1 Kings 21:9
1 Kings 21:9
In those letters she wrote: "Proclaim a day of fasting and seat Naboth in a prominent place among the people.

In her letters she commanded: "Call the citizens together for fasting and prayer, and give Naboth a place of honor.

And she wrote in the letters, “Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth at the head of the people.

Now she wrote in the letters, saying, "Proclaim a fast and seat Naboth at the head of the people;

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

In the letters, she wrote: Proclaim a fast and seat Naboth at the head of the people.

In the memos, she wrote the following directives: "Proclaim a public fast and seat Naboth in the front row.

This is what she wrote: "Observe a time of fasting and seat Naboth in front of the people.

In these letters she wrote: "Announce a fast. Seat Naboth as leader of the people.

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast and set Naboth at the head of the people

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

And this was the tenor of the letters: Proclaim a fast, and make Naboth sit among the chief of the people,

And she wrote in the letter saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth at the head of the people;

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people:

She wrote in the letters, saying, "Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people.

and she writeth in the letters, saying, 'Proclaim a fast, and cause Naboth to sit at the head of the people,

1 i Mbretërve 21:9
Në letrat ajo shkruante kështu: "Shpallni agjërimin dhe e ulni Nabothin në rreshtin e parë përpara popullit;

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 21:9
وكتبت في الرسائل تقول. نادوا بصوم واجلسوا نابوت في راس الشعب.

De Künig A 21:9
Daadl schrib s ien: "Ruefftß aynn Fasttag aus und ladtß önn Näbott vor d Menig vor!

3 Царе 21:9
В писмата писа, казвайки: Прогласете пост, и поставете Навутея на видно място пред людете;

列 王 紀 上 21:9
信 上 寫 著 說 : 你 們 當 宣 告 禁 食 , 叫 拿 伯 坐 在 民 間 的 高 位 上 ,

信 上 写 着 说 : 你 们 当 宣 告 禁 食 , 叫 拿 伯 坐 在 民 间 的 高 位 上 ,



1 Kings 21:9
U tim je pismima napisala: "Proglasite post i postavite Nabota na čelo naroda.

První Královská 21:9
Napsala pak v tom listu takto: Vyhlaste půst, a posaďte Nábota mezi předními z lidu,

Første Kongebog 21:9
I Brevet havde hun skrevet: »Udraab en Fastedag og sæt Nabot øverst blandt Folket

1 Koningen 21:9
En zij schreef in die brieven, zeggende: Roept een vasten uit, en zet Naboth in de hoogste plaats des volks;

מלכים א 21:9
וַתִּכְתֹּ֥ב בַּסְּפָרִ֖ים לֵאמֹ֑ר קִֽרְאוּ־צֹ֔ום וְהֹושִׁ֥יבוּ אֶת־נָבֹ֖ות בְּרֹ֥אשׁ הָעָֽם׃

ט ותכתב בספרים לאמר  קראו צום והשיבו את נבות בראש העם

ותכתב בספרים לאמר קראו־צום והושיבו את־נבות בראש העם׃

1 Királyok 21:9
És a levélben ezt írta, mondván: Hirdessetek bõjtöt, és ültessétek Nábótot a nép élére;

Reĝoj 1 21:9
Kaj sxi skribis en la leteroj jenon:Proklamu faston kaj sidigu Naboton sur la cxefa loko inter la popolo;

Ja kirjoitti näin kirjaan, sanoen: kuuluttakaat paasto, ja asettakaat Nabot istumaan ylimmäiseksi kansan sekaan,

1 Rois 21:9
Et elle écrivit dans les lettres, disant: Proclamez un jeûne et mettez Naboth en tête du peuple,

Voici ce qu'elle écrivit dans ces lettres: Publiez un jeûne; placez Naboth à la tête du peuple,

Et elle écrivit dans ces Lettres ce qui s'ensuit : Publiez le jeûne, et faites tenir Naboth au haut bout du peuple.

1 Koenige 21:9
Und schrieb also in den Briefen: Lasset ein Fasten ausschreien und setzet Naboth oben an im Volk.

Und sie schrieb also in diesen Briefen: Laßt ein Fasten ausschreien und setzt Naboth obenan im Volk

In dem Brief aber schrieb sie Folgendes: Laßt ein Fasten ausrufen und Naboth unter den Leuten obenan sitzen

1 Re 21:9
E in quelle lettere scrisse così: "Bandite un digiuno, e fate sedere Naboth in prima fila davanti al popolo;

E scrisse in quelle lettere in questa maniera: Bandite il digiuno, e fate stare Nabot in capo del popolo;

1 RAJA-RAJA 21:9
Adapun bunyi segala surat itu demikian: Hendaklah kamu suruh canangkan supaya segala orang berpuasa, lalu dudukkanlah Nabot pada tempat yang termulia di hadapan orang sekalian,

열왕기상 21:9
그 편지 사연에 이르기를 금식을 선포하고 나봇을 백성 가운데 높이 앉힌 후에

I Regum 21:9
litterarum autem erat ista sententia praedicate ieiunium et sedere facite Naboth inter primos populi

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 21:9
Laiškuose ji rašė: “Paskelbkite pasninką ir pasodinkite Nabotą į pirmą vietą tarp žmonių,

1 Kings 21:9
I tuhituhi ia ki te pukapuka, i mea, Karangatia he nohopuku, ka whakanoho i a Napoto ki runga ake i te iwi:

1 Kongebok 21:9
Og i brevet skrev hun således: Utrop en faste og la Nabot sitte øverst blandt folket,

1 Reyes 21:9
Y escribió en las cartas, diciendo: Proclamad ayuno y sentad a Nabot a la cabeza del pueblo.

Y escribió en las cartas: "Proclamen ayuno y sienten a Nabot a la cabeza del pueblo.

Y las cartas que escribió decían así: Proclamad ayuno, y poned a Nabot a la cabecera del pueblo;

Y las cartas que escribió decían así: Proclamad ayuno, y poned á Naboth á la cabecera del pueblo;

Y las cartas que escribió decían así: Proclamad ayuno, y poned a Nabot a la cabecera del pueblo;

1 Reis 21:9
E, nessas cartas escrevera o seguinte: “Proclamai um jejum geral e fazei Nabote sentar-se entre os primeiros do povo.

Assim escreveu nas cartas: Apregoai um jejum, e ponde Nabote diante do povo.   

1 Imparati 21:9
Iată ce a scris în aceste scrisori: ,,Vestiţi un post; puneţi pe Nabot în fruntea poporului,

3-я Царств 21:9
В письмах она писала так: объявите пост и посадите Навуфея на первое место в народе;

В письмах она писала так: объявите пост и посадите Навуфея на первое место в народе;[]

1 Kungaboken 21:9
Och hon skrev i brevet så: »Lysen ut en fasta, och låten Nabot sitta längst fram bland folket.

1 Kings 21:9
At kaniyang isinulat sa mga sulat, na sinasabi, Mangagtanyag kayo ng isang ayuno at ilagay ninyo si Naboth sa pangulo na kasamahan ng bayan:

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 21:9
พระนางทรงพระอักษรว่า "จงประกาศให้ถืออดอาหาร และตั้งนาโบทไว้ในที่สูงท่ามกลางประชาชน

1 Krallar 21:9
Mektuplarda şunları yazdı:[]

1 Caùc Vua 21:9
Trong thơ nói như vầy: Hãy truyền rao lễ kiêng ăn, rồi đặt Na-bốt ở đầu dân sự;

1 Kings 21:8
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