na abeto.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 6:15
พระองค์ทรงกรุผนังข้างในพระนิเวศด้วยกระดานไม้สนสีดาร์ ตั้งแต่พื้นพระนิเวศจนถึงไม้เพดาน พระองค์ทรงกรุข้างในด้วยไม้ และพระองค์ทรงปูปิดพื้นพระนิเวศด้วยไม้สนสามใบ

1 Krallar 6:15
Tapınağın iç duvarlarının yüzeyini sedir ağaçlarıyla döşeyip üstlerini tabandan tavana kadar tahtalarla kapladı. Tapınağın zeminini ise çam tahtalarla döşetti.[]

1 Caùc Vua 6:15
Người lấy ván bá hương đóng vách phía trong đền, từ đất cho đến trần, và lót nền đất bằng ván cây tùng.

1 Kings 6:14
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